Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Appendix and The Covid Vaccine Is More Harmful Than Covid Virus

The Appendix seems to be a useless remnant from the ancient times.

Hilarion: Who said that? That’s a tough one because that’s like saying, ”the human body design is great except for this one thing.” Isn’t that really the exception? You have seen this before with the development of various surgical techniques and vaccines. “We can do better!” Really? You are looking at literally billions of years of evolution from the tiniest spark of life to the smallest one cell creatures all the way through all of the ways in which nature has evolved and now you’re going to say that just because you don’t understand it, therefore, it is not needed. 

Yes, you can live without your appendix. But, you are going to be missing some things. Immune function, in particular and especially the way in which the higher conscious understanding of that which is harmful to the body is turned into specific enzymes and hormones produced by other organs in the body. The liver in particular and to a lesser extent the adrenal and kidneys. The appendix helps the others and works with them to further strengthen immune response where needed. A very difficult thing to prove. 

You’ll notice people without an appendix may have a greater tendency towards various diseases; may have a shorter life span, may need to bring in aspects of higher consciousness to better understand people who are sick than people with an appendix but as with all of the organs and all of the chakras there is also an association with A higher vibration. That higher vibration is, of course, that which is questioning the “enemy model.” The very sense of the nature of the immune system itself. Do you need to fight against it? Do you need to find a way in which that which is reducing your own energy can be shifted or changed. In other worlds, the nature of the transformative experience of the immune system. 

Now, the immune system is so widespread through so many organs in so many different ways  has the ability to predict and to give protection to the body in various ways.That is wonderful and energetically you can also more deeply appreciate why and how this is working -through forgiveness, perhaps and about finding the job that this invading organism of some sort is doing. 

So, it would seem a natural conclusion to recognize that various problems with Covid-19 or the Covid vaccine may be a little harder and a little more deep and a little more difficult to resolve when you don't have an appendix.This may eventually be seen in the research from those willing to do it. Does this answer your question? 

Yes, it does and moves to a new question about the Covid vaccine proving to be more harmful than the virus itself. 

Hilarion: Of course, it makes sense that if the body has its own sequence of moving through RNA in order to access the DNA and the cell changes and the precursors to this and you interrupt it; huh! You better know what you are doing. It appears that science is just in the very early stages of this and much will be learned from the experience of this. But, messing with RNA, that is one of those things where you would ask, “ well, what could go wrong with that? “  

Much has gone wrong. What do you suggest?

Hilarion; It is the pivotal question. Far more difficult for this channel than you can imagine. One of the reasons he has had some difficulty in coming to the idea of personal channelings once again. It is as if by opening the inner eye and seeing how many people have been significantly altered by using the vaccine that it brings a great sorrow and a great difficulty on many levels. It would be wonderful if there was a simple solution to this and right now there is research going on, times ten, on the non-physical level to all of the “ones” at physical level doing such research and it has been difficult . 

RNA is incredibly powerful and it has so many ways of acting in the body that are so unpredictable. It would seem that the things we have suggested before, homeopathics in various ways (1 M potency)

Pine needle tea; exercises and visualizations and so on are very helpful. 

But, if you recognize that the problem is RNA that is where the solution will lie eventually. There will be an RNA sequence to remove the RNA difficulties created by the vaccine. No one has done this yet but it is being researched on various animal models at the current time and it may be that which may be eventually released to the public. But, obviously it is going to create a lot of problems because the companies that originally put out the RNA based vaccines will have to admit they made a mistake or that the vaccines are harmful to people and they are not willing to do that. But, at least the research in such a direction does seem to be promising. 

So, you then take this to heart and you do every visualization of RNA you can. You already have this for DNA so take this for RNA, too. You see it coming into the place of maximum light and vibration, interacting, connecting and oscillating to the other cells and mitochondria to all aspects of the physical and then as it moves through you, you ask this deeper question, “how may I help you.” It is interesting to note that if you gave a list you would find a few of those things are more helpful than others; deuterium depleted water, inert gas therapy, especially with inert gas xenon; various movements such as QiGong and visualization of energies in the mitochondria and in the cells themselves and indeed pine needle tea may show up as you are looking down this list of things that could be very helpful to you at that moment. 

Now, recognize that this is not for the purpose of curing covid (although it would be helpful for long covid) but rather for the effects of the vaccine itself. It’s only a starting point and we don’t want to go to hard on this because it will hurt the heart of the vehicle to even contemplate this as he does occasionally in his dreams touch into great sadness about what has occurred on your planet with regards to interfering with RNA so we’re going to have to stop at that point.

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