Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New Energy Sources


Hilarion:The question of energy sources is one which is tied closely to man's own vibraton. As we have explained elsewhere, the conditions of the aetheric stratum of reality have a great deal to do with just what kinds of reactions and phenomena can be created at the earth or material level. 

In a real sense, the aether is the prima materia from which all substances are precipatated, and therefore the condition of this aetheric material is extremely important. We have been able to detrmine, for example, that the inert gases can be raised only to the more elementary phases of exitation in the present aetheric conditons, and that the higher phases -in which localized gravatational fields and electrical energy can be created with them are not now possible

However, it is man's spiritaul condition and the negativity of his thought that has thickened the aether to the degree which inhibits these higher phases. 

In a more general way, there is a law that permits mankind to have only those technical areas which are commensuarate with his own spiritual level. As long as man continues to slaughter the animals for his food, and to make war on himself he will not be able to develop any significant energy sources beyond the ones already known.  

However, as he lifts himself up from the base level he now occupies, he will be amazed at how many unsuspected properties of matter will come to light. Even ones which allow humanity to gereate unlimited amounts of electrical and other energy without having to burn or convert some other energy source, as is now done in burning gasoline.



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