Can you discuss lightning and its meaning?
Hilarion: There are many realms beyond man's comprehension at the present. There are the realms of the nature spirits, the realms of the Devas, the realms of the creautres which he has occasionally seen and which he has called Leprechauns and fairies, and so forth. There are also Kingdoms which are of material substance, namely the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms, with man being a fourth kingdom above those three. The elements of nature are controlled by the nature spirits. We do not confuse these with the Devas that which represent a different kingdom or group.
The nature spirits are neither good nor evil. They are neutral. They obey the directives given to them by entities in the Hierarchy above man who wish to use the nature spirit's power in order to bring karmic patterns to bear upon mankind. The principal effects which are employed this way are those of the tornado, those of the hurricane, those of lightning, those of the flood, and those of the great storms and tempests which rage from time to time on the earth.
All of these focuses of power are controlled by specific nature spirits. In times past, many of the initiates or adepts among man understood how to command these nature spirits and could force them to act or not to act at will. But, man has lost the knowledge which he once had and now there is no one who can command the spirits of the storm, the lightning and so forth.
The command comes from the level of the guides and guardians of the race. They have the mental power and the knowledge by which to require these spirits to carry out specific functions for karmic purposes. When a tornado touches down on one house, and destroys it but leaves the adjacent house unharmed, you can be certain that the sparing of the other house was part of a definite plan with karmic associations. The same is true of lightning when it is used to strike specific buildings or to cause harm to human beings. Lightning is never allowed to randomly cause damage to man; it is only allowed to cause damage when there is a karmic necessity.
"More Answers" Hilarion/Maurice Cooke
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