Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Death of Aajonus Vonderplanitz and What We Can Learn From The Law of Symbols

Hilarion: There are many questions tonight and many areas of focus but it is important in your own personal journey that you recognize the importance of symbolism. On your planet at the current time there is a lot to get your attention. Various difficulties happening all over yet when you recognize how you reflect in some way to you personally, using the universal law symbols can be very helpful. Seeking out and understanding what the symbolic meaning of this is for you. 

Hence, this question about the death of one of your planet's most helpful, you could say "patriot,"" vigilante," "doctor." There are many names for this individual but underlying it all, "a teller of truth." A truth that you could understand without all of the programming developed by so many on your planet. Of course, we speak of Aajonus Vonderplanitz. 

There are many questions about his suspicious and questionable actions at the end of his life, his death by harm to thoracic six and seven, and the symbolism associated with this as we have discussed in the book, "Body Signs," relating to the understanding of love and the ability to transform emotions. In particular, those of the heart, to those that relate to love and its understanding of others.
This is a powerful symbol for everyone. But, as you are quite aware on your planet the great symbol of someone leaving before it seems their time is at hand. With so many of your great leaders on your planet over and over, the occurrence of this nature does something to you deeply. There is a sense of something incomplete as if there is an opening in your heart that cannot be closed. With the love that you feel for this person, the potential you saw for what they could've created in the world and so on and so forth has many ways of affecting you.

You could say in that way those who have perished from this planet have left an important legacy, one in which you will continue to look, continue to understand, opening your own way as if to take their lesson deep into your own heart. Yet, if they had died, having completed much of their work you would perhaps not have done this. Instead you would have said that is the closing of a chapter rather than the opening of your own personal chapter.

In many ways you can see how in Aajonus Vonderplanitz's life this was one of the most frustrating issues for him to confront. The idea that others had all the information they need and indeed have had it since the completion of the publishing of his books. Yet, they do not take advantage of it, they do not use it in ways to prove or disprove it to themselves but rather frequently wait for others to do so first, or for his urging and advice and so on.

Of course, anyone who is far ahead of their time confronts this issue as those you have as powerful shining examples Tesla, John Lennon, Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and so on and so on in recent history. In all of these individuals there is an important legacy for you personally. A way in which you can ask the question in how many ways in my life can I continue the work that these people have begun? Not outwardly but inwardly where you inspire or change something within your life where you were able to shift in some way in which you relate to others. In this most simplistic of ways the legacy that Vonderplanitz has left. The way you eat, the way you nourish your body, the way you understand it, you help others with it, this is all part of it.

But, at its core it is really simpler than this. It is simply how you eat, how you take these things, how you choose them, how you work with them, how you put them in your mouth. In this very simple way of understanding the powerful legacy is to poke questioning in you deeply, to help inspire it, to help you understand that without this individual you might have come upon some of these aspects yourself but with him you did so as a package, as a way of understanding so much as we have said so often in the past is turned on its head, is seen upside down.

In this way, you do understand then the true archetype of the one who was taken away from humanity so early. The one known as, "the carpenter." In those energies were often seen as those that were later changed, shifted, to mold into the idea of a church or religion but at its core the idea of turning the other cheek, of loving deeply, and most importantly as is symbolized in the resurrection in the understanding of everlasting life. This is your legacy, that this is taken in you as that one had said so you too shall do this and more. 

It is important to understand in your own consciousness that, that is the true meaning of everlasting life from the powerful and important oft quoted chapter in John. This idea that everlasting life must be earned, that it is something to do with your beliefs, that it is something outside of yourself. This is of course the laughable, difficult place to understand that over and over the true meaning of this passage. The life of the one you knew as "the carpenter," was for you to understand that you survive, that you continue. That your consciousness reduction of memory while you are in a physical body does not mean that when you leave this physical body that it all ends. That the soul in some way is not destroyed rather it goes on to learn about your life and the next life as it has been created.

This deeper meaning of the nature of the soul is that which also has an important aspect with regards to these prophets, way-showers and great helpers. Because of the underlying connection you have to them they can be available to you more easily. Indeed, you can see this over and over. Look at so much in the civil rights movement which has been so significantly influenced by the energies of peaceful ways in many cases aspects of violence significantly reduced, by the understanding of what Martin Luther King stood for. You see this on and on in so many areas.

In this sense, the true nature of protection emerges, you cannot take into account every possible circumstance and with any degree of protection from every level of being guaranteeing your physical safety. Everyone knows this and they understand it over and over if even as someone as protected, as well understood, as deeply worked with in every possible way as a president still can get killed. 

All of these energies as you understand it then are about the soul. That is where your understanding really lies. By nature of the physical body that as it transitions, as it shifts, your nature somehow continues and this is the other important personal symbolism when contemplating the recent death of someone who has been close to you, helpful to you, or someone you have worked with in different ways.

We spoke of such matters with regards to one now known as OSHO, previously as Rajneesh. The idea that suddenly now you have this deeper connection to someone who is no longer on the planet but who has affected your life so deeply, now what do you do? You tune into the great lesson, the great understanding and you ask this deeper question. What would this way-shower have wanted me to do now? To understand about? To dream off? To welcome in my life? These are powerful and deep questions and when these are taken to heart and understood you grow in many ways that are otherwise unavailable.

On the other side of this highly spiritual way of seeing things is the dramatic, violent and often times highly physical aspects; not just relating to a person's death but to those of the world that they confronted and that you confront as you remain in it. These acts of violence and difficulty, the ways in which the profit motive continues to drive the tremendous difficulties coming to your planet in so many different arenas of environment, life, food, the very idea of raising a child. All of this has its effect and you then by using this information, this understanding of the way-showers who have been before you and answering this question for yourself about how you put that into action and you can often find solutions, ways through this, ways to survive. 

While in the meantime you can be assured you can know in some way that whatever aspect of this you have been looking into, you must take the big picture and recognize that the soul survives; that the energy continues, that your own nature is such that the manifestation of this violence is temporary. The manifestation of what you learn from it in your soul and what you learn from your reaction to it in your soul, and what you learn in the ways in which you are able to change it and understand its true symbolism. These are the things that you take deeply, that you take with you and that you hold within your soul.

In understanding this, you can sometimes even in the light of the terrible headlines, the great difficulty of the children being gassed or the people being shot, or those who are suffering in different ways on your planet. Step back enough to bring a sense of prayerful clarity, a prayer for peace, a prayer for benefit and to take into your self, "where have I wanted to harm others? Or where have I felt such a degree of anger or struggle or fear?" and to change that within yourself. These are very simple and personal ways.

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