Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Universal Laws~Hilarion


Hilarion: The principles of Universal Laws presented in this book can give a great many insights and aha-experiences about many kinds of questions, for example about life situations, or about one's personality or one's life. It is through this that most people are attracted to the immediate possibilities of practical application of the laws. If you have some particular problem or matter in mind as you read this, these practical applications are of great usefulness in this respect. 

However, the most important application is the anticipatory use of these laws. When you attempt to be conscious of the principles of these laws before you begin some project, before you enter into some human relationship or before you have a child, you can utilize them in your various life situations. 

This is usually difficult for people who have not previously worked with these principles, but as the idea of them is transferred to the next generations, it is more likely that they will gradually begin to accept their existence and will transfer knowledge of them to future generations. Transferring this knowledge is important because it concerns principles that guide everything that exists, that extend into every aspect of life: society, civilization, technology and so many other things in the world, flow, function and create continually in accordance with these principles. 

These principles extend even beyond the three-dimensional world that you know into multi-dimensional realities, into what you were born before you were born and who and what you will be after you die. But, the Universal Laws have many practical applications in numerous areas of daily life. At the point where you notice that they are in fact the root point of everything; the creative principle and force through which matter, spirit, the earth itself and indeed humanity and all of its daily life function, you will see your own role in this. 

Many individuals have had previous lives where the struggle with one or more of the Universal Laws has become a kind of theme, an aspect of life that they have worked with and from which they have increased their understanding on the soul level for the improvement, development, extension and deepening of their consciousness. However, these principles have not been explained to them in their physical life.  

On the non-physical level just before birth there have been many opportunities to gain understanding about these matters. But is a sufficiently strong pattern of thought that resists these principles or understandings has been formed already during physical life, it is often 'continued into the non-physical levels, and therefore the individual has great difficulties in accepting and working with these kinds of principles. 

Therefore, in addition to bringing the information now within people's reach, there is another kind of need for this kind of introduction to the Universal Laws. The purpose is to bring these principles forth as an idea, as an existing principle or a simple announcement of the fact that there is a kind of "Handbook for Humanity." An operators guidebook for your own life and for everyone else's life. It exists for the sake of formulating questions. It exists in your consciousness on many levels and it is an idea that you can concentrate on more deeply if you so wish. 

Concentrating on these ideas develops extremely necessary solutions to many of humanity's most pressing problems. This is difficult to present because it sounds like a" magical cure," like something beyond the capacity of human understanding. But, this is precisely the gift of The Universal Laws.  When the principles have been understood and applied in practice, even the most vexing problems may be solved. This is because matters originally changed into problems precisely because of the misunderstanding of some universal law, through ignorance, resistance, or such. People did not concentrate on the solutions to the problems, but they rather concentrated on resisting the universal law itself, either because of ignorance, or by misunderstanding it or misusing it. 

Because of this, life often becomes messy and difficult. People feel hurt and resentful or they struggle with things that somehow seem very familiar to them, but which nevertheless are troublesome or difficult. Thus, after struggling with an aspect of some law or with several laws from one life to the next, the individual has decided to come to just this life in order to work with them again. This time the difference is that people now have the opportunity to read this guidebook and to notice what it means for them personally and to recognize the sides of themselves that are able to accept these principles. 

For this reason, we suggest that you see the laws as something else besides just neutral information that is now being presented to you and which allows you to take it or leave it. Attempt rather to observe how one or perhaps two or even three of these laws arouse significant resistance, emotional energy or other reactions in most people. And how, where every one of these laws is concerned, you can in a sense give birth to it again in your own heart and life. 

You can for example think about" If this information is really true, what would I myself do differently in  my life? Or what would I say in a different way? How would I feel differently? Or from a more intellectual pint of view, "How would I myself apply this information in my own life?  Or how could I use the Law of Reflection- which is the most significant law in humanity's present situation- for teaching humanity and at the same time apply it to others?

Do you know someone who is struggling with a certain law? Should that person who is struggling with the problems know something that you could tell him?  Which of the Universal Laws might apply to his situation? Then, by using the Law of Reflection, turn the entire situation around. In what way can you apply that conclusion to yourself?

Could that person tell you where he would apply that insight to yourself? As you play with these ideas in all possible ways, they will  remind you of how all those things apply to yourself as well. They apply to different sides of your personality, to the way that you have related to other people, to what is  important in life and to what things you have struggled with. But, also with things that you have enjoyed, such as your gifts, to mercies, fun and pleasure in life. All things in your life are greatly affected by your willingness to work with these laws. 

In the end, the most thing is how you apply these laws mainly to yourself, not to others. The Universal Laws could be introduced in any part of the world for humanity's higher life path or for a deeper level of understanding. But, our hope has been that when these laws were first presented to people with a Scandinavian view of the world, a European philosophical outlook and a consciousness of the application of these principles, in this way they could be embraced in their entire core. 

Thus, each individual could first apply them to himself and understanding his own life and they could then be adopted also n the fields of jurisprudence and economics, and they could be applied to economic enlargement, to the expansion of consciousness, to cooperation with other people and to many other matters where Europeans are generally skillful. Finns have repeatedly demonstrated how skillfully people can teach things to others with their own example, by showing how things have worked for them  and how they can be universally applied in every country. In this way we have been able to expand global consciousness. 

It is not however, a question of expanding consciousness in the Eastern mystical sense, but rather of practical communication of a strong understanding of unifying the heart and mind of all people, and of a deep respect for life. The Scandinavian base has felt fruitful for the broader  acceptance of the Universal Laws and for sharing them worldwide. Even more important is for them to be shared in a way that makes it possible for the collective human consciousness to be willing and able to accept them as universal principles and to awaken them to life in their own lives in all spheres of life, in all cultures and in all nationalities. 


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