Hilarion: Why hold these micro-organisms as your enemies? It is true they can be linked to the disease process. But disease is an opportunity for clearing, for cleansing, for assistance, if one can understand what is being cleaned out, what is being cleared out and be able to provide the greatest degree of health, strength, opportunity for this or recognizing in advance so that the micro-organisms won’t have to work so hard or do this cleansing and clearing process because you’ve already done it. Either way, one then recognizes the benefit of the symptoms of the micro-organisms as they work with people. When one considers bird flu, the powerful fear energy has been utilized by governments, various scientific groups, individuals who do not understand this larger perspective, one then must recognize how this is going to be played up by those who serve to profit from this; the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, for instance.
The utilization of animals, particularly chickens but all kinds of animals in large farms that then have control and interaction with these governments. Trying then as much as possible to eliminate and reduce competition by the smaller farms and the ways in which these situations naturally then by exacerbating fear allow people to put their control, their own hand over control over those other individuals, those people in authority, those scientists, government officials, etc.
Now you can then recognize why fear is valuable. It does not within itself show you where the false evidence lies (again, harkening back to False Evidence Appearing Real). Initially it must come from deep within you. Do you want the attribute of fear in your body? Do you want the attribute of holding an enemy as part of your consciousness? Do you recognize that it is all a reflection of your own being? That is a place always to start.
So that when the emotions begin to show up you can work with them and learn from them and dismantle them as necessary. Also, shift them if you need to understand and forgive them and recognize what is beneath them, etc. so that you're not thrown into a place of blind ignorance and on unwillingness to see the higher purpose. As a result this can bring a sense of love and forgiveness to all that is a part of this energy.
Specifically, there is a question about viruses. It does appear from all evidence that viruses are a coordinated thought form at the higher vibration level that then manifests in the simplest attribute of what could be called quasi-life at a physical level, with one very specific purpose, shared amongst all viruses and is seen in the understanding of their own mechanism of how they exist. They work by an implantation of DNA into the host organism that is then to reproduce that DNA so that the virus reproduces when this occurs, sufficiently often, when it has been observed throughout history, going way back in time to the very earliest beginnings on earth this has the value and benefit of the opportunity to bring in mutation to change DNA slightly, to give then this opportunity for it to take on a new form.
This is a promoter of evolution. At its core, therefore, though there is suffering, disease, struggle and difficulty, eventually as a result of this is then a new form. There will be some improvement in consciousness, some improvement in physicality, some improvement on earth at various levels eventually comes from this.
It is important to recognize this principal, simply on the action of how the viruses work. Then this principle as it coordinates with human consciousness begins to make sense. That if you want to change your own attitude about fear, your relationship to the bird kingdom, then perhaps the underlying issues about this are also arising in your consciousness.
And what do birds in their principle action personify for people? Though there are certain exceptions to this primarily it is about flight. And they symbolize freedom. So these issues of freedom of each other, of your people, freedom against terrorism, freedom for deeper understanding, forgiveness, love all of these are important issues on your planet, growing more and more important.
Hence, the opportunity for a linking up of consciousness around the viral thought of bird flu and the viral manifestation of this as an activity on earth. Now from a practical point of view it is very simple to understand this. Such viruses as this one can be observed in history, many, many times moving through all kinds of mutations through various animal, plant, human and all kinds of other forms. Even into areas that you do not comprehend such as the Kingdom of the air or the Kingdom of the stones or rocks.
As these interactions take place various changes in consciousness, inevitably result. So we see that the opportunity for fear now to be brought into this picture is perfectly suitable for the nature of the issue. The fear of loss of your freedom, the fear of these animals that coexist with you, and various other attributes about fear that must now come in to consciousness. This is likely to repeat itself, just as it has in the past. You have had fear of other viruses, Ebola, HIV, and people still have great fear about these. But even before these; there was tremendous fear about such viruses as the Spanish flu epidemic at the time shortly following World War I and the polio virus around the time of World War II. Do you think there's any coincidence to this that these powerful shifts in consciousness affected the world in thinking about enemies, could then be transferred as a war was ended, then to an enemy consciousness with relationship to fear and a virus?
As you begin to examine these issues you begin to dismantle emotionally, a tie to this, which is always at a personal level about getting sick, about dying, about suffering, about something at the physical level. Because it is always in those places where the fear has its greatest power to create or manifest that which you are most afraid of. Because when you see the truth, when you understand it at its deeper level you then now have the opportunity to truly make a difference to dismantle it, to understand it as a result.
It therefore does appear that as a virus begins to take shape in some form or other with an animal, with a person, with a plant, then human consciousness as it affects this and works with it is able to reproduce this in the human body. It is through this area that those who are in the scientific minority, but still an important voice who claim that a virus is not alive, is a manifestation by the human being in order to promote healing ultimately that the virus takes on its solvent quality, the ability to dissolve and release various toxic materials.
This is why in the case of bird flu as with most flu cold related viruses, mucus is so important. The opportunity to cleanse, to release, to let all of that toxic material that has been accumulated in the body be then, easily discharged. With such an awareness as to how the virus action takes place in the body one then has the very easy way of understanding what it's doing. These are not very complicated, and so look carefully, what toxic materials are in the body, what needs to be cleansed.
To find other ways to cleanse this, releases the need for the body to contact and work with the virus as the primary means of doing this and as a result other means can be taken. A good time for spring cleaning some might say. Indeed, in human beings, the availability of processed food through which individuals have no ability to work with or understand, because it is so new to them, the DNA in bringing all of the consciousness and understanding of the diet of your ancestors to the present, is of course unable to cope with the tremendous variety of foods that are now available. These as processed, canned, cooked, de-natured, and in many cases blended with various inedible materials such as the wood pulp in bread, the metallics from various canning processes, the radiation from various cleansing and clearing processes, and so on and so forth.
Therefore the deeper lesson that at the more purely physical level becomes obvious around any pandemic or potential for disease process that involves viruses that your consciousness is being engaged that you are asked to cleanse beforehand and in this way prevent the potential for this actually coming into your physical body.
There are questions about this that can help you look deeper. But all of these as you begin to glimpse them give you a sense of wholeness. The connectivity of all beings. When this was felt a long time ago people in their fear turned often to ancient practices of worshiping someone outside themselves in the God that was described in what is now understood as the ancient times, but personified through writing in the Bible.
This energy was re-created with little hints as to how to find this in oneself. Unless the old ways were as much a part of this, these energies would not be sufficiently communicated across the planet. So, in fear of God, a God that might somehow be a vengeful God, a God energy that might somehow be seen as dangerous would be necessary in these religious writings to get people interested to keep them reading and to allow this energy to be understood in the simplest way possible for the most common of all beings.
At the same time though, there were to be many hints about this. You can see then, how religious literature is always a reflection of the nature of the people at that time. Not because it's the only thing being written at that time, many other ways were told through stories, through dance, through meditation, through writing. But the ones that survive, the ones that are most popular, the ones that people are the most interested in, these are the ones most reflective of the majority of the people at that time.
Now you can see, of course, where this leads, logically as human consciousness is growing, as people are seeing things in ways that they never have previously, as technology provides far greater levels of communication interaction and ways of greater stimulation and awareness than ever before, the old books do not apply. Those that can make greatest use of the highest and best quality of those books, certainly must be utilized.
Now some would accuse us of course of heresy, in speaking of such matters and we have no problem with that, not being in a body has its advantages. You're not going to burn us at the stake, since you can't find us to burn us in the first place. But you must understand at the core level, what we really are saying here is that in every one of these great religious books, and we take this into the Quran and into the Baghavad Gita and into the Upanishads, into the greatest writings of all of the Buddhist disciples as well as the New Testament, Old Testament and of course, the Talmud and all various religious writings, core key essential ideas remain.
The exposition of those ideas relate to the time and the people and so one must not view them through that same filter today. It is through that, that one recognizes the difficulties in most literally working with these writings. It is also to be understood though, that as people are coming to greater and greater aspects of their own consciousness it is leading them, leading them to a place in which a shift occurs.