Monday, December 23, 2019

What is the trajectory of human health over the next couple of decades? Is it the intrinsic nature of human beings to be constantly battling disease?
Hilarion: It is an interesting matter because there does seem to be a continuous pattern here of that which is shared  by insurance systems, various medical systems that do not get the whole picture and at the same time another area— we dislike it being called, “alternative.” Because it is that which is at its fundamental level, that of the natural systems, that of seeing natural energies and those which are intrinsic so we would rather call them, “the extrinsic,” and “the intrinsic.” That which can relate to both of these and draw the best from both is that which many who are interested in the field are trying to do at the current time. This is good because the separation is essentially artificial.

A large part of it is imposed by those who wish to take profits from all of this and those who impose those profit motives on this are constantly skewing the science and those who would objectively learn about this and work with what is shared in the world. But, in the meantime there is a constant pressure to develop both of these aspects simultaneously and putting more and more money into various diagnostic and analytical methods and more and more money into new drugs and new ways in which people eventually become more dependent on those drugs and various aspects of vaccines in particular to create those dependencies.

At the same time a deeper understanding of ancient ways, and how through a deeper understanding of science, they have their roots in measurable energetics, measurable utilizable capacities. As by example you have that which takes one into the realm of the molecular, of the very tiniest that which is to the level by which existence itself can be questioned. This is the basis of homeopathy; a way in which something is taken to a finer and finer degree of dissolution until it really is there only as a probability. Probability has been widely utilized in physics and is the fundamental development that led to computers.

So, ultimately this development of that which is rejected by the traditional medical system, the external system or in the extrinsic system is that which has at the underlying basis of the core reality of the very nature of time and space itself. This does not mean that homeopathy is an answer because it can be poorly applied but as it is better understood it leads to more and more successes and those successes are studied further, a deeper awareness of its ultimate power then comes forth. You can work with any of the various so-called alternative fields to determine this and understand it. But, each of these has an underlying basis that when better understood has profound implications not just in the medical field.

But, you see this as evolution and where this is going and that as these two areas exist side-by-side for awhile uncomfortably, with much difficulty with areas which people sometimes have to face powerful and difficult choices of one or the other. But, in various ways they eventually give rise to a deeper understanding, a merging, a way in which those energies are
understood is impossible at the current time because of economic conditions more than anything else. 

So, as those are eventually dismantled, the merging of this eventually takes place. But, in the meantime the trajectory of this is to intensify and to bring forth the opportunity for people to study and learn about both and use various aspects in which they apply to themselves to see what works and what doesn't.

But, more importantly to see of the ways in which this can uncover and work with fundamental concepts of health and disease. After all, is it the intrinsic nature of human beings to be constantly battling disease? This is a fundamental question that has not been adequately answered by either of these groups and that which must be answered in order for a merging to eventually take place. Individuals who are attracted to the fields involving health or healing have that as a powerful soul message. A sort of trajectory of their own soul and that is an energy we suggest be acknowledged and worked with as possible. The other various and powerful deep questions of such matters.

Now, we did not construct a timetable here. There may be many decades involved, many people involved with this may need to go through two or three lifetimes before they see the resolution of these two disparate areas.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Nature of Reality & New Perspectives

Much of the channeled information from many sources in the last few years indicates the very nature of reality in this section of the universe is shifting and new perspectives and options are available to humanity that have never before been available. Is the Hilarion soul group receiving similar messages from their guides, and are you faced with the same sort of paradigm shift?

Hilarion: Yes. In the non-physical realms, we have many more choices than those in the physical realms. The possibilities available in the non-physical realms are unlimited in principle. Practically speaking, one’s own vibration will limit what choices can be made.

However, as new possibilities emerge for those in physical manifestation, many new opportunities to communicate with you, to guide or assist you, and to learn from you open up. More importantly, new opportunities for teamwork become available. In all the realms associated with the Earth and her people, this is where the greatest hope is found. Teams of physicals and non-physicals, working together consciously, hold great promise for the application of these newly available energies and paradigms.

Of course, such teams have always existed, but now the time of greater, more widespread acknowledgment and activation of these teams approaches.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hilarion on Borders & Immigration
Hilarion: Why are borders necessary? Why do you need them on this planet? Why can't you have a planetary consciousness that is in harmony with all of the people instead of it being that which is so related to, “us and them,” and all of that.

This is not an issue that humanity is ready to embrace yet, but, as soon as you enter into the Galactic realms as you move off of your planet to some of the other planets nearby in this Galaxy or some of the other galaxies near you, well, it is pretty strange to see that the people on that planet are so concerned about this border and that border; many of which are purely artificial and in and of themselves are strange because there are similarities on the people on one side of the border to the people on the other side.

But, that is of course another matter. You can see then where this is going. The influence in consciousness from the guides and helpers and the alien beings who at times come to this planet and who also exert an influence in consciousness on a positive side for the people here are taking you to a place where eventually by the dissolution of borders there will be a much greater degree of power on this planet; an energy to heal, to spread love in this Galaxy and to do with what you can learn something really wonderful. That is your future self talking to you now and letting you know what is in store for you in the future as you recognize it as a real possibility and the role that borders play in getting you to that place.
There have been many questions about how this works with leadership and gradually a shift has occurred in the recognition that political leaders have a hidden agenda. This has always been present but that hidden agenda as it becomes so tempting with regards to power and money is not so hidden anymore is it?

As a result of this you lose faith, you lose trust, you lose the ability to see your leaders in a position of power but rather you see them for what they really are: a representation. A way in which you can see yourself in them and in this way as there can be a great change in a conservative leader, conservatives all over the world can also shift. In this slow way not so much by learning but by sort of, "backing into it," as the expression goes, then change does occur. Too slow, but still it does then sweep the planet and changes naturally show up.

But, at the same time you have other leaders who step forward who are brought there through sports, through entertainment, through accident, through their “15 minutes of fame,” to quote Andy Warhol. Each of these leaders has within their own time a chance to do something. A question has been asked to whether they are prepared for this by guides and helpers before they come into this world and the answer is yes- they will go through simulations on this and work in various ways in which other consciousness will surround them and give them accolades or applause or reject them to see them in a different position.

How will they respond? How will they handle it? Can their aetheric skin be thickened as this sort of thing occurs and so on? Eventually, because of karma they may find themselves in such a position because they did something very good for someone else in another life so now they are suddenly in a position where they can do good for others. This becomes an important question for such individuals. What do I do with this?

Many times it is a matter of looking at the underlying principles of their life to find their true answer for this and that's why they have their friends, their guides, their helpers to ask them such questions as, “What will you take with you? When you are on your deathbed looking back what did you make of this time? Or ways in which you can come to understand who you really are as a result of this process by asking a question such as, “Who am I, really? “

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Raising Your Energetic Vibration with the PENTA Technique and Forming an Extra Physical Clinic
Jill: How long can we expect to have this planet survive? Are there ways we can help with this? What kind of assistance are we getting from others? 

HIlarion: Assistance pours in but how much do you accept?

Jill: How can we help them help us?

Hilarion: What activity raises your vibration the most? If you’ve tried many different things and you find some work better than others, very good, go for that. But, many individuals having been exposed to one particular technique have seen that it raises their vibration pretty consistently. What Waldo Viera introduced as “vibrational state,” done by hundreds of thousands. Be aware of energy in your head then move it to your feet. If you are seated it is a diagonal line. If you are lying down or standing; a straight line. 

From your feet back to your head, head back to your feet,- back and forth, up and down, faster and faster. Do not hold your breath, then relax and let go of  tension; then move the energy faster and faster. You begin to notice a slight vibration. With repeated practice the vibration becomes stronger. This movement of energy up and down and beyond imagining. It is at the point of awareness, that is how we set it. 

Be aware of the energy in your head that you move to your feet and back up to your head faster and faster so this acts as a filter. 

The energetics of intruders, those of a lower vibration, those who might wish you harm or seek to drain your energy for their own ends, they don’t like it. They go elsewhere. They naturally shy away from such vibration. This makes it easier for you to accept the interest, the benefit, the love, the new ideas coming from your guides and helpers, from the universe itself; from those who wish to assist you; from those when you are posing a deep question, those who want to answer it. Those who want to help and those who want to share. 

But, this isn’t the only method. What about manifesting a powerful love in your heart? Radiating outward this gives you a feeling of higher vibration, then use that one; even better both. Really, that is ultimately what one has learned from this, whatever visualizations, whatever has worked in your own manifestations of such energy in whatever path, layer them all. 

Point being that as you raise your vibration you are going to be more effective in what you share in the world. You are going to assist those around you naturally. You are going to be of more assistance to the non-physical beings who want to help. Secondly, you will be filtering so that you’ll receive more from those beings. 

Now, let us ask a slightly different question based on the observation on earth; you can use other planets and learn about that but remember what we said about that because of the potential difficulties because it doesn’t always apply. 

On earth, where and with what technique, with what ways etc. have people been more successful in doing exactly that? Bringing in more energy, bringing in more love, bringing in information, bringing in these energies and working with these energies and receiving the assistance? The first thing that shows up interestingly enough is where assistance has been given. This could be seen as a clearing of the pipes, that when you are running that energy and assisting others more can naturally come in. That’s a very good way to think of it, its’ not the only theory, there are others, too. But, you just recognize naturally how assisting allows assistance. 

Secondly, what methods, since you’re dealing with the non-physical, are most effective in providing assistance to the non-physical? Doesn’t that seem like the next logical question to ask? 

Here it gets a little trickier because it does seem that any technique, any method, any way in which you are doing this does involve certain specifics that make all the difference; consistency, authenticity, genuine caring about this as opposed to doing it in order to get something. These are all factors but there does seem to be this sense of energy that it is consistently, repeatedly placed in such a way that it is useful. 

So, again we return to those who are successful with this, meaning the maximum number of non-physicals are able to work with their own energy to help work with the maximum number of physicals. Does that make sense to you?

In this we recognize what we call the practice of PENTA. (Personal Energetic Task). Many on your planet are doing this, right this very second. It is an ancient practice in some ways. Those who have discussed it recently have made it more clear and more practical. All you do is choose a time and are consistent with this on a daily basis to donate energy and to be of assistance. You do not have to know because the guides and helpers can use that energy. If it is coming from the highest vibration it is going to be used effectively as the filter we mentioned earlier. It will only go to that which will be the highest, most helpful place. 

Gradually, what will form is an extra physical clinic, a place where people are helped by their guides and helpers using the energy you are donating. This is based on the simple fact that the energy that you create is stronger than any non-physical energy from any non-physical source. So, we would suggest that you look into that. Look up PENTA or get the PENTA manual or understand how other people are doing it. Be inspired by the book, PENTA in Prison. That is certainly a good place where energy can be donated, don’t you think?

But, in what way this comes to you we cannot make the idea of an endorsement, of a recommendation, of charting your course. We can lay it out before you and if you choose it, you will have a great deal of power in working with this but nobody is going to choose it for you. 

This is one of the important tenants to look for in any technique. Any way in which you might be suggested to work with this or work with that. The power of your own choice, the opportunity to make up your own mind, this is a very important part of such because this has to do with love. That small still voice inside that says, I’m doing this for the fun of it, for the love of it, for the experience of it. 

It just so happens that if you donate your energy for one hour a day on a consistent basis at a particular time those who work with it can depend on it so they will make sure that you show up. They will be contributing to your life in ways you cannot imagine for the other 23 hours in the day. That’s just how it tends to work over time. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

One Of The Most Powerful Energy Technique You Can Do According to Hilarion (Vibrational State) PENTA Technique
  This is a repost from 2009.

 Hilarion: There is a question as    to what is the best way to prepare, particularly for the next twelve year period, that is, building up to the energies of 2012. The vibrational state exercise is one of the most powerful techniques that you can do, and repeatedly doing this will gradually build a very strong underlying resonant base within your being. If this is done on a daily basis, a minimum of 5 times a day, but an ideal would be 20 times per day, then you will find that after about 2 years it is so deeply installed that it has significant effect on your planet and the people around you and many other aspects of your being.

What is vibrational state? It is simply a certain sense within you. You can come to it very quickly, but we are suggesting a simple, basic, mechanical method to induce this state. Begin by being aware of energy in the head. Move it slowly through the body to the feet. Reverse the direction, slowly back to the head. If you encounter any blocks in this motion, increase the strength of the energy. Again, down and up, faster and faster now, until it is very fast, perhaps much faster than breathing or heart rate, perhaps even hundreds of times per second, even faster. Then you will begin to notice the vibrational state. If you notice any tension in your body or any holding, holding a breath or tensing a muscle, relax it. No physical action is necessary in the installation of the vibrational state.

Much of the ways of Chinese martial arts and many of the consequential schools of martial arts was indeed to this end. To bring in the vibrational state quickly is the aim of Tai Chi and Qigong healing methods. So, this is a direct path that is very helpful and will be useful on many levels, making greater contact with nonphysical beings, engaging your own connection to push away nonphysical beings that are detrimental or damaging and allowing you gradually simply to wake up to the reality that comes to you.  You are indeed surrounded and working with nonphysical beings of all kinds and all energies and you have shut down the ability to see them. We have spoken about this in the past, for instance in our little book Seasons of the Spirit, in the way in which the third eye once had the ability to recognize such beings. Because you do not see them, you give them free reign on your planet and with your lives.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Working With Universal Laws

Hilarion: Universal laws relate to how things work in every civilization in this Galaxy and many others and the ways in which they keep showing up for you. But, as you begin to explore this and work with it, these questions naturally arise. How is this really working? What is really going on here? You can come to this through your senses, but interpreting them and understanding what they really mean can be difficult. This is where the aspects of mathematics do show up. At the current time the very people who would most benefit from this are the very ones who tend to have the least interest and that will likely shift over time.

Indeed this new generation has a little more access, a little more awareness to this but beyond that it remains part of the very nature of having a brain constructed the way yours is. Many other brains in other civilizations do not have the twin lobes or two sides, they have three or four or just one. But, as they work with this they have always through the history of their own development had to contend with this. So, for you then you may also find that through music, a blending of math and of the emotion of the feeling sense and the understanding can blossom and can take you into deeper and deeper realms into which you begin to question relationships and understanding in areas that can be creative and fun.

This may actually lead you to ask some of those questions again and to go back into this. We would suggest if at all possible that is much of the basis of this can be looked at even before as is normally done in the schooling process so that calculus can be introduced at an earlier stage. That is not because it is the calculus that you understand as that which is so hard to work with but that which relates very much to one thing that you're constantly dealing with and that is change.

The mathematics of change and the understanding of it is the underlying basis of music the single tone is of no interest and doesn't even count as music, does it? So, the way in which change itself is a manifestation of your own higher self as it comes through the soul and into your being it shows itself over and over as having the opportunity to increase the amount of soul that comes through. Increasing the 10% on average to something higher does seem to require a greater unity of these two parts of your brain; a greater interaction of the creativity and the logic and an awareness of some of these principles as they are universal is extremely helpful.

Beyond that, it can only be that which can be a gentle reminder to go deeper where you can and to push your own boundaries and to notice if the fear shows up and see what it was related to; what teacher, what ridicule, what other child, what other way in which it came forth. Children often have a way when fear shows up, the way they keep it at bay is by hurting others, by bullying them. They really get far with this in a few cases and continue such behavior into adulthood. But, most recognize early on it is really not giving them what they want. In this way, those who have this within their own consciousness can be shifted if you can determine what it is they really want.

This is difficult, some people can be asked this and this can often be a very powerful process. It doesn't really matter interestingly enough where you start. What do you want right now? I want a job. I want a new car. I want some food. I'm really hungry. I want a relationship. It doesn't matter whatever it is that is showing up. I want world peace. I want people to feel better. Whatever shows up for you have it now and now ask yourself gently, loving you, what do you want more? What do you want more than that? Well, of course if it is about a new car what you want more than then is appropriate transportation. What do you want more than that? If it is about appropriate transportation it is about being where you want to be at the appropriate time for the highest good for yourself and others. What do you want more than that?

Examples of this are fascinating to look at but we only give them, not for limitation but for the purpose of showing you that you can go from anything to that which is far greater. What does the bully want? To be loved? To be understood? To have power? To have a sense of individuality? These are all possibilities but there may be ten interim steps before they get to it. It may be lifetimes, it may be that which can happen in a second. This is important to understand because sometimes the guides and helpers will let you cross paths with someone who needs something that you can provide: a word, an idea, a question, something that could be very helpful to them.

March 21, 2018

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Hilarion on 5G, Bacteria & Remedies for Healingäder-
Jill: What are the health benefits for using bacteria for healing?

Hilarion: These are almost unlimited for the simple reason that bacteria, particularly as they are evolving with you, are becoming more and more intelligent in more and more ways. Opportunities to shift consciousness, to work within the physical body and correct patterns of DNA, and so many other things. 

Bacteria will soon be given a task, it may take them several 100 years to perfect it but there are those who are already in laboratories all over the world looking into this. It has to do with identifying toxins in your body that are at the atomic level. Those so small that no other technique, virus, detoxification through filtration, energetics even by inert gases are able to easily change, move out or shift those levels by which the atomic energies themselves; the energy of the molecules, the atoms, indeed the electrons are those which are damaging or need to be changed or gotten rid of. 

There are many questions about 5G pouring into the world. A new cell phone standard that will increase radiation levels on your planet while providing reductions in energy use, improving potentials for communication and doing things which have potential to assist mankind in different ways. 

But, reducing radiation is possible with bacteria. This is done at the atomic level. This is actually pulling out neutrons and reducing some of the effects of cosmic rays and various particles such as alpha and gamma but these are areas that will be eventually part of humanity’s constant dance with bacteria. 

In the meantime, at the very minimum, imagine a light, it pours through your eyes. It moves out into the world then comes back into that place in your body where the maximum intelligence is transferred into your bacteria, your small intestine. The duodenum has this unique capacity. If you do not have one you can transfer it to the stomach, the esophagus, the large intestine. But, the general idea of such a light moving in an arc is a powerful visualization that the bacteria in most people’s gut right now can react to, can correspond with and can interact with. 

Let the light be white as you start, a beautiful, lovely energetic of white light. But, then notice from within the body another light begins to appear that you can see with your inner eye. Another light might be seen exiting your body, out of your back and back into the back of the skull, or a light that simply comes from your skin.  There are dozens of ways to imagine that the bacteria are communicating with you. You do not have to understand what they are saying. You just feel it, you just know that light. As if to say, “We work together. We know each other.”

Then, within that light give them the simple task as if it is moving out from you, from your face down into your gut. This simple task, “help me get rid of what I don’t need today, gently. “ Or, “bring me some capacity to heal my eyes, gently, today.” Or, whatever healing you are working on and wish the bacteria to work with you on. It has launched it. Bacteria tend to take time in working with this. Give it at least 72 hours for some changes to be made and by all means don’t kill them with antibiotics. Which tells them, “I don’t like what you’re doing and you must stop right now.” Because they’re going to make mistakes, they have to work with it in and understand. 

This takes into the idea that the bacteria are able to communicate with each other. They don’t exactly do that. They’re actually communicating through you. They interact with the cells and the cells release various other communications. These move through the bacteria and so on. 

After a little practice with that, knowing that 5G is likely around the corner because a lot of companies are going to make money doing it, you say,” let the radiation in the environment around me move through me harmlessly. Let the bacteria develop their capacity to release that which may be harmful or difficult, encouraging them in your own loving way. 

There are other methods of course. Foods are very helpful at detoxifying the effects of radiation. Organic avocado and orange together are wonderful. Raw milk from grass fed cows. All different techniques. 

But, what about using the bacteria more consciously? You know that they are all over your body. They are not a tiny thing. But, if all the bacteria were removed there wouldn’t be much of you left. They are what create the soil on your planet. They are the way of constant interaction at every level. Yet, they are primitive and simple on their individuality. But, in their collective, there is tremendous intelligence.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Hilarion on Earth Volunteers and Their Guides and Helpers

Hilarion: You and many others volunteered, wanting to help, wanting to make a difference, not just to a planet or to your own evolution but to all of this: to humanity's clear potential to rise above, to go beyond all of these difficulties brought on by so much in the way of emotion, particularly fear, and in the way in which It does not see Itself as a group but sees Itself individually, in particular the ego; so those issues (fear and ego/individuality), when solved or at least repaired to the point that the solutions that are technological, that come from love, that come from a place of caring and compassion, can be enacted.

Once you volunteer, once you make this commitment, many things unfold, some of them personal such as your own experiences. For instance, as you've described: traveling and the people that you would meet or the talents and capabilities that you would develop. But, there is also with this, a willingness to bring this experience forward; the necessity to do something with it as you learn about this. If you get a little bit behind schedule on this sort of thing, then some of those underlying energies will come in one way or another to remind you; so that if, for instance, you contend with your own fear, you may then be able to understand this better and help others.

But, when you volunteer, when you bring forward the powerful love energy that is deep within you, it goes to the core of your soul. It is an energy that says, such as, 'I want to help; I want to be of service; I want to do that which will be valuable to my fellow human beings.', or whatever. There are many different forms of this, of course.

When that energy is taken on, a whole different sort of life change, a whole different attitude, many things, all of these occur at once. Then simultaneously various beings who want to assist show up. They are the source of the protection. They come in principally because you have stated that you want to be used in a way that will be helpful, that you want to have that energy in a positive way. There are different ways in which this unfolds, and it is and must be malleable and flexible, so it can deal with any given situation at any given time.

This is very different from the other way in which guides and helpers are typically arranged for an individual. They (the incarnate individual) come in with a set of purposes and ideas for their life and select and work with, sometimes even for a period of a few years, simulating situations on the other side (Astral Planes) before they come into the physical world. They work with these guides and helpers, and then the guides usually show up and stay with the person for awhile. Some individuals will maintain the same guides and helpers for their entire life, though that is a little rare these days, and usually one or two will get traded out at various times.

This is exactly what is needed when it comes to the personal, to that which relates to your own specific evolution. This is not how it works for you when what you do is something at a much larger level. Yes, those personal guides are there. Yes, those energies are there to assist. But, a much greater realm is tapped into, an energy that says, 'We must find a way here to allow this individual to fulfill, to assist, to do that which his passion has now led to this connection to so many other human beings at the physical level that you help in person in addition to the general understanding, the consciousness that you add, and the way in which the energies are assisting those at the non-physical realm.

This means that sometimes a little bit of aetheric head-scratching has to go on where beings at various levels must work out how this is supposed to play out, and the flexibility for this requires at times your own contribution. It's not as if you would see, then, that the protection, the energies, the benefits would be that which is already completely figured out or fixed in time. At times you will say, 'you know, a little help over here would be very helpful. Can you bring in somebody perhaps a little more skilled at this or a little energy on a temporary basis?' You can be very specific: say, for one month this sort of thing or that sort of thing.

Beyond this, one recognizes that there can be various specifics, such as which beings at various times, or how they work with you, and all of that. But, it would not make very much sense to see that as the only way. Because this energy of wanting to help is the motivating factor. It can change the guides and helpers, the way they work, the beings that they work with, and so on and so forth.

The main idea was that in the way in which you are to provide benefits to others, this protection could be continually, gently, but persistently reminded to you, so that you would have the correct way to have a sense of where the protection is available and be able to do what is needed. That worked out very well in the past for you, so you were able to travel to other places and have the feeling that you didn't have to worry about this or that, the sort of thing that other people clearly were worried about. This enabled you to do these various things.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Healing Centers and The Non-Physical Realm
Jill: Do you have any advice for the Healing Light Retreat Center, a community forming in Nevada County, using new models for healing and communication?

Hilarion: It is an interesting question because it has relevance to many. There are the ideas to create healing centers for people all over your planet now. One very crucial useful idea to understand is that the healing center has already been created nonphysically, that it is already there. A healing center is not a building. It is not a place. It is the energy of beings getting healed. Yes, there is a nonphysical buiding. Yes, there are devices, technologies. But more importantly, there are people, nonphysical ones, all kinds of beings. They are getting healed there, they are working with the energies. They outnumber you 9 to 1, so it's pretty much a given that if this thing is going to come into form, it's already started on the nonphysical level. Welcome that energy. 

Secondly, realize that the nonphysical beings involved in this will manipulate and assist and do everything they can to bring it into form at the physical level so that they can have more healing energy and work with it. So they're going to try to pick and assist the people at the physical level who have the most skills to contribute, the ways to help each other, the ways to coordinate. This will be your next important symbol. When you do have a group together who is going to focus energy, look carefully at the talents associated with this. Talents specifically relating to healing, to the work that you are to do there. It need not be healing in the sense that you hold it, a narrowly focused healing, such as putting your hand on somebody's body and saying magic words or running energy. It might be healing in a much broader sense, healing the Earth or healing a community or allowing a healing energy for the interaction of this community and the government.

But, whatever it is, open to those unique capacities related to the healing nature that you have. Then emphasize them, strengthen them, ask more about them, take them into your meditations, ask the others in the group about them, ask the guides and helpers of those in the group about them. Let those energies be stronger with you, not with the purpose of success, i.e. a building really gets built, but rather the idea that you will know that healing deeper, for yourself and for others. 

This path of welcoming and seeing these energies coming into form is far more important than the specific physical manifestation that ultimately takes place, because the energies naturally then will come into form as will most be appropriate. It is not always known ahead of time (as it is not in this specific situation) how those energies will be best fitted. So they must come in their own form, in their own way, beautifully, lovingly.

Many times, as you open to these energies, healing with, by, for, and of the Earth herself a specific location will show up. When this does show up, remember, there is always that extra reminder: to either project your consciousness to that place or go there physically, to do the exercise, to do the meditation, to welcome the healing capacities and healing gifts yourself.

This applies under so many circumstances where people choose a place as the healing center. It then becomes the anchor for such an energy. Remembering the nonphysical capacity can help you greatly, because then some of those healing energies can help heal your pictures, by which you have wounds in the past relating to money or times of failure, or difficulties about understanding the healing process, so that you can let go of those and come with a more clear energy. That is the energy flowing from the nonphysical beings through you into the physical manifestation to bring these to physical result.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mars and Its Effect On The Stock Market
 Jill: In the book The Mars Connection, Maurice B. Cooke correlates the activity of the stock market with the conjunctions of Mars and other planets. Is it possible to accurately predict the stock market with astrology, and what can you say about the tremendous growth we are seeing in certain markets?

 Hilarion: This predictive capacity is possible. It has, in fact, been accomplished by a few rare individuals whose karma it was to perceive and note this. Such a detour, to know by such accuracy the ups and downs of the market, this gave them in many cases huge fortunes, and of course turned their spiritual evolution in some ways backwards. 

 But, it must be understood that the evolution of humanity beyond the requisite reduction of consciousness by money is important for this millennium. And it is also important that people understand money's use. For this reason, there has been in the various stock markets--now especially high-tech stocks, as symbolized by the recent rise in the Nasdaq index--the awareness within consciousness that people want to see things change, as symbolized by technology. But they also see this in the way in which it represents greater communication amongst individuals.

The stock markets are manipulated. Many of these manipulations are coming from a few individuals. Such individuals are those on planet Earth naturally being presented with powerful energies of a nonphysical nature by various intruders--the sort of thing we've spoken of in the past. Yet, you must understand at its deepmost level, the energies of Mars do play a powerful role here and at the same time, the energies of many people's consciousness in an awareness that they can have greater abundance, can have greater fluidity with money and so on, but at the same time take greater risks so far as distractions go, might be useful to understand.

Therefore, "What would you do with the money" is the most important question. If you made a big, as the expression goes, killing (think about that one for a moment) in the stock market, and this of course benefited you, then how would you use the money? This, of course, tells you what you should be doing right now to the most that you can, to the way in which you would then put those energies into action.

The other side to it is that it seems likely that although some minor pullbacks as a result of the Y2K difficulties will ensue, that these stock markets will continue to expand. This may not take place immediately because of the lags and difficulties likely to be felt through the first half of the year 2000. But the result of this is not a recommendation for you to stick your money in the stock market, but to understand its meaning of a consensus, a drawing together, a place in which people can focus their energy.

If this can be seen as a powerful symbol for humanity, then perhaps other things might take its place at some point in humanity's future. The symbol of abundance, of awakening, of that which has real meaning--perhaps that which you can take with you--will come forward. And that is one beautiful symbol about the stock market. Not just that when you have the money and then you die, you can't take it with you. 

When you have the money in a stock, you can't spend it. You can't take it with you in that moment to the grocery store or anyplace else. You must cash in your stock first. You must cash in the knowledge, the awareness that you gained on Earth, the love, in a way in which you truly know it to the core of your soul before you can take it with you into the intermissive period. It's a subtle symbol in a certain way because so many involved in the stock market don't get it until they lose their shirts (another beautiful symbol, isn't it?), and those shirts having been lost, they then do something different with their lives. It is unfortunate that they don't get the larger message about taking their gains with them and what they have learned. In the way in which, for instance, that money would be put to very good use, not to make more money, but perhaps to help others.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hilarion on The Spiritual Purpose of Poison Oak and Poison Ivy
Hilarion: You see that the two most important poisonous plants: poison oak and poison ivy are very much about forgiveness. They are very much about finding a stronger path, about forgiving the inner enemy within yourself. There is more of the emotional body component with poison oak. It relates to a much taller tree that it grows near and more of the aetheric body component associated with poison ivy where it is similar in some ways to a low growing plant.

But, beyond this you see here that the general idea in utilizing this flower essence is unique and distinct from the homeopathic use of this which is primarily at the physical level. Rather, it is a way in which the forgiveness penetrates deeply into your understanding of that which you would call, “an enemy.” That which is outside of you, that which irritates you, that which is seemingly harmful or drawing of energy in your life but, as you recognize this emotionally you begin to recognize shame.

As you recognize this aetherically you begin to recognize the importance of healing and shifting the nature of how you work with this. These are ways in which these plants can be helpful and now what we are suggesting for those who are interested in a big blast to shift this is the combining of these two. This is principally recognized for instance that in USA you see the poison ivy much more on the eastern portion of the country and the poison oak in the western. So, as soon as you combine these you are additionally taking on a very interesting energy associated with USA in particular. The sense of the change now coming into consciousness around immigration. This is the forgiving of the inner immigrant, the person you are afraid of, the person who brings shame into your life and the person as an archetype that you are ready to accept now.
Because at its core it relates to the forgiveness of a very powerful collective karma that affects most of the people in North and South America who are immigrants from other countries particularly Europe, Spain, England, France and Portugal. They have spread throughout the north and south American continents and to have full understanding and forgiveness of this must of course relate to the way in which they clearly outnumber those who were here before you: the native tribes, the indigenous people, those who came before.

As you understand this, you are releasing and relieving a powerful deep racial aspect of this karmic interaction that relates to when you were in positions as leaders, as those who made the decisions and those who ultimately brought so much harm to so many others. In this way then the karmic release of this through better understanding of love and consciousness can be that which brings a new awareness into your planet.

People in the Americas and especially USA are often in a position to bring new ideas into the world, new leadership, new sense of purpose, new understanding. If you have been following our words on these matters in the past you would certainly recognize where we are going with this. Not a place other people are going to want very much. The ultimate goal of this is too far down the road, an alien sort of thing for you that you cannot imagine or piece together which of course has to do with the answer to the question about borders themselves. Why are they necessary? Why do you need them on this planet?

June 21, 2018

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hands On Healing
What Factors Involved With Hands On Healing Improve The Likelihood Of A Successful Healing?

Hilarion: the interesting thing here is that you can at this point draw an inference by looking at all of the examples of this of which there are millions all over the world and you see that there are trends which change over time. With increasing EMF’s on your planet, increasing radiation from cell phones, cell towers, computers and so on, the very nature of how healing is working in the world has been shifting.

So, some of those who might have been successful with hands on healing 2000 years ago would have a little trouble adapting to it today so clearing this and working with it in various ways would seem to be important here.

So, the first idea would be of a visualization of light. Imagine the light is within you and you are transmitting the light to the other person but not as a way simply to go through them but to embed, to go into each cell and awaken the mitochondria and let those aspects within the cells continue the healing process.

Beyond this of course you have the usual impediments. The most difficult is that the person is unwilling to accept the healing. They don’t believe they deserve the healing, they have some resistance to it, or they believe their karma requires them to deal with an issue first, etc.

How to clear this? Of course talk to them and ask them about it. Would healing be appropriate for you right now? What do you get on that intuitively? If they struggle with this, know that there is something to be talked about.

Individuals as they work with this for themselves, may eventually recognize that something powers through all of that. Something shifts them through that and what do you think that is? …LOVE. So, in this way, what you recognize is that love that comes from you, from your hands but also from within that person. The willingness to love themselves, to love the part of the body that needs healing. To love that aspect that has enabled them to experience the suffering and the difficulty. Whatever way you assist them to find, emphasize, amplify, strengthen, know, feel and continue to share with others that love the more successful the healing will be.

In the consciousness of the person who asked the question: the example of “the carpenter,” was asked. Jesus was known in that time as the great healer and demonstrated this to so many. This was an important part. You couldn’t sit in the room and not feel that love. That love continues at every level and is the basis of so many aspects of the religious feelings and energies associated with Christ. So, the better you can attune to that the more successful.

But, at the same time you must also ask about the nature of success. How do you define it? Is it simply that, that particular issue has been cleared? What if that person needed it again? Has it been cleared from the soul? What if that energy was something they needed to heal in themselves so that they could heal someone else of that particular issue?

You must define success as some conversation, some intuition, some awareness of this as also helpful. These are little things that are helpful in the healing process. Where do we get this? We don’t get it from the theoretical. The theoretical would say then, "all you really need to do is have sufficient energy or allow that energy to move very powerfully into that person." We note here that the ways in which people respond to these other issues we mentioned here are also very important.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Long Term Effects of Antibiotics On Consciousness
  Hilarion: Living on antibiotics  for too long creates long-term problems that are quite different from those that are created in short-term use. 

 The most difficult of these is a brain connection where the brain’s ability to better balance and create a balanced sort of relationship between the spiritual or mental aspect and the physical is lost.

When this occurs the individual ultimately becomes dependent on antibiotics and you see this in young people with persistent arthritis problems where antibiotics have been prescribed for long periods of time. The ultimate result of this can be in addition to the body’s necessity to get rid of various toxic material by using candida, yeast and other methods to flush. The way in which the person isn't very aware of the body anymore, doesn't have this deeper brain connection and that then presents a whole slew of other issues.

In an older person this is shifted because they become aware of their own mortality, become aware of their preparations for transition, they begin to receive messages and understand them from the other side. The benefit to this is that then the person is better able to receive energies of a healing nature, energies of an encouraging nature or strengthening nature.

At the physical level a great deal could be done. But, the real difficulty here occurs once one has gone down this path as far as one has, one has to make a clear and conscious choice in which one actually puts away all of one method in order to move into the other method. The problem with this is that when one relies on outside advice, looking to what others say and so on, rather than a small quieter voice that is advocating that which is the natural, that which comes from the ancestors. The very loud, strident powerful voice through modern society relies on the artificial, and the techniques that seem to palliate without a deep understanding of what they are doing.

The solutions are always seen in light of the short-term, rather than the long-term, always prescribed and utilized in order to avoid malpractice rather than to do that which might be most beneficial even though it might involve risk. The choice here then becomes difficult and so only by this energetic assistance, working with things that do not conflict with what the doctors suggest, is it likely that there will be continuity.

It would be wonderful to take an interest in studying and learning various methods of energy healing, even those as widespread and as well-known as Reiki. Any of these would be helpful. This involvement in it perhaps to heal others initially would have a spillover effect and would be very helpful as an energetic connection to keep energy moving through and assist at every possible level.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Achieving Success/ Being Versus Doing
Can Hilarion give some help and clarity around the problem of being disciplined and focused in achieving success?

Hilarion: sometimes that is exactly what gets in the way because you have a picture of this. You must be focused, could you let that go? Is there a place in you willing to let it go? But you'll often recognize that which is of maximum value, that which brings that maximum focus is uncomfortable, it's hard to sit in it. So, why not get used to hard sitting? A way to do this is a new tool, relatively speaking and that is where you deliberately seek out paradox every day.

Now, we aren’t talking about two piers in the ocean,” `a pair a docks.” But, the idea that you're going to find two things that just can easily coexist. At the big level you can always fall back on that old standard, destiny and free will. But, in your own life can you find something paradoxical? An aspect where there is simultaneously love and fear, an aspect where there is forward movement and great resistance, an aspect that relates to something you want and clearly is something that is harmful. As you can find these paradoxes and deliberately sit in them, understand as much as you can about both sides and avoid making a decision. 

Oftentimes, this can be a very powerful tool when it comes to activating that which has to do with ambition, moving forward and doing things because you will be ready for some discomfort. But the discomfort of paradox is a different discomfort from what you're going to encounter in almost any other situation because it runs very, very deep. It runs right to existence itself, right to the nature of your being, right to who you are and the greatest difficulty most people encounter. This is an observation which can often show up when you are asking the right questions, when you are dissolving karma, you are looking at the aspects, sniffing out the “nots,” simply as these energies are brought in you shift out of that which gives you the most power and into that which you are most weak.

Simply put, you move away from “being” and more into ”doing.” This is a way in which that energetic relates to how who you are brought you to this in the first place. If you wanted to move forward with this particular activity because of the love you have, because of the caring for others. Perhaps it's a very selfish motive. If that's true, ask, ”what do you want more than that?” What are you getting immediately from that for instance if it's the money, or the survival. What do you want more than the money? More than the survival? Find the energy of being-ness associated with this question. What do you want more than that? Whatever it takes you to get to the heart of that energy, come back to that “being-ness” where possible.

Oftentimes, this can be an energetic boost but neither that or playing with the discomfort of paradox is of much value in moving things forward. But, once you are stronger at being, once you are more comfortable with the discomfort of paradox or anything else, then you ask, what is the right question I should be asking now? Where should I be putting my attention?" This questioning often times then allows a flow of energy, an energetic shift that makes it easier to move forward.

But, there is a very powerful question which we have not touched on at all tonight which we have often mentioned in the past, which must be touched on. 
"What do you take with you? How important is that really?" What shows up from this on a practical level? By asking "what do you take with you?" we, of course, mean into the next life, to the next time in between lives, to the next relationship, your own consciousness, your own life.

If, on your deathbed looking back you would then say,” that was really important, I’m glad I did that. Or would you say,” I put a lot more time on that, than I could have been putting on something else that was really important.” This must also be taken into account for the one simple reason that sometimes the answer to why progress has been so difficult, why getting forward in your life has been difficult, is to ask yourself, "what's right about it?"

Asking that question throws you back into being. It throws you back into something that isn't at all about that particular activity and instead is much more about who you are. The nature of that love, the nature of your own essence.

In this way, we would remind you of the idea that you are a human being and take you back in your imagination if you can't remember a time, or an actual time when you could remember it when you were little and someone asked you about when you grow up. They probably asked you, ”what do you want to be when you grow up?” In your consciousness you have gradually shifted that to,” what am I going to do when I grow up?” But most people these days still ask the children, what do you want to be when you grow up, not what do you want to do when you grow up? Because of course if they are relating to what they want to do, they’re going to talk about playing, and things they like to do as little children. 

But, ”being,” goes beyond that, it's the reason for play. It's the reason for existence. We remind you of this because this is also a tremendous source of power and denial and resistance if you are then following a path completely different from the way you wanted to be when you were a little child. So, we would ask you now to imagine that little child, who is now saying something along the lines of what they would like to be when they grow up. You can look at that energy, you can feel it, you can know that child which was you, knowing that being-ness, was perhaps explaining it as an occupation, or a way in doing things in the world. But, really it was about being, and that a child doesn't have to try to do, to accomplish, to impress someone else, the child can just be.

We would ask you now to love and connect to the child part of yourself. Then, as if by inviting that energy, a simple stretch, stretch into the arms, the legs, whatever, of you and the child simultaneously. As the stretch ends they merge. As if now you are receiving even greater energy of being of the child that you have been in the past who knows,” I am.” This would seem perhaps a strange way to answer a question about that which is practical but we are going to remind you of this over and over because you actually have so many in the world telling you how to do, but who is here reminding you how to be?

Now we again state that, that is unique to who you are. That is oftentimes why it is stated that it’s a part of your being. That reminder can be very helpful because it allows you to let go of the things that perhaps you actually should not be doing.

This is really tricky, you know. If your life has gone in a direction that may have been fulfilling and helpful in some areas but also seems clearly absent in other areas, you may have to give up a lot to retrace and go back to do again in a way that is ultimately more satisfying. But, we can assure you that if it is an important part of your being you will do it. It may not be in this life but you will clearly go in that direction at some point. So, why not do it sooner rather than later? That would be a gentle question to simply remind you, just as that other question, “could you just let it go?” It can be that simple in regards to what you accomplish, that which has taken you in a given direction, or whatever. Now you go in a different direction. Could you just let it go?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Forgiveness Dissolves Karma
Hilarion: There has been a question about forgiveness. How? It is a lot like asking how do you walk? How do you speak? How do you see? 

"Forgiveness dissolves karma"
 ~ Hilarion

You can hold forgiveness as that which is a learned capacity but this really doesn't touch the soul. It is the kind of forgiveness that artificial intelligence could easily have. It would simply be telling you all of the things that were wrong and saying the words, “I forgive you.” It is as if there is a meeting of an inner part of you, the part that it is vulnerable and soft that is loved and that is loving. That is a part of you that is difficult to contact that wants to come forth at every moment. That is invited into the space the moment you start to talk about forgiveness.

Forgiveness, immediately as you understand these principles or anything outside turns your attention inward to self-forgiveness, to understanding where you made a mistake and how you can start over and where you can ask for help. It shows you all of the aspects of this if you are willing.

Willingness and forgiveness go hand-in-hand and over and over so many times when you cannot confront when you are unwilling it is also the place where a wall to forgiveness shows up. Where you can have that wall crumble and you can speak the words and see what happens, where you can invite it in others, you are getting at it from one way or another. It is simply showing you that there is something deeper; something loved and lovable just waiting to be manifested and just waiting to be heard and waiting to be seen or known. So, an excellent place to begin when you are attempting to access forgiveness is as a child. If a child could speak the words what would he or she say?

In what way would you as a child speak those words? “Listen to me! Be with me! Don't go away! Love me!” The simple words a child might speak as the child was bringing out that which was inside that caused harm when the child was ignored or hurt or abandoned or found some way in which those energies that eventually led to a behavior for which forgiveness was necessary that those energies could then be charted and understood back to their original course.

But, to say that forgiveness is easy would be like saying walking is easy or seeing is easy. At its core it isn't. It takes a lot of cells, a lot of birthing, a lot of soul energy. In working with it forgiveness is something that does take practice. So, we would suggest that every time something around which forgiveness might be helpful shows up, that in addition to that which is about doing it over, allowing yourself to admit a mistake, asking for help. The fourth attribute is it will be good practice.

Now, this is a tough one because it allows you to welcome those very situations in which forgiveness shows up. But, as you recognize the value of this, you see that practice makes perfect and what you are practicing among other things is the ability to dissolve karma with love. The forgiveness door opens for you and as that love energy is more powerful with each passing practice session you learn how you can use it in ways that actually speed your evolution. That is what is unique about this planet. We could say that indeed it is risky to have a planet in which you don't have those memories, but you do have the emotional holdover from past lives. You don't really have that higher sense of that direct connection mind to mind but you do have that immediate sense of emotion, of healing, of love. All of those aspects together do bring forth the possibility of using the law of love more powerfully, more directly with more interaction and more application than any of the other societies in this Galaxy.

Many of whom study humans and learn about this shake their proverbial hands as if to say what a strange way to do things. Yet, it does have value because one thing that is seen scientifically about love is that at its core it is incredibly fast and incredibly powerful. The love energy itself is actually nonlocal. It is that which is continuously shared by the collective consciousness of all, not just humanity but the Earth herself or the great central sun, the people who live here or the plants and animals and it is faster than the speed of light. So, it can be that which has tremendous capacity and yet has not been very well developed.

Why? Because most of the time similar experiments failed. People blew themselves up and burned their planets to proverbial cinders. They brought this energy in a way that harmed themselves and in some cases they saw that it needed to be shut down to save their civilization and they moved into areas of greater logic or consciousness or various aspects that developed beyond the physical. That what you perceive as a wonderful thing to experience here, the embrace, is unknown in these civilizations. The sense that this in itself is a beautiful thing. So, this is a powerful energy that which people will likely develop further if they survive and we are optimistic that they will principally because this is an energy you recognize and something that you share.

March 21, 2018

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Bengston Energy Healing Method
Lori: The Bengston Energy Healing method uses a technique called “ image cycling,” which engages a person's creative process. This technique has remarkable results in curing cancer, tumors and reversing the effects of Alzheimer's disease. What is the source of this energy and why does it heat up in my internal organs so rapidly?
Hilarion: the actual heat is that which you are perceiving as a connection to the aetheric. A temperature measurement would show that a very slight or no increase is actually taking place in the organs. 
But, you are becoming aware of a more rapid vibration and naturally you interpret this as heat. The aetheric source of this energy comes from the way in which the Bengston method is able to create an energetic connection across the entire aetheric body, not isolated portions; the higher vibrational aspects of each organ or of the brain but of all of it together. 
The sharing of the aetheric energy tends to create a slow-moving but persistent vortex with repeated use. The vortex draws in subtler energies at a higher vibration than merely the aetheric. This is what you are already doing in each of your subtle bodies. You are working with higher vibrational energy and bringing it down to a vibration which is specifically associated with the energy associated with the characteristic of each of the subtle bodies; thus associated with the emotion, for the emotional body; the mind for the mental body and so on and so forth.
Therefore, by doing this in a more directed manner you are able to bring more energy into the physical by focusing it at the aetheric level. The aetheric body has as its primary capability the interface, the inter-relationship between all of the nonphysical bodies and the physical. In this way by emphasizing, strengthening and so on you are able to increase this vortexual action which is not only bringing the energy from your own environment, your own physical body, from the foods that you eat, from your own subtle bodies, but, from a much larger source; a cosmic source. A source that is non-differentiated. It is the same sort of energy we often see people accessing within the first hour or so after falling asleep. As if they are just receiving a positive, helpful, cosmic energy. That cosmic energy can have many different benefits. In the sleep state the body will naturally attune to this, but by this healing method you are doing so in a more conscious manner.
Can you talk a little bit more about how the energy bodies relate to each other?
Hilarion: well, this gets more complicated because there are so many different systems, so many different ways of explaining this. Yet, these relate to each other primarily by the way in which the energies associated with a particular aspect of consciousness relates to some way in which you understand its own intrinsic language: the language of emotion, the language of the mind, the language of the body. These are each quite different and they have their specific attributes which tend over and over to create in that language set a way of giving and receiving energy.
It isn't as if that is therefore intrinsically bound to only that aspect. The emotional body can provide mental energy, the mind can provide healing; the consciousness of each subtle body can interact in various different ways. To some extent this is cultural. How people have worked with these sorts of energies so you have then the development of simultaneous and sometimes conflicting systems of thought or understanding about all the subtle bodies because of the language; because of the way in which people relate to it, because of the ways in which they tend to work with these energies over time.
Generally though, most people will find that there are essentially three characteristics that are most useful to work with. This has been shown over and over by those who engage in the process of projection of consciousness. Although this has sometimes been called,” astral projection,” we don't like to call it that because that could imply the astral body and usually when you project, there’s much more than that.
These three are the physical body, the nonphysical body, and that of the interface between them which we will call the holo-chakra or the aetheric body. The way in which those energies interact can be in itself rather subtle and complex and change from time to time. But, it is not really necessary within the nonphysical body to delineate each of the different components unless you are looking for a specific in that. For instance, in healing for one particular aspect of your consciousness that is relating to perhaps that which is your reason for being here. So you look at those aspects of the causal body, or your psychological patterns so you look at those aspects of the mental body and how your feelings have significantly altered various components associated with the various healings or disease you want in your life so you look at the emotional body.

This is specific to the vibrational remedies homeopathy, flower essences, starlight elixirs, gem elixirs and so on and the ways in which these through experimentation, channeling, people’s direct experience with this and so on have illustrated which of the subtle bodies they affect. But, any system you come up with, sooner or later somebody is going to find a way around it, to change it, to shift it. There will be those who are focused on the causal body, the Atmic body, the soul body, the cosmic at some higher level, the multi-verse body, the possibilities go on and on. This is not to say that any of them are correct but simply relating to a subtler aspect relating to the nonphysical.

Bengston Image Cycling Technique