Monday, September 3, 2018

The Fontanelle At The Crown of The Head

Please discuss the fontanelle at the crown of the head of a newborn baby and the reason why it closes  up only slowly?

Hilarion: At the level of the physical body, the reason is simply that during birth the skull bones must be allowed to slide over one another and deform in order to allow the fetus to pass through the birth canal. These bones must have rounded contours in order to facilitate such sliding and the meeting of four such rounded corners at the crown of the head produces the fontanelle in question.

From a higher point of view,  the fontanelle is like an opening in the head of the infant and literally is the portal through which the soul enters and leaves the body as the child awakens or falls asleep. Occultists are aware of the fact that the soul of a newborn is much more loosely tied to the physical than that of an adult. During an adult's sleep it is possible to have occasional experiences where the entire individual leaves the body; that is, all the higher bodies and the higher mind depart and leave the body on "pilot light," so to speak.

But, for an infant this is the norm. When a newborn sleeps, the soul is away in the astral areas, taking instructions from its guides and assimilating the subconscious contents it will need for the incarnation just begun. This process requires the full attention of all facets of the individual, hence the necessity for allowing all of these facets to exit the body readily. This occurs at the fontanelle, which is in the place of the crown chakra-the wisdom chakra- for bypassing in and out at this location, the energies of this most important of all chakras are stirred and heightened.

As the child grows to a toddler, its attention is drawn more and more to the earth level of physical experience, as it learns about its body and its environment. This process gradually reduces the desire to fly away during sleep to rejoin his guides. When the child has fully integrated himself into the routine of physical existence, the portal through which he had been able to take wing into the heavenly spheres closes up.

"Answers"  Hilarion channeled through Maurice Cooke

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