Sunday, September 16, 2018

Hilarion on Extra-Terrestrials
Some sources claim that not all of the extra-terrestrial observers have humanity's best interest at heart. Some contend that certain of the spacecraft belong to intelligences quite alien or even hostile to us. Do we have anything to fear from these beings?

Hilarion: The question is a welcome one. We are going to take the opportunity here to discuss not only the present spacecraft in the vicinity of the planet, but also those races and beings which have visited earth in ages past.

We begin with a fundamental truth: that the reality surrounding man is that which most closely conforms to his inner state. This applies not only on an individual basis, but collectively as well. Hence, it must be the case that certain factors in man's environment now reflect the negativity, selfishness and rampant materialism of man's current mode of thinking and behaving and this is so.

The events now disrupting the planet, the wars and violence in many parts of the globe, the instabilities in the economic and political structures--these are all clearly reflective of man's internal darkness.
Now, as humanity sends out its particular vibration into space, so it must attract to the planet other beings and groups which are on a corresponding "frequency," so to speak. This too, does occur. Humanity's preoccupation with form and materiality for its own sake has attracted the attention of groups whose interests are primarily along these lines.

Humanity's headlong rush to provide itself with horrific weapons of destruction has brought entities to the earth who are particularly responsive to that very negative vibration. Humanity's emphasis on the un-evolved emotions of greed, hate, fear, envy, worry and self-pity have drawn to him those beings whose main "food," consists of those negative states of consciousness.

But, in none of those instances are the space brothers involved. The beings who are drawn by materiality are essentially elemental aetheric forces of low vibration which are the by-products of man's past pre-occupations with form for its own sake. Those who are attracted by the weaponry are astral in nature and cannot directly interact with man on the physical plane. The entities who feed on greed, hate and so on are also astral and hover always within the aura of the planet. They seek out those who indulge in these emotions, prompting them to continue the indulgence and literally survive on the vibrations which their victims exude.

But, the earth is not solely a planet of darkness. Here and there are pockets of light, love and spiritual purpose. There yet remains a handful of human souls who have managed to keep their attention on the higher truths despite the temptations constantly held out to them lifetime after lifetime.

These, too, have their characteristic vibration. However, because their vibration is so much higher and lighter than those of the negative traits previously discussed, these vibrations are also far more penetrating and "travel,"much greater distances. Not only in the physical three-dimensional universe, but on into higher dimensions and vaster universes as well. It is these higher vibrations that have gone forth as a signal to the other galactic civilizations and it is only the groups that are on a parallel wavelength that have responded.

For this reason, the craft in the earth's region that are able to shift into the material level of manifestation all belong to civilizations far superior to man in the spiritual sense and with a corresponding high level of technical achievement.

Until a civilization achieves a certain pre-determined spiritual level of understanding and development, it is literally not possible for that civilization to advance beyond a particular technical threshold which corresponds to its spiritual state. 

Humanity's state of darkness, savagery and materialism has absolutely predetermined that the technical accomplishment attainable by them must remain at the present rather primitive level, until a degree of spirituality is reached which permits a broader understanding.

This is not to say that, that in all of the vast regions of creation there are no other un-evolved or primitive civilizations. There are many such, but like many on the earth, their access to other parts of the universe is restricted by their own spiritual darkness.They too are denied access to the secrets of energy free space flight. They too have literally confined themselves to their home planets due to the darkness of their minds and hearts.

For the earth, this was not always the case. In times past, there was a necessity that access to the earth  be allowed to certain groups who were less than fully evolved in a spiritual sense, but who had learned the secrets of space flight from others. These "others" were in most cases their own brothers who were of an evolved nature but who had separated from the stragglers and passed to higher levels of being, out of the material universe. The so called " Nephilim," are an example of such a group.

The reason for allowing such access for relatively involved groups was primarily to permit them to interbreed with man, or in some other way to to upgrade the genetic inheritance of humanity. For, even though these visitors were far less evolved than the present day galactic observers, nonetheless they had certain genetic characteristics which the Elohim who guide humanity's destiny wished to incorporate into man's genetic pool as it then was. The result was an increase in the size of the head and brain and the restructuring of the digestive tract.

By comparison, however, the civilizations which now have access to energy-free space flight are only those which are relatively advanced from a spiritual point of view. Indeed, the entire galaxy of which the earth is a part of has itself recently advanced spiritually along with all of its component civilizations. (it could not be otherwise) and this has required a corresponding increase in the minimum spiritual understanding required to allow access to energy free space flight.

Moreover, the very vibrations which are now flooding the earth to prepare it for the quickening of the Aquarian Age come originally from the Galactic Center; being only modified and adapted by the many intermediate levels along the path from that high source to the earth level --and those galactic energies have been released due to the advance of the galactic being.

As to the sources from which come suggestion that some of the physical space-craft belong to un-evolved or hostile aliens, we can only advise the reader to search within himself for his own grasp of the truth. We are not allowed to comment unfavorably on other sources of transmission, as we adhere to the Commandments of Freedom.

"More Answers," Hilarion through Maurice Cooke

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Common Cold

Would you please explain both the cause and the hidden symbology of the common cold?

Hilarion: It is amusing to us that it should be called the "common" cold for it is all too common among mankind. If men but understood what they were doing which draws this affliction to them, they would rapidly cease to do so and the "common" cold would become uncommon.

All illness is self-created. Those who suffer, suffer but from themselves. The common cold as you call it, is an affliction which stems from a very widely distributed thought form which has suffused itself throughout all regions of the earth where man is living.

This thought-form is created by anger which actually results in physical pain upon another. That is fisticuffs or fighting. When the pain or the focus of the anger is felt by the victim, then the thought- form is created. The thought-form consists partly of anger and partly of the pain.

Those who have in past lives or this life deliberately struck other in anger automatically feed the substance of the thought-form. Because the thought forms are always drawn and attracted to their originators, it is quite natural for this gigantic thought-form related to the cold to be attracted into the bodies of those who feed its substance. When this happens the symptoms of a cold are felt.

Thus, the way to avoid a common cold is primarily to eliminate all feelings of anger and irritation towards another and particularly to avoid striking any other human being in a fit of anger, including children. It is not a sin to discipline children but when a parent strikes a child in anger then a great deal of damage is done at the subconscious level to the child and also to the parent.

In summary, we would say that the disposition in many people to catch the common cold is primarily due to the anger and irritation feelings which they harbor within them. However, the body itself becomes more inclined to develop cold symptoms when it is subjected to the excesses and abuses of diet which are common in most countries of the world, we refer to meat eating and the intake of large quantities of concentrated sugars. If these abuses of diet were eliminated, man would find that his tendency to develop cold symptoms would be much lessened.

"More Answers" by Hilarion through Maurice Cooke

Monday, September 3, 2018

The Fontanelle At The Crown of The Head

Please discuss the fontanelle at the crown of the head of a newborn baby and the reason why it closes  up only slowly?

Hilarion: At the level of the physical body, the reason is simply that during birth the skull bones must be allowed to slide over one another and deform in order to allow the fetus to pass through the birth canal. These bones must have rounded contours in order to facilitate such sliding and the meeting of four such rounded corners at the crown of the head produces the fontanelle in question.

From a higher point of view,  the fontanelle is like an opening in the head of the infant and literally is the portal through which the soul enters and leaves the body as the child awakens or falls asleep. Occultists are aware of the fact that the soul of a newborn is much more loosely tied to the physical than that of an adult. During an adult's sleep it is possible to have occasional experiences where the entire individual leaves the body; that is, all the higher bodies and the higher mind depart and leave the body on "pilot light," so to speak.

But, for an infant this is the norm. When a newborn sleeps, the soul is away in the astral areas, taking instructions from its guides and assimilating the subconscious contents it will need for the incarnation just begun. This process requires the full attention of all facets of the individual, hence the necessity for allowing all of these facets to exit the body readily. This occurs at the fontanelle, which is in the place of the crown chakra-the wisdom chakra- for bypassing in and out at this location, the energies of this most important of all chakras are stirred and heightened.

As the child grows to a toddler, its attention is drawn more and more to the earth level of physical experience, as it learns about its body and its environment. This process gradually reduces the desire to fly away during sleep to rejoin his guides. When the child has fully integrated himself into the routine of physical existence, the portal through which he had been able to take wing into the heavenly spheres closes up.

"Answers"  Hilarion channeled through Maurice Cooke