Saturday, December 2, 2017

Asking For Help From Higher Guidance
There are frequent references in the current metaphysical literature to the advisability of asking for help from higher guidance in modifying the filters or templates with which we each come into this lifetime. The suggestion that each use their own terminology, such as asking for the neutral implant, or requesting a negation of prior contracts, or petitioning encodement technicians for help with the template repairs and modifications. Can you speak to the advisability of making such requests? If this type of request is advisable, what is the best way to put it forth?

Hilarion: It is a difficult question because we cannot fully base the answer on the past. Many times in the past, when you asked to have these filters removed, you got exactly what you asked for—and you really didn’t like it. Too much too soon. Oftentimes, that is the response the world would seem to have for you, where you lose your job, your relationship and so on—all in the same day. And this as, then, a symbol that perhaps you have put those filters in place for a reason.

So, really, the best way to ask is one that would somehow observe and work with what has been learned from the past, without trying to impose it on the future. Because inevitably when, again, looking into the past we see the path of those who have come to a more evolved state (more deeply grown in their own understanding, consciousness, opportunity to help in the world), how the soul has indeed manifested and evolved as a result and so on. Moving inevitably to levels of higher and higher clarification requires stripping away the filters. You must look first, consciously and deeply, as to how ready you are for this? But, you must also recognize that there is opportunity around this, as if you were preparing another.

This is important to realize, because in the setting of the filters is the understanding of the Law of Progress: As a thing is begun so it tends to continue. So, as you have manifested these things initially so you can change them. Understanding the original intent can help you greatly as you begin to dismantle and work with these. And as a result it is usually helpful to contact your evolutionary orientor on some level. A filter technician has indeed been employed, often. There are many of these, working on many different levels, but such are often as direct communicators between you and your EO (evolutionary orientor). Such individuals are often difficult for you to contact because, after all, the deeper friendship, appreciation, respect, and so on might put them into a position, as you would perceive it, of guru, and they never will see this as valuable because it isn’t really helpful for them to tell you, ‘Do it this way’ or ‘Do it that way’—just as a good guidance counselor would never do this, instead encouraging you to ask the right questions.

So, we come therefore to what appears as leading-edge relative truth as to how best to deal with filters. We say it is leading-edge relative truth because this principle may change over time. It could indeed be possible that you would do well to ask at every level to have them all stripped away. But, by and large this appears too drastic—too harsh and, ultimately, traumatic for most people. Instead, begin developing the opportunity and availability of asking the right questions—asking your evolutionary orientor, as you fall asleep, to help you develop the right questions to be asking; to help you understand about every filter that you have brought in and why it is there. ‘Why’ is a great question. It is very open-ended. The answer can come through many means, through that which would be available to you by whatever means you make open; thus may mean that it is not intellectual but that which relates to sound or vibration or attunement in other ways. When you understand why that filter is present and have chosen another means to get to the same place—to make available to yourself that which you need to know, to understand, to work with—the filter is far less necessary. The primary action to hold it in place is that of habit pattern.

Again, as a thing is begun so it tends to continue and that helps you to understand and work with it. So, the Law of Progress inevitably shows you that you can change it, that you can release it. That you can find another way to accomplish the same thing, thus begins the journey. But, the journey ends, usually, with laughter—with the opportunity to observe that pattern, that filter from a true place of welcoming, from a place that says, ‘I was glad it was there and it served its purpose.’ And as it may return again through habit pattern you will recognize it and be able to laugh at it so it will not have to again be with you.

Now, we are speaking in generalities here because these filters can have so many different forms. But, the most obvious, all-pervasive, most resonant form, that which touches most people on your planet, is the filter of memory—the one in which your memory extends poorly into the past, where significant change in your consciousness (especially as it refers to the physical) is then employed. So, though you had a brain and you were receiving all of the information, you have very little conscious memory of your early childhood. Most people experience this because the physical body has changed so dramatically from early childhood on. This is a symbol. It is so obvious to you, when you think back to the few memories you have of childhood, that such symbolic meaning is there for a purpose. The symbol telling you that this is telling you so deeply about your past lives, your intermissive period, the energies that are so different for you because you were different physically. The very nature of your body, before you were born, was so completely different.

So as you begin to accept this filter and recognize how it has served you, you can then begin to ask the question, ‘Why?’. Why would you want to filter out some memories, perhaps, of some of the more traumatic experiences from your past lives? Given that many of you have lived, on average, 50 (perhaps 100) lives, that could be a lot of traumatic experience. Maybe, perhaps, a little too much for you to experience all at once. But trauma as experienced in the nonphysical realms can indeed be far more severe—not because of the emotional content or the physical content but because of your poor understanding of what occurred and because many times the habit patterns of such misunderstanding will be in place for a long period. When you have passed consciously out of physical existence into the intermissive that is not usually a problem. You then are quite aware that you are in the realms of the dead, and the things that you learn there and the opportunities to grow and so on come to you. But most people have had many intermissive periods where they didn’t know that they were dead. As a result they went through very long periods of darkness, struggle, and difficulty in which the habit patterns of rejection, ignorance, and difficulty in just knowing where they were and who they were quite a bit more profound than any they have experienced while being in a physical body. These intermissive periods would inevitably come back to you also as you begin to lift the filters to your past.

So, to do this gradually is helpful if, again, you are formulating the right questions. ‘Why would I wish, then, to blot out some of this memory of my last intermissive?’ Perhaps because of the guilt you experienced or other emotional issues as you viewed your last life. Or perhaps because of times in which you made mistakes of habit and pattern nature, not understanding how you had passed from this realm and the ways you had affected other people, and so on and so forth. As you begin to ask those questions and receive the various answers your evolutionary orientor and those assisting that being from all levels breathe a collective sigh of relief that you are going to enter into such a realm of releasing filters in as gentle a method but as consistently worked a method as possible.

Now, there are many ways, obviously, to answer this question. But what we are trying to establish here is the opportunity for you to do this with a great deal of questioning, of bringing in new possibilities—not doing it only as it has been done in the past. Again, here, when we observe other civilizations—those that have used death and all that it brings through these periods of coming into physical incarnation and out of it—inevitably such consciousness, as fragmented, became less and less useful and the opportunity to bridge across such energies and have full memory became more available and useful as the civilization matured.

So, here again we see that this is a temporary state, most likely, for most people, and that they will as a result increase their deeper memories. Usually this is provoked initially by the guides / helpers or your EO (Evolutionary Orientor) in the sleep state by giving you some deeper memory of a past life so that you maybe then study to see what your reaction is, to see how you can deal with it—take on this yourself instead of transferring it to them, and look in your own consciousness about how you would react to this. Don’t you think it is inevitable that you have made some mistakes in your past lives, where you have been a perpetrator? Oh, yes, victimhood is very popular these days, so you might see yourself in a past life as a victim and be able to contend with that. But don’t see that by any means as the difficult past life. Rather, the one where you were perpetrator, where you harmed others, where you struggled with the energies associated with this. This is very important for you to understand, forgive, work through, remember as a sort of test filter for the many other filters associated with this energy.

So that is one example as to how the questioning process, working with it with your guides / helpers, understanding the various modalities can be helpful. There are other filters this can of course be applied to. But inevitably every one of them, where they are difficult, will be those there are shared by other people as well. So don’t be discouraged; it is a little difficult in that you inevitably recreate those filters from time to time.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Will you comment on present day cults?

Hilarion: There are many ways in which the nonphysical beings are experimenting through the egos, in particular, of leaders of such cults. This is the way to stop a cult, also. Thus, you go, in your projected state, to the leader, and have a little "head-to-head." You have a talk with their intruders, with the beings that overshadow them, and you will be surprised to see the power and the energy that they wield.

All such beings have the same underlying fault or difficulty. It is simply that there is some component in their being that needs something and they think they're going to get it from those beings that they're working with at the physical level. If you can find out what that is, and give it to them in some way that ultimately they don't need it from anyone else in the physical world, they will depart. It seems absurdly simple, doesn't it? But when you understand this principle at its ultimate core, you will then begin to recognize the true path of healing, the way in which you can heal anybody of anything ultimately.

Ultimately, though, within the nature of all beings must come community, a way in which they are going to be drawn together, and it is this searching for community and indeed the pressure from the positive helpers, guides, anonymous ones, and all of such beings who really want to help, that this energy is also being received. If an individual does not have sufficient maturity, true deeper understanding of where they are going to find that community, they will be drawn to a cult, and they will gain great lessons from this. They may ultimately be harmed by this, find that their evolution is set back, but most individuals will go through such an experience, and ultimately be the better for it. Regardless of how they have indeed allowed their will to be subverted by someone else, they will come to an understanding that their will is important, that they must honor themselves, and this will truly be beneficial to them in the long run.

In the short term, of course, there are many dangers, and many of the beings would simply be advised to ask themselves, is it worth it? How have they truly grown or learned? How have the experiences that they are involved in contributed to their own evolution? Asking those deeper questions are very tough things to do, but those are the questions that naturally can be applied to any endeavor, any action in the world, including a cult. Generally, of course, our words fall on proverbial deaf ears, because those in cults will not be permitted to listen to what we have to say, but a few will. And those few then may perhaps then look at these issues and ask the deeper questions.

Swimming With Dolphins
There is legislation being considered which would prevent humans from swimming with dolphins. Please comment on where this comes from and what we need to do about it.

Hilarion: Part of it comes from the dolphins themselves in the way in which bringing attention to the matter might bring greater consciousness to the whole issue, and that perhaps as a result dolphins would not be killed by gill nets and other means that are so damaging to their population. Bringing attention on the matter one way or another is the whole idea. Yet, the deeper issue here as you can imagine relates always back to money, to a way in which those in positions of power are being pushed and prodded by other people in other positions of power, and so on.

Yet, all that is necessary is for an individual to have the direct experience of being with a dolphin in the wild to know the answer and know the right way to proceed, because this is a lovely energy, a meeting of an alien species with another species in a way in which powerful energies can be shared and yet great differences appreciated and understood between them.

These beings will stop at nothing to bring higher levels of consciousness to humans. But, it will be a consciousness that is certainly altered by their own understanding of reality, a sensual understanding, an emotional understanding, a connected understanding by the very nature of the environment, the watery environment in which they live.

So, then what is being asked in the heart of those individuals who are being pressed into service to present those ideas as to make it hard to swim with dolphins is the opportunity for greater love. A way in which people can connect with these beings, can bring greater love, is likely to have greater positive response in the world than adversarial tactics or various ways in which these energies simply allow things to go on as they've been.

There's a much larger plan in place, of course, with relationship to all cetaceans, because the whales have a great deal to tell people and teach them, and whale beachings are likely to continue, and various ways in which these animals seek in every way possible to bring their greater message to humans, to teach humans that they are not indeed the most intelligent species on this planet, that they indeed have a great deal that they can learn from these cetaceans.

The larger issue will come in any way possible so that people can learn of it. 
One thing that has been observed, of course, is that for a few people, when something is illegal it is more valuable, and that is also another possibility that may be presented. But, it is hoped that people will receive the deeper implications of this, and the response to this in a more loving way will be outspoken and clear, so that this eventually of course does not come to pass, and that indeed in some way, greater communication between all cetaceans and all humans can be facilitated. 

Remote Viewing
A technique known as remote viewing has been used by the governments of Earth for espionage. It involves the projection of consciousness to gather intelligence. It's now being taught to people who are interested in changing the course of humanity away from war, and embracing healing and love. Is it safe? Is it karmically ethical? And if so, can you add anything to improve and guide such involvement?

Hilarion: It has been an important issue in discussion amongst many guides and helpers for the last 25 years or so, since the techniques have become more widespread and written about. Yet, as esoteric techniques, they have been available on your planet for millennia. The whole point of this is to understand that in this new utilization, a larger group of angelic presences is being developed to assist with some level of protection in this matter. An example of this is the utilization of Tarot in which an angelic presence has been in place for a few centuries and will make itself known to you the moment you begin with an open heart, a clear mind, and true sincerity to utilize Tarot for your own consciousness and awareness.

Similar energies exist on various levels for certain other divination and other techniques which we won't go into now. As you understand remote viewing, you see that at the current time it is not protected. Many energies can be subverted by beings with malintent. Indeed, some can be attracted to it who at some time in their last lifetime on Earth did something of a similar nature, and they are simply continuing it unconsciously. These are beings who are the most trouble because they have the strongest physical energy and the least degree of consciousness: A type of intrusion known as psychotic post-mortem, a being that simply doesn't know that he or she is dead.

Such beings can indeed present all kinds of mistaken images, and the key will always be that the remote viewer raise his vibration to the highest possible level, and that this level is raised repeatedly over and over. Wherever possible one must question what one sees, bringing logic to bear upon it, and always seeking the sensation in the physical body, some awareness of these as positive beneficial energies reminding you that what you are seeing is accurate, correct, even if it is that which would bring you a sense of fear or other difficulty because of a resonant connection. Still, there is as if underlying this a sense that there is peace, there is some harmony deep within your own being as you view these things.

Generally, however, it appears that over the next few years, as this cadre of protective beings is sufficiently trained, that the results of remote viewing can not be depended on for total accuracy. This has already borne itself out. For instance, in the predictions of widespread destruction on planet Earth in a time frame that has already passed as a result of the actions of remote viewers and all that they have presented. In order to understand this more deeply, you will perceive then that the guides and helpers will use every means possible to allow individuals come to a place of greater understanding, greater awareness, greater possibility on your Earth, even if it means at times that people react to fear and struggle around such issues. 

An example of this is the widespread sharing of information about various destructive capacities, various calamitous happenings on your planet. These have gone on for a long time, and will continue. Latest predictions relate specifically to some large object to collide with the Earth or come very near it in a time period around 2002, 2003. This has been explained and worked with by many individuals, and we see that this object is right on course. Yet, it is a very simple matter with its sufficient distance from Earth for various energies to move it very slightly off course sufficiently that it comes somewhat close to the orbit, but never sufficiently close for any sufficient gravitational shift to occur on planet Earth herself. This is easily possible within the next year or two, and so the result of this would be that by 2003, little understanding that this had even occurred would be available to your astronomers.

The whole idea is that as you present these ideas, as others share their precognitive visions, as they share their channelings, how do you respond? Is there a sense of fear? Is there a sense of energy within you that would allow you to change? If this change is based on fear, but it changes you deeply nonetheless, then it is a good thing. But if perhaps that fear can be seen in its proper context, and you ask yourself, "How would I change as a result?" and you do this not out of fear but because the change itself is desirable, that is even better. What is the worst outcome? That you listen to what we were saying and you say to yourself, "Well, according to Hilarion it's never going to happen, so I don't have to worry about it and I'm just going to go back to exactly what I was doing before."

This would be the worst possible outcome and that is why we are suggesting indeed at the level of higher truth, if sufficient energies are not directed to change the possibility of such cataclysms, they will occur. There will be much destruction, pole shift, and related issues of powerful detrimental nature just as it has occurred several times in your history as recognized in the geological conditions that refer to the strata variations of magnetic substances in the deeper layers, indicating that at various junctures in humanity's past, pole shifts have been indeed quite widespread and that which caused much difficulty.

The real key to it then is asking yourself the deeper question about how you can form community? How you can love more? how you can learn more, how you can assist others. This will have many important ramifications. If nothing else, it alerts your guides and helpers that you are clueing into what is really going on on planet Earth. It is a schoolroom planet where you educate each other, but it is also a hospital planet where you help each other.

Finding these characteristics sufficiently balanced in your life, with a continued movement more and more towards schoolroom, as hospital becomes less and less necessary to get your attention would seem to be the best way to avoid all of these difficulties. Because then if it is not necessary to cause widespread destruction, it will not take place. Sufficient energy is available of the 50 billion beings, physical and nonphysical, directly associated with Earth, to indeed turn these catastrophic events away, just as occurred indeed in various times in the more recent past in which various powerful cataclysms that were predicted to destroy California or cause great flooding still have not occurred. Do you understand the larger picture on this? That indeed it is your response to these energies that makes all the difference.