Sunday, January 1, 2017

Macular Degeneration of the Eye

What can be done for Macular Degeneration of the eye?
Hilarion: There are many things that are useful. Oftentimes, people do not understand that a tremendous number of health problems are due to the accumulation of all kinds of bad habits over a lifetime. The hints for this have already been given today. The idea that you have an animal body and that body is going to naturally heal, strengthen and detoxify when it is fed the way you would feed an animal and we aren’t talking about Kibbles and Bits. This is not the way to feed an animal as any animal would tell you this if you simply tune into it. But, for many individuals this is very difficult. They have their belief patterns about what it means to be civilized, or to eat in a certain way and they have their beliefs about going out to restaurants and their beliefs about what is polite and on and on it goes.
But, at the core with any of these various physical health problems that can often be so degenerative and chronic and slow to come on, the roots of macular degeneration occur much earlier; oftentimes, 20 or 30 years before the actual difficulty in the eye. However, it is worth asking the question, “What is right about it,” and why it focuses in the eye as a result of the poor diet and poor health habit patterns and these, when corrected, will eventually lead to benefit. 

Specifically, you will see that toxic vitamin A; vitamin A as it is brought in through cooked tomatoes, cooked carrots and of course other sources: supplements, where they have been treated, processed or in any way brought into existence with solvents are very difficult for the body to get rid of and will tend to accumulate in the eye. Natural genetic tendencies in such are emphasized and strengthened when there are issues. The issue being the ability to perceive well, to see what is ahead of you, perhaps there is something you don't want to see; to see something in the mirror or about a relationship or something you don't want to see in your life.
Specifics about macular degeneration will often be the loss of central focus that which is seen at the center of view is that which first seems to fade; difficulty with brightness, the inability to see unless there is good bright light. Here again, the idea that you are not willing to perceive that which is subtle and you are sometimes very resistant to that which is right in front of you, that which is the most important aspect seeking you, working with you, bringing its influence into your life. Ask your friends, “What is it there I am not seeing, or could see better?” Ask them to assist you and oftentimes they will have very important ideas for you. You may find them critical or difficult to accept, but often very helpful at refocusing what you are about. 

In the health arena the tremendous benefits of healing fats (raw milk, raw cream) raw unsalted butter (very helpful) vitamin A from raw carrot juice. When carrots are juiced with other vegetables, because they are so sweet, the sugar can sometimes be problematic, 

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