Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Solar Technology

How will solar technology and other energy technologies evolve and improve in response to the faster vibrations of earth?

Hilarion: more discoveries naturally and more opportunity to commercialize on those which have already been brought forth. Nanotechnology in particular will likely be utilized to significantly increase the efficiency of various solar collection methods. But, much more important than this, particularly in line with the theme tonight is the collective consciousness that says,” this is a good step forward.” Techniques and methods that can make solar panels with less pollution can be devised. Energetics amongst people to bring more energy about it, talk about it, share about it, and bring more solar to the planet all can be helpful. They are small steps. They are insufficient to stop the long-term effects of global warming. The technology for this has already been described, you see it in the book, “The Nature of Reality,” one of the earliest channelings we ever did through our friend in Canada. (Maurice Cooke)

But, in the larger sense of this we recognize that those energies are not those which humanity can easily deal with because they could be used for destructive purposes as much as beneficial purposes. But, it is clearly in the tapping of the energetics of inert gases, of the vacuum, of the space between, of the energetics of gravity and those that are only now being understood better and better that similar forces of tremendous benefit and tremendous destruction are possible for humanity. Will humanity be able to embrace these in a loving and helpful way?

There are some individuals who are very concerned with this and in their life here on the earth, they were able to do something about this and they continue to look at this from the other side. With us today is one of those individuals, the one who was known on your planet as Michael Smulkis. This individual was of great importance in bringing forward some of our ideas and understanding. His recent passing on November 30th is clearly that which has been a powerful ripple of sadness and difficulty to many of the individuals he was able to interact with and those who were blessed by his teachings and his ability to translate and work with information that we have brought through.

But, in the process of his own life review and his own continuing of this he will come even more and more to this place of bringing enlightening information and understanding of astrophysics, of the understanding of the higher sciences of gravity and consciousness and ways in which this will be of much value to many.

See this also as that which you add energy to. When you think of those who have passed from this world, who have the opportunity to bring their enlightenment, their understanding, their consciousness, ask them to help with this crucial issue. That technologies, alternate methods, ways of living in the world that could promote survival of your planet but also have the potential to be harmful can be used in a balanced, loving and conscious way.

Asking for such can do far more benefit than you realize if you are adding a little bit of energy to the subtle scientists, the aetheric scientists, the guides and helpers guiding those of the physical world. Because at this junction, the real problem is not with the implementation, it's not that those sciences and those aspects of engineering and so on isn’t possible. It is possible and in some cases on a small scale it has already been done. It is in the appropriate use of this, the balanced use of this, the loving use of it, the way in which it will be used in such a fashion that no one will be harmed by it.

This is a very difficult path because it involves commitment to love, the willingness to love others regardless of their history with you. Regardless of how the Christians have fought the Muslims, how one has been so much to hurt the other in so many different ways. It is as if collectively the guides and helpers for so many multi-, multi-millions is projecting this simple question, ”Could you just let it go?” So difficult on the collective level because it is somewhat difficult on the individual level. As you promote this for yourself, as you find ways to let go, it naturally increases and significantly enhances the probability that the correct use of these technologies to reverse global warming, to solve the problems of Ebola, to assist the tremendous inequities of finance and money on your planet can all be in action and can all be used.

How do we know this? It is not simply a prediction. It is not simply looking at humanity's opportunity for love, it is looking instead at the civilizations throughout the galaxy, and other galaxies that have survived. That have perhaps met similar crises or in some way had to come together to draw some powerful, collective energy. Not necessarily love, but something they could all share and use. 

We can also see the ones that destroyed themselves from which only small, smoldering, radioactive remnants can be seen. That people have choice in this matter and what can be seen is how love has helped, how it's worked for you. How it is one of your greatest gifts, how you can use it, know it, increase it, focus it and work with it simply starting this not so much by a practical action as by a practical question,” How may I have more love? How may I share more love? How may I know it more? Etc. Certainly the answer to this went a little afield from where it began but perhaps that is a good sort of place to address this from now whenever you are looking at the scientific issue to ask if the general principle, the deeper understanding, the larger aspect of this was applied. (The technology to solve our problems) Could we be appropriate with it? (or would we misuse the technology to cause harm)?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Diseases And Their Lessons

I’m feeling that diseases seem to be tailored to the particular lessons mankind needs to learn in the age that the disease appears. For instance, in the 18th century, many people whose lives were in great struggle contracted and died from tuberculosis. Today, we don't hear about this much, but we seem to have new diseases such as Alzheimer's, heart disease, diabetes etc. Do the diseases evolve to reflect and mirror the lessons that humanity needs to learn in a particular age?

Hilarion: No. Indeed diabetes, heart disease all kinds of cancers unknown in any degree of quantity are there. They were in the medical treatise’s of the day. They were instead though, rare diseases. The only ones that are truly new such as AIDS and Ebola have many routes in various genetic and viral experiments that mankind has brought and to some extent, the slight changes of modern science and various experiments have to some extent influenced the more common viruses and bacteria infections that are present today. The big difference, what people need, where their consciousness has shifted, where the foods they have eaten have changed,  the way in which they have processed these foods has shifted.

The diseases that are then most necessary for cleaning out, for benefit, for assistance; these are the ones that show up. To the extent that which you misunderstand the law of reflection, you reject this, i.e., what good is diabetes? How could it possibly help me? And so on, which you could have over any disease. This is very much apropos to the time the action of the individual's relationship to the disease through the law of reflection was that very same rejection in times past. So, as you look at this you can speed up the process by which the disease has its beneficial effect by asking the deeper question: how can this benefit me? What am I to learn from it? Where does this then show up in the consciousness of all people on your planet?

With diabetes, of course, you have seen such tremendous increase in foods that would never be found in nature that have a high degree of sugar content. The pancreas was never designed to work with such as very few foods are found in nature with such a high degree of concentrated sugars. Even the fruits will have significant carbohydrate, starch, fiber and vitamins and minerals and other things with them. Of course, the one concentrated food, honey, when found in its raw state can not only be helpful it can actually be curative to diabetes. So the real key to understanding and working with the disease like that is twofold. Where have you elected in coming into this society that has put so much processed sugar, so much pancreas harming into the planet, where do you come into that? Where have you elected to experience that? Where have you elected to choose for your own consciousness your own body that I'm going to get the lesson of the pancreas? I'm going to get the lesson of diabetes?

Perhaps you will understand the sweetness of life that much more deeply. Perhaps, you will find in your own understanding of love, something very beautiful. Very sweet, truly unique and your attention on this will shift. Perhaps it will be much more practical. You will simply use those healing foods and release those and reject those which create difficulty and find a way to cleanse them out where they have stored in the body. But, as you work with this you have then this constant reflection. You can monitor your own blood sugar levels, you can notice from your own health what is happening in your body and thus have the immediate reflection of this. So this is the other part at a personal level in shifting your relationship that people have to disease. That somehow you welcome it, that somehow you find the way in which it is giving you feedback, it is helping you learn, helping you understand yourself better, or differently.

Now that is a very tricky part. Because it is as if saying that the law of reflection holds for me, not just for other people. It is that which is available in my consciousness and I welcome that too. Now, this is not very easy for most people to understand, because the disease will usually have associated with it all kinds of issues of pain, struggle, and it will make you value your life. Now, to the extent that the collective consciousness chooses a predominance of certain diseases over others as a reflection of its own nature, then yes, of course in your understanding of the collective consciousness and your relationship to diseases these are important issues.

But, it does not mean by any means you are to understand this solely at the influence that humanity is having on you. If you come into a world where you have to deal with this particular issue, because it is what all of humanity is dealing with. Rather, for many individuals they are given a piece of the puzzle, an insight, an awareness. Sometimes it comes from their own body in their willingness to change and shift their consciousness, sometimes their discovery with foods or methodologies that are healing and helpful. But that can change the collective consciousness and do so very quickly and do so in a way that it produces unexpected results. That is the other part of it, the unexpected.

This is especially true of viruses. Viruses have the opportunity to change the DNA structure; increasing possibility of positive and helpful mutations in the next generation. No other disease has this property or availability. Thus, though there is a great deal of controversy as to where viruses come from as to whether they are alive or not, as to how they work in the body and many other things. Where you can welcome the opportunity for change that is associated with them, you can then begin to see a general tendency away from bacterial diseases infecting all of humanity into more and more viral diseases, because humanity is ready to change.

Lightbody Activation

Can you define the lightbody and are there any clear indications that a person has fully activated his or her lightbody?

Hilarion: We recognize several definitions of this, several different approaches, several different ways. Typically these have to do with certain belief patterns or schools of thought. But, it does seem apparent that when you look at what is similar about all of these there is an aspect of what could be called,” opposition,” or ”paradox;” two seemingly insoluble aspects that have somehow merged within the individual. An acceptance perhaps, a greater love perhaps, other things are evidence of this. Often times, it is as simple as your relationship to that which is seemingly about opposites that seems to show up as a commonality amongst those who are working with the lightbody in various ways and finding significant expansion with this.

This is a bit unusual isn't it? You might have thought we might have said something like, well the aetheric body is 60% larger than that of other people or they glow as they walk down the street; handy if your flashlight is out of batteries. But, whatever way you are looking at the practical implications of the lightbody you must go beyond the beliefs. You must look at it as its core. Often times, this is directly associated with what might be termed,” enlightenment." But, it really is about your innate comfort with a question that cuts to your nature. 

That's where those paradoxes show up and that is where when you are in a place where you can accept somehow those as seemingly opposite, they dissolve. They are not opposites anymore. What is the opposite of ohm? Some would say mho but they really wouldn't be getting it would they? The way in which you begin to understand this you come closer and closer to an awareness that shows up because you are made of this. The lightbody is not that which is out there to be brought in, it is already in there to be let out. The lightbody as your own manifestation is of course that which is held back by many of the things we have been talking about today; by your own belief patterns, by your own denials, by the issues you struggle with and by the very energies of these paradoxes, opposites and so on. Not by them dissolving because they are always going to be there but by your willingness to accept, to be a part of them, to let them be a part of you.

Specifically, we would note therefore that various exercises that encourage enhanced vibration for you will inevitably be those that assist in this process. One of these is the powerful question that has been spoken of so often,” Who or what is experiencing this right now?” Another is the aspect that simply by your imagination, by your creation, by your visualization moves energy up and down quickly in your body. A powerful vibrational state created and then you very deliberately step somehow outside, imagining, you simply let it be there with you.
These are all the things that help you get out of your own way, to welcome your own lightbody, to be that which you acknowledge, that which is a part of you, which is naturally, always going, being and knowing all those ways in which you are. The essence now would be to encourage that. If the lightbody was showing up, if it was a part of your being what would it look like? Glowing in the dark perhaps? You would have this powerful energy in your heart, it would be vibrating perhaps. The answer to the question,” who or what is experiencing this moment now?” would be apparent to you, such as infinity, such as the void, such as pure spirit, such as pure being.

But as you breathe that and know it simply have the idea that it is becoming brighter, that in this way it is becoming stronger or deeper and you are simply welcoming it without reason or understanding because you know that it is your own nature. It is a beautiful energy and it may perhaps compel you to breathe a little deeper or to connect more strongly with the earth or any individual way in which that light is with you. Let that be now and breathe deeper, connect deeper, and have that in whatever way it is appropriate for you. 

Know that in that light there is an awareness in the light of everyone else in this room that their lightbodies are also, not only engaged, connected to, but are a part of yours and you come of course to the first paradox with relationship to any visualization. The one called,” local/nonlocal,” how can your own light be finite and infinite at the same time? How can it be connected to everyone else in this room and still be your light? There is no answer to that but when you look at it you see that it just is. It is that light, it is that answer to who or what is experiencing that moment now and it has no limitation. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

Hilarion on Death

Hilarion: It is a very interesting perspective, unique in the way in which the beings who inhabit the other planets, the other systems that have evolved. You see, for many of them death, reincarnation, the way this sort of thing works is so different. The consciousness is available, it physicalizes for awhile and at some point for whatever reason it chooses to physicalize in a different body. Not at all the perspective that you have that sense of tremendous loss, because memory is maintained. If you maintained memory you would block out many of the issues that are difficult for you and in many ways the emotional side of things would probably be less and less emphasized. So the pushing away of such memories has its value. You remember the unconscious, you take that life lesson lifetime after lifetime about love, about emotion, about perspectives that are running you at a very deep level and not the thoughts, ideas, and memories. 

Yet, there will come a time for humanity when this process is unnecessary. When the way of death is obsolete and the way in which you will choose your own consciousness and how it embodies will make much more sense to you to be done entirely conscious from beginning to end, entirely aware from beginning to end. The end, being the end to consciousness at the physical level, entirely.

But, for now this perspective is given to people over and over and because you have the sense that you have been on the other side, you have the gentle memories of this. You seek it again in this world through an explanation of death that has tended in the past by the majority of individuals, to be religious or superstitious, depending on how far back you go and into current reality much more into the perspective of the scientific or the spiritual, while the religious and to some extent the superstitious still hangs on. 

The intent then is to give you choice, to give you the possibility to choose for yourself without it being that which is forced upon you. Because then you can see what makes the difference throughout all of that which enhances the experience of coming into the body, that which enhances the experience of letting go of the body, that which allows you the opportunity to give solace, aid, and benefit to those who do not have the larger perspective, those who grieve for those who have passed on. It is love, it is compassion, it is caring and it is one of those examples where to a large extent it is not very concerned with wanting something. 

When the individual is grieving and has the perspective that they want so much for this other person to somehow be there again when they have passed they certainly are not loving. They are wanting something. But, you in coming into this situation may have a completely different perspective. You may not then want the other person to be there as much as you simply want this other person to find peace. As you allow this sense of love and caring you are primarily there to listen, to hold their hand, to give them solace, a shoulder to cry on or the ear to listen to. What you are wanting from this is simply to be, to have presence, to have love. Do you see then the value of death? How in the opportunity to share with each other, to assist each other in this process you are perfecting your ability to love without wanting. You are perfecting your ability to have compassion and caring.

Now of course, for the individual who is going through this, who has had a great attachment to the person who has passed, to the pet who has died, to the system which has passed from your planet. There are many ways to answer the question about death of course other than human death. There is this perspective that they come to, this way in which they are able to understand these things once they release the emotions. Certainly to ask such a question such as, "who is experiencing these emotions right now? Who is experiencing that?" can be helpful. But, by and large there does appear that the individual in having this grieving, and having the separation energy must go through it, they must feel it, they must feel it to their own core and as a result recognize the degree of attachment to that which they call love they have for this other person. This also develops the ability to love but not the place it is directed.

We would never want to step in and say that because the individual has passed on to a greater reality, the Summerland and eventually the intermissive as a result of their perspective, their life review and moving on their energies, then choosing another incarnation, then somehow, because of that you shouldn't grieve. But, you should also understand where those energies come from because sometimes the power of that grief is not just the attachment to the other person. It is the buried emotion about death that you have experienced yourself; the energies of your own past lives and the way in which you died frequently in past lives. The way in which on your planet there is the collective grief about transformation. It is an energy that does then give a goodbye, a release to the old, a welcoming to the new and that is sometimes a perspective that is helpful. 

But, generally speaking as you understand about death you are then brought very powerfully to understand it in a way in which you hear it and know it with the emotions, but you also hear it and know it with your mind and it would seem that at times there is no easy blending or bridging of the two. Yet, in the way in which they can be understood as opposites you are then given the perspective through love to balance these, to hold them both, to learn and grow simply by loving. By loving the perspective that the individual was able to have in being here and that which they have on the other side and loving those who are grieving, loving the process where possible for what it brings and knowing that at some point that love may be possible to manifest without such a powerful, emotional process. 

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Omega Reiki

There's a question here about a Reiki technique called Omega. Can you comment on that?

Hilarion: Well, the most important people to bring this to the West have passed on. With their deaths some of the information was lost and the Omega techniques and the various ways these have been carried on have been kept alive and utilized by a few individuals. As you seek them out, you may find that there is a likelihood of these pockets of people working with it, expanding it and so on, never to the degree of the commercial success of Reiki, but clearly, that which is more powerful.

Those of course who combine these, who learn the more extended techniques can go further with this, benefit to all of course from the Internet from the way that information is becoming widely available. In particular, one individual named Rosanne Amato Fischer [ Ed Note: click on Temple Academies to learn more ] has pushed this a little further and is likely to have her energy, books, discoveries and other things more widely accepted. As you seek this out, as you learn about it, we suggest that you as quickly as possible practice it before your mind gets engaged with various ways in which you might slow it down.

But, the basic idea is not that far different with the sense of a moving energy, a symbolic representation or connection to a universal consciousness is created that then is allowed through you into a person, object or your space.

This principle can then be used in so many different ways, but it is one that could be expanded dramatically with the Omega techniques. We often recommended them in the past but many individuals have found it difficult to seek out those teaching it and now that some more information is available on the Internet published books etc. it is possible this may resurge. After all, many individuals are aware of Reiki, so the simple question, how can I take this further? In what way can I learn about this even beyond the Reiki path?

Macular Degeneration of the Eye

What can be done for Macular Degeneration of the eye?
Hilarion: There are many things that are useful. Oftentimes, people do not understand that a tremendous number of health problems are due to the accumulation of all kinds of bad habits over a lifetime. The hints for this have already been given today. The idea that you have an animal body and that body is going to naturally heal, strengthen and detoxify when it is fed the way you would feed an animal and we aren’t talking about Kibbles and Bits. This is not the way to feed an animal as any animal would tell you this if you simply tune into it. But, for many individuals this is very difficult. They have their belief patterns about what it means to be civilized, or to eat in a certain way and they have their beliefs about going out to restaurants and their beliefs about what is polite and on and on it goes.
But, at the core with any of these various physical health problems that can often be so degenerative and chronic and slow to come on, the roots of macular degeneration occur much earlier; oftentimes, 20 or 30 years before the actual difficulty in the eye. However, it is worth asking the question, “What is right about it,” and why it focuses in the eye as a result of the poor diet and poor health habit patterns and these, when corrected, will eventually lead to benefit. 

Specifically, you will see that toxic vitamin A; vitamin A as it is brought in through cooked tomatoes, cooked carrots and of course other sources: supplements, where they have been treated, processed or in any way brought into existence with solvents are very difficult for the body to get rid of and will tend to accumulate in the eye. Natural genetic tendencies in such are emphasized and strengthened when there are issues. The issue being the ability to perceive well, to see what is ahead of you, perhaps there is something you don't want to see; to see something in the mirror or about a relationship or something you don't want to see in your life.
Specifics about macular degeneration will often be the loss of central focus that which is seen at the center of view is that which first seems to fade; difficulty with brightness, the inability to see unless there is good bright light. Here again, the idea that you are not willing to perceive that which is subtle and you are sometimes very resistant to that which is right in front of you, that which is the most important aspect seeking you, working with you, bringing its influence into your life. Ask your friends, “What is it there I am not seeing, or could see better?” Ask them to assist you and oftentimes they will have very important ideas for you. You may find them critical or difficult to accept, but often very helpful at refocusing what you are about. 

In the health arena the tremendous benefits of healing fats (raw milk, raw cream) raw unsalted butter (very helpful) vitamin A from raw carrot juice. When carrots are juiced with other vegetables, because they are so sweet, the sugar can sometimes be problematic, 

Miasmic Diseases, Universal Laws & Crystals

Is there a way to understand how the Universal Laws of Reflection, Karma and Thought, work together in creating karmic miasmic diseases like cancer? 

Hilarion: Yes. It is a big one to simply speak on one of the universal laws, it is a profound and important act but as you look at the interconnections between them, this is tremendously powerful. Law of Reflection is telling you, "As above so below." The whole idea of manifestation, bringing things into form, into here into now, the very nature of being itself. These are important aspects to look at. But, as you begin to approach this issue of the long-term diseases, the diseases that are carried within the soul, you begin to see why there is a tendency then for these to go very, very deep. In true and deep healing as is sometimes provided by homeopathy, in considering miasms, you end up approaching and learning about these laws.

But, the interesting thing is that even not considered from the point of view of disease you will work with these laws, you will work with the law of reflection especially every day in so many aspects. Karma is reminding you on so many levels that you have an effect in the world; cause, effect, leading to cause, leading to effect. So as you are approaching and understanding these you will have a personal understanding of this. Sometimes the tiny, "aha!, " as you contemplate and look at the action of these laws in your life, this is the first, most important clue to dismantling the miasm. 

Is there a tendency within you to blindness in that particular area, to some area that you are unwilling to look at? This will then show up in the usual way that homeopathy begins to approach the miasms; the syphilitic miasm, the sychotic miasm, the heavy metal miasm, the petrochemical miasm and so on. As if there are tendencies then as these energies relate to the world that come back to something personal, something very deep just in your nature. 

Sometimes, as you begin to contemplate and look at this you will not be able to understand the whole picture. But, you can see one little thing you can change, one way you can better use the Law of Reflection, one way you can better understand what you are creating in the world and work with the Law of Karma. One way in which you recognize the nature of your being, that is the Law of Manifestation as you understand it, the answer of the question, "Who am I?"

Sometimes, this is a more personal way of working with this than to understand it from a more scientific point of view but the scientific point of view has its place also, simply in the way then in which you have energy. Homeopathy has no energy, it is information, it is the capacity to shift the vibrations somewhere within you that you then take on, work with and manifest throughout your being. In this way it is so powerful because indeed it is not energy it is information. So what is the information within you that could change your life? That could shift the nature of your being as you let it? 

We suggest that in the contemplation of the interactivity of any of the universal lawss and especially any three of them, you will release a spark; a capacity within you to change things. Now in dealing with healing systems this naturally brings us to the idea of seven- which keeps showing up over and over. In music, as the seven tones of the scale, then the octave for the repeat into the next; for the seven chakras, for the aspects of color or sound these are only the tiniest, littlest piece.

There are beings that coexist with you, powerful but very slowly, a whole different time frame. These are the crystals. They exist deep in your earth, they radiate energy, they are small brothers and sisters on this earth that you use for healing, interaction or simply to adorn yourself for connecting to those larger energies. So there are many aspects that are shared, often times one will choose seven colors of tourmaline or quartz, or even the rubies or sapphires, that is the Corundum family. These can often be helpful when you are attuning to a larger vibration.

But, we suggest if at all possible do not follow the ideal of a fixed rule of certain colors for certain healing; use your own intuition, use your own experience of how you relate to these stones. An example of this is obvious for anyone working with Red Corundum, that is with Ruby. Many of you will recognize that red would be a base chakra energy, an energy perhaps associated with survival, or for some people perhaps sexuality. But, if you hold a raw ruby in your hand this is often more powerful and more helpful than an attunement to this vibration than a polished clear gem. But, these are also commonly available so you may use those. Are those the energies you receive as you gaze into the ruby? Do you attune to those sexual energies? Do you attune to root chakra? Many individuals do not.

Instead there is a whole different energy that begins to emerge; perhaps a spiritual energy or an attunement to something very beautiful. One reason for this is because of your past life association with this stone. So you therefore must recognize that in holding any system, any particular area of filters you cannot simply use those filters as derived by someone else. You must open to those that are created within your own being. We suggest if you are applying these seven aspects one to the other that you don't need the physical stones, just a little photograph or reminder, just the word. A description may be enough to help you attune to this and then you may find it quite valuable to seek out that stone in a rock store and decide for yourself if it is valuable. 

It need not be in its most expensive form to be an energizer or something drawing energy to you or helping you. It could be something so simple that is shifts your consciousness as you sleep. Because, here is a reminder, something connected to the world, to all beings, to all aspects of energy, and so for now we are calling into existence the presence of what we would term, "The Crystal Masters." These are beings who understand and work with these stones and have done so for a long time. They recognize that it is not about individual knowledge, about the specific usage, but the general idea of a welcoming of these energies. 

So we ask you to recognize around you right now a beautiful place, a palace made of crystal. Perhaps in this palace though there are more than just the clear colors, there are all colors. You see before you a place to sit or lay down, perhaps a healing crystal table or a beautiful dais or a chair and as you approach it, its colors radiate and call to you. For some of you these will be the ruby colors we mentioned, for others it will be aqua, for others clear, for others violet or purple, whatever the color that emerges though, it is especially to touch your heart and to allow you this awakening of an energy.

No, such places do not exist so easily on the physical because those stones are rare and expensive when you are on the surface of the earth. But, if you in your imagination recognize this presence you are then immediately interacting with the crystal realm and their bridges. A bridge created by the crystal masters, non-physical beings simply radiating, helping you. 

They hold your hand and take you onto this chair or this healing chamber or this place to sit or lie down. As they do so, you recognize the smile, the love, the energy. We ask you now in a moment of quiet to be bathed in their light, to see the room as it fills with light, each crystalline structure becoming brilliant and especially that which you are next to; healing, strengthening, loving and these beings as they guide this energy send you this sense of optimism, of love, of hope. 

They aren’t asking you to do anything different. They do not want anything from you. They are simply showing you this is. As you breathe this energy we ask you now to recognize that it is possible to have it as part of your daily actions, part of your movement. So as you see yourself seated or lying down in a special place, then stretch. Let the physical body move, let the energy stretch as if to say these can be at once together.