Saturday, December 10, 2016

Colloidal Silver

There has been a question posed about colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has a strong antibacterial, antifungal, and in many ways, microorganism nature, even antiviral. As a last ditch method, when someone is in a great deal of difficulty, it makes sense. But where the immune system is ultimately compromised and bacterial action is not allowed to run its course, the individual will ultimately suffer. One must always ask, what is the purpose of the bacterial or viral or parasitic infection? If you cannot answer that question first, it doesn't make sense to treat the infection. The infection may have a specific purpose or a general purpose, but it must always be looked at.

The purpose of Ebola, the purpose of certain of these extremely deadly strains of bacteria, such as certain forms of e. coli., has in its own higher wisdom evolved for certain specific destructive mechanisms. These must be allowed to run their course in certain individuals. But by and large, when this shows up in an individual, if they cannot easily make their peace, then it does make sense to treat the individual with the usual emergency methods that the medical profession has developed so well--kidney dialysis, antibiotics, etc.

If that individual has indeed, though, made their peace, understood for themselves that it is time to let go of this physical body and come into a new one, then to do so with the greatest degree of loving, compassion, and energy would make sense. It will be noted, however, that individuals who have been working with raw foods for sufficient amount of time, individuals who have specifically developed their own immune system, will be immune from these and other very difficult organisms because they are man-made, because they come essentially from certain specific mutations that are influenced strongly by human thought and where those thoughts then have been deeply with that individual that they are no longer afraid of bacteria, they even welcome parasites for the way in which they can clean up the body so effectively, so powerfully, so deeply, so then will such individuals be generating the opposite of fear. In the presence of those organisms, they will generate love and this is ultimately the greatest saving grace.

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