Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Who Or What Is Experiencing This Right Now? and 2012

Hilarion: Many of the questions today are those that are about the future and one can say with some degree of certainty that to the extent to which you find a question like this, “Who or what is experiencing me, us, this, right now?” To the extent to which you find that question uncomfortable and difficult then it can be a little easier to ask other questions such as what will happen in such and such or what about the coming such and that? But, as you come to understand this you can also recognize that in the now the answering of this question as it is a personal answer for you comes a different answer. An answer that if you keep on asking it, that if you keep finding your way into it, if you keep welcoming it, those other questions, those ones about the future seem to have a little less hold on you. They are a little less fear provoking.

For this we must put out the possibility that a great deal of the brouhaha about these issues of the future for humanity is being put forth specifically to engender fear, to keep you away from looking inside for your own answers, to keep you in this position where you look outside for help. The first level of this, so obvious, is when you look outside the timeframe at such and such time all of these things will occur and that is what is going to provide all of this which is missing; a sense of security, to feel loved, opportunity to feel safe and all of that.

Well, of course you understand that those are internal experiences and you'll never be able to derive those from the external. Yet, it is in this opportunity to welcome, to find this in yourself to find any way possible through this that those questions are encouraged. So you have this way in which, as if through opposite expression, through the encouragement of fear and encouragement of deeper inquiry such questions are being strengthened through humanity’s consciousness more so now than ever.

This is particularly available now in the Northern Hemisphere at this time because the group consciousness is better connected, the opportunity to reach out not because the night is longer but because people have this deeply within their own cycle or clock or year, that this is the time of the energy that is associated with the group. Earth has this too, we have often likened the changing of the seasons to earth’s breathing and you could say that in the time of the solstice that the Earth's cycle is fully unbalanced at the level of the complete in breath or the complete out breath depending on whether you are looking at it from northern or southern hemisphere perspective. That is also true.

For those hearing our words though, hold this now as the in breath. The moment in which all of a sudden you are going to draw in a wonderful, delightful sort of answer, a sense of being, of connectedness. Not because of the process, not because something is doing to you anything or the world, but simply because you choose it. This is the real meaning you see of 2012; of this turning of ages and cycles. It is not nearly so much about that which is external, the alignment with particular planets, galaxies, energies of the center of these galaxies so very far away and all of that. As much as it is the collective consciousness that people agree that at that time all of these energies will then be available and so a few people in looking at the nature of how the calendar of the Mayan and the Gregorian have overlapped have questioned, what is the timing on this?

Here you see then an answer emerges. It is that which is agreed upon in the collective consciousness more than it is an actual date because if you actually do this carefully with the mathematics you would see that that which is ascribed to what the Mayans consider and people now have alluded to as December 21, 2012 is that of December 21, 2010. Right here, right now. But does right here, right now have a different meaning in the context of what we've already been talking about? That really that energy which you welcome which is in your being that which is available to you is right here right now simply because you have chosen it to be? So, it would actually be very good if you could somehow choose right here right now tomorrow and the next day and so on.

That simply means for you that you are welcoming being here, being present, being aware. But the collective consciousness does not work that way, the collective consciousness that of the majority of human beings on your planet have an agreed sort of thing that if they are looking toward the future, if they are interested in what is called the turning of the ages, that which is the shift into another age or shift into another way of being all the rest of it many, many, many of them have already agreed that this is going to occur in about two years in the time around the middle of December of 2012 and so on. Therefore really the question is why wait? If that which is what you see as a beautiful thing, helpful thing, and so on could be then useful to you why not choose it now?

The beautiful thing about the nature of this collective consciousness is that the majority of humanity is not involved. A few people are, a few percent perhaps and this will likely increase as the time approaches but for most people it is going to be that which is an interesting sideline and of no direct value. Of course, what is going to occur then is election time, the bringing of another president, a great focus of energy in the USA on such energies as that of presidential shift, change in power and all of those things and this will probably be seen by more individuals as a little more important.

But, in that time that is to come, this opportunity of people to share energies has a rather interesting sort of parallel. One can see so many times in the past where energy has been built up to this and a particular change such as harmonic convergence, such as the turning into the year 2000, such as other important times in humanity's past and the interesting thing is that those people who are most likely to be powerfully touched by this and most interested in it go through that time.

On the other side of it most of them unaffected or affected only slightly do not throw it all away. They do not say we were led down some sort of yellow brick road and we must jettison new thought or new age ideas. Rather, they simply recognize one of two pathways: one is that they get the lesson. They understand those energies that they developed, thinking of a particular time in the future was helpful to them. That those energies that they developed were helpful in their meditations, in their preparation those are things they can build on and are energies of helping others, of interacting in the world in a more conscious and clear way perhaps, or things that were more available to them because of this sense of preparation.

Other individuals however not really understanding all of this, simply make a leap usually within a few days, but sometimes within a few months to another time. There are already individuals talking about important dates in 2015. At this stage this may seem a little odd to you, some would even find it humorous but there is within the collective consciousness an energy that is always looking forward to some time in which something of a precarious, important, profound or transformative nature will happen to you.

Now, when you understand the point of that, that it can be helpful in preparation but at some point the soul recognizes in clarity what this is really about, about now, about awakening something in you, about asking if that time was now how would I be different? What would I be doing? How would I shift my own consciousness? What could I contribute if I knew that whatever was significant of that time was occurring now? Now, there are those who would say that that is not only a useful exercise but is actually part of the 2012 energy.

For this, we heartily agree. By its very nature it has begun a new cycle. You can follow us with this, it is a bit of a stretch but that which is to occur could be conceived of that which is occurring and it is creating waves in time and those waves are rippling back in time to right now and in particular from this time beginning at December 21, 2010 until that time of December 21 of 2012. These energies intensify, solidify, become tangible are more available are those which can have a more profound effect on everyone.

In other words, from here on out you can say that when you are feeling a wave of energy you are feeling the 2012 wave. How can we possibly make such a statement in light of our emphasis on the present? That is where you understand we are not in a position to criticize the consciousness that needs to have the sense of a future projection in order to access awareness now. 

We do not criticize this, we simply accept it and we do so with one particular important analogy for you. You would at times criticize those who would project the image of a religious deity, of a particular mode of thought, of Sharia law in one religion or Catholic law in another, or particular ways through fear of enforcing militaristic rule in another and so on and so forth.

It is as if by this analogy we are reminding you, you have a bit of this too. As limited as it may seem in your thinking, the opportunity to project your consciousness to that which would seem beyond your ability to touch, to know, to work with any conscious way here and now. After all, where is 2012? You can't point to it. You can't even say what direction it's in. You can't even recognize it for that which could anyway be tangible just as all of these aspects of religion or politics or belief show up for people. It simply points out to you one of the first and important tenets of this question about clarity.

In finding clarity it is important to recognize that which stands in the way of this. That which is actually as humans have called it for millennia “superstition.” Now what is that except that which is a belief that the mind is able to wrap around for an ulterior motive for the purpose of reducing fear, having more love, bringing great luck or whatever it is within your own culture or religion that draws you into superstition.

This at the fundamental level, at the way in which the animal brain works has a purpose of course. It is simply an extension of the old ways when you would eat purple berries and they made you sick then you would know to stay away from purple berries. Hence, the beginning of superstition. You do not understand it, you do not have the technology at that stage in your own development, you simply know to stay away from purple berries and at that point you will certainly be more likely to survive. Because you can transmit this to your children and their children until nobody even understands why they don't wear purple anymore.

The whole point of it though is not about that of the thing anymore, you see. It simply is that in which the brain is allowing you this opportunity to grab onto something in order to correct a condition you recognize needs to shift and the clarity then is not just into the resistance to the superstition. But, asking the inquiry looking deeper at what is it about this that I need? What sense of the longing do I really want here? What energy gives me a sense of greater safety or love or companionship? What is it that I really want from this? If I had the experience I was most interested in having as a result of my understanding of 2012? What would that look like? What would that feel like? Where would it land in my body and can you give that experience right here, right now to the fullness of your ability?

Now, this is very important to understand because there are those who might say clarity must relate to specific professions. The most obvious and common though not mentioned by the questioner is that of education. Where you are teaching something you are generally then bringing greater clarity to the world. But, it is the attitude that can take anything that is symbolic that which needs greater understanding even those things that would seem the opposite of clarity. Those aspects that are fully enmeshed with entertainment and simply bring to them deeper understanding by asking, by looking consciously, what is the purpose of this? What is the energy that is available? How do I want to feel as a result of this? How can I give myself that feeling in a different way and so on?

In this world there is a constant mix of consolation and clarification. This balance of entertainment and evolution and yet you always have the choice in everything you do to bring by greater questioning, by greater inquiry, by greater understanding, more clarity into even the most purely entertaining situations.

But, just as the consciousness of each individual is working with these aspects of the ability to project to the future in order to feel safer. So, also is within human consciousness to entertain itself, to enjoy, to seek pleasure, to understand this and ultimately its purpose, that of the simple message that you deserve to feel good, that you deserve some degree of pleasure, of water, of light, of energy.

So, the real key to clarity is that gradually, lifetime after lifetime in asking about clarity you come to recognize where true pleasure for you resides. This is a very difficult one now because you have had lifetimes where this has been of self-importance as a monk perhaps, or as an aesthetic, or someone who pushed away the trappings of daily life and the pleasures of the body. You have had times in-between lives where you didn't have access to those pleasures. The pleasures came from pure light perhaps or from a new understanding of how to help others by influencing them with your consciousness and your guidance.

But, ultimately the real understanding of clarity is not outside the way in which you are projecting your consciousness into a job or who you are working with or even finding the symbols in everyday life. It is inside. It is about that which truly brings you pleasure. This is the true joining of clarification and consolation. Could that which brings you the greatest degree of change, that which is the most challenging, that which gives you the greatest degree of insight, transformation, evolution be that which is most desirable? Be that which is most pleasurable? Be that which your soul seeks out?

This really is another facet of the true nature of why people tend to feel disconnected and why they are seeking their soul-mate or why they sense that there is something missing at times or they are looking for this journey home. It is because at the fundamental level, at the level of the soul you have already made that decision.

We are simply speaking now to people in bodies, most of those who are hearing our words because it was a lot of work to get here. The soul had to get through all of that stuff to get into the body of a baby, to get that baby to grow up, to learn, to interact with its parents, its teachers, its world. It was a lot of work and you knew how much work it would be before you did it and you chose to do it anyway. You are committed powerfully and deeply at the soul level to clarification, to learning, to becoming alive, to experiencing all of this at any cost no matter how painful or difficult you have chosen to be here. So, really much of this sense of separation is simply because you do not act that way, you do not allow that in your life, you do not acknowledge this thirst of the soul to be, to exist.

So, really when we ask such a question as, “Who or what is experiencing this moment now?” Its intent is not just for an answer or a feeling. It is as if to contact that thirst, that sense within the soul that has brought you here in the first place. This is not the whole picture though. Because as soon as you get into the world here what do you see? Other people. You see them all around you especially as a baby and these other people have a profound influence on your life and people seem to keep on coming from so many quarters in so many ways and the population on this planet continues to increase. The symbol here is very clear to you that this deeper question of clarification is about the group, is about everyone and that is the other thing you are here to understand and learn. But, this is not something for which we have an answer already mapped out as we do around this issue of the thirst of the soul to be. Because what are all of these souls going to do when they all understand together what is this group consciousness going to ultimately decide for itself? Because the decision has not yet been made because the collective consciousness of humanity has not reached a point in which that is seen as very important. It is really up for grabs.

It is hoped by many who watch humanity’s development, many extraterrestrials, guides, helpers, the beings who love humanity but do not incarnate as humans, it is hoped very much that humans will recognize their true unique characteristic to love, to truly, powerfully allow this energy as that which is a connectedness, a powerful way simply of projecting that sense in your heart, that sense of caring, that sense of positive regard.

It is the energy of that collective consciousness of billions at the same time coordinated by our simulations and what computers we have available to us emanates a tremendous power. A power to heal, a power to heal whole civilizations, whole stars, potentially even ultimately galaxies. This is not to say there are sick galaxies or stars, although you do know of some of them but clearly in the way in which humanity can heal itself, the greatest challenge is now before you.

This is very important to understand in light of the various questions because it is as if the real key is in the turning inward. That you are asking that which is outside and the answer is that which is somehow inside. So this is connecting around this issue of clarification, touching on some of these issues. This might be a moment then when Jill could make a contribution with a question or two.



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