Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hilarion: The question has been asked about jihad, a powerful name relating to energies, always going back into history, affecting each one hearing this word, your past lives as if resonating with you. Another word—crusade—often, then, relating to this. In the West the Crusades are seen in a completely different light than in the East, and those who suffered under the incursion of those Crusaders from Europe into the Middle East hold this as part of their religious heritage. The jihad would right these wrongs. But at the same time there is the idea of forgiving, of loving each other, of helping each other, and these are often diametrically opposed. For all people to come to a deeper understanding about this is being made available through these powerful symbols and the constantly increasing population on planet earth.

Here again, the symbols. Who is ensouling the bodies? And when you ask this at the higher vibrational level you realize that it is approximately a ratio—nine nonphysicals to every one physical. They all want to get into bodies so they can continue this experience of being physical, interacting, and so on. So, symbolically looking at it from such a level, you can understand about why suffering and difficulty may be helpful. But, powerful earth changes to wipe out large numbers of the population would be indeed quite counterproductive. Indeed, every aspect of encouragement for people to come into bodies, to share this earth—50 billion strong, together at the same time—this is coming into consciousness for many. In order to do this, a deeper understanding about disease, health, and the symbols associated with it will be necessary. Otherwise the opportunities would be lost on everyone to understand and to grow together.

But at the same time as all of that are all of these symbols becoming stronger and stronger—fed by increasing population growth, fed by the myth that there is a scarcity of natural resources, fed at a deeper level by issues of fear and ego—that people must learn to mature, to grow up, to accept each other. If legitimate grievances can be heard correction to this is possible. But such must be heard at every level. The Iraqi who fights against his government for religious freedom or enough food to eat and meaningful work is not fighting only against those who are close by but those in the political and economic system that have forced various conditions upon these people so that they would remain in positions of power, so that their own ego would be sufficiently developed, their own fear sufficiently mollified or reduced.

The deeper understanding about this becomes obvious, then, when you look at it from such a symbolic level. Every aspect of making friends, helping people to release fear, to find their true inner power, so that they do not have to lord it over others in order to manifest this, is the obvious solution on your planet. 

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