Sunday, November 15, 2009

Making Sense of the Quantum Leap

Leap of Faith #3 by Erika V Nelson

Q. How do we make sense of the quantum leap?

Hilarion: meaning: this opportunity for magnificent change that is not gradual but that which happens all of a sudden and all the ways in which it is possible, all at once. You don't make sense of it, you simply are a part of it, you know it, you welcome it, you're prepared as best you can, but when it occurs, you are then immersed within that energy. You deliberately have brought yourself to that so that you will not prepare, think about it, know it, in the way in which you imagine it, but for itself, for its own energy, it will then be with you.

So, the way to do this is, we would suggest, backwards. As you would imagine, welcome, think about, the kind of person you're going to be after that quantum leap, after that big shift in consciousness? What would you do to prepare for that? In other words how can you be that now? This takes it out of the realm of preparation, it takes it out of the realm of planning for the future, it takes it out of the realm really of thought completely. It is as if the answer to this occurs when you breathe.

When you are you aware primarily, when you take your focus away from the larger energies that are distracting and difficult, emotional and thought provoking, and instead to the place of being-ness to the energy that simply breathes, that simply is within your consciousness now. How can you be more of that? You can't try you simply are, it is always with you, to attune to it, to welcome it, to see it as part of you as you move, as you react, as you speak, to breathe and put your attention there rather than on the thoughts, the preparations, the energies, that is the answer.

Because isn't that person that you imagine yourself to be in that time so far ahead off to the quantum leap, isn't that being the energy of presence? The energy that simply is, that knows the capacity for the deepest love, that receives energy of abundance, expansiveness, assistance to others? What do you think brings on this leap? Is that the earth turning through the galaxy? The influence from the stars? No, it is human beings, it is your conscious, it is your opportunity to be in that place of love, of presence right now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Hilarion: The question has been asked about jihad, a powerful name relating to energies, always going back into history, affecting each one hearing this word, your past lives as if resonating with you. Another word—crusade—often, then, relating to this. In the West the Crusades are seen in a completely different light than in the East, and those who suffered under the incursion of those Crusaders from Europe into the Middle East hold this as part of their religious heritage. The jihad would right these wrongs. But at the same time there is the idea of forgiving, of loving each other, of helping each other, and these are often diametrically opposed. For all people to come to a deeper understanding about this is being made available through these powerful symbols and the constantly increasing population on planet earth.

Here again, the symbols. Who is ensouling the bodies? And when you ask this at the higher vibrational level you realize that it is approximately a ratio—nine nonphysicals to every one physical. They all want to get into bodies so they can continue this experience of being physical, interacting, and so on. So, symbolically looking at it from such a level, you can understand about why suffering and difficulty may be helpful. But, powerful earth changes to wipe out large numbers of the population would be indeed quite counterproductive. Indeed, every aspect of encouragement for people to come into bodies, to share this earth—50 billion strong, together at the same time—this is coming into consciousness for many. In order to do this, a deeper understanding about disease, health, and the symbols associated with it will be necessary. Otherwise the opportunities would be lost on everyone to understand and to grow together.

But at the same time as all of that are all of these symbols becoming stronger and stronger—fed by increasing population growth, fed by the myth that there is a scarcity of natural resources, fed at a deeper level by issues of fear and ego—that people must learn to mature, to grow up, to accept each other. If legitimate grievances can be heard correction to this is possible. But such must be heard at every level. The Iraqi who fights against his government for religious freedom or enough food to eat and meaningful work is not fighting only against those who are close by but those in the political and economic system that have forced various conditions upon these people so that they would remain in positions of power, so that their own ego would be sufficiently developed, their own fear sufficiently mollified or reduced.

The deeper understanding about this becomes obvious, then, when you look at it from such a symbolic level. Every aspect of making friends, helping people to release fear, to find their true inner power, so that they do not have to lord it over others in order to manifest this, is the obvious solution on your planet. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Problems of Pasteurized Dairy/ Ingestion of Raw Butter to Clear Out Tumors

Hilarion: Of course, increased fats in general can be beneficial if they are healthy, healing fats which brings us to this question about dairy. It has been observed that dairy is quite damaging to the body when it has been heated. Critical temperature pretty low for this, perhaps as low as 109°F. Indeed, working with dairy, heated even that hot can produce various problems in the body.

Pasteurization, which typically takes place at a much higher temperature around 150 to 155 Fahrenheit is so damaging that the fats become toxic. These fats are sometimes absorbed and held in the body for years and many times in the ingestion of the most healthful substances to take these out of the body, raw dairy that has not been heated past 109 degrees Fahrenheit and preferably is generally at 100-101 degrees and less.

This will then pull out some of that toxic fat, but it does take time. This is why sometimes there will be mucus mechanisms, various mechanisms in the body to pull this out as the toxic fat combines with the healthy fats. But as this is pulled out the dairy becomes healthier and healthier and brings greater and greater healing and strength to the body. This is easily seen of course, in small animals on a farm where you give the animal raw dairy milk direct from the cow to heal it. Be it a cat, a dog, or any other animal that is on your farm that you wish to work with.

Ultimately though, there is improvement in the body to the point that the dairy is no longer necessary. But for many individuals, this is not possible in their lifetime. It may take several generations before they heal the damages done by the generations before them. Where your grandparents or great-grandparents did not have access to raw dairy, or where your parents switched from the raw to the pasteurized as it became widespread in USA in 1940s.

Yet, as you come to understand this for yourself you must recognize you can have simultaneously with the ingestion of raw dairy two sensations. One is the increase of mucus. One can be those aspects which seem to be temporary but are those which seem to be reducing your energy, making you sleepy perhaps. But at the same time, an inner boost of energy, a positive energy, something that says, “This feels right somehow.” These eventually come to a balance within you, and then move very much more into the healing realms.

We are speaking of course, when we speak of dairy, of the many different dairy products. For many different individuals when they are experiencing this sort of tug-of-war in themselves a more purified dairy product such as raw unsalted butter is usually recommended. This can have tremendous value in building up lubrication between the joints, easing back pain, strengthening the body on many levels, clearing out tumors, moving through various toxic materials, binding them with the raw butter and then allowing them to be excreted.

Typically in this technique, one puts on weight for a while as the toxic materials are brought into the fatty tissues of the body, and then dropping the weight, those are excreted but bound to the fat in such a way that there is no damage. These techniques are described in the Vonderplanitz books previously mentioned but it must be mentioned here that it takes a bigger view, a deeper understanding of this.

Now, of course, there are those people who would say, “I can’t get the raw dairy,” and that can be difficult at times in some countries in some areas. But, as many people are finding the same solution, community, is often the answer. Where you have people ban together to buy a cow, to find ways of raising that cow, and sharing the products of that cow and learning how to do this in a way in which the cow is healthy and happy and enjoying the grass that it lives on, and allowing this in a way in which you can come to a better understanding and awareness in your interaction with each other and the animal.

Sometimes this does mean taking on some things on your own, but it is often more easily possible and again here, this thrust to community, encouragement to people interacting and loving each other. You see where this is going, but in the meantime, in certain locations oftentimes coconuts are available. To take the meat of the coconut, press it through a juicer with the usual juicer screen in place, extracting the pulp and discarding it and keeping the cream, sometimes called coconut cream or coconut butter.

Simple methodology, easy to do and this is a very healing and helpful fat and has much benefit in the same way as the dairy previously mentioned: boosting immune response, strengthening the body on many levels, enhancing capability for the person to clear out the toxic fats that may have been accumulating.

The immune system was mentioned here, a controversial matter, because the immune system is a distributor system. It has many components in different organs of the body. It is not only found in the blood sense after all the white blood cells must be produced. It is not only found in organs because the brain has a very important component to play. Indeed, in the area of understanding the brain’s interaction with the immune system so much is being discovered, so much is being learned everyday. This is clearly in the area that leading edge relative truth is likely to be dismantled, turned upside down, and changed on a regular basis.

More info on raw fats:

Fats have incredible potential and power in the physical body. They are not understood well in your society because they have largely over the last fifty year period been abused. Pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products being one of the most difficult. These food products are very difficult for the human body to assimilate, to work with, and, much more importantly, once they have been rejected by the human body, very difficult to get rid of.

They accumulate very small quantities of toxic material in the physical body and therefore are very difficult for the body to eliminate, because they go right into the fats of the physical body. These can settle very deep in the physical body, even into the bony structures or the cartilage. And, as a result, are very harmful over long periods of time, leading to such diseases as Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, and many others. Even some of the auto immune deficiency diseases that you are now seeing more widespread on your planet, and cancer.

The solution to this is the raw fats, those that are most absorbable by the human body. An excellent one that is so hard to obtain at the current time is that of raw butter, unsalted of course, because salt itself is so problematic to the human body. The result of eating this gradually is the replacement of the cooked fats in the body.

Hilarion Comments on Arthritis

Arthritis however, is not understood, as all diseases are cleansing reactions within the physical body. Toxic materials will tend to accumulate in different parts of the body. Bacterial, viral and other actions will be used to clear them out. This produces pain and difficulty. It is why antibiotics on a short-term level are so successful at stopping arthritis pain when the correct antibiotic is utilized. So long term antibiotics are a very poor idea, bad idea for the utilization of reducing arthritic pain.

Generally what is necessary is simultaneously working with the energies associated with higher-self ideas, with the proper nutrition, and sufficient healing by raw fats (raw milk, raw cream, raw coconut, avocado) will gradually slowly mobilize.