Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hilarion Comments on Working with Indigos on ADD medications

Hilarion: These medications are very addictive. But the other problem is when the children look around to the people they know, who are also indigos, the majority are on such medications at the current time, particularly, in the more developed countries in the world. In regards to the stifling of the latent abilities that occurs with these medications, “developed” would certainly be a word we would place in quotes.

But, it is an unfortunate aspect of their own self-development that over the next few years they will have to contend with this. Because of the tremendous desire for deeper connection they will be very influenced by their peers. This works in both ways. As more are able to understand the damage that the various substances are doing to their bodies, they will share this and they will make this clear to each other.

As a result, they will probably find new pathways. But, along the way it is likely that they will have to perhaps go down this path into the darker, shut down areas further before they will understand more of what they are missing. What can be helpful here is not so much Reiki or energy or any of the things that are certainly going to be healing and helpful. But, the idea that it can be different, there are other possibilities. This is a reality, not just a thought. Where others have done well without the medications, where you yourself have grown in your own life, where you have faced various difficulties and found your way through them without the use of medications.

Ultimately, though, there are so many aspects that relate very much to that which is ingested as a drug, which relate directly to that which is ingested as a food. This is unfortunate because the indigos all have the capacity to transcend this entirely, to clear this from their physical systems without having to require much at the physical level in terms of raw fats or strengthening substances that others may require. To learn about this, to tap into this, seems very far from their consciousness at this time as a group.

It is always dangerous to make blanket statements or generalizations. But, we do see some significant trends here because of the tremendous influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the diagnostic practices of various doctors and especially psychiatrists and therapists who have a powerful influence in this respect. It is valuable here to recognize what they are looking for. That is, if you ask the indigo why are you taking these drugs? What is it you want? What do you want more than that?

Some very important revelations can often come forth which are very simple; about coming home, about awakening, about feeling connected, about having a sense of themselves. These are things that can indeed be provided by many other means and we see ways in which you could eventually be useful in this regard. Providing energy is not going to be enough if the underlying belief or thought form is unquestioned. This is the part where indigos struggle the most: where they accept a thought form. They know better, they now that the thought forms that are presented all around them are completely wrong.

But, the way they are urged to survive, to adapt, to interact, to learn so they question very little and as they question themselves they grow tremendously, as they question their group they grow in leaps and bounds, but as they question their society, society changes.

That is the larger intent as a generalization of the incarnation of so many beings at the same time with so much light, potential and benefit. They must be the ones to choose this of course and this is where you come in. It is not so much by energy, energy helps when a person is willing, but by questions. Where you are asking them in yourself, this is a first step, or where you can ask them honestly or lovingly of others. Where they inquire into themselves of what they are here for, what is most valuable to them, how they help others, what they want more than that and such questions.

These are difficult questions to ask at times. Because they are asking them themselves unconsciously, you will bring up some of their own emotion around this, hence, previous suggestion, not taking it personally. So, that as the answers to these questions do provide some difficulty they have the sense of an outlet, of somebody to talk to about it, etc. Then to ask in that place what it is that he/she wants, where he/she is benefiting, how the indigo is using their gifts, where the indigo energy is important to him/her, etc.

Then applying the same questions to yourself and sharing your answers even if they are, I don't know. They are as if saying, “I'm honestly and lovingly, willingly to look. “ It is from such a place of inquiry that it only makes sense then, to see how the dismantling of the dependence on the drug substances, which will eventually take place for all of the indigos. As one dismantles, so then do the others entertain this as a real possibility and take steps in that direction themselves.


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