Thursday, March 28, 2024

How to Meditate on Peace~ Hilarion

Hilarion:  A question has arisen about how to meditate on peace and how to attune to peace. Yes, we can speak of this but sometimes it’s nice to call on an expert. Jill, what are your thoughts on meditating on peace?

Jill: sitting in the silence. Meditating on divinity and knowing oneness. Letting go of anything that isn’t peace. 

Hilarion: That is a beautiful way to phrase it and if you notice in her words that a feeling comes through, too. It is a way in which the energetic of that wave of beautiful energy, there are so many aspects of this that are not particularly logical or verbal, they are just the beauty of peace itself. On your planet of course, you have many who are warring or struggling or working through the karma of the past, working through the desire for more power and the desire for more territory, the list goes on. 

Yet, when you take that energetic, that feeling in you, that awareness of peace and then are able to in some way send it to those fighting it can make a difference, and make that which is helpful more available. 

Sometimes, finding this place where you can love requires you to step outside of your daily activities. That is one place in which we have encouraged you so often to meditate on peace and to come to a place that is different from your everyday activity and be aware of that feeling you have.

Some would say that peace is simply the opposite of the lack of, the missing of, the sense; the discharge of anger, fear and any of the feelings that might be uncomfortable or difficult for you, such as hopelessness or even various energies associated with high levels of pleasure. Whatever it is for you in the ways in which you discover peace could be the opposite of that and you begin to recognize that it is also a letting go.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Covid-19 Remedies: Deuterium Depleted Water and Ivermectin

Hilarion: So many questions today of a scientific, or pseudoscientific, or metaphysical nature, yet the deeper issue: what to do about it, how to work with it, how to shift it, is not an easy matter. So many suffer as a result of various diseases, in particular, the new one, Covid-19, engineered deliberately as a weapon and that which got loose from a lab.

Be it the vaccine or the disease itself, taking its toll by causing the body to re-create over and over various spike proteins and various substances causing problems in the body. These will attack various weak areas; that is the first way you should shift it. It is also getting rid of difficulties in the body, that is also how you shift it. It will be that which is closely related to the actions of water, and that is how you shift it. It will also be that which will have important messages for you and that is also how you shift it. 

So, the aspect of water which we have spoken about before you strengthen the water in your body when you remove the water stored in the body that has within it that which the body cannot absorb and utilize, in particular, the mitochondria, which are very deliberately destroyed, harmed or in various ways reduced in function by the presence of deuterium. So, by drinking water that is low in deuterium, you gradually replace the various aspects of water in the body over time.Thus, not only is general health improved but the specifics associated with Covid 19 are gradually displaced because the damaging viruses cannot exist well in the presence of these, correct term is “proteome” forms of water. 

The spike protein itself is harmed and blunted and even at times split apart by the presence of certain herbs. In particular, as we have recommended in the past, pine needle tea best made as a sun tea is an excellent way to help with this. The ability to remove toxicity from the body by bathing in hot water, 105 Fahrenheit for an hour and a half is an excellent detoxification.

Some of the Covid-19 varieties can, the term currently used, “mutations,” but they are actually varieties, but the mutations are trapped in various plastic materials and these are melted away when the body is hot for a period of time and this heat can be penetrative. Not a sauna which does not penetrate nearly as deeply because it is not the heat in contact with the body. 

So, we recommend the warm bath as described by Vonderplanitz. The “lymph bath,” he called it. Detoxifying certainly will remain very helpful. In the consciousness aspect, of course, there will be some particular meridian, or organ or tendency that you will need some work on, a little weakness you might say. That is specific to each individual and there is no general way to say this, but if that is your area of weakness, your willingness to deliberately strengthen that will be very helpful with Covid-19.

But, all viruses, all of these beings,as primitive as almost barely alive as they are, do have messages. What does this one say to you? Can you in a place of openness receive what it is trying to tell you?  Yes, of course, you want to get rid of it, you want to feel better, but can you receive its deeper message? This can be extremely helpful as you are able to shift then what is necessary. Now, you will notice we didn’t give a specific recommendation for a medicine. Yes, we have noticed that Ivermectin is very helpful at reducing all of these harmful effects but long-term there will be some component typically lodging in the body so these methods are still useful in preventing further damage in the body.