Friday, April 28, 2023

Problems and Remedies Of Overuse of Antibiotics

This is from a personal reading from someone in another country I transcribed a few years ago, The overuse of anti-biotics causes so many problems.

For about eight months I am still suffering from diarrhea caused probably by too many antibiotics ordered by doctors after two stomach investigations against Helicobacter. Diverse remedies were given against the diarrhea but without success. Maybe something else is contributing to the problem as well? A colonoscopy of the large intestine found that the bacteria layer is faulty and the inside is inflamed. All medication did not help up to now. Hilarion might see also other reasons and advise, please help.

Hilarion: it is a complicated picture because of all of the different approaches, some of which are incompatible. However, at the fundamental level it is drawing your attention to the issue of the ability to let go, to release those materials that are not needed, to release energies, to release toxins, but also attitudes, beliefs, where there can be something within you that can be more consciously understood and brought to the surface as you let it go. This would help and this would gradually bring in more and more of the higher vibrational energies which are so important in sustaining and strengthening.

There are two aspects to this that both work simultaneously as with all aspects of the natural healing process: the building and the cleansing. The body is in a cleansing mode and it needs to remain in this until it has sufficiently detoxified. But, it is best if it can do this without it being so difficult, so harmful and so stressful. At the same time the stresses are reduced when sufficient building is taking place. Doctors have a picture as to bacteria levels. The proper state of things and so on based primarily on unhealthy people, those that they observe in various states of distress because they eat cooked food for which their bodies are not programmed. All of this is detailed as you are quite aware in, “We Want to Live,” by Vonderplanitz as we spoke to you about this extensively in 2012. 

However, in the attempt to try to blend and work with both systems one will inevitably get into trouble. In particular, the use of antibiotics has a variety of different effects on the body. At first one would think this is simply in the flushing out of the important strains of bacteria and that is certainly contributing dramatically to the diarrhea. But, it has other effects, too. It works its way into the immune system, the antibiotics themselves have capacity to change some of the epigenetics and cause the immune system to overreact in your case. As this creates various inflammations and other difficulties. 

Therefore, the sense of this, the reminder at the higher vibrational level with regards to letting go. Let go now. It is very important, it must be accomplished, etc. This, of course, is compounded if your own physical body loses strength and you then end your life. You have at the outset then done your preparation but you have done it with a great sense of urgency. This was not in your original plan in being here. Just coming into your 70s it was hoped that greater wisdom and understanding would come into your consciousness and this would extend into your 80s and early 90s before the end of your life would then take place. The intent was that greater wisdom, greater understanding could be imparted not only to your children but to others in your life. It could be an area in which you would be of some assistance and your wisdom would be helpful. 

So, therefore this is moving things too fast at the current time. Building is the answer to this. This is the area that the doctors know very little about and this is where the underlying conflict shows up when you are trying to heal a situation that has been extremely exacerbated by the interventions of the medical authorities and the building takes place by supplying the raw foods so necessary for strengthening the body and these are the foods most assimilable and this would of course as detailed in, “We Want to Live,” primarily that of raw meats. This can be in any variety; be it fish, chicken, beef. All of them helpful in different ways and in different respects. 

But, the key to this is that when they are eaten quite apart from vegetables or things that are going to make the body over alkaline, that they are well absorbed. Much of the digestive process occurs quite early. Sometimes, some absorption and benefit can occur even before it reaches the duodenum. The result being that one can gradually have some re-strengthening even while diarrhea is taking place. This is very important because without it, insufficient blood chemistry will result and this would rather rapidly compound itself for such difficulties as anemia, potentially various glycemic difficulties, be it hypoglycemia or diabetes, more likely hypoglycemia in your case and the opportunities for various infections because of the overactive immune system. 

When we mentioned before to you about the idea of three days of cooked and three days of raw this was so that the blood would not produce the doubling of lymphatic fighting, white blood cells and so on in excess amount continuously. Given three days off, so to speak, the inflammation aspects then retreat.

But, the key to this is the three days of raw are 100% raw, that there is no tea or coffee. Nothing heated past its critical temperature. No cooked honey, no cooked vegetables, nothing that has come from a can or a bottle or anything pasteurized or heated. These are the important aspects related to the switching back and forth. This switching back and forth however could let you think that it has to do also with the medical system and this is not true because intervention of various types could significantly set you back. We see that in others who have utilized a raw diet for healing and especially for building, the use of antibiotics sets them back a year or years in their work. This is unfortunate because it means that they have a lot of catching up to do before they can get right back to where they were. 

However, the powerful energies of your soul are keeping you alive. There are many energies coming through doing their very best to remind you about healing the body by alternative means and strengthening. This of course only makes sense when you are recognizing that what the medical establishment is doing isn't working. But, the other thing it is telling you is that there is something very valuable with each day; a sense of love, a sense of caring, a sense that you can be a part of things. This sort of energy can be multiplied homeopathically. We see that Mag Phos at 30 C once a day could be helpful here.

In addition, the body's ability to detoxify as previously mentioned will also be assisted to some extent by gentle but continuous sort of movements. Qi Gong as mentioned earlier would be excellent for this but even if you make up your own exercises, these slow-moving exercises to help the lymph would be very useful.

In order to reduce the body's need to detox with diarrhea, bathing is helpful. Hot baths as described on the We Want to Live website; and especially the use of lymphatic baths. But, at your current state these would be too difficult. They would reduce your body's energy and you would feel too weak from this. Therefore, as you recognize different things that could be helpful here the strengthening must be in balance sufficiently so that you can give the body an alternate detoxification route in particular the hot bath, even if it is just a part of the body such as the feet and lower legs would be helpful.

The key to this is that it is done long enough that a true detoxification takes place and as described by Vonderplanitz in his work, observation that a minimum of an hour is necessary, an hour and 1/2 preferred. The body temperature rises with this and this is also happening by itself to some extent with diarrhea though temperature fluctuations here go in both directions. Here the idea is again this reminder; what is within you that is warm, that is loving, that can extend in the world? 

There can be different ways to express this but the observation that you are not fully activating all of the love that is available to you is clear. As if there is a certain crust or a wall in the aetheric body where it is connecting to the emotional and in particular with relationship to heart energy. A sense of some compassion or caring for anyone would be helpful. Then the visualization of this coming into your hands, they're lighting up, warm, radiant then you place them near your belly. They can go all around the belly, the large intestine, the small intestine, the pancreas, the liver. Each of these as if then gently, lovingly made warmer. It is noted that bacteria needs to recolonize. A colonoscopy is damaging because various substances mixed with water are often injected through the colonoscopy equipment into the intestine to clear the way for getting a good picture. Many of these substances remain and thus can create even further need for further detox. 

But, quite apart from this the body must move through various stages of bacteria in order to create benefit and strength. The most rapid way to re- populate is by what is termed, “fecal transplant.” This is difficult to hold when you have repeated diarrhea and therefore we would not recommend this as it is sort of a waste of time. But, some of the bacteria might at least stay with that. 

The overall colonization does seem to be assisted by a certain in between material that is in between plant and animal. A sort of yeast- fungus bacteria, hybrid and this material might be of some benefit such as Saccharomyces Boulardii; this is available as a supplement and it may be wise to take this in multiple forms. You might utilize it on an empty stomach, have it with vegetable juice, have it with meat and it also might be useful to empty the capsule into a bit of warm water, not too hot, never as hot as body temperature and drink this.

The different ways of absorbing this will tend ultimately to bypass some of the stomach acid mechanisms and allow it to take hold. This material has much benefit throughout the intestinal tract and it can encourage the other bacteria to get a good hold. Bacteria taken in the form of probiotics could be helpful here but we see the same problem. They are to a large extent being neutralized not only by the diarrhea process but by the stomach acids. 

So, getting in appropriate bacteria becomes tricky. One way to do this is to use the body’s own mechanism by spitting into raw milk and letting the milk sit and let you have a small amount perhaps a cup or so sitting in the sunlight and about a cup or so sitting in complete darkness. These can then be taken 24 to 48 hours later. They will be partially curdled, they will be a little like yogurt but they will be specifically attuned to your own body chemistry because you have spit into them and your own saliva cultures the milk uniquely for your own body. In addition you will find that getting other bacteria in is going to be critical towards this recolonization and this is a constant trade-off because when diarrhea does show up it tends to flush out. It's as if the body is utilizing an antibiotic mechanism all on its own. That is why the substitution with such as heat and exercise, a more natural occurring antibiotic process will gradually allow the body to displace these other methods and again recolonize. 

In particular, raw meats do seem to be very helpful here as the body is able to regenerate and create a greater degree of strength then it relies less and less on detoxification in order to provide health and strength. One way this could therefore be helped is to take a small amount of vegetable matter that has not been washed, perhaps half a stick of unwashed celery then to remove the dirt from this and put it into a little bit of milk or take the celery and run it through a juicer, providing you with a very small amount of juice in which the soil has now been quite well dissolved and pulverized. Either of these is taken along with some raw meat. The intent being that the meat will assist with some of the absorption of stomach acids and some of the colonization provided by the wide variety of soil based bacteria will then make its way into the intestinal tract. 

The idea of improving the body's natural balance of flora is a complex one because those who have studied these matters are not well recognized by the medical profession unless those individuals have studied the matter extensively. The real key to this is the tremendous proliferation of a wide variety of bacteria not so much the specific quantities as the specific varieties. Indeed, a healthy intestinal tract, not your average intestinal tract will have two thousand or so of these strains. Then you'll see in those individuals who are on a cooked diet who still have good adaptation to cooked food, typically 800 perhaps 900 strains, again nowhere near the true potential in their health were they eating raw. The key to this is that the body is able to assimilate these and create a balance naturally in the intestinal tract. One key to this as you would see here is in a sense of something that is inviting, warm, welcoming, loving.

Diarrhea is just the opposite; it says go away, dump out, release, let go, push it quickly or liquefy it but in whatever way is necessary it must be that which is gotten rid of. Particularly effective of course, when what you're trying to do is get rid of materials that are easily dissolved. But, as you work your way through those materials those which are not so easily dissolved become more difficult. In particular, we see some of these with potential to rise to the skin surface and that's why the hot bath could be helpful. 

In lieu of this however, you could use a loofah sponge with warm water and a gentle brushing or skin brushing action across the body. Of course, it is wise to do this intelligently, for instance you would not do such a thing right after outdoor exposure, for instance to any toxic plant material and you would do it at a time when you can rest afterwards. The idea is though by stimulating the skin you can assist with an alternate detoxification pathway and this would be of assistance in other respects obviously. In addition though, the diarrhea is calling on you to make a change. You have to recognize where your commitment to such a change takes place. It would actually be best if for a period of time perhaps as much as a year, one could alternate between normal stools and watery stools or short periods of diarrhea because the body has adapted to this and is relatively quickly able to dump materials.

The unfortunate part about this is that it is very dehydrated and this is the other aspect that needs some compensation, good available helpful, absorbed hydration. In particular, particularly this time of year raw tomatoes are highly recommended. Each time you are thirsty raw tomatoes or raw milk is significantly better than plain water. If neither of these are available then some small quantities of a good mineral water such as the German source water Gerolsteiner would be appropriate. However, if you use anything else tea, coffee various beverages etc. this is going to significantly exacerbate the diarrhea reaction which is liquid based and although there may be some absorption of some helpful materials in this, this could be quite detrimental in the entire process. 

Of course, generally speaking making best use of the available minerals and other materials is so important for the body. As such, your body’s depleting minerals through the diarrhea. This is compensated best by shellfish, in particular oysters and these could be taken on a daily basis again for some of this building. Minerals from oysters are not significantly affected by cooking. But, they are bound up so they are not as well absorbed so that is why the raw is always preferred over the cooked. 

In our original recommendation of switching back and forth for three days of cooked and three days of raw there was the potential here if you did not complicate the matter with too much medical intervention and other benefits possible. We can no longer make such a recommendation without recognizing the tremendous detriments that the body will receive when going into the cooked period. This is unfortunate because this means that there will be a little more stresses but the use of the raw meats in particular could be quite beneficial. If it is difficult, reading and rereading the two Vonderplanitz books can help. The different sauces can be utilized in various ways. The meats can be procured, can be those which are quite tender or ground or easy to digest and any of these will be tremendously helpful at supplying available nutrients and most importantly soothing, cleansing, healing fats.

The second fat that would seem to be very helpful here though you might think it would be dairy is actually coconut. Here coconut cream made in the way as described in, “Recipe for Living Without Disease,” using a juicer is preferable to all of the other fats. This can also activate some detoxification but can do so without as much of a body dependence on diarrhea. The difficulty with this is that of course it is a lot more work.

So, generally what one does is has somebody of teenage years, happy to put in all the work, busting up the coconuts, running them through the juicer etc. However, coconut cream when properly made will only last about seven days in the refrigerator so it has to be a repetitive process. This can be extremely helpful in a second way. Here, the idea is that you're going to bring these helpful, absorbable, soothing fats for healing purposes and help with some of the detoxification. So, the coconut cream is rubbed onto the belly. All of the entire belly would be soothed and assisted by this. At first, it would be just for the skin surface. But, as it is absorbed it would also make its way into the intestines, the interstitial spaces and be soothing and helpful at some of the inflammation and difficulty produced by the diarrhea.

You may also find that the entire variety of cell salts, Ferr Phos, Natrum Mur, Mag Phos in particular will all be of some benefit. These are typically taken at a lower potency, a 12x because it is not so much for their own homeopathic as for providing tiny amounts of well absorbed minerals. Therefore, one might use a combination of all 12 Schuessler tissue salts ten minutes before eating foods rich in minerals such as raw oysters. The other rich mineral food is one Vonderplanitz discovered and that is a small amount of raw, unsalted cheese eaten at the same time as raw unheated honey. This will provide some minerals. 

The more the body is able to heal and strengthen by rebuilding the less need it has for the diarrhea mechanism. This is a difficult way to proceed, you may think that there is an enemy, there's something you have to get rid of but all of this would of course been detected, protozoas, various pathogens, different diseases easily detected by most of the medical methods now available. Instead, it is recognizing that the body is doing what it needs to. It has these materials that have come in and it is doing its very best to dump them to get rid of them. 

So, in supporting and strengthening the body to complete this process and do so with as minimum pain and difficulty as possible, trusting that there is some benefit to this. This is the hard place to go. Doctors want very much to jump in and change things but you would see how this has helped you so far. It certainly has created more difficulty and more disharmony. This would seem to be the important points. At the same time as you recognize all of these sorts of things there is your own intuition as you work with these aspects as described by Vonderplanitz more and more you begin to understand more and more of this yourself. Bring your own intuition to bear here.

Most important would be a simple meter or gauge, from 0 to 10 with 10 being the maximum love that you could present for your own physical body for the people around you, for your own highest self at any given time and zero being that of no love at all, not the opposite of this as one might describe as fear or another modality, hatred. But, rather the sense that there is no love at all, you are simply not deserving or those energies are simply not present. At any given time where are you on the scale? Can you increase it, can you maximize it? What things could be said, what energies could be released? What new way could you see yourself that you could shift this and bring that needle a little higher on that gauge? In what way can you have more of this love?

In particular then, taking that feeling, taking that energy of any kind and then deliberately infusing it into your cells, into your physical body. A simple hand gesture of that of a gentle welcoming, a circular movement as if to draw those energies in and then very consciously with the idea of it being a pure, soothing healing light. Perhaps pink in color. It is then directed into the intestinal tract, into the belly and in all of its ways then, this to be a sense of nurturing, loving, caring. It is certainly a frustrating situation and that which when left unchecked will eventually result in all kinds of physical problems beyond what you are already experiencing. But, the potential here to get around these by assisting the body in its own building is also there if this is properly understood. 

Inert gas therapy would be of some value here, most importantly would be the inert gases helium, neon, and argon which are found in the combination called, “Athletic.” Intent simply being to bring more energy into the physical body. Wearing the pendant around the neck would be helpful and having it in the pants pocket or near the intestinal area would also assist. At all times when it is utilized the visualization of an energetic sort of a beautiful cloud of loving energy around the belly would be helpful.

For the deuterium, this is a worldwide effort and many individuals are involved in researching this and it is breaking every day with new applications, new discoveries and so we will simply ask you to look this up on the Internet to continue the research and understanding about this. The important term, “deuterium depleted water.”

But, in researching this you will understand for yourself and this is important. The news about deuterium is breaking in the world little bits at a time, all over the world more and more over the next ten years you are going to see greater understanding about this.

The specific we would recommend is that the water that you would drink is that which is deuterium depleted and then diluted with ordinary water in the ratio such that the parts per million would be below one hundred of deuterium. Ordinary water is one hundred fifty so depending on what deuterium depleted water you obtain you would dilute it accordingly.

Then, before drinking it, in a glass vessel you put it in the sun for two hours. This is very important and it will allow many of the benefits of the primal diet to be properly utilized. The idea being that when the food or water that is taken in that has been boiled, that has been heated past its critical temperature, the body has a severe lymphocyte reaction to this and it treats it as an infection and inflammation and the white blood cell count triple or in various ways causes many stresses.

This is one of the benefits of the Vonderplanitz approach that this does not take place, this lymphocyte increase and we do not want to stop this by having water as often is the case with deuterium depleted water that has been boiled. You restore its natural capabilities with the sunlight and this is strict if it is a very cloudy day then you simply don't have deuterium water, that is deuterium depleted water until it is sunny enough to energize the water.