Friday, January 20, 2023

Is There A Divine Plan For Earth?
Is there a Divine plan for Earth and each of our roles in helping to manifest it?

Hilarion: It is a complex matter because free will zone Earth, schoolroom Earth, hospital Earth, all exist together in one reality so that the interaction and sharing of energies can take place. But, as this then gradually unfolds, certain unique gifts of humanity seem to take precedence. By looking at these gifts and projecting forward as to how their development - through consciousness, through interaction with others, through the aspects of the guides, helpers and other energies moving them forward - one begins to recognize this powerful and useful path. Or, as humanity moves to a place by which those gifts, those special activities, those aspects unique and wonderful about humans are not necessary in the galaxy, humanity then disappears. This is the overall pattern and is the correct way to understand this without the emotional underpinnings, without the survival instinct, simply recognizing the value.

From such a point of view, you then begin to look at areas where humanity hasn't accomplished. It certainly hasn't done very well with science, has it? Nor, has it come to understand and work very well with the engines of war. Nor, has it come to a place by which it has learned especially about kindness, or the opportunity to assist. But, in all of these areas a great learning has taken place, and great hope still remains within people for learning from this.

But, where have people indeed found some interesting, powerful shifts? Through love, through the experience of this in their own heart, in their own consciousness, in their own attunement to other beings, in their willingness to love themselves. Always then breakthroughs, ways in which this has shifted. Of course, there are other ways in which such loving aspect has been tried by those who write the romance novels, the movie scripts and all the rest to create it more as personal love. But people see through this. They understand the greater connection - to family as a minimum, and often then, to community, and to larger aspects.

One way in which this has been to a certain extent exacerbated, is the development of national anthems; where the song has been developed to create a unity, or a connection. But, in some ways where these have usually been focused on developing a nationalistic spirit that might ultimately be put to people going to war, it has backfired as bringing a sense of love, of connection, of companionship between people.

So, one begins to recognize that it is through that loving aspect that humanity's ultimate development seems to hold the greatest promise. When one overlays this with what goes on in the universe looking at the other races, all the extraterrestrials and how they interact with all of the different star systems; love plays an important role, but it has not been fully understood by the rest of the beings. It is an energy that would indeed be welcomed in the greater galactic community, that humanity would learn from this, gain in intelligence and technology, but must give back and find a way to share that love, to inspire it in others, to allow its development.

Therefore, one begins to recognize that the path to this lovingness, to this sense of love as expanded, as shifted, as benefiting all beings on your planet, is the crux development - not only individually, not only in relationship, or in family, or in group, but for all of humanity. That is very difficult. It is not agreed upon as to how that energy can be most positively and helpfully used. But, still it remains as the question for all beings and over and over solutions - small ones, interim ones, or larger ones - come back over and over to some way in which be it technology, a new way of organization, economics or whatever; must have within them love, compassion, caring, kindness, and ultimately the manifestation of real change on your planet.

This means that the love that is felt within your heart is the simple key. Just as the energies we spoke of with regards to judgment are a reflection of aspects in yourself unloved, so then is the capacity in you to love a powerful force to change all of those aspects outside yourself.

Therefore, as we have stated before and as we will remind you again to ask yourself: "How can I love more? How can I love in different ways? When others I know express their love to me, how do they do it? Could I do it that way, too?" To examine this, to look at it, to respond to it will bring up your ego, will bring up your fear. "Oh, I couldn't hug that person, what would they think of me?" Ego. "If I hug that person they might hurt me or walk away from me, or do something that I wouldn't like." Fear.
Look at those issues, understand them, release them, find a way to change them, look at the truth. More love in this world can go a long way towards making all kinds of difference, and is related back to where we began with being-ness. "But Hilarion, what about the doing-ness? What are we going to do?"

When we suggest that one needs to love more, it does seem as if an over simplification. But, when we look at the potential to love and how much of that potential is being realized by each individual, one sees a tremendous discrepancy. Love can be purely consolation, but it can also be that which encourages powerful levels of clarification if within the space of safety, caring, compassion and love, one is able to look at issues of judgment, of understanding, of interaction. What a powerful gift that might be for humanity as a whole to give to the rest of the galaxy. And if not, it's certainly interesting to think about.

At its minimum, it allows you the opportunity then to shift your context into the acceptance of your natural gifts. This doesn't mean you should stop thinking, though we've certainly recommended that, since after all it can be very distracting. Nor, does it mean that you should stop working with your technologies, though, of course, in doing so without the love, one usually leads to the desire to correct something only leading to more problems. 

But, ultimately, it is through this aspect of love that every answer and every way in which you shift will be encouraged. Not just because it is humanity's gift, but because the extraterrestrials, because the beings of the galaxy, because the guides and helpers know that it is through that path that you can manifest your greatest potential and that this is most needed in the rest of the universe.

That's a kind of tricky answer you know, because it does allow you the opportunity for greater free will, rather than it being that people must do this and must do that. Because you get to write the script eventually as you come to that place of maximum loving.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Interview with Dr. Lee Merit Discussing The Vaccine

This is a year old but if you haven't seen it, it's worth viewing especially what she says at 22:44 considering what is currently happening. 

Her videos are banned on youtube.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Religion & Extra-Terrestrials (from 2003)
Hilarion: A question that has been asked regarding the role of religion on your planet and especially how extra-terrestrials have focused their energies on this. Religion in many ways cannot be separated from culture when one is looking at history, and the historical significance of the development of so many aspects of culture in Western civilization and many other things have come to pass. 

Even those who are not now associated with particular dogmatic religions may have through their history been associated with this in their great-grandparents or further off ancestors. As then manifesting their coming to America or another country, or finding some inspiration in their own energy for what they did and so on.

Most of those extra-terrestrials of positive intent who have imparted information to humans in which it has then devolved or been degraded into pure belief patterns did not do so for the intent of limiting knowledge on your planet, to be worshipped for instance, but rather to inspire, to give an opportunity for others to awaken. Examples of this were seen even as those extra-terrestrials who were at times worshipped for being gods or demi-gods as has occurred in many of the Hindi philosophies and early Greek philosophies and religions and so on. 

Yet, in understanding that these energies have had a positive effect and some of the helpful energies have transpired, one can recognize where this has gone. Yet, one will recognize in the Christian and Muslim religions how many energies have been deliberately created by extra-terrestrials of negative intent, so that the energies of hostility or seeing that 'I am right' and 'you are wrong' might somehow be shared amongst many, and that these negative energies would allow certain classes of priests or mammons or others who might concentrate such energy into their own hands and their own political aims now leading to those in places of political power associating themselves with these dogmatic world religions that seek to exclude. 

This was foreseen and understood by some of those extra-terrestrials. Those associated with several different civilizations have been involved in this activity, and it is not that there are sides taken. It is the idea that there would be fighting. There would be destruction, and therefore the opportunity to remove physical people easily. No one would be missed. The opportunity for people as food, and many other things that are as aims and goals of some of these races that have influenced genetically humankind, helping to splice in those genes for fear and ego within people.

What solutions are available to this are of course to recognize that every religion has at its core underlying belief patterns, and question those beliefs. Use that to dismantle the fear aspect and ego aspect so that you can come to your own personal understanding about this. Some individuals have done this, and as a result, their influence and assistance from certain extra-terrestrials has also been beneficial. As for instance there is that religion called Baha'i that seeks to make a bridge from many of the world's dogmatic religions to a deeper understanding of similarity of all men as brothers and sisters together. Yet, this so difficult for people to accept and work with consciously.

So as a result a hermaphroditic society has exerted some influence here with the formation of new world religions that are really based on many old ones of the principle associated with the divine feminine. The idea being that these will eventually again come into form is being encouraged powerfully from many levels. The divine feminine energies are being implanted and strengthened right now within the Middle East. Yet, it is these energies that are being so strongly overridden by all of the destructive energies that are being utilized by so many countries with the United States now taking a powerful turn at this.

This therefore brings forth a potential here for even those who are trapped within the dogmatic belief patterns of these religions to also find a feminine voice inside them, an energy of some softness, or love, or caring that would at some place be willing then to make peace or understand, or accept, or love, or give birth. This energy will be necessary for settling of the conflict in the Middle East, because where territory is being fought over of religious significance those underlying aims of fear and ego are being put back all over again. But some aspect of sharing, of birthing, of bringing forth positive, helpful energies will be necessary in order for those conflicts to eventually be settled amongst themselves.

At the same time as working with these various energies though one comes to ask deeper and deeper questions about oneself - the balance of the internal male and female, the yin and yang principles in everyone. And for this one would certainly have to turn to the Eastern religions and the implantation of many aspects of knowledge from a number of extra-terrestrials into Tibetan religion, Taoism, and others. These are not religions in certain sense that they are as holding to dogmatic belief patterns, though certainly some of this is present, but rather a willingness to ask deeper and deeper questions and to become more illumined, more enlightened, more understanding, more aware wherever possible. 

These are not energies that are based so much on beliefs as on the questioning principle itself, an energy which has been worked with not just by various extra-terrestrials but of conjoining of such energies with many beings who have indeed ascended, who have moved higher, who have translated, who have worked with subtle energies at the physical in order to take them to the next level, such as guides, helpers and especially the highest evolved helpers, those beings who have been called by some as your guardian angels perhaps. Those that might also be called homo sapien serenismis - the serene ones.

As you learn of the powerful ways of shifting vibration, it becomes possible to speak with them to work with them, to share their energies. And such then becomes a powerful influence on religion as well, religious experience and many of the other energies that have ultimately at times been turned into dogmatic religions having as their key inspiration point a powerful, enlightening experience by someone and that is where the fear energies again take hold.

Now, in dealing with and understanding all of these aspects of awareness one might ask - is it then useful to move through these various phases oneself? Certainly in coming to a place of deeper questioning, understanding the powerful energies one's consciousness have on all aspects of being, how time itself is being manifested by the collective consciousness and other things, you can withdraw from this, come to a place of deeper understanding and awareness. But, this must be made practical. It must be that which comes back into existence for one simple reason - you are on the path of coming into a physical body if you are hearing our words. Because you need that. You chose to come into a physical body. When you were non-physical you said, "In order to learn what I need to learn, I must be physical."

Therefore, what do you learn? Physicalness, physicality. For many of you this is a powerful and important experience to cement or understand more deeply as if the soul in itself knows at its core it crystallizes it is therefore powerfully created with the energy of that which you are exposed to while in physical form. Be it traumatic or be it enlightening. This is where your choice when you are physical makes all the difference. 

But, it is a simple matter of understanding and awakening those aspects within your being to their highest. Those aspects of the essential core that you are - the love, the willingness, the different aspects that go deeper and are able to in their way inherently assist. But, then when it is time to die, you do not do so in the way perhaps that others have. This level which is called, "translation," by some or "ascension," by others and so on, is relatively rare. It is a mystical attribute. For most people, they will not be able to do this. But, what they will do is maintain full level of consciousness as they become more enlightened and aware in this lifetime and pass from it. They will maintain that consciousness, that continuity of memory into the next life, and in doing so then set the seeds for translation or ascension much more easily.

At the same time, to have this as a goal is foolish when the primary reason for what you are trying to learn, to teach yourself, to cement into your soul has to do with being physical. It doesn't do any good to think therefore and focus so much upon the whole attribute of being non-physical. But, of course that is what you are doing anyway, not by preparation in the sense that you are therefore preparing to ascend or translate, but rather the idea that what you are creating now is the energy that you will be using in the time in which you are non-physical. Therefore, when you are non-physical, you will be preparing for the time in which you will become physical. 

But, when you make this a more conscious process by any means - religion, investigation, education, deeper levels of clarification and evolution, possibly through your own ascension process, your own translation - then it is possible that those levels that you have created and worked with, because they have been physical, will be remembered and known as you move into the non-physical level.

Therefore you begin to recognize that the tool that you are given by being physical is yours to use any way you wish. Most people on your planet trapped in the energies of fear or ego will use those energies in such a way as to cement more deeply fear and ego by aspects of revenge, or terrorism, or those things that are being translated and shown to them on so many levels in the world today.

But, a few people will ask the deeper questions, or in the words of Peggy Lee - “is that all there is?” Because at its core, the real energy here is about the questioning process. As we have spoken to you so many times in the past, moving out of the level of consolation and into the level of clarification, not just asking the questions but manifesting in your life everyday some important aspect that is beyond simply feeling good, beyond entertainment, beyond getting high, beyond the aspect that simply allows you to know that you are okay; but going to the aspect that evolves. That says I shall now find something deeper in myself and releasing a deeper level of fear; releasing a deeper level of ego. Then finding that which makes a greater sense and assisting someone else. Manifesting some level of greater clarification that is translated to others somehow. Not easy to do of course, and not much support for it in the world, yet. 

But, as a result of some of this war making, there will be groups more devoted to peace. There will be more solidarity and understanding about this, and more opportunities for bringing forth some of these issues that we have already suggested. Because those people will then at some point start asking those questions. Many of them are still stuck in the same victim/perpetrator constant back and forth issue of the karmic plan. It is not at all about schoolroom Earth when you are doing that. You are back to hospital Earth, even the psychiatric ward of the hospital. But as you continue with such, you inevitably will stir up in a few the questioning process.

Some have foreseen this would eventually lead to a split in consciousness where some individuals would pass from this world, perhaps transmigrating to another planet, and that others would remain here to continue fighting it out. This is not the highest and best probability because Earth is a powerful and beautiful place, and it would be very sad to lose so much of her in the ensuing struggle that would eventually result. But, those who recognize the potential for this have foreseen it and it is in prophecy in many of the religions and in many of the books. At its core however, this must always be seen as a reflection inside - for the split inside yourself, for how you split your consciousness: how you will act a certain way with some individuals, and a different way with others; how you may find the willingness inside to love, but at other times withhold your love. So of course the choice always comes back to you.

But, there are those who would see this as a powerful consciousness, and would focus that consciousness on this energy saying, "This is the best way." Why? Because what they have been presented is for instance that in the time in which that translation of energies and souls occurs, in that time in which the massive destruction occurs; they will be lifted to heaven. They will be part of the 144,000 or they will be part of the select few, or they will be allowed into heaven because they have sacrificed, or whatever. This is simply a very watered down idea of what we've already been speaking of - the idea of what you prepare for now is a way then in which in your non-physical reality you then have the opportunity to use that energy for deeper understanding and awareness and will usually then choose to become physical again.

But, many people here do not understand that, so therefore their consciousness begins to focalize on the prophecies, and therefore they become self-fulfilling prophecies. One of the energies that is to come out of this conflict is that will be a focalization of these energies. Many of these will likely come into fruition around October of 2011. Potentially as far into 2012 as perhaps June of that year. The focalization on that period for some people can be useful if you understand that it is not the answer but an energy from that time that is released from the boundaries of time, and can move back in time to you, here, now.

Therefore we would ask you to have a little stretch as this is a good mid-point. And as you come back into the body recognize that stretching with you at this moment is the being that you will be in 2011. A being loving you but also a place of greater enlightenment and understanding, greater awareness as a result of many things - improved technology amongst them and that, that being is loving you now, sending you an energy now. To further and more deeply awaken this, think of who you were eight years ago and pour that energy into that being, seeing her or him more consciously aware, more understanding, more forgiving, more loving. The point of such exercises is to recognize that from that place a powerful energy emerges in which the choice is less a personal choice and more of a choice that relates to the opportunity for humanity to evolve, to shift in awareness and consciousness collectively.

It is hoped that at such a time instead of a split there will be an understanding amongst many people that the deeper questions can be asked and at the same time have answers. Answers that can be found in technology, in understanding, but most importantly in love, in a willingness to put love and assistance for others, the service to others as opposed to the service to self, to put that energy of that love above all other things. When that is more consciously made a part of your life, it is that much easier to evolve. As has been said - "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will indeed be peace."

But this message goes much deeper than simply a pithy saying. It is a way in which you can look at it inside yourself and recognize a willingness to allow this as shifted energy for many others.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Negative Thought Forms (March 21, 2003)
 Hilarion: Now there has been a   question about technology being utilized to disperse negative thought forms and of course this is of some help at this time. Indeed, one of the several technological back up plans, and we will mention a few others in a moment, was to distribute such technology as the personal empowerment device across the planet as rapidly as possible. This has of course not taken place yet. But, many others in recognizing its utility and usefulness may indeed open to this and be more aware of it in the future. But, the key here is simply in the release of those thought forms themselves. 

Now, how do you destroy negative thought forms? You do not do this by dwelling on them, nor by denying them. You go to their core, and you will usually find that that which magnetizes or connects you to the overall negative thought form is a fear. The fear inside you of losing your life perhaps, losing your loved ones, suffering. But, if you understand at its core that you never die, that the consciousness continues and evolves and shifts from one level to another. That at its core that love that you feel is not for someone else, it is just love. It is the energy of the universe. That at the level by which suffering comes to you, you invite it and that no more can come to you than that which you have created, and are creating.

It is then possible to understand the principle: F. E. A. R. - False Evidence Appearing Real, and release it. That the false evidence is that within you somehow a higher truth has been acknowledged. That the presence of energy, the willingness just to be here, now, just to breathe; this is enough.

From such a place sometimes it is easier to let go of those half truths about weapons or aims or goals or domination, and recognize that the underlying truths can gradually emerge. In the specific it does appear that this can push people a little closer by means of the economic struggles and difficulties to those solutions at a very practical level that we've been advocating for a very long time and that which your guides and helpers have been advocating for a long time. That of community involvement, groups, coming together, learning from each other, learning to love each other, learning to serve each other, learning to manifest for each other those aspects of service that are fun and enjoyable for you to serve others as they do for you. Any other solution ultimately will fall far short of the real opportunity for growth and understanding amongst all of you. For what better person to help you grow, to sandpaper with you various aspects of your own personality and change than those that you would be most likely attracted to in such a community?

But, falling short of this, interim solutions obviously emerge. One of these as has been spoken of in the past is technological in nature. How to accelerate this has been asked as an important question, and it is a difficult one for us to answer. Not because the answers are not present. That is easy. But, because of the timing. If indeed the world wide collapse of the oil empire was to take place right now, indeed it would be certain that many of the conflicts around the world would stop. Yet, at the same time, many economic dislocations and difficulties would also ensue. So, this must be a gradual introduction of the various new technologies. But, to understand this and to love it into existence because you love your fellow men and women is the same energy at its core. It would allow you to invite an energy of peace and of love to assist and connect to others at this time.

And so therefore before we launch into such aspects of technological solution and other solutions, we would like to briefly allow another to speak if that's all right?

Angel: I come in love for all of you. I have been known at times as an angel of love, but really it is about peace. As an angel for peace inside, as a representative of what it means to be alive on your planet. Before you came here all of you saw that with increasing population, with all of the changes possible, with all of the energy of so many here at once trying ever so desperately at times to learn, to grow, but also to retribute, revenge, change. The opportunity would always be there as choice to love or to fear. How can you make that choice on a daily basis? How could that choice somehow be communicated to others? A core, central question for your souls. So at the deeper level what this is all asking you - which do you prefer? How can that love be tasted? How can it be known in you?

Even in the times of greatest struggle and difficulty, even in the moments before life is lost, many angels appear. They come in the night. They come in the daytime. They come in those times of battles, of war, of struggle, of death and destruction. Just as much as they come with the times of dawn, of light, of awakening.

So, where you can assist with our energies right now is for a moment to contact an angel inside of you of love and of peace and to let her now envelop you with her loving. Merge with the strength of your being and recognize that, that comes together in breathing, and in your breath, a deep relaxation of your entire body. A sending out of this love, gradually, easily. With each in-breath the understanding, the awakening, the welcoming. On each out-breath the release of that love to the planet, to everyone on this planet. To touch them all and say, "Yes, there can be peace. It is possible. Yes, there are alternatives. Yes, there are other ways. Yes, in your heart you know this peace also. You know this love also. Welcome it."

Monday, January 9, 2023

Earth Consciousness (from 2003)
What would this world look like if the vast majority of people were in tune with the Earth?

Hilarion: It is an interesting opportunity that is presented. It does seem highly likely that Earth's energies would at last be put to their real use. This has not been on your planet for some time. In ancient times, particularly known to the Greek civilization, there was the opportunity to see beyond the veil, to recognize the non-physical beings that interact with you. These as initially the simple kingdoms. So, as Earth's energy would then be united powerfully with the consciousness of human beings, the ability to understand and interact with the non-physical realms would be open. 

The passage between the realms, the ability to shift vibration was more known in Lemurian times. But, these energies now would have a whole different meaning because of the collective consciousness of humanity now having so many beings in souls brings the opportunity for this to evolve. Which would bring us to another question: the awareness of why souls are choosing to incarnate now. That is one of the important reasons - the possibility that people might evolve together. They might really get it. They might really understand and make use of Earth's energy in a way then in which they might share energies from all realms together at once. Yet, at the opportunity to make this physical, embrace each other, feel the love and share this with Earth's bounty, renew her beautiful trees, flowers and nature on all levels.

Most beings that incarnate now, don't incarnate for that reason of course, because they don't have much training in this. Not having lived in the intermissive period with sufficient courses and understanding, they come in with relatively low levels of consciousness and instead are here in order just to balance karma. 

This is the hospital Earth principle. But, for those who recognize schoolroom Earth, the opportunity to interact together, it is a wonderful time. You may not see it as this with so many opportunities for destruction, but as the law of opposites always applies, there is also therefore the opportunity for great awakening, great understanding, many levels of awareness not previously possible for people. Many of the children being born to the indigo ray will manifest this more consciously and clearly now, and indeed evidence the opportunities for this soon in groups, in levels of consciousness not previously accepted.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Fifty Billion Population & Natural Diet

When we have fifty billion people on this planet can we all eat a natural diet?

Hilarion: Yes. The real key to it will be that along the way with the development of science, along with these natural capacities, with the release of the fear aspect with regards to bacteria, germs, viruses, parasites, and all of the rest understood in their true context as humanity's true doctors, as their capacity to provide maximum healing, as what they do is destroy diseased tissue. One will then recognize that the real solution has always lain in the same place - the small intestine. That here the proper development of sufficient bacteria can go way beyond that which is currently available and hence, significantly increase efficiency of the ingestion of various foods. 

In space, one consumes hydromel in moving from planet to planet, or its various derivatives as developed by each of the extraterrestrial civilizations wherein some physical nutriment has been necessary. Hence, one would recognize that this development on Earth can also be an important capacity where such foods are inherently beneficial, bringing in all of the inherent nutrients of those foods that maximize absorption and benefit to the body. Unfortunately, this means that the foods ingested are diffuse, not concentrated, therefore most easily acceptable to the bacteria that can be encouraged to exist in the small intestine. This allows them to properly digest and work with these materials. 

Ultimately, these foods will be seen to have their source in sunlight, with very little utilization of resources necessary. But, this has not yet occurred because humanity has not yet sufficiently investigated the formation of various substances. In looking in nature to the interaction of bacteria with plants, one will begin to recognize and work with this. Through various humic acids, various soil born mechanisms, and others, the higher efficiencies possible for conversion of sunlight into directly nourishing material for all of humanity, regardless of humanity's spiritual development, will eventually show up. 

This is especially true as one begins to look at this more consciously in one's self as if the inspiration based on instinctive eating, on understanding of the true instincts within consciousness as they relate to bringing the body back to health, will parallel scientific developments. Specifically, those scientists who work with diets, such as described in We Want To Live, will make the greatest breakthroughs in bringing new food methods to humanity.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Transgenders & Hormone Therapy

Lori:  What are the long-term effects of hormone puberty blockers and other medical treatments for transgenders? I understand that the soul has no gender and that social conditioning stifles a soul’s self- expression but some of these medical treatments seem predatory and harmful with irreversible damages. I’m not anti-trans rather anti- medical experiments. 

Hilarion: It is an interesting question on many levels because one can directly trace the injection at a very young age of fetal components found in vaccines as that which influences the gender development of the child. As if then this medical intervention began shortly after birth and into the first few years of life. 

To some, this would perhaps be seen as a true horrible thing to do and damaging and hurtful and indeed from the very places by which some of this is actually well known in secret, in the companies that develop these vaccines. They use it as justification for some of the injections, hormones, and other treatments used for these children when they grow up. A sort of rationalization that the side effects or harm that can come from this are already in place so it isn’t going to make things that much worse. 

Therefore, the solution of course, begins to emerge. The utilization of various natural ways wherever possible to correct the difficulty. Now, this is very controversial. Some may say, “you are trying to reprogram if this is a boy who really feels inside that they are a girl and now you are going to give them homeopathy or various naturally occurring herbs, substances and cleansing that will help them again recognize that they are a boy,” that it is akin to reprogramming. 

As if to say, “it is not ok the way you are.” But, if you recognize that in some cases this goes back before the full conscious awareness of the child. That it goes all the way back to even before the child knew that he was female trapped in a male body, even before he knew anything about consciousness. 

You then may be able to understand that this is not to change the programing but to change the underlying issue. Of course, when an individual has the concept within their own consciousness that gender is a direct association of identity then they must assert their identity in order to learn, in order to be the kind of person they are. But, when you’ve had enough lifetimes and you begin to remember this, or when you’re in the intermissive period (the times between lives) and you are remembering all of the lifetimes you have had, you begin to realize that you are not gender based, you are a soul and you are soul- based and you have had lifetimes in various forms, in various genders, in various ways of being and in some cases on other planets where the whole idea of gender is laughable or so different as having as many as sixteen different genders distinct and clear physically or only one or various other ways in which those particular aspects are not particularly important or valuable in terms of your own evolution. 

But, any way in which you look at this, you recognize that it must be considered in whichever way in which you approach it, that you seeking to bring health and healing to the human body in whatever way you are dealing with this issue. This means that if you are going to use hormone treatments you would be best to use them from as natural sources as possible. Such as: yams, such as using homeopathy and ways that you are using vibration rather than physical substances which can do harm by causing imbalances within the body and if those are the only ways in which you feel you can correct things then you choose to correct those imbalances by as many natural means as possible. 

However, what you begin to recognize with all of this, is how far from what can be seen as natural, as that which comes from the body itself, how far from that you have already come. How far from that so many aspects of what you take or granted in your world are shown over and over. Fortunately, a powerful reminder to go to the source of this, for instance, with the diet of your ancestors emerges and thus you have the work of Aajonus Vonderplanitz and his two books and those who have complied all of his lectures, workshops and presentations. This is a body of information that can be very helpful on many levels and through natural means create at the very least all kinds of helpful tools to reduce the side-effects of any drugs and any treatments. 

Ultimately, though, when you are experiencing those difficulties it is going to throw you back to re-examine. “who am I, really? Who or what is experiencing this? “ So that perhaps you will get the deeper understanding of the essence of your soul rather than the powerful identity which you have it associated with. Oftentimes, the very nature of that identity is important simply because it has been denied to you. If for many years of your childhood you were told to be a certain thing. For example, “be more feminine or be more masculine,” and this went against your own nature, It is then as if your own identity is not being allowed and being suppressed and is being pushed in a way that you are going to push back. But, again recognize that war, that pushing back and forth in both directions is asking you to go deeper and find a true answer to who you are and to who or what you are experiencing right now and this goes beyond identity itself.