Sunday, October 23, 2022

Reducing Dependency On Plastic Products
How can we reverse our dependency on plastic products?

Hilarion: It is a difficult matter, because there is so much inertia, so many doing this as they have been. But, one of the first methods is to employ as much of the desirable materials such as non-toxic metals and the many ceramics and glass materials on your own as soon as you can. To use those materials in the process for instance of obtaining milk from your own cow or water from your own well or the ways of transporting any of the things that you come in contact with.

Of course it is possible in a simpler way; the basic, direct, political action ways to lobby companies, to ask for products that are not made of plastic and send along pictures. The Pacific Gyre for instance, is a huge collection of plastic materials, broken down to some extent but some of them are floating sneakers, floating water bottles and many of the things discarded from the land. These are so huge now on your earth that people would be quite disheartened to see them.

Luckily, the shipping lanes do not go through these areas so they are not aware of them. But, a few individuals have done their best to bring more and more information about this to the world and you can continue as by bringing this information to the companies that are producing these products. Ask them to find another way, suggest glass materials, recyclable materials, various materials that can be employed instead. Now, of course, this dovetails into the local movement where you are choosing to eat food that is locally available and does not have to be transported long distances, thus reducing significantly the tremendous requirements that are placed on various packaged materials.

But, at the same time it is important as you move through this that you realize there are other ways to clean up your environment; other than recycling. There are also the ways in which you are able to directly assimilate light to bring in the sense of being nourished. This is a little farther out from the previous material as mentioned, but we are noticing that many of the individuals who employ the Vonderplanitz methods for a long time are beginning to recognize this. They gain more food value in what they eat, they use the food more efficiently, they are able to receive the light of the sun more directly.
Many of the aspects of the healing of the immune system, strengthening of the physical body come from the sun. Of course, this is initially said as vitamin D production and vitamin D from the sun is going to be far healthier than that which is taken in any other forms including those in various fish oils, meats, etc.

But, still this is not the only aspect. The solar energy has tremendous value to the human being and here again, leading edge relative truth, at a time when people were saying, "Oh, avoid solar exposure, use all that sunscreen," and look what happens when they absorb the materials in the sunscreen. Solar exposure for a limited time, perhaps 45 minutes per day, full body, is often very helpful at correcting many difficulties. Yes, vitamin D is produced. Yes, this a factor, but there is more. There is the sun speaking to you, learning with you, sharing your love, light and awareness with you.

But it does so in a way completely different modality and yet there is that which is deep within you that can connect to this solar energy, this beautiful communication. Yes, all beings communicate, they do so in ways that you are not necessarily aware of because it is very different from your way of communicating but communicate nevertheless, they do. On earth that communication has a powerful common message of survival, learning, interacting and love. That the intercommunication, the awareness that they are touching each other, learning from each other, aware of each other.

This often leads to their ability to ask, be it the germs, be it the animals, the people, be it the kingdom of the air, the mountains, the grass, all asking, and they are asking each other. They are especially asking humans. The question of course cannot be formed in the purely verbal, that is how people would interpret it. A microbe does not ask with verbal since it does not have anything approaching a mouth or a brain. But the question is there nevertheless. It is about love. It is about being together, it is about learning from each other. It is about learning to love from each other, it is about this way in which they ask, "how."

You may think it is more about “why.” But “why,” inevitably leads to the intellectual. Sometimes it is about “what” as they are coming just to an understanding of manifestation. But for the most part it is about, "how." How we live, how we love, how we interact how we know each other, how we know we know the infinite and the tiny.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A.D.D. Diseases & Diet

This is from 2003.

We're seeing increased problems in children with A.D.D., learning disabilities and new diseases; can you speak more about that?

Hilarion: A great deal of this simply comes from the simple misunderstanding of diet. That so much of this ingestion of metallic substances, mercury in various vaccines, utilization of antibiotics, various things that are simply, entirely, completely unnatural. That indeed your body has a natural capacity to exist in nature parallels perfectly the animals, that many of their behaviors will point to you the many answers available towards this. The attunement and connection to carbohydrates only exacerbates the difficulty from generation to generation. As there is decreased liver function of proper recycling of protein, as dependence on carbohydrates only increases, all kinds of blood sugar imbalances and many difficulties show up in the body. 

This cannot therefore be cured immediately. It will take a few generations to correct this. But all that is necessary, at the core level, is an understanding of the natural diet, of how people ate in primitive times, of how animals eat, and one recognizes how the DNA has designed the physical body to operate. This is detailed nicely in, "We Want To Live," by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. 

But, short term, various modalities of higher vibrational healing can be of some benefit - sound therapy, light therapy, movement therapy, Feldenkrais, any way in which the children can be engaged to help with their own self-cleansing can be of value. But, overall the intention here is very clear - to find a way in which the spiritual being can be at home in the animal body, means the understanding of the animal body as the temple. As it was designed, not as you would think it should be, and certainly not as somebody else is going to be able to make money from it. Hence, the development of processed foods, all kinds of contaminants, and other things simply for the possibility of somebody making a buck. This must shift, and will have its ultimate effect on the children as these energies continue.

So, the larger solution here is purely physical, but the interim solutions, as one moves towards this, will inevitably be helpful if they increase instinct. The opportunity in the child and in the next generation to know instinctively the correct foods and procedures.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Marijuana & Deva Kingdom

There are some questions about marijuana or other psychotropics. Please comment on these plant medicines and how, and in what form are the healing properties best to use?

Hilarion: In whatever way you take them initially, realize that you are connecting with a much larger energy. The Deva Kingdom associated with these plants, this is where the true healing comes from. Oh, yes there can be drug effects, physical effects on the body, brain receptor changes, nervous system shifts as a result. But it is the connection to this kingdom, all of the beings, the loving Devas associated with this plant or any plant or any substance that you work with derived from the plant kingdom. They have evolved over millions of years, they are there with you, to assist you, to alert you, they have learned that the consciousness changes of people who have utilized these substances and they have a great deal to communicate with you about this.

So, as you attune to this, you can in a short period of time, perhaps only a few experiences of this nature have a deeper sense of this kingdom, of these beings, then you can tune in to them directly. You do not need the substance at all and indeed this can be extremely healing. It can allow you to purify the effect so that it is no longer the sense of inebriation or a high, but rather the sense of consciousness, of expansion, of learning, awakening, of wisdom, of love, whatever particular attributes that come through from you, through this.

This is primarily true from the natural substances. Those that are artificially derived, and have various chemicals, etc. will have some connections to this. But, it is these which people in their initial experiences find, though attractive, eventually they let go of them, coming to appreciate the natural substances all that much more.
This is really the best way to proceed, seeing that those substances are initially valuable because of their powerful way of attuning you to the Deva Kingdom. Then to find this direct connection simply by welcoming that feeling, having the sense of those beings with you, listening to them, asking them their questions and understanding the answers as they come from their own language, an intuitive language perhaps; a language of presence, perhaps, of receiving of a light perhaps.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Cosmic Body

Lori: what can you tell me about my cosmic body?

Hilarion: the cosmic body is that which is perceived as far larger than that which encompasses or works with so much of the other aspects of the subtle bodies. It has some direct penetrating and important characteristics associated with the causal body. As these energetics shape many aspects that come into the physical form they tend in your physical body to show up from time to time such as cosmic information, some greater perspective, seeing things from the point of view of the extraterrestrials, particularly those highly concerned with creativity, various beings that you have known in the past and so on. The reason for this is that there is a shared aspect that is with humanity but there is also a shared aspect with various advanced civilizations. The sharing takes place in the cosmic body.

Particularly for you these energetics have a sort of residue from every past life that you have had in which there was an association of any type with any extraterrestrial. From such, these energies still remain and are available to be tapped into. The process is circuitous. It works its way into the causal and then into the physical and over and over the danger has been, habit pattern has been, the potential has been that the emotional body interferes. It is as if an the energetic line is created from a cosmic to causal to physical and then somewhere in this process most commonly, but not always, from causal to physical. That line is now looped, pulled away, warped, bent in some way and moving through various aspects before it becomes physical.

This can at times be a sort of confusion of some of the important cosmic energies with something that is emotional in nature and this is indeed such a big problem for so many people on earth that this cosmic information never gets to them. That it is able to reach you, be an inspiration, be that which leads you into deeper understanding into matters far beyond the limits of time and space to something truly cosmic. This sort of thing.

That you do have this and are aware of it from time to time is very good and that which encourages in you the opportunity to let go more and more of the emotional way of looking at this. But, as you are able to play with it, enjoy it and so on, the cosmic reality calls to you. It does so right now under one specific aspect. You could say that in working with any of the subtle bodies something that must be human, that must relate to your current incarnation because this is the aspect of maximum energy for you at the current time. This must be present and therefore around each of the subtle bodies it is useful and relevant to ask what is the connection to my physical existence here today?

With the cosmic body this relates then with what we would call, in alignment with Waldo Vieira, the "Cosmo ethic." This is an ethical way of understanding things that which is beyond anything earthly in relationship to laws, karma, what is happening on the planet. It is that which can be applied throughout humanity's existence and is specific to humanity in most of the ways it practically manifests. But, when understood at its higher vibrational level at its higher intent, would be applied to any civilization anywhere.

The cosmo-ethic often points you in a direction that is difficult. It is that which involves your own authentic self, speaking the truth, doing things that might hurt others under some circumstances but most commonly is that which hurts you. It's the right thing to do, you just know it, you can't necessarily explain it and you understand that the consequences of this will be that which generate the most positive helpful karma or in its most highest and helpful manifestation, manifest no karma at all or dissolve karma.

The cosmo ethic itself is a difficult area to explore and understand in all areas of human existence. But, when you are encountering a difficulty and you ask what is a cosmo-ethically appropriate action here? You may sometimes find that it is perfectly in alignment with that which you would call ethical or moral in the more human sense. Though, sometimes it is not.

This is where there is an experience that directly relates to the experience of what the cosmic body has taught you. In this way it has taught you about that which relates to something physical, a sort of focus or attunement on the fourth chakra, on the sense of the heart. On a way in which there is a feeling in your heart that this is right and this is wrong. As you hold the cosmo-ethical implications of something and even understanding them and saying that, what are the cosmological aspects? What are the physical? The cosmic body? Anyway you start to refer in that direction the heart responds.

As if an energy says, yes. This is the loving, most helpful, right way to proceed. This is the compassionate process that is when it is in alignment with that you understand at the physical level. But when the cosmo ethical implications are beyond that which you understand at the physical level the heart still responds. Then the problem is you don't understand it, you don't see why. This is an implication of the sort of mystical or mysterious capacities and properties of the cosmic body. That somehow this is linked together. Your hearts love, knowing the right thing and this is somehow brought to you physically.

In point of fact there is a relatively simple tool that utilizes electrocardiogram and can actually measure this phenomena. The electrical vibrations in the heart line up in frequency: it is called heart coherence and has been studied at HeartMath Institute and that which is present in the state of this deeper connection or penetration with the cosmic body and that which shows up when you are contemplating the most ethical, moral, helpful, loving and compassionate, in other words the cosmo-ethic.

When you're contemplating and working with this, this coherence does tend to show up as well. So you see that there are many implications as you begin to examine and look with the understanding of cosmic body. But, at the same time it is that which remains mysterious because its immediate application is never apparent.  April, 2014

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Tips for Remembering Past Lives

What are some tips for connecting with past lives?

Hilarion: It is a tricky one, in some ways one of the best things one can do with understanding past lives, is accept that they are a part of you and let it go. As if to simply understand that, that consciousness, that awareness, that willingness; that there is a mystery of it. A component that you may never fully know because it is like a memory of a memory. In so doing, you make it easier for some of those components, especially the emotional ones, to come into your life today.  

This is why sometimes those who focus so strongly on past lives, asking every psychic, every akashic record keeper, who was I in the past? And the one before that? etc. etc. as if you get stuck in that and if some of that energy doesn’t have an easy way to come into today for the one simple reason, that in every case where there was a past life, there was also an inter-missive period, a time between lives, on average about half of the lifetime.

So, for most people today between thirty or forty years or so, you experienced an inter-missive period (the time between lives) What did you do in that time period? Who did you speak with? What did you learn? Most importantly, how did you integrate what you had in that past life?

Oftentimes, when people ask this question they have a sense they are being prodded to do so. The guides and helpers perhaps, reminding them of this, some of the action from their past life, as if that were somehow a guide or helper. This is not to say you should ignore it but specifically think of it in terms of your future life. The being that looks back now on you as if you are a past life. Who was that person? What did they learn? Who did they love? Who did they help? How did they grow spiritually? These are powerful questions and the answers to these are in the inter- missive. 

Oftentimes, those who are seeking information about their past lives are being prodded in their own consciousness to prepare for their next inter-missive. To prepare for the idea of looking back on your life, this life now, and asking such deep questions such as “who?” and most importantly about love. Sometimes those questions are very difficult but if you imagine you are looking back on your life it’s a little easier. 

However, when it comes to the practical, the most profound, powerful and quickest way we have found over and over both for the receiving of the last inter- missive and the last life is in a projection of consciousness. In this way, in which your consciousness leaves your physical body and goes to a place where it can perceive these things outside the bounds of physical reality. It is one of the more helpful ways one can, by working with the techniques widely available through many places, of increasing your ability to project your consciousness, use that in a way that is very helpful. 

We often suggest the techniques through the group called IAC and they have a website International Academy of Consciousness. The point is that you have freedom, you have choice. We are not suggesting a specific rote technique as many others are. But, rather many different ways that you can enhance your own projectability, understand how it works and  use it to your own advantage.