Saturday, September 24, 2022

Migraines, 5G and Pine Needle Tea

What is the cause and the remedy for migraines?
Hilarion: Headaches are a very difficult issue. Clearly, you are seeing a backup of all kinds of energy and toxicity. Often-times, it feels as if something is coming into your head that you would like to get rid of. Oftentimes, this is a byproduct of a poorly functioning lymph system and only over time one must get into a habit of regularly moving the lymph which will heal this. 

For others, it is a matter of energy as if the energy moves up and down the body very nicely but it gets up into the head region and it gets stuck.
The visualization of your crown chakra opening, even giving an increase in the headache; then visualize the crowd chakra opening and giving it change, or giving a sudden memory. These are little indications that something needs to be done about it. Long ago, we suggested helium stimulated by a magnet placed in the water would provide in the water important qualities to release this energy stuck in the top of the head. Indeed, many people have found this to be quite valuable and it often gives you the opportunity to reflect and think back on where you have allowed energy to be stuck in your life.

Unfortunately, you also have at the same time the increased use of electro-magnetics on your planet. We have spoken about this quite a bit in the past, the increase of 5G is creating a softening effect on the health and potential for problems from the so-called covid-19 vaccine. This can of course, be that which the body is trying desperately to clean out and clear out and it is difficult. (the body is always trying to heal itself) 

Oftentimes, you will find that some of those things that breakdown some of those qualities from the vaccine are also those which can clear the disease itself and also reduce some of the 5G effects. For this, pine needle tea will be very helpful; perhaps the best being sun tea. We see this is very helpful in many individuals who have tried it. Particularly, those whose headaches are relatively recent. 

At the same time, the drug companies are exploiting this and coming up with all kinds of new chemicals and new substances to reduce the pain and difficulty. Sometimes these have damaging effects on the liver and one must always be conscious of keeping the liver in top shape at all times. 

Yet, if that is the only thing you have tried that helps, you will use this. But, do not simply go about your life when the pain is reduced. Instead, look at where energy might be stuck. Look at where the lymphatic action could be beneficial, look at all of the techniques and the ways we have suggested. 

Although, many find it isn’t easy to get in enough exercise to move the lymph there are also techniques for this including vibration machine, lymph bath and various techniques people can work with in this regard. Of course, the lymphatic system is the lazy system in the body. That which is moved by the movement of the muscles, so muscular action always figures into it in some way.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Birthing Questions & Chickenpox Vaccines Cause Shingles

This is from September 21, 2007

Some birthing questions. Our children are given many vaccines shortly after birth. Some parents are alarmed with these various vaccines being injected into these new little bodies. What is the truth about the practice of immunization and our babies welfare? Circumcision is another questionable practice. Can you give us some wisdom concerning this issue? Many birthing practices occur around the world. What is your wisdom as to the best practice of birthing beings into the earth’s physical polarity? How can we implement your guidance in an effective balanced manner?

Hilarion: Answer to last question answers the others. You communicate with the child to be, they are beings who have existed on your planet before. They have lived full lives, come into adulthood, come to understand, come to grow, so they choose then to come in again. Do you think that just because they choose to be little that they are not wise?

They will communicate with you about how they would like to be born. Some will choose circumcision, some will choose vaccines, some will choose various means of birthing that are suitable for their own consciousness. Some will choose various means of birthing that are most perfectly suitable for their own consciousness, but as the children are born on your planet they must face powerful energies. From the second in which they take their first breath they are surrounded by other beings in powerful energies of light, of communication, of these senses around them and all of this.

In the womb they are protected. There are many useful energies, but some of those energies are those that are very much filtered by the mother. So, these birthing practices can be a useful tool in bringing their awareness and consciousness about the planet that they are coming into.

We would see naturally, as much as possible, water birth; methods that are gentle, that help make these transitions as easy as possible, the minimal cutting, harming, injecting, processing, all of the rest because the natural aspects of the physical body are those which can exert, heal, manifest the powerful, useful energies and so on.

If the mother has been eating processed foods with high content of metals or industrial waste, i.e. they have been eating supplements, they have been utilizing foods with a large degree of preservatives, well, then the breast milk will bring this into the child, this will lower the immune system and immune response, even though colostrum will be present, it is always helpful then to supplement with colostrum from various other sources, always raw, of course, from cow, from goat, from any animal, human is always the best. But, if the breast milk then brings a lowering of one's immune system what is one to do when one is then exposed to various diseases of viral microbial bacteria and so on?

If however, the mother can prepare before being in this position of bringing in a child, can bring in the healthiest receptacle of her own body to hold love and take care of the child before it is born, then this will continue as she is able to breast-feed and positive, useful tools will be brought into the child, vaccines then would be unnecessary in order to defend against various illnesses.
Homeopathics can be given through childhood years all the way up to age nine in order to prevent these various diseases as well. These types of homeopathics are called "nosodes," and would indeed be far better than the vaccines as given. One of the most difficult aspects of vaccine is the need to preserve it; thus various toxic metals are utilized; most commonly Mercury but all of the different methods at various times, different methodologies, which becomes very troubling as those substances are very difficult for the body to remove when they are injected.

Ingesting them is hard enough but injecting them can often put them in a place in the body where they cannot be removed except by extreme measures utilizing surgery, or various techniques, sometimes this is one reason why cancer occurs, the place where that cancer tumor gathers the metals, other contaminating substances, then removing them is the best solution. This is not to say that all vaccines cause cancer but there are many difficulties they bring on.

Secondarily, is their consciousness. They bring on the idea of fear which is linked to the various diseases that they are then vaccinated for. One of the worst examples of this that many individuals listening to us today now have direct relationship to is the childhood disease of chickenpox. Where vaccines have been given for this, sometimes the individual re-develops this much later in life indeed in the 50s, 60s or 70s. But, instead of occurring all over the body, it occurs in the abdominal region as shingles.

This is the same virus, it is simply finding its way now not only to relieve the body of toxic materials from childhood but now also to relieve the body of toxic materials that have gathered in the abdominal region as a result of the vaccines given long ago, as well as that overall thought form. 

Of course, chickenpox is deadly in a few individuals, but if given sufficient nutritional support, love, assistance, and other energies of a positive nature it is one of those childhood diseases that one can easily survive and will of course bring immune benefit and strength and prevent the later development of shingles.

Similarly, you can see so many ways in which the vaccines cause so many difficulties. Unfortunately, you have no choice sometimes when food quality or the body's ability to naturally and easily absorb the most helpful food substances is so limited. 

This brings us to the larger issue where people are unwilling sometimes to examine their own genetic predisposition. What is it that they are most able to accomplish, accommodate, welcome, and you use as food? It harkens back to the diet of their ancestors. As energy, it is the sense of love, as work, the opportunity to engage, to be stressed for periods of time as you do work and then to let go. To have deeper phases of relaxation and understanding, this is not to say conciliatory entertainment as the only solution but a way of emptiness, staring into space, being one with the earth.

We have often spoke of the need for bare feet on the earth, minimum half hour per day, in grass, dirt, even concrete but not insulated with shoes, socks on a wooden surface or what ever. This is also true for children, they need to crawl around in the grass, on the earth. If this is not possible because it is in the city environment find a place at least where you can take them where they can touch the earth with their feet while you hold them so that this energy can be magnified and strengthened. Even if that is not possible because of a hospital environment, then you put your feet on the earth and immediately thereafter go to the child holding the child, having a sense of that communication, that love, that sharing. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Big Lie, Global Warming & Finding Solutions~ Hilarion

This is from September 21, 2007

Hilarion: Now there are many questions to look out for today. And there are ways in which to answer this but we wish to draw your attention to an important aspect with regards to how propaganda, information, and the speaking of others and so on impacts your being.

This is not so deep in the animal self. It is in the higher brain function. It is an energy that you work with continuously when you are in the body and out of the body. The communicating of larger ideas and the understanding of the powerful thought forms that surround your planet.
Many individuals of great intelligence, in some cases their powerful need for their own identity to be reinforced through the actions of others, such as dictators, beings in positions of great power on your planet and so on, recognize these facts that humans do seek somehow this collective consciousness and deliberately warped the energies of truth into something that was a near truth that could be accepted sufficiently that when people then heard those messages over and over they believed them. 

This theory widely utilized now in advertising, politics and other areas has been called “The Big Lie.”It is an idea that when that consciousness is sufficiently strong and repeated enough, and that which comes from many different quarters, people around you, media, various ways in which you are reminded of it frequently, you believe it. This can occur even if the information given is quite far-fetched. For instance, that there is one race of people superior to all other races and that their great position on your planet is to lead the other races and those that would stop them must be killed. This was a powerful message that came out of Germany before World War II and this message was repeated in so many different ways it became a sort of classic case of the explanation of the “Big Lie Theory,” of advertising, understanding propaganda, political and other aspects of mind control and so on.

Indeed, the results of this are well known. It is a way then, in which people can, with innocence, with a genuine sense of devotion and benefit to others actually kill others, or do great harm to the planet or see themselves as humanity’s saviors. You see thousands of examples of this going back in history and many of those examples when examined now in the light of understanding, love or this understanding of the “Big Lie Theory,” would appear absurd that a religion that in many ways ultimately caused harm, guilt, destruction or difficulty could somehow be manifested on your planet as a great end, an aspect of saving or helping, or that various utilizations of technology for medical practices that seemed very harmful and difficult such as releasing blood from the body could be observed as the primary way of healing.

So, we offer for you three examples so that you may come to understand this in your current reality and recognize and ask, "Where is this Big Lie manifesting in my life?"

It can of course, be personal, a way then in which you accept for instance, there is scarcity on your planet, rather than the abundance that is apparent from the understanding of the universe at a constant level of expansion, how it feels within your own being when you love, how you recognize the energy of giving, assisting and how that energy helps others even when you receive it.

But, the personal level issue with “Big Lie,” is pretty much closed for most people. They are now able to separate the personal from the much larger issue. Part of this has to do with your own deliberate attempt to understand the true nature of love. To know that love is not wanting something. To know that it is a universal energy, an energy that moves through all levels of your being. This very thirst to understand this universal love gives those with an understanding of the operation of “Big Lie” an open-door.

Similarly, the ego, the way in which you are often able to be assisted, loved, see yourself as somehow more important than others, lifted up, cared for or whatever. It is always these issues about the ego and about your emotions, particularly your emotions of love and fear that the “Big Lie” theory will utilize within your being.
So one of these examples that we might look at for a moment here, is the understanding with regards to the issues facing you around global warming. You have seen examples of this where others have pushed forward the notion that they have in their own research and so on shown how global warming is not a problem. Now, of course the truth wins out.

Gradually, now the evidence piles up. But, the “Big Lie” about global warming is that somehow it cannot be corrected because it would be too expensive; most of the solutions that seem obvious as to be able to work; for instance, the setting aside of all fossil fuels, the utilization of all alternative energy sources and alternative energy vehicles, technologies and so on. They are possible but they are too expensive.

 If humanity put all of its attention on it, certainly it could correct this and the theory around this that has been suggested that people look at is the idea that if an asteroid was hurdling directly towards humanity, would people set aside their jobs, their day-to-day existence? Would they put all of their attention on doing whatever it took to somehow stop that by utilizing space vehicles perhaps, or atomic weaponry and or missiles or ways in which they themselves could sacrifice in order to produce something that could stop this. Most people would say of course because the effects of this are immediate. Something you see within a relatively short time frame.
So let us examine that for a moment given then that the expense of stopping an asteroid hit on your planet would be then no particular issue. Why is the expense of stopping global warming such an important issue? This is uncomfortable for you to look at of course because you recognize how you contribute to this in your home, heating and cooling needs, your automotive transportation needs, your importing food from far away the planet needs and so on.

Yet, you can step back from that, let go of your own personal understanding of this and look at the larger level you can recognize that there is a time frame associated with this. There are those who might say the time frame is 100 years before the problems on your planet are so severe that they significantly impact human population.
There are also those who in studying and working with this to a large extent recognize that there is a sort of point of no return and at that point comes soon, in as little as 10 years and that if people are not able to make the corrections needed then no corrections needed, no corrections made, no corrections possible after that point will have any effect.

This is not true because technology continues to evolve but it does not significantly reduce in expense and this is very important. Guides and helpers, the energies associated with global warming of the Earth herself and many other energies associated with this from your consciousness, your past lives your understanding about this before you came into this life and so on, all point to this aspect that a solution to global warming must be a global solution. One in which there is participation by all people, education and sharing of the information is where it starts and then others as they come to a deeper awareness about this, a deeper understanding are able to manifest these energies in ways in which ultimately there is a change; a significant change that can be measured scientifically and that which ultimately results in your own survival.

From the point of view of the soul, it is of course a difficult matter. The soul chooses the human being and all of the interaction on earth in order to survive, learn, grow, communicate. It is schoolroom earth, but it is also hospital earth and an opportunity for healing, for change, for awakening various aspects in your consciousness that can lead ultimately to manifestation of these higher principles will require that you are healed, that you understand, that you grow.
 So, in this sense, the preservation of earth is important and to give you these examples. But, the soul knows that it will survive, that there is an energy at the higher vibrational level, that it is an aspect of many vibrations other than the physical. Still though, this is a beautiful planet. You indeed are the stewards of this planet. It is if saying a powerful message to the rest of the universe if you can't take care of your own home, if you struggle with the opportunity in order to come together to make this appropriate, balanced, loving place for you on all levels available in all the ways that are possible.

Now another interesting example to look at in regards to “the Big Lie” takes you right into the whole idea of money. Money as you understand it is an aspect that is ancient. There are those who have called it a natural resource. That when you examine how natural resources on your planet such as wood or water or air are utilized they would suggest that you utilize money in a similar way and indeed this is exactly what is occurring.

That countries or counties or cities or smaller groups even to the point of individuals to some extent, consider what they have available to them how these things might be shared and how these energies are appropriately balanced, divvied up, divided amongst others and so on according to their worth, according to their value. It is associated in dollars and cents in USA, in euros in Europe, in the Yuan in China etc. etc.

That there are still different currencies is a little hint for you. Yes, of course there are different species of trees, different flavors of water and different odors in the air, but pretty much when you consider the natural resources, there are trees, these provide the wood, there is air, this sustains your own capacity in your body for life. There is water from which you drink.

In other words, this is a little hint that money is not a natural resource, never has been. It is the “Big Lie,” that many individuals unconsciously accept. That somehow within their own being they have the conscious idea that this is a limiting factor in their lives personally, not enough money to do the things they want to do is a reflection of the attitude inside that there is scarcity rather than abundance. People would say just the opposite because I don't have enough money, therefore I know there is scarcity and because I don't have enough money. I therefore know that all of these new age ideas about abundance are wrong.

Now, you can make your own decision about this but we suggest that again in order to dismantle a big lie you step back. Money came about naturally as a result of the need to streamline systems of interchange between people, the barter system, trading, utilizing various stones then later, metals, coins, various instruments made it easy to then utilize a medium of exchange.

This medium of exchange became codified, and better understood. The Venetians in Europe used it to a fine degree as a conclusion to the dark ages and bringing this into the Renaissance was a great leap forward for humanity. To be able to, for instance, say by lending money you will then be able to finance a voyage, then exploration was fostered and the result was that those who return from the exploration would then have to pay their debts.

Although, this simple principle was that which was built upon over a long time period, it eventually reached a place where the opportunity for the money itself to somehow be seen as real, more than that of a future promised, more than that of a substitute for borrowing, bartering, helping others exchange, etc..

This illustrates for you its truly ephemeral nature and from such a point of view, linking back to the idea of global warming, how silly it is when you consider the answer, "we are not going to be able to stop global warming because it is too expensive." That it is this arbitrary system, this opportunity to draw on what is essentially a solution, not a natural resource in order to say that a bigger problem then can be solved by that solution might somehow then be the best reason for doing or not doing something on your planet.

Think of it from this point of view, if there was mass extinction on your planet, you have seen this already in your solar system with the high levels of carbon dioxide on Venus, the very low atmospheric pressure but high percentage of carbon dioxide on Mars. The end of a planet is given as a powerful example to you in the two planets that are nearest in orbit to earth’s. Yet, this idea of the delicate balance between these important gases on your planet still not grasped by all beings.

How important it is that this balance is maintained for human life is very useful to consider. But, for any life there will be other forms, there are already on your planet beings that though at a very, microbial, primitive level exist, they will survive into times of much higher levels of carbon dioxide even when people won’t.

So, what of this opportunity, the great gift of the earth given to you? Can you make use of it in ways that are valuable? Can the solution to exploration, to interchange between countries and people to the substituting of this aspect for love, could this money aspect in itself by its continual opportunity to rule you be that which ultimately prevents you from solving the problem that is facing you on your planet?

Now, of course this could be applied to questions much bigger than global warming which brings us then to the other aspect that which would unite the tiniest and the largest; that somehow within your being you believe that you do not deserve something bigger. That you do not accept the abundance that is so natural that is so much a part of your universe. If you could in a sense breathe in this energy, that sense that you are deeply loved by God, that you could somehow deeply know within your consciousness that you deserve this and that the fears could be communicated, that the energies could be shared, somehow about these issues.

These are the simple solutions to “The Big Lie.” In this case, the “Big Lie” is one that comes naturally as a result of all of these other lies, all these ways in which you see yourself as less than or smaller than or separated from. Yet, at the deeper level of your own being you know this as a lie. You know the continuity, the love, the connectedness, the energy of being-ness, this brings us to a higher way of answering, looking at, working with this sort of energy.

But your own answers come from within. Not simply the answers relating to problems at hand, but an answer with regards to this big issue about scarcity and expansiveness, about the nature of who you are. Focus for a moment, instead of on these issues, on these thoughts, on the breath. Let go of the thoughts, let go of the energies that ask, if necessary bring in an animal being to stand or work with you, love you.

But as you breathe, as you put attention on the breath, notice that the thoughts themselves are distracting. The emotions, the ideas, the things that come through, they draw you away sometimes from that place of pure presence, that place of just breath, that place of love.

As you focus on the breathing notice then this potential idea as it manifests to you. It is difficult to think about it because that puts you out of a place of presence. So instead, just focus on the breath and hold this idea, this simple question as to who you are, as to the nature of your being, as to asking about love, to receiving the answer in your breath.

From this, what emerges is the idea that the thoughts, perhaps themselves are solutions but the problem is being presented to you that is so much bigger that the solution will be inadequate to answer it. Who am I? as a question. What is my nature? as a question? What is love? That's the question of my being.

The answers to this do not come from thought, nor do they come even from the mental process that engages around the issue of question and answer. This is the “Big Lie” and it was told to you by your teachers, by those of you when growing up in school, learning the things that were shown to you. Many of you rebelled against this, a few adapted, many came to a place in which they learned how to shut aside some of their own intuition, been unwilling perhaps to look at it or receive it, but you have come to it again, to awaken it, to welcome it, and now you know that indeed the intuitive part of your being is a tremendous valuable asset and ultimately more important, more useful, more lovable, and more loving in your soul than those energies that you learned in school, then the logical side.

The breath can draw you into that and help you remind you of this. It is not to say that, those ways of thinking, what is sometimes termed “the logical brain,” that that is the wrong thing, it has its value, has its use, but to depend on it, to see it as the only solution and now the “Big Lie” to see it as the best solution.

Each time you contemplate these energies around you, you can also think of them in a different way, the illusions of life. When you call it that you are less likely to shunt them aside, to let go of them, as when you put a little more force on it and call it the “Big Lie,” because after all, there is the emotion of resentment. Who are you to trick me is a question that could be asked which has an important legitimate answer intuitively you know they are you.

Those beings in a position of power who need their lies to exert their own power, to know their own identity, it is no different from you in some aspect. Just stronger perhaps in their fear and their power, just stronger in their need for ego and so it is through the ego that the solutions to all of this, all of these difficulties are promoted by those in positions of power. Solutions that clearly fall way short of effectiveness but they are solutions that emerge nevertheless because they keep those people in their positions of power, re-assert for them their own identity, help them know more deeply their own capacity to reassert this over and over and over, even at the cost of the planet, for your life, for your relationships or your love.

Now, of course this is of no real good to you when what you do is primarily focused on well, "Hilarion what should we do since really all of these issues and questions and indeed the whole idea of the “Big Lie,” of illusions and all the rest are more at being-ness level than the doing-ness level?"

Doing-ness is something that you manifest because you are in the body. It is that which you are here to learn about and by the doing-ness you learn more about yourself. Still though, solutions are necessary and many of you have intuitively come to understand these solutions as those which feel good, which brings some sense of love, a deeper connection, of higher communication, of greater love between you. These solutions may be difficult to implement but they are the purpose, the reason why these issues are confronting and it is then to your credit that you are willing to look, welcome, receive and know these energies.

Other planets have faced similar difficulties. Not all planets choose the medium of money, or medium of exchange or something of that nature as for instance of these different examples an important issue to focus on. But, on those that do they eventually realize from one methodology or another, technological perhaps, political, some way in which through their own family or connection or love that that solution to some older problems is now obsolete; making the switch. 

Changing has been difficult for them and we have discussed this in the past as several planets have simply moved to worldwide strike. Strike not against the love, or companionship or help or caring for each other. In some cases barter was brought in, in others a sense of deep level of service, of assistance to others simply for its own sake. But the strike to set aside money, to set aside the old ways, to find aspects that could be brought in for new solutions.

Now we mention this, particularly now because of this idea of the welcoming of magical solution a sudden new energy, and awakening in consciousness previously perhaps ignored. But its purpose is to draw up some of these deep levels in your own unconscious. For many individuals this is associated with the connection to the Galactic center. This is the area of the night sky that is where the Milky Way is thickest but also darkest because of the blocking energies associated with this area. As planets line up across the Galactic Center into December these energies become particularly focused with the idea of your own creation, your own creativity. What are you to manifest here? But, it is not useful to focus primarily on the doing-ness aspect when you are contemplating such a lineup of energies. Particularly important here is the energy of Pluto for transformation and bringing up the deep levels of unconscious as associated with the Galactic Center energy. 

But in the mean time, the point of this is to prepare for this idea of the opportunity for the energies of your own creation, the highest aspect of your being, the sense of your oneness to your entire galaxy, that this energy is to be awakened more strongly, and welcomed more powerfully within your being.

Individuals have contemplated also the powerful energies in the center of the earth. Seeing this as a Sun, as a powerful, radiant force; contemplating the idea of going there and what it would be like after you have lived there for a while. Let us assure you that such would be a powerful transformative journey and many individuals in their own unconscious as they sleep, they do go to this place. 

But, when you return from this as a whole group of beings, should humanity elect such a process, which is probably unlikely but should this occur, such issues as money, as indeed even barter would most likely be seen in their true light. So, those who would wonder how people would live and so on must understand that the informative journey to any of these places, the Galactic center, the great central Sun inside the earth, beautiful sun outside your earth, these journeys are to educate you as to your own abundance, the nature of your own energy, the capacity to bring healing, love, a sense of purpose, caring, all kinds of powerful aspects into the world.

Inflammation & Sugar
 Hilarion: The body is trying to heal itself. It brings fluid, energy, change in polarity between potassium and sodium, and the electrical stimulation across the cell wall, and as such the ways in which various minerals then can be moved in a temporary way. 

Inflammation has its place as the body's fast, deep but typically short-term method of healing. If the inflammation goes on too long, then it depletes those minerals that might have been temporarily available and are now exhausted. Those electrical imbalances have further ramifications to all of the systems they are connected to and the inflammation wherever it is, creates further problems. If inflammation is there it is important to look at why. What can be done about it to improve the situation at the underlying local site, where it all started?

Oftentimes, what you will see directly associated with that site, in the way of function, is a symbolic message you are unable to interpret or understand fully for yourself. In our book,” Body Signs,” we describe many of the specific lessons associated with parts of the body. These are typically related to the function of that part of the body; what it is doing; how it works; and how this might symbolically relate to aspects of your own life. 

As you are able to grasp this and work with it you may find that there is a ritual that you can enact. Some particular message you can write to yourself, some area you can investigate, some meditation or visualization associated with this that will shift your relationship to that symbolic information.

This in itself will not cure inflammation. But it increases the aetheric energy associated with that part of the body so that, that inflammation can move along faster, can move in the direction it needs to and it can heal. The ripple effect where it has been long-term, then causes the other aspects that have been adding energy to this to then go back to their normal day-to-day activity.

Now, of course when you are giving the body food that it cannot properly utilize you have the most common source of inflammation. When you are giving the body lots of sugar, for instance, you are going to see swelling of different parts of the body. Certain places in the brain will give you issues and problems because of the way in which sugar moves so quickly into the brain. You might also have problems in the pancreas, as various components turn to acid in the intestinal tract. These things as they are moving in that direction become inflamed, the body bringing more heat to that part, more electrical energy, shifting of various balances across the cell wall in an effort to correct this. No problem if you don't keep eating the sugar. If you do, then you're only going to exacerbate the problem.

Oftentimes, the underlying reason might be something to do with the "sweetness of life," or wanting to give yourself a feeling that is sweet or deserving or loving. From time to time that can be a delightful sort of thing. If done too much than the obvious problems naturally ensue. But, as you look at the first place it might land, it might not be the brain it may be the pancreas, you might then look deeper at the pancreases ability to give you a sense of love and connection for yourself, for honoring and caring for yourself and especially then to others who are close to you, how you would honor and love them.

In particular, it often relates to a pink energy associated with the child self, loving the childlike part of yourself and the childlike part of others. But in whatever way you may begin to work with this, the pancreas may reveal to you a craving for a particular food; a particular therapy; a particular way of interacting that could be healing and helpful and at the same time release, reduce, and shift that craving for which is harming it. That is very practical way of looking at this that includes some of the symbolic information, but you must also recognize there is a deeper lesson in all of this. 

There is a way in which inflammation is telling you, ”something is wrong. Something just isn't right here.” It often means you must often get out of your own way to find out what is going to work here and to explore many possibilities, to try things you never thought, talk to people you never thought you would talk to, talk to people in various areas you had never imagined before and above all not to hold any preconceived ideas in the way of the possibility of this. Because this can often lead you to new possibilities, new energies, and things to work with for yourself.

Monday, September 5, 2022

The Flu (purpose of)
This is from Dec 21, 2009   

 What is the purpose of the flu?

Hilarion: As always where there is the ingestion into the respiratory system or digestive system of a variety of toxic flu, cold and other things- the easy way out quickly happens through the mobilization of mucus, various shifts in temperature of the body, sweating etc. 

This is obvious, but at the collective consciousness level there is a shared experience, a sense that, "I am ready to go within. I'm going to focus on this for a time, and generate whatever is needed to come to a place of cleansing and clearing."

If afterward, the foods that are eaten are those which are easily assimilated and are very easily digested, beneficial, helpful foods, particularly those that might have been eaten by your ancestors, those for which you are programmed, you may find that your recovery not only takes you back to the sense of where you were before the flu, but beyond it: greater health, greater strength, greater awareness. 

That this occurs however, worldwide, and at the same time, is being subverted by organizations that seek to make money from it, which is an interesting thing. 

In fact, what has come is the opportunity for people to re-examine themselves to look at these things in a new way and decide if it is appropriate and helpful in their own interests to support these as the best way forward or perhaps take a different path, look at this a little more you might say, "objectively" and understand the opportunity for this. 

Many individuals will not do so, they will simply have their cleansing period and go right back to work and keep things exactly as they were. Because of so much attention on this, many others will not, they will actually begin looking more consciously at these issues and the result of this may be some sweeping changes. At the same time, you are seeing some small scale changes in the political and health-care system on your planet and these are to some extent being stimulated by this larger attention on the flu.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Life On Other Planets

The other planets in our solar system are supposed to be inhabited. Yet, their climatic conditions are extreme and there is no objective evidence of such beings. What is the explanation?

Hilarion: The problem that must first be solved, in connection with the detection of those life forms, is that they are not all at the same level of vibration as man or man's instruments. Let us begin by explaining that there are three basic categories of "substance" in the three dimensional universe.  But, that each of these basic categories has many sub-categories; in each of which substances can exist. 

For example, the material world around you is all of a single sub-category at the "physical" level. There are many other sub-categories of physical matter as well, but your eyes can only see the one due to the self-imposed limitations that man has assumed. 

But, for other life forms in your same sub-category, these limitations are not present in the same way. For  example, many cats, although they have physical bodies in your sub-category, can see some of the other sub-categories. Anyone who has owned cats will confirm that they appear at times to be "looking" at things which apparently are not there (at least not there to your eyes).

You have also heard the old legends about "fairies," "little folk" and so forth. These old tales suggest that such creatures are able to make themselves seen at will. Essentially, these recounting are true in the sense that there are beings of physical matter which can, at will, cause that matter to change from one sub category to another. This they do  by concentrating energies that are available from the earth itself, and their ability to do this is related to the structure and the arrangement of the main organs in their bodies. 

Human beings once could accomplish the same shift to another sub-category, but their increasing materiality (in terms of their outlook) has coarsened the body the point where the organ arrangement can no longer speed up the atomic vibrations to the point of change. 

Likewise, in the aetheric and astral levels there is also the possibility of shifting from one sub-category to another. The earth herself, and each of the other planets of the solar system, has existence levels in all of  these sub-categories of physical, astral and aetheric material. The conditions in terms of temperature,  life-compatibility,  and so  forth, change from one to the other. 

Thus, merely because Uranus, for example is too cold in terms of temperature to support carbon based life at the bottom of physical matter (which is that of mankind), this does not mean that it is hostile to physical matter in one of the other sub0categories. In fact, Uranus is quite friendly to silicon- based physical matter in the third sub-category and many fascinating life- forms exist on that planet at that higher level  of vibration.