Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Hilarion on Covid- 19 Variants

Will the Brazilian strain of COVID-19 create more shutdowns? Or new potentially, more dangerous strains when mixed with other strains of COVID-19? 

Hilarion:  Fascinating questions when you look at the future with regards to all of these tiny substances;  these bacteria, viruses; micro- organisms of all kinds. It would seem that the development of more variants is inevitable and the development of this tremendously flexible bacteria, virus interaction is constant. As if as soon as the body is pushed to manifest a new variation most of the time the immune system destroys the variation. 

We see at this point more than 86 different variants but most of these disappear quickly because that particular immune system for that particular person is able to destroy it. So, eventually because of lessened immune response, not greater, the enhanced shifted, variant leaves that person and finds someone else that is more susceptible and on and on it goes. 

It is inherent in the development of this and one of the keys to this is feeding it the necessary vibration. It is conceivable that as these are studied it will be seen that some of the vibrations brought on by radio frequencies, electromagnetic pulses, probably clustering in the 60 GHz range, close to the oxygen absorption range will be those which will cause a tremendous increase in these variants and their ability to spread. 

It is hoped that those working with this will not move in such a direction and that is up to you. How so? If you demand better cell phone reception, you push those working with various aspects of mobile communications into higher and higher frequency rages that is the aspect that is unconscious and not deliberately trying to increase the susceptibility and the spreading of variants. 

There are those who might see this also and those who would want to increase this just as they have before. Many realize from their positions of power that they have done enough and a tremendous dependence on the pharmaceutical systems and the medical systems has already taken place. You could say it has begun but it has been in play for a long time but the point is simply that they really can't quite yet handle that which they have already created. 

In the meantime, what you are left with is in asking us this question not, “what is the future?” But, what will we do about it? What can be done to prevent this? In the first place it makes a lot of sense to understand as much as you can about the nature of your immune system of that which can work to protect your own physical body.

Of course, you have wonderful lessons in this when you look at animals and the way in which their immune systems operate. In the way in which people have developed and enhanced their own immune systems naturally and easily. They do this by utilizing those foods and as much as possible avoiding those things that harm environmentally and you'll see this as we have so often stated in the wonderful works by the individual Aajonus Vonderplanitz and the great success he has had in his dietary approaches.

Hilarion on Channeling / Mediumship

Hilarion: Now, there are those who have asked about channeling. Certainly, you could say that because we have been channeling through this vehicle we are an expert on this. Yes, sorry for the raucous peals of laughter on such matters at the other vibrational levels. But, it is a little deafening because we are not, nor are any. 

The experts on this will be discovered at some point but are largely those who are in completely different realities, completely different existences on galaxies far, far away from this one. 

You are muddling through this, working through this on your own and you're coming to understand that there are many, many forms of channeling. There are many different ways of accessing intuition, many different paths to awaken this. So, one of the things that you can show up with in your own consciousness is the awareness that your own way through this is unique, is in that way wonderful and beautiful all on its own.

It is that which provides for you many ways of accessing not just answers, not just the immediate, not just questions but something greater. If, within the context of opening in various ways to other channels or to your own channeling within perhaps the first three sessions and in addition to usual criteria that you will apply to this: 

Was it helpful? 

Did it bring me to a place of benefit? 

Did it assist somebody else? 

Did it bring me to see things in a different context?

Also, there is this larger aspect. Is it pointing out to me a path of evolution? Or is it enhancing my evolution in some way? 

Is it bringing me to a place in which I can see more of my own growth? 

This is very difficult. Most efforts at what could be called “mediumship” do not. They might allow you to access the people who have passed over, or your past lives, or some aspect of the cosmic computer but not that which has really enhanced your own nature. That is something that needs to be included. That is the area of expertise that we bring to this. When we ask, are there some non-physical beings who would like to channel through some physical beings who aren’t doing so yet, and would like to do so in a more available systematic way? The resounding answer is deafening. There are many, many, many who would step up and would like to do this if you are open to it and are willing to welcome it. To all of them we say that there must be some aspect of this brought in like a filter, like a powerful energy that passes through like that of a cleansing or a clearing that says it is to be only for your higher nature. It is to be only for that which will assist in the evolution of those through whom you are channeling.

Now, of course you would say well, it should also be for the evolution of those beings non-physical who are channeling through and this is correct. But, the statement that, that is important needs to come from the physical beings just as the statement that the enhancement. the evolution, the enlightenment and the greater consciousness of the physical beings is brought on by that of the non-physicals. So, also then do you decide this. You must have some choice in the matter and that is an important part of it, too. Can that which is brought through be of the highest and most beautiful vibration only? Ask that as you attune and work with it. 

There are many different techniques and look at what you've already developed. Look at your own skills and capabilities. If you have noticed that you are the kind of person that is easily hypnotized when driving down the road you miss your exit regularly, then perhaps hypnosis is a good process for you. 

If the nature of your own interaction tends to allow you another state of consciousness when you are dancing, when you're moving your body then use Tai Chi, use Qi Gong as a method to tune you in to a higher state of being and work with the energies as they come through. Whatever of the thousands of gifts and capabilities and tendencies that you have to some extent, use them, strengthen them and you may find that this can be helpful. 

Now, does this mean that we are advocating channeling for everyone? No. Is it something you are drawn to? Is it something useful? Yes, then it should be something that you should look into. 

But, the interesting thing is more are interested in this for themselves than have been before. That is a beautiful thing and it opens many possibilities and many opportunities and many ways in which you can work with this. We have always stated and will continue to do so that whatever technique you use, to know if it is valuable: you'll see how it works out by your fruits. You know those who have brought you that which is good, that which is helpful and you are ruthless about that if it is something not valuable or manipulative or overly personal, toss it out. 

But, you may find that this other aspect becomes more and more important which is the acceleration of your own consciousness. The awakening to your own gifts and the ways in which you see the world differently and enable you to grow and encourage others along this. 

Similarly, scientists in their own growth encourage others by promulgating various theories and the theories get utilized so extensively that they are called “reality.” Electromagnetic theory was developed by Maxwell and at a later time Einstein and Plunk and others. Is theory, is that which is utilized because it brings results, because it can be utilized in various forms and can be helpful. But, it is a theory. 

So, therefore other theories such as the “Theory of the Ether,” that everything is connected together and working as a continuous shared wave with no particle nature really in its inherent existence is a theory that has largely been discarded. Not because it's wrong but because it has been found that the other theory works better in the development of various devices, technologies, engineering applications of this and its’ nice application for what's happening in the universe. 

But, with any theory it eventually reaches an aspect that it cannot explain which is happening quite frequently right now in astrophysics. That which must be wrong when it comes to explaining certain physical phenomena, certain things that are seen in the world. But, when you remember that these are only theories you can let go of the idea that one is right and the other is wrong. It is only that one is more right or more wrong, or more appropriate. So, it is also for your existence, for your humanness that certain aspects of your humanness are more helpful. Does that mean that's the only thing you're here for? No. You grow in other directions, in other ways also.

Hilarion on UFO Disclosure

What can humanity expect around UFO disclosure? What can we do to gain more clarity and assistance? Also, how is love moving us towards dissolving our fears and pain body individually and as a collective? 

Hilarion: Are those related questions or just completely separate issues? Indeed, they are related because the most profound and important reason to better recognize the influence of extra-terrestrials on your planet is to better recognize your own gifts that you have for them. Your own awareness of your contribution to the universe and your willingness to use the gifts that they have given you; be they technological or genetic. Going back even several million years all of the ways in which all of this interconnects and most importantly naturally, you understand that your gift is not about technology, Though, this certainly helps at times for you to understand better but a way of love, a way of interconnectivity, a way of sharing in a way of making a difference; in the way of raising your vibration in such a way that is inherently healing, inherently beneficial. 

You might think well, knowing this, that various extra-terrestrials wouldn't need earth. Well, maybe for a tasty meal or two or maybe because they need to laugh at somebody. You do have a reputation for some of the greatest comedians in the Galaxy. But, too much of it is unconscious. What would you do unconsciously? Therefore, what you must recognize is that there is an aspect of the emotions, of the nature of emotions themselves, which was seen as inherently destructive for too many civilizations which were destroyed as a result of hatred, or prejudice or inherent anger or resentment; leading eventually to revenge by a technological means; such as atomic warfare; radioactive cinders of planets are far too common in this and other galaxies. 

As a result, those who come to study such matters come to recognize how important it was to put the emotions, especially those that might be negative and harmful, but in many cases all emotions lower in priority to various other aspects that were inherently sustaining of life and helpful to others and so on.

Yes, these may seem to be loving beings but they do not have usually the degree of deep passion, deep sense of connection to others which you have with beings sufficiently that you would sacrifice your own life for someone that you love, for instance. Therefore, you would understand that your ability to love can be profoundly helpful to these other beings because they could at anytime make their presence more widely known. They balance this with the fear and the difficulty that it might cause.

So, therefore in predicting the future about this we do not look at the extra-terrestrials, we do not look at the UFOs, we look at the government and the people who are working with these energies and the people who are suppressing it. Their efforts are so minor by comparison to what could happen if it was decided by those beings that want to help and share and bring things of beneficial technology to help humanity that they were going to do so. Well, looking at those aspects what we see simply is that you have a ways to go. It could be as long as another 10 or 11 years before humanity has sufficient maturity and that some of these extraterrestrial technologies and understanding could be shared with humanity. 

In the meantime, little bits and pieces of it keep getting shared. Many of the so-called “breakthroughs,” in science were those brought to you by extraterrestrials, many ways in which you understand things anew and at the same time there must be continuous subtle reminders. 

There is much more at the physical level to your existence on planet earth and so the crop circles continue. Their inspiration and their willingness to help you understand and to attune to these other beings has created what is termed a “Yantra,” a "Mandala," a movement and there are many different ways to see this but continue to look at them and this can help you with this problem. 

We do see it as a problem because of course, you recognize that so many of the environmental issues, energy issues, even some of the biological issues could be solved with extra-terrestrial intervention. But, just as you understand in Star Trek there was a “prime directive.” You must work it out for yourself for the simple reason: that only by such is it likely that the development of the capability for compassion, for deep sense of love, for a profound energy within your own being that that is the only way it can take place. Therefore, back to this question: not the prediction of the future but, “what can I do about it?” Is it too simplistic to say love more? But, that really is what brings this forward in time and enhances the capability of humanity and its interaction with extra-terrestrials.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Well, this is interesting....

Potentiality of Moringa oleifera against SARS-CoV-2: identified by a rational computer aided drug design method

Debanjan Sen  1 , Samhita Bhaumik  2 , Pradip Debnath  3 , Sudhan Debnath  3

Affiliations  expand

PMID: 33719855  DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2021.1898475


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global human health crisis and economic setbacks. Lack of specific therapeutics and limited treatment options against COVID-19 has become a new challenge to identify potential hits in order to develop new therapeutics. One of the crucial life cycle enzymes of SARS-CoV-2 is main protease (Mpro), which plays a major role in mediating viral replication, makes it an attractive drug target. Virtual screening and three times repeated 100 ns molecular dynamics simulation of the best hits were performed to identify potential SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitors from the available compounds of an antiviral plant Moringa oleifera. Three flavonoids isorhamnetin (1), kaempferol (2) and apigenin (3) showed good binding affinity, stable protein-ligand complexes throughout the simulation time, high binding energy and similar binding poses in comparison with known SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitor baicalein. Therefore, different parts of M. oleifera may be emerged as a potential preventive and therapeutic against COVID-19.  Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.