Hilarion: There is a question about deuterium depleted water. When you take deuterium, which is the heavy form of hydrogen out of water you make it intrinsically more healthy and beneficial to the cells. It has the capability of curing cancer if properly applied. It needs to be taken in by the cells that have cancer and the cells adjacent to them. If this is not done, then it is not harmful but it is not particularly beneficial either. The two ways to do this are by ingesting deuterium depleted water regularly and getting tested regularly for the overall tissue level of deuterium in the body. If this can be continuously lowered each month; month after month a little bit lower there is a natural tendency here to cure all cancers.
But, if the deuterium depleted water can be directly surrounding cancerous tissue this does seem to be helpful on so many levels. This has been proved in many experiments with animals particularly in Hungry, in Romania and in Germany and this is expanding worldwide. When this is injected into areas where the cancers are present they disappear and do so over a period of a few months.
Of course, for anyone who is struggling with cancer, the most powerful is the consciousness, the mind, that which the animals do not have easy access to and the most important aspect of this always relates to communication. Because after all, it is communication within the cells and here is it also communication person to person. We are seeing many forms of communication reduced as a result of coronavirus and we are seeing a generalized increase in types of cancers and various cancers all over the world.
So, we would strongly suggest anyone working in the psychological or psycho spiritual realm to investigate the aspects now called “German New Medicine.” They were originally introduced by Doctor Reich Geerd Hamer but are now being taken up and worked with. You could say it’s the “second generation of Hamer work.” by many other individuals.
In USA of course, this is difficult because it goes against the grain of traditional medical thinking. But, “how well is that working for you anyway?’ As many of you would say. So, look for those initials, GNM for “German New Medicine,” and you may find many powerful, helpful aspects that will guide you spiritually and psychologically and assist in ways that you haven’t imagined before.
German New Medicine