Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hands On Healing
What Factors Involved With Hands On Healing Improve The Likelihood Of A Successful Healing?

Hilarion: the interesting thing here is that you can at this point draw an inference by looking at all of the examples of this of which there are millions all over the world and you see that there are trends which change over time. With increasing EMF’s on your planet, increasing radiation from cell phones, cell towers, computers and so on, the very nature of how healing is working in the world has been shifting.

So, some of those who might have been successful with hands on healing 2000 years ago would have a little trouble adapting to it today so clearing this and working with it in various ways would seem to be important here.

So, the first idea would be of a visualization of light. Imagine the light is within you and you are transmitting the light to the other person but not as a way simply to go through them but to embed, to go into each cell and awaken the mitochondria and let those aspects within the cells continue the healing process.

Beyond this of course you have the usual impediments. The most difficult is that the person is unwilling to accept the healing. They don’t believe they deserve the healing, they have some resistance to it, or they believe their karma requires them to deal with an issue first, etc.

How to clear this? Of course talk to them and ask them about it. Would healing be appropriate for you right now? What do you get on that intuitively? If they struggle with this, know that there is something to be talked about.

Individuals as they work with this for themselves, may eventually recognize that something powers through all of that. Something shifts them through that and what do you think that is? …LOVE. So, in this way, what you recognize is that love that comes from you, from your hands but also from within that person. The willingness to love themselves, to love the part of the body that needs healing. To love that aspect that has enabled them to experience the suffering and the difficulty. Whatever way you assist them to find, emphasize, amplify, strengthen, know, feel and continue to share with others that love the more successful the healing will be.

In the consciousness of the person who asked the question: the example of “the carpenter,” was asked. Jesus was known in that time as the great healer and demonstrated this to so many. This was an important part. You couldn’t sit in the room and not feel that love. That love continues at every level and is the basis of so many aspects of the religious feelings and energies associated with Christ. So, the better you can attune to that the more successful.

But, at the same time you must also ask about the nature of success. How do you define it? Is it simply that, that particular issue has been cleared? What if that person needed it again? Has it been cleared from the soul? What if that energy was something they needed to heal in themselves so that they could heal someone else of that particular issue?

You must define success as some conversation, some intuition, some awareness of this as also helpful. These are little things that are helpful in the healing process. Where do we get this? We don’t get it from the theoretical. The theoretical would say then, "all you really need to do is have sufficient energy or allow that energy to move very powerfully into that person." We note here that the ways in which people respond to these other issues we mentioned here are also very important.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Long Term Effects of Antibiotics On Consciousness
  Hilarion: Living on antibiotics  for too long creates long-term problems that are quite different from those that are created in short-term use. 

 The most difficult of these is a brain connection where the brain’s ability to better balance and create a balanced sort of relationship between the spiritual or mental aspect and the physical is lost.

When this occurs the individual ultimately becomes dependent on antibiotics and you see this in young people with persistent arthritis problems where antibiotics have been prescribed for long periods of time. The ultimate result of this can be in addition to the body’s necessity to get rid of various toxic material by using candida, yeast and other methods to flush. The way in which the person isn't very aware of the body anymore, doesn't have this deeper brain connection and that then presents a whole slew of other issues.

In an older person this is shifted because they become aware of their own mortality, become aware of their preparations for transition, they begin to receive messages and understand them from the other side. The benefit to this is that then the person is better able to receive energies of a healing nature, energies of an encouraging nature or strengthening nature.

At the physical level a great deal could be done. But, the real difficulty here occurs once one has gone down this path as far as one has, one has to make a clear and conscious choice in which one actually puts away all of one method in order to move into the other method. The problem with this is that when one relies on outside advice, looking to what others say and so on, rather than a small quieter voice that is advocating that which is the natural, that which comes from the ancestors. The very loud, strident powerful voice through modern society relies on the artificial, and the techniques that seem to palliate without a deep understanding of what they are doing.

The solutions are always seen in light of the short-term, rather than the long-term, always prescribed and utilized in order to avoid malpractice rather than to do that which might be most beneficial even though it might involve risk. The choice here then becomes difficult and so only by this energetic assistance, working with things that do not conflict with what the doctors suggest, is it likely that there will be continuity.

It would be wonderful to take an interest in studying and learning various methods of energy healing, even those as widespread and as well-known as Reiki. Any of these would be helpful. This involvement in it perhaps to heal others initially would have a spillover effect and would be very helpful as an energetic connection to keep energy moving through and assist at every possible level.