Monday, June 24, 2019

Achieving Success/ Being Versus Doing
Can Hilarion give some help and clarity around the problem of being disciplined and focused in achieving success?

Hilarion: sometimes that is exactly what gets in the way because you have a picture of this. You must be focused, could you let that go? Is there a place in you willing to let it go? But you'll often recognize that which is of maximum value, that which brings that maximum focus is uncomfortable, it's hard to sit in it. So, why not get used to hard sitting? A way to do this is a new tool, relatively speaking and that is where you deliberately seek out paradox every day.

Now, we aren’t talking about two piers in the ocean,” `a pair a docks.” But, the idea that you're going to find two things that just can easily coexist. At the big level you can always fall back on that old standard, destiny and free will. But, in your own life can you find something paradoxical? An aspect where there is simultaneously love and fear, an aspect where there is forward movement and great resistance, an aspect that relates to something you want and clearly is something that is harmful. As you can find these paradoxes and deliberately sit in them, understand as much as you can about both sides and avoid making a decision. 

Oftentimes, this can be a very powerful tool when it comes to activating that which has to do with ambition, moving forward and doing things because you will be ready for some discomfort. But the discomfort of paradox is a different discomfort from what you're going to encounter in almost any other situation because it runs very, very deep. It runs right to existence itself, right to the nature of your being, right to who you are and the greatest difficulty most people encounter. This is an observation which can often show up when you are asking the right questions, when you are dissolving karma, you are looking at the aspects, sniffing out the “nots,” simply as these energies are brought in you shift out of that which gives you the most power and into that which you are most weak.

Simply put, you move away from “being” and more into ”doing.” This is a way in which that energetic relates to how who you are brought you to this in the first place. If you wanted to move forward with this particular activity because of the love you have, because of the caring for others. Perhaps it's a very selfish motive. If that's true, ask, ”what do you want more than that?” What are you getting immediately from that for instance if it's the money, or the survival. What do you want more than the money? More than the survival? Find the energy of being-ness associated with this question. What do you want more than that? Whatever it takes you to get to the heart of that energy, come back to that “being-ness” where possible.

Oftentimes, this can be an energetic boost but neither that or playing with the discomfort of paradox is of much value in moving things forward. But, once you are stronger at being, once you are more comfortable with the discomfort of paradox or anything else, then you ask, what is the right question I should be asking now? Where should I be putting my attention?" This questioning often times then allows a flow of energy, an energetic shift that makes it easier to move forward.

But, there is a very powerful question which we have not touched on at all tonight which we have often mentioned in the past, which must be touched on. 
"What do you take with you? How important is that really?" What shows up from this on a practical level? By asking "what do you take with you?" we, of course, mean into the next life, to the next time in between lives, to the next relationship, your own consciousness, your own life.

If, on your deathbed looking back you would then say,” that was really important, I’m glad I did that. Or would you say,” I put a lot more time on that, than I could have been putting on something else that was really important.” This must also be taken into account for the one simple reason that sometimes the answer to why progress has been so difficult, why getting forward in your life has been difficult, is to ask yourself, "what's right about it?"

Asking that question throws you back into being. It throws you back into something that isn't at all about that particular activity and instead is much more about who you are. The nature of that love, the nature of your own essence.

In this way, we would remind you of the idea that you are a human being and take you back in your imagination if you can't remember a time, or an actual time when you could remember it when you were little and someone asked you about when you grow up. They probably asked you, ”what do you want to be when you grow up?” In your consciousness you have gradually shifted that to,” what am I going to do when I grow up?” But most people these days still ask the children, what do you want to be when you grow up, not what do you want to do when you grow up? Because of course if they are relating to what they want to do, they’re going to talk about playing, and things they like to do as little children. 

But, ”being,” goes beyond that, it's the reason for play. It's the reason for existence. We remind you of this because this is also a tremendous source of power and denial and resistance if you are then following a path completely different from the way you wanted to be when you were a little child. So, we would ask you now to imagine that little child, who is now saying something along the lines of what they would like to be when they grow up. You can look at that energy, you can feel it, you can know that child which was you, knowing that being-ness, was perhaps explaining it as an occupation, or a way in doing things in the world. But, really it was about being, and that a child doesn't have to try to do, to accomplish, to impress someone else, the child can just be.

We would ask you now to love and connect to the child part of yourself. Then, as if by inviting that energy, a simple stretch, stretch into the arms, the legs, whatever, of you and the child simultaneously. As the stretch ends they merge. As if now you are receiving even greater energy of being of the child that you have been in the past who knows,” I am.” This would seem perhaps a strange way to answer a question about that which is practical but we are going to remind you of this over and over because you actually have so many in the world telling you how to do, but who is here reminding you how to be?

Now we again state that, that is unique to who you are. That is oftentimes why it is stated that it’s a part of your being. That reminder can be very helpful because it allows you to let go of the things that perhaps you actually should not be doing.

This is really tricky, you know. If your life has gone in a direction that may have been fulfilling and helpful in some areas but also seems clearly absent in other areas, you may have to give up a lot to retrace and go back to do again in a way that is ultimately more satisfying. But, we can assure you that if it is an important part of your being you will do it. It may not be in this life but you will clearly go in that direction at some point. So, why not do it sooner rather than later? That would be a gentle question to simply remind you, just as that other question, “could you just let it go?” It can be that simple in regards to what you accomplish, that which has taken you in a given direction, or whatever. Now you go in a different direction. Could you just let it go?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Forgiveness Dissolves Karma
Hilarion: There has been a question about forgiveness. How? It is a lot like asking how do you walk? How do you speak? How do you see? 

"Forgiveness dissolves karma"
 ~ Hilarion

You can hold forgiveness as that which is a learned capacity but this really doesn't touch the soul. It is the kind of forgiveness that artificial intelligence could easily have. It would simply be telling you all of the things that were wrong and saying the words, “I forgive you.” It is as if there is a meeting of an inner part of you, the part that it is vulnerable and soft that is loved and that is loving. That is a part of you that is difficult to contact that wants to come forth at every moment. That is invited into the space the moment you start to talk about forgiveness.

Forgiveness, immediately as you understand these principles or anything outside turns your attention inward to self-forgiveness, to understanding where you made a mistake and how you can start over and where you can ask for help. It shows you all of the aspects of this if you are willing.

Willingness and forgiveness go hand-in-hand and over and over so many times when you cannot confront when you are unwilling it is also the place where a wall to forgiveness shows up. Where you can have that wall crumble and you can speak the words and see what happens, where you can invite it in others, you are getting at it from one way or another. It is simply showing you that there is something deeper; something loved and lovable just waiting to be manifested and just waiting to be heard and waiting to be seen or known. So, an excellent place to begin when you are attempting to access forgiveness is as a child. If a child could speak the words what would he or she say?

In what way would you as a child speak those words? “Listen to me! Be with me! Don't go away! Love me!” The simple words a child might speak as the child was bringing out that which was inside that caused harm when the child was ignored or hurt or abandoned or found some way in which those energies that eventually led to a behavior for which forgiveness was necessary that those energies could then be charted and understood back to their original course.

But, to say that forgiveness is easy would be like saying walking is easy or seeing is easy. At its core it isn't. It takes a lot of cells, a lot of birthing, a lot of soul energy. In working with it forgiveness is something that does take practice. So, we would suggest that every time something around which forgiveness might be helpful shows up, that in addition to that which is about doing it over, allowing yourself to admit a mistake, asking for help. The fourth attribute is it will be good practice.

Now, this is a tough one because it allows you to welcome those very situations in which forgiveness shows up. But, as you recognize the value of this, you see that practice makes perfect and what you are practicing among other things is the ability to dissolve karma with love. The forgiveness door opens for you and as that love energy is more powerful with each passing practice session you learn how you can use it in ways that actually speed your evolution. That is what is unique about this planet. We could say that indeed it is risky to have a planet in which you don't have those memories, but you do have the emotional holdover from past lives. You don't really have that higher sense of that direct connection mind to mind but you do have that immediate sense of emotion, of healing, of love. All of those aspects together do bring forth the possibility of using the law of love more powerfully, more directly with more interaction and more application than any of the other societies in this Galaxy.

Many of whom study humans and learn about this shake their proverbial hands as if to say what a strange way to do things. Yet, it does have value because one thing that is seen scientifically about love is that at its core it is incredibly fast and incredibly powerful. The love energy itself is actually nonlocal. It is that which is continuously shared by the collective consciousness of all, not just humanity but the Earth herself or the great central sun, the people who live here or the plants and animals and it is faster than the speed of light. So, it can be that which has tremendous capacity and yet has not been very well developed.

Why? Because most of the time similar experiments failed. People blew themselves up and burned their planets to proverbial cinders. They brought this energy in a way that harmed themselves and in some cases they saw that it needed to be shut down to save their civilization and they moved into areas of greater logic or consciousness or various aspects that developed beyond the physical. That what you perceive as a wonderful thing to experience here, the embrace, is unknown in these civilizations. The sense that this in itself is a beautiful thing. So, this is a powerful energy that which people will likely develop further if they survive and we are optimistic that they will principally because this is an energy you recognize and something that you share.

March 21, 2018