Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blood Transfusions

Are there any possible negative effects from blood transfusions?

Hilarion: The discovery that blood serum from one individual could be given to another to make up for a sudden loss of blood through an accident or during an operation is among the greatest milestones of medical history. It has literally saved the life of millions of individuals during wartime and the operating rooms of hospitals. From a physical point of view there is no reason to hesitate before donating or accepting a transfusion of blood.

Looked at from a higher perspective, there are a few interesting factors at work which we wish to mention. The blood, as we have pointed out many times, is the seat of the emotional responses as far as the body is concerned. The emotional responses arise initially in the astral body, but from there are passed to and stored in the physical blood supply. Of course, what is "stored," is not physical matter, and could not be discovered under the microscope. Nonetheless, the substance of the emotional responses-- much finer than gross physical matter, is carried throughout the body in the blood and thus is able to have its effect upon other organs as these are visited by the circulating plasma.

Now, in view of this fact, it will perhaps be apparent that when you accept the blood of another person, you also take into your body the emotional "charge," which the person's blood carried. Hence, is the donor was given to anger, resentment, bitterness or the like, you may find yourself more inclined toward these negative tendencies for a few days after the transfusion-the time duration being whatever is required for your body to transmute the negative emotional content of the accepted blood. It is for this reason that donors of blood should try to think only healing and loving thoughts while the blood is being withdrawn from their arm, and ideally should have such a positive disposition at all times.

Finally, we might point out that the passing of blood from one person to another through transfusion is a part of the program to unite all men as brothers. As each individual receiving a transfusion learns to transmute and "handle" the emotional content of the donor's blood, so he is also learning to handle his brothers' emotional states in general, to uplift these, and to understand his fellows.

As a postscript, we would mention that meat-eaters, consuming the blood of a slaughtered animal along with the flesh, also take into their bodies the anguish, terror and fear which the animal experienced at the moment of death. This emotional charge is not of a human variety, and is far more difficult to transmute and balance out than that found in a blood transfusion from a human being. The result of daily "injections" in fear laden animal blood is the build up of an extremely negative charge in the blood stream, which is constantly inciting negative emotions in the meat- eater. It requires more self-control for a non-vegetarian to master negative emotions than it does for one who avoids eating flesh of any kind.

Channeled through Maurice Cooke in Answers by Hilarion p. 100

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Effects of Cell Phone Towers on The Human Energy Field

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How are we being affected by cell towers and are there devices that neutralize that energy? 

Hilarion: Electromagnetic energies have many different actions at the higher vibrational levels. They are creating confusing signals and various attunements and noise. Some of these energetics are very powerfully fear-based. It is very easy to make a cell call where a repeated phrase is stated over and over like on a recording and this will have the most profound effect and will work its way into your consciousness more quickly than the average conversation. 

What? But, we were talking about the electromagnetics not the information. But, that is the purpose of the cell phone towers and the cell phone communication information so that you are attuning to that also and although it doesn't affect you subtly it can have an effect on you. This is where the technologies, be they inert gas devices, be they various crystals, be they various vibrational holograms, be they different cones or cylinders of different particles can be helpful. All of these things have a dissipated effect on those levels, working off some of that negative information. 

Some of these effects are purely electromagnetic. The human body is a sensitive antenna to all kinds of energies. After all, that is what it is designed to do in itself. Your nerve impulses transmitting one to the other and so these are affected by various electromagnetics and affect the nervous system. This cannot be easily changed. You can shield it, you can turn it off but it is not something you can change with the technology that does not turn it off or shield it. Because, those electromagnetic energies are the carrier waves, the underlying frequencies and these then will have an effect. 

If you can allow these to move through you, to recover from them quickly by utilizing the right foods or if you can use meditation, Qigong exercises, or raising of your own energy, these will still affect you but their effects will be short-lived. You will recover from them quickly and you will be able to live your life as if they haven't occurred. This is of course in balance. If you are living right underneath the cell tower it is going to be a constant energy and more difficult for you to contend with. We wouldn't recommend that if at all possible. 

Electromagnetics can be found all over. They are in household wiring, a simple wiring mistake can create a constant electromagnetic field that can give you all kinds of damaging effects to the human body. Again, although there are devices that can reduce many of these effects it is this vibrating at 60 cycles that becomes harmful to the body; the carrier frequency.

Foods that seem to be very helpful for this would include raw milk, particularly when the cows have grazed on fresh green grasses. This is an excellent time for that to be available in the northern hemisphere. The combination of avocado and orange. These should of course be organic, these foods when eaten together have a profound effect on all kinds of radiation in the body, working at the cellular mechanisms all the way to the bones. The lymph bath as previously mentioned, not a food technique but a reverse food technique, taking out some of the toxic plastics that have accumulated in the body makes it much easier for the lymphatic system to take any of the byproducts of electromagnetics and move them out of the body. 

Indeed, there is a synergism; more plastics in the body seem to be affected once they are distributed and interacting with the nervous system which is affected more by the cell phone radiation. So, it would seem very helpful that the radiation bath be a part of this reducing of these effects. If it all possible please do not take or make cell phone calls while doing a lymph bath. 

These are a few of the basic ideas, there are many others that people can experiment with and at the same time there is this idea that you can raise your own energy. This, of course is at its ultimate when you are non-physical which simply means that those energies pass right through you. As long as you are physical some aspect of this does seem to be very necessary for most people to deal with one way or another. If at the very least the acknowledgment that that energy is present and you are spending a few minutes in your own visualizations of raising your own energy so that whatever might be moving through can simply move without touching you in any way.

June 21, 2016