Hilarion: cannabis has been with mankind for many thousands of years and indeed was that which was so widely adapted into all kinds of temperate areas all over the planet and is that which has been so utilized for its fiber. It was only natural that those who would be making ropes from this material would find other ways to use it and indeed the animal kingdom knows of this, too. So, it is only in recent times that the recognition of this as that which has a euphoric effect and so on is that which has been discussed and laws have been made about it and all of that.
But, at its core it has a unique affinity for humanity and for anyone involved in a spiritual path. Because of humanity’s current interest in this, flower essence of marijuana would be very helpful. The whole idea that this plant has been interacting with humanity in so many ways for so long is a clue as to how your better understanding of this interaction and especially what is happening on your planet can be influenced by this.
In terms of the euphoria itself, it is not that which holds all of that much benefit for evolved souls. Beings who access higher and higher avenues of consciousness frequently discover that there are various barriers presented between their senses of each of the subtle bodies, of higher levels of consciousness of different aspects of their being by any substance which provides a significant change in consciousness. That which is exerted by that; be it as an opiate, as any of the cocaine derivatives, as any of the DMT, LSD or various psycho-actives be they as mushrooms or even as cacti.
But, in all of these forms there is some benefit in that another level of consciousness may be introduced. But, as a soul evolves, moving to higher and higher levels of consciousness they begin to recognize that the continued use of these substances only produces barriers and difficulties in various ways in which consciousness can be merged and integrated.
So, in this sense, the use of marijuana for “the high,” is that which would not be recommended beyond perhaps a few times to experience where that might take you if it is necessary. But, as we started saying this plant has grown up with humanity and has so many uses. So, now in addition to the fiber use, after all, hemp products, hemp rope and others are still seen as superior to even the best of various synthetics. Still, other uses for the other materials are now beginning to show themselves: various ways in synthesizing, separating and working with various compounds in marijuana are proving helpful for health, healing; for clearing brain difficulties, for healing from concussion, for preventing problems with a blow to the brain in the first place. All of this is being recognized as associated with the CBD rather than the THC forms. Still though, the real understanding of this will not likely emerge for a few years.
But, gradually people will see that this plant in the way in which it can sometimes release borders between people just as it shifts in consciousness so also it can change various ways in which people relate to each other will continue across the political spectrum as well.
Thus, it is a symbol of ways in which people can change. In your US government right now you have such a tremendous powerful sort of dichotomy going on with this very substance, with the very people in the Federal Government opposing those in the state governments where the legalization of the substance has taken place.
All of this is showing you that the ultimate understanding of the use of this is in flux and that humanity needs to grow up around this and other drug substances and how they can find their use. Many people at various levels of their own evolution need such substances just to be in the world. But, there can be others who have the experience of having used them and moved on, who have the most to say about this, the most to help you with it and to show you where to let go of it. This is the way through relieving addiction to such substances. But, in the meantime as people examine this and work with this you are likely to see more and more uproar, more and more change and more and more of this pressing forward to see where this can be shifted worldwide and this may eventually penetrate even to the highest levels of US government.
Hilarion: the question then comes up is there an appropriate sugar? An appropriate sweetener? Stevia has been presented as a possibility. Stevia is a leaf in its usual form and when a leaf is juiced a small amount of helpful material will usually be resulting from this. But, when eaten or if processed and then eaten most leaves will create difficulty in the body and we see this even in seemingly harmless leaves of lettuce, or cabbage and each of these seem better for most people when juiced. But, the leaf of Stevia itself tends to at times, when processed or ingested over long periods of time, cause some of the same difficulties that we see with sugar produced from corn or cane or cactus, or maple syrup and this is the formation of crystals.
These tiny crystals build up in the body similar to the way salt crystals build up and they get lodged, they get stuck and they can be a problem in the skin, in the different organs especially gallbladder, pancreas, liver and most notoriously, of course, the kidneys. Though these can be dissolved by lipids, by water, by heat if one keeps ingesting them then the body keeps putting attention on that instead of where healing is usually needed for other conditions. As a result there are other problems.
There is one sugar, though that does seem to be quite helpful for the body and this is where it is extremely high in enzymes naturally and this is honey that has never been heated past 93°F in the metric system, 34°C. This temperature is the temperature that the bees will use as their reference, they will reject honey to feed to the others when it gets hotter than that. This is a critical temperature principally because the majority of the honey is not sugar but is actually enzymatic, protein digesting, valuable for healing and can be applied externally, used internally and extremely valuable for many different things and most importantly of course providing that sweet taste. This does not mean therefore that when you have a craving for sweets that there is something wrong. Sometimes, it simply means that you have a craving for honey that has not been heated past 93°F.
As strange as this may seem this way of trusting the body's initial urge rather than taking it to that which you have already exposed it to in the way of processed sugars, various substances that you buy that have been built by others and so on. Instead of that which is more natural that which occurs easily. Now, how do you know if your honey has been heated, you can't find it on the label. You’ll have to call the manufacturer, the bottler, the person who has that honey in a warm room in order to pour it and ask them to what temperature do you raise your honey in order to pour it? Do not ask them do you heat it over 93? Then they know exactly what to tell you.
This shows you how on your current system the profit motive seems to over and over outweigh the truth in so many different areas of politics, economics and of course with foods and food processing. As you come to understand this and know the right questions you may also find in yourself an interesting response. If you eat a little of this honey, let it dissolve under your tongue you may notice there is a slight difference, something internally quite different from what you've experienced when eating heated honey or honey that has been heated over 93°F. You may find that this is actually quite healing. This would be a very interesting area to explore for many who are interested in sweets and similar activities.
Can you please comment on suggestions about maintaining a right relationship with guides and helpers?
Hilarion: How can you do otherwise? These beings want only your own highest development. As you open to their consciousness- what stands in the way of that? Those aspects of your consciousness, your energy, things with you that are at the lower consciousness. So, what is there in you that raises your consciousness? A feeling of love, a caring for some plant or animal in your environment? What have you noticed works for you? A visualization of energy moving up and down the body faster and faster. That which Vieira calls, “vibrational state.” Perhaps a gentle meditation or mantra.
We would of course suggest the direct path, asking yourself that question, "Who or what is experiencing this right now? "And being fully open at every level to the answer as it shows up for you. Even if the answer is a simple, "I don't know." But, as you awaken to that you jettison, let go of, dissipate the lower vibrations easily and make it therefore much easier to contact and work with the higher vibrations. The guides and helpers who are those in a position of true assistance and love will then have an easier time of it working with you.
There are those who would say that other aspects are important and we can certainly note these. But, these are individual. For some individuals certain things are needed at various times and others are not. But in your own evolution you can try them out. One that tends to be very helpful is what might be termed,”regularity.” Now you have that yourself though it doesn't typically apply to spiritual aspects but it is a reminder of this that your own regularity is an important part of this. Be it as an appointment, that the guides and helpers are a lot busier than you think you know, might need to clear a little time to work with you more consciously and you might say well no, let's just do it right now. They might say we do have this other thing right here and there and well, we’ll certainly pull a part our consciousness to do that. How much easier it is for this whole experience if you make an appointment.? So, you say then every night at midnight I”m going to do my meditation and attune. That works. Or you might say on this particular day and you write it on your calendar.It might be that which is completely random. That which is every week or every other week or every third day or whatever day you pick. You can do it by astrology or you can do it according to whatever way works in your family.
But, it's a lot easier if you're conscious and clear about it. As silly as this sounds writing on a calendar actually helps in those situations. This is not true for all guides and helpers. There are many who are quite willing to work with you in whatever opportunity you get them whenever it is. But, we can observe that generally speaking, making it a little bit clearer as to when you're going to do this sort of thing is helpful.
The other aspect here that generally shows up all the time as people are involved with this is what to do with personal direction. This is very difficult matter that keeps showing up with regards to channeling practices of various types. So, then you see so many channels in the world getting into big trouble in that aspect. Well, be it as God told me or this particular being told me or told me that I need to do this, that or the other thing. That's all well and good if that what you are doing can be that which you are seeing is helpful but, if it involves gun violence or harm to others or yourself, then you clearly have recognized that perhaps this guide was not somebody of the highest vibration. That's why we start by raising your vibration first. But, generally if it can be that which is directly associated particularly with the first few years for the connection of the higher vibrational beings of service to others not yourself. You are going to find that generally this works out a little bit better. When you're doing things that are perhaps secretively helpful for others, even better. When it is an aspect in which others are in some way clearly to your understanding assisted, It helps your consciousness, it helps your ego.
But, so far as the guides and helpers go it really doesn't mean very much. In particular the most important aspect seems to be that which relates to energy. This is difficult to define because that which is not necessarily measurable, not electrical or magnetic but something that you feel. The simple fact of the matter is that as our observations show over and over, even the highest evolved, nonphysical being doesn't have physical energy. As a result you have something wonderful to contribute. To consciously share that energy, to make it available so that it helps somebody else even if you don't know how it happens is a beautiful thing. It can be an important part of any process of enhanced communications with guides and helpers.
Yes. This would seem to be the important salient points about these matters. There are those who channel about it, talk about it, and so on and say do this technique, and they are all great. You can try them out and see if it works for you or what doesn't. You can eventually evolve your own. But, recognize that by your own evolution, by your connecting with and working with these energies you can change. You will evolve. Those very things that worked before, they shift and change so they don't work anymore. But, more importantly these are a stepping stone to something greater. It is always helpful during the process to recognize that there are guides of the guides. There is no limit to this. At some point to deliberately attune to that energy, to ask for it. It is a responsibility of course. You are going to have to raise your energy significantly to do this. But, it is generally an enhancement in the entire process. When you ask to share of the energy of the guides of your guides.
June 21, 2016