Friday, March 9, 2018

Law of Attraction

Hilarion: Which brings us to this powerful question about the law of attraction as it is a subset of the law of reflection as it might compare to the law of manifestation. That is the desire to come into existence, to actually manifest, and that this energetic is that which many people are seeming now to understand because they are on the brink of recognizing why they are here.

When you answer this question for yourself,"who or what is experiencing this moment now?" As you become more present with the technique such as described by Tolle, in "The Power of Now," where you focus on the breath and not allow any other thought to distract you. It is possible that an ascension energy, a powerful uplifting force, an aspect of your own consciousness that has always been there is welcomed, is allowed and is that which has a powerful capacity to attract and to manifest. The way in which you will decide to use it can often be that which indicates how much you sense you deserve. 

For this we would of course then have to look at love, how much love you deserve, how much love you are capable of? What is your own lovability threshold? Your own lovability ceiling? Can you look into the eyes of the one you care for deeply? It could be an animal, it could be a human and say in all honesty," I am lovable." Really knowing and sensing that that is an important capacity, the aspect that opens the door to the energy of that powerful aspect of all that is that comes to you when you ask the question," who or what is experiencing this now?" as if your own lovability amount tends to throttle or reduce the aspects of the powerful consciousness that can be manifesting through you at any moment.

This is a different way of answering or looking at issues of attraction, wanting to have that new Mercedes or whatever. It is that which you have your attention on because it turns it back to the understated but, an important aspect of your own capacity to love and be loved. Because if you had that car and you were not sensing yourself as lovable enough to deserve it you might crash it the day you get it. Then you would end up in the hospital with the nurses surrounding you, loving you and reminding you as the life slips away from you of these final thoughts, as to how lovable you were to receive that beautiful car.

Understanding these energies has many twists and turns within it. We are reminding you in this time associated with the longest night that it is an aspect of you in all cases. The longest night is a reminder of the individual, the consciousness deep within. The aspect that now seeks with warmth and connection to others to join in the group. But, it is the time of deep introspection and deeper understanding.

It is also a time that has statistically been allied with high suicide rates in the northern climate and the time where sun seems scarce, has been one of the areas blamed for this and that is true for some people. But, it is also the way in which those who have come to this inner understanding face hopelessness. Face a sense that they cannot change themselves or anything else. When did you have that powerful sense of the loss of some of your idealism? Some of your childlike zeal? For many individuals it was in the teenage years and that is a time that at the same time as you are having these ideas you are surrounded by others who tease you, who have their own ideas about things because they are seeking to exert their own power and so on.

But, at its core it is an energy that is essentially alone. The energy that precedes the actual suicide is usually within that individual, a sense that they are disconnected, they are alone and it is not easy for them to change. So it is helpful to reach out to the teenagers, to the children who are perhaps not your children but the children of your friends and speak to them about what is in the world that gives you hope? What is in the world that gives you a sense of life? Of coming into existence? Of being born? What is to be born and what it is to take in this beautiful energy?

No, this will not always solve the problem but it opens the door so that if one of the children asks you, they can step forward breaking out of their own shell for a moment you will be ready. You will know that what they are really asking about is not the question that they pose but the sense that the love is present within you. As you are speaking to them ask yourself this question," How lovable am I right now? Be in touch with your own lovability. Recognize that this is up for you. As you may be speaking with them anyway to raise their own ceiling. Let them know they are lovable, to let them know they are loved. This can be helpful but it can also of course promote cleansing, bringing forward the thoughts that have stood in the way, that have prevented them from understanding these aspects of lovability. So that is where you stay in the room, you are able to say I don't know. But, I still feel that love or whatever is true for you.

In many ways, those who take their own lives, particularly early in their existence on earth are going to create a powerful echo. There will be many others who reconsider looking deeply at their own reverence for life and what is important to them and their life and other things about this. So, this is also important to share, to consider, to look at.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hilarion on Intuition and Healing Health Problems

Hilarion: Humankind existed on this planet in tribes, connected to each other and the earth for hundreds and thousands of years. This has affected so many aspects not only of the physical body but of how the brain functions and how people relate to each other.

For instance, the recent discovery of why rejection is so difficult. If you were rejected from the tribe, you would die. So, of course when you are going to connect to somebody and you are rejected it hurts deeply but it is also that which could at some deeper level in your brain threaten your very survival.  All of these observations as you go deeper into them simply allow you to acknowledge, to not necessarily run your life on it but at least acknowledge the animal part of your being. Often times as this is acknowledged and worked with you are able to more quickly find a path to health. The various techniques, the various drugs, the various methods, surgery, radiation, the list goes on and on. Each of these are not so much increasing the animal aspect as diminishing it. They are not acknowledging those underlying sources of long-term health that exist beyond 10 years, 20 years, 30 years.

When one does so, one can often recognize that there are obvious conflicts and ways in which those in the medical profession are ignoring some of these important aspects of the animal and at the same time are beholden to those things that keep making them money and bring them into positions of prominence and keep them in places of fear where they would lose their status, jobs, or whatever and so on and so forth. These things unfortunately will tend for most of those with a sincere heart and an understanding of this to ignore the simple facts about the animal existence. 

Fortunately, there have been a few individuals who have recognized this and some of the great teachers of the past, some of them from Native American sources, some of them from the animals themselves channeling and connecting to the people who are willing to receive this information and understand it.

One of these great leaders and teachers we have spoken about extensively in the past is Dr. Vonderplanitz and indeed it is no accident that his last name means, “from off the planet.” But, his very nature because of his incredible health issues and great difficulty just staying in a physical body pushed him to throw away all preconceived ideas and instead listen to the understanding of the animals themselves. 

This led him eventually to overcome all of his health difficulties and indeed to share this with thousands of others. But, when you take such a path, of course you're going to be diametrically opposed to so many other things that are going to take you away from the animal nature and this can be a problem for some people. So we would always suggest that if you step away from this emotionless, free, you would understand the logic of such an approach. Voderplantitz first book, “We Want to Live,” addresses this in an emotional way so that you can perhaps take a few steps back and see this in a different light. 

We would recommend for anyone who is questioning the underlying basis of health that they begin there and that this is more profound and helpful than any other approach that anyone has come up with. The most important thing you see from this is that there is no money to be made from it. There is no profit motive involved. There is no one out there who is going to dwell from it because of its very nature. But, as you examine this you begin to recognize that there is something else that animals have that you can also tap into so often and this is your intuition. They have this as instinct and they work with it in ways that people do not understand. Yet, it is often in that way in which you connect to an animal totem or you act in a way in which you are relaxed or not thinking very much that your own intuition begins to show up even more. 

What is intuition? Why bandy about such a word unless you understand it. One definition of this is direct knowing. That you simply are one with it and you know it as if it has always been. Some would confuse this with certainty and this actually is not true. Because even in a situation where an animal will make a choice, on a temporary basis it works but later on it creates a problem and they change and shift with that, as well.

So, you must recognize that certainty here is not connected to intuition. This is very difficult for most people because they want to be sure before they make a step this way or that way. But, if you do that what you're going to end up doing is actually shutting down some aspects of your own intuition. Seean says, that the journey that you take when you do that which is based on your intuition is exciting, is fun, is something that is drawing you forward. It’s as if you can then qualify the feelings that you have about these decisions in the camp of, “move towards” or “move way.” There are those who might say positive and negative and in a very literal sense you can say that it is like that since one is pushing you and one is pulling you. But, in the sense in which you just see it in that which is exciting, fun something to move towards and something interesting. 

This has tremendous power not so much for certainty but for increasing intuition and for bringing you to a place where it is more fun and interesting. The difficulty with all of these questions and understanding of this is that generally it is seen in a very limited context, that of being alive. Now, here we are a nonphysical being speaking through a physical being, we have the opportunity to bring both aspects of aliveness and non-aliveness that which is physical and that which is nonphysical and beg you to take that leap in that direction. It is easier than you think because you have spent many, many years in the nonphysical. When you approach questions that seem so limited from that perspective it begins to shift some things in different ways.

December 21, 2017

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Regenerative Capacity of The Human Body
Hilarion: There are those who have asked questions about the process by which the human body is able to do many things but most importantly make use of the regenerative capacity. 

This business of cleansing has been more and more important with each passing day since we wrote about this through our friend in Canada. (Maurice Cooke now deceased) 

The process of cleansing needs to be more emphasized and more creative; more understood and more utilized than ever before. This is not just because of environmental contaminants but because of radiation in your environment, but because of the aspects of drawing towards cooked foods, and various genetically modified organisms contaminating food, etc.

It is also because the thought forms, the symbols associated with cleansing that reach into your own thoughts, are those which you often find yourself at odds with. Is this the most loving way forward? Is this the way in which I would most lovingly care for myself? A difficult question but when the answer is no, it's not enough to reject this and simply say, "I'm not going there." You were attracted to it, it came up in your consciousness you thought of it in the first place because it is already present. To deny it only walls it off. That is often the process at the physical level called cleansing. You have some toxic material in your body and it is from something undigestible, something you weren't meant to work with in your body, something you're not designed for, whatever.

The body walls it off until the appropriate time that the wall can be broken down often by bacteria or virus and that substance can then be removed by the use of excessive levels of mucus or saliva or vomit or whatever it takes to move it out. You would certainly understand that this is a far more effective and fast process than other diseases that also have cleansing capabilities. Though, when these things happen to you, you do not usually welcome them and you say I am sick, not cleansing. But this is but a symbolic reminder of the process because at the nonphysical level people get sick too. They do cleanses also they don't necessarily have to do it the same way, they don't have to be sitting on a nonphysical toilet or using nonphysical tissues or inserting nonphysical thermometers into their mouths.

Instead, it is an energetic that passes through and a powerful question as to the most loving way to assist this. But, the underlying idea is exactly the same that there are thoughts within you that you are ready to release and the reason you are ready to have a change of heart about them is that there is a powerful aha within them. Who are you really? What is the true nature of the shadow that you are confronting that looks like you? Acts like you? But, has all these other things to say that seem very much different from who you really are. What is the nature of who you really are? Who or what is expressing itself through you as you look at these issues? All of these little symbols show up for you so that you can cleanse the thoughts, you can release that which has stood in the way.

There are different techniques for this and one of the simplest is that when you recognize that this is showing up you simply say to yourself this simple question: could I just let it go? Is that too easy? Sometimes it is because the real answer as you listen very carefully is no. I want to let it go, I'd like to let it go, I try to let it go but it keeps showing up. So as it does then express it, have it and in this way let it go. Because that mechanism is also powerful. Each technique has its own value, each technique has its own as need be. But, as you get the underlying message of this, the beautiful thing is that some of the important characteristics of a physical cleanse that are about the stuck aspects of the shall we call it, psycho-spiritual, mental cleanse? These now having been released ease their hold and make the physical that much faster, easier and less distracting.

This is important to understand in principle though, because when you are in the process of regenerating any physical body part and right now one of the most common and that which a question has been asked about is teeth. It is important that this cleansing be ongoing. Those things in particular that would land in the calcium deposits, would land in the bony matter what actually make the teeth, are those that are of the highest and most beneficial, those that are helpful and healing as possible.

This is difficult of course when the physical body has not sufficiently cleansed from other organs, from other parts of the body; in particular the liver. Such cleansing often requires a person going through many stages. So in this way when you come to a place of improved health be it through a particular diet and whatever method works for you then it is often impossible as the health is ongoing and so on to do regeneration of teeth. Added energy in this direction from inert gases still is recommended. Yet, as we look into the world at the many people who are trying to regenerate teeth it appears that a combination of methods does appear to be necessary.

When you're utilizing homeopathy and inert gases and cleansing diets, and regenerative diets you have the greatest success and even there, the thought forms that stand in the way. The difficulty of saying it can't be done. You only get two sets of teeth in this life, and so on and so forth. These all become the final and important impediment and actually as they are contended with or released and shifted all of the rest of it actually becomes far less important. The diet, the cleansing, the energies of inert gases, all of these pale in comparison to the simple inner knowledge that you can create another set of teeth.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Integrity and The Ascension Process
How does integrity fit in with the idea of ascension? Can Hilarion give an example? Perhaps two people: one operating out of integrity and another operating with integrity and how things would go differently for them?

Hilarion: most people when they refer to integrity are speaking of an awareness. Integrity is connectedness, you're always connected but when you're not aware of it or you have an assumption about it, that which would be called, "out of integrity." That is an assumption that is false that has to do with something that you thought about yourself but really wasn't connected.

In these ways then you will still prosper, you will still grow, you will go along a different path, you will come to a place ultimately where you will be up against the results of that karma, meaning cause and effect. The effect of those causations, those energetics that you worked with that will draw you back to recognize your inherent connectedness. It is a path of suffering, it is a path of difficulty and you see many who you would call, "out of integrity," doing harm to others, to the planet. These things eventually correct themselves because the individual then recognizes they weren't seeing the whole picture, they weren't seeing the effects it had on them, their soul, on the people they loved, and so on and so forth.

So the essential difference in something such as ascension or higher consciousness or evolution is how fast you get there. The essential difference is how fast you get there. Is the path circuitous, roundabout, full of scarring, struggle, misconceptions or is it direct? When you're working with all the universal laws not just the issue of integrity which relates primarily in most people to the Law of Attraction. But, also connect very powerful to the Law of Permanence, the Law of Manifestation, the Law of Opposite Expression and most importantly that which is about the connectedness itself, the Law of Love.

As those energetics within yourself are able to embrace all 12 Universal Laws you are then able to make a more direct path in your own evolution, your own ascension, your own consciousness than you would have in only by following and working with one of those laws. But, you have a choice in the matter and really what it has to do with is your willingness to ask the deeper questions. If the issue of integrity shows up for you then ask that question," is this at a place of integrity? The problem with integrity as you throw this word around, as you look at it more and more, you begin to weigh it and understand it for yourself it sort of loses its own meaning. What does that really mean to you?

Often times it means something quite different from what you are saying. Often times what it means is something like truthfulness or the willingness to speak the truth and oftentimes it is simply as in Yiddish, "chutzpa" that you are actually going to speak that which is your own courageous truth. Your own willingness to move through your own understanding. But, as you're able to work with this energy being at integrity for you may mean simply that you are going to be in love. You're going to care deeply and oftentimes from the heart whether you are at integrity or not shows up instantly. You don't have to figure it out, you don't have to weigh these different aspects and this is perhaps another way of approaching it.

Anti-aging Device and Its Spiritual Implications

You've spoken already on the aging process. We have a specific question on a deeper understanding of how to create a regeneration, organ-tissue-cell repolarization device.

Hilarion: There are many technologies that can bring this forward, and yet we see that the overall conditions must be taken into account. The ancient technologies, the technologies of Atlantis, the technologies of alien beings, of various star systems and other beings that have studied this extensively cannot be applied on Earth under conditions such as they are now, because they will manifest the very principles of the negativity that is so present in the environment deeply within the tissues as they repolarize, deeply within the consciousness of the individual, only perpetuating the problems to come again on some other level.

Thus, all actions for deep regeneration must have two phases: There must be a shielding component, an aspect in which the larger thoughtforms are not permitted, and in which the positive ones, the ones of truly beneficial nature are so deeply ingrained within the individual that they are second nature as the new changes take place. Then the various technologies can be applied, and we see that the simple presence of stimulated Xenon, particularly stimulated by magnetic fields, can be very deeply powerful at creating a continuously regenerative field.

But proper foods ingested--meaning primarily those as described in Vonderplanitz and his work in this regard--will have much benefit, with a high concentration of raw fats to absorb and be that which are strengthening the nervous system in particular, will be very important, because the new thought patterns, the new brain energies, the new energies that are then as powerful thoughtforms will have significant beneficial effect in the Xenon energy, but such thoughtforms must be clear, must be repeatable, must be powerful. Eventually the individual must rejoin society, and to do so in such a way that the energies are continued to be shared is to the guides and helpers, is to your soul, is to many of the energies that you contend with, more important than your continued immortality, or living to an extended age beyond that of the natural lifespan (150 years, we've already discussed).

This is important to understand because it is as if your soul recognizes at the highest level that it is not alone, that it is part of a larger group, that the evolution of the group with you is a large part of your intent and the intent of so many on Earth at the current time.

Q. Yes and then there's the follow-up question of what can we do spiritually without the diet or the devices to assist?

Hilarion: Well, of course, the same thing in that purifying the thoughts--the specific techniques for instance of Byron Katie, as previously mentioned--the utilization of more and more love. But you must look carefully. As there is more energy developed, as the physical body improves because of utilization of vibrational state or the energies drawn in through the kinesthetic visualizations we've previously mentioned, you will then have more energy to supplement any negative thoughtforms that are present. What are the most difficult ones? Not just those of self-responsibility, but of denial. They are the most difficult to work with because you don't know they're there by the very nature of denial. You must root them out carefully. Was there even a moment that passed in which you felt deeper love within you and did not express it, did not share it with someone else, did not connect with that person? You must look at this carefully. You must find the way in which you allow the fear to be present and not let it multiply--not by resisting it, but by asking carefully, "What is the false evidence appearing as real? What is the way in which you limit your own capacities to love, to assist, to heal?"

It is entirely possible to manifest energies on higher and higher vibrational levels by attuning to the light, to the very nature of air, to the environment itself. But you must also understand that you have many powerful habit patterns that have been in place for millennia, and powerful energies shared by the thoughts of others that must be contended with. When you continually transform these energies and use them rather than hang on to them, you will find that there's a little more available for your continued evolution, your enhancement.