Monday, January 22, 2018

Linking Up To The Planet's Grid Structure
Can you please describe how one can link up one's personal grid structure? Or to the planets grid structure? Or the Sun's grid structure? Or any living beings grid structure for enhanced communication?

Hilarion: Sometimes as you play in these areas you realize there is more to it than that. That these energetics begin inside the earth and inside of your body; that there's something larger than this. The structure outside the earth creates for herself, that you create for yourself, just as you have aetheric body; emotional body; mental body as these things can connect together. So also, earth does this and the way in which these energies coalesce in areas of higher concentration, areas of lower concentration when viewed with a higher vibrational sort of vision, appear as grids.

These energetics interconnect and you can merge with these. One of the most powerful ways to do this is to recognize that at its core these energetics are already present, you don't have to do anything. They are already present and that those energies are there to strengthen you, sustain you, they have brought you into existence, they are already there. So, how can you best let go of that which might interfere? Might stand in the way? Might in some way move those energetics out of alignment?

One of the very best techniques for this is when you can travel consciously out of the body and have a very specific idea in you that you are going to let the body alone. You're going to pull your consciousness into your astral body, into that point of light that is seen projecting outward from you, from your heart, from your throat, from your third eye to the top of your head. Any of these or whatever and you are going to leave your body behind and you're going to let that energy that is entirely within your consciousness go elsewhere and have the sense that as you let it go, the physical body is expanding. It is connecting, it is naturally on its own breathing with the earth, with the sun, with the universe. But, you're not going to do anything about it, or look in on it. You're simply going to let it go. Oftentimes, this is an energetic healing; a place in which powerful energies move within you but are separate from you.

This is somehow a very powerful paradox and brings us to the basis of an energetic exercise. We would like you to recognize right now your own physical body sitting here, hearing these words, breathing, and so on can exist entirely independent of you. So, we would ask you for a moment to put all of your attention into the sense of a powerful brilliant ball of light. You can imagine it for a second in your heart, or in your head, but quickly raise it out of your head. Bring it about a foot, that is somewhere around a third of a meter above. This beautiful, powerful pulsating light is independent of the body. As the light comes brighter, your body relaxes more and more. The consciousness that says you must do, you must work, you must struggle, you must whatever, you are taking that with you and you are letting the body just be.

It is simultaneous paradox that you are taking with you every aspect of consciousness and yet you are letting the body go and yet the body is letting go of the consciousness. This is of course not the same as a full astral journey but in this moment you can be very helpful to the tools and techniques that will facilitate astral journey specifically this aspect of duality. That the consciousness can somehow be a foot or so above your head and at the same time in your body and that the consciousness delineates itself, separates itself, creates itself in that place above the body as the aspect of pure consciousness, the forever aspect, the aspect that has always been and always will be.

The physical body, though temporary now being breathed, beautifully and powerfully by the earth and the aspects of earth, and the physical stuff that has made it what it is. It naturally now resonates with beautiful earth energy. So now, from the place of this powerful energetic, that beautiful light above the head, also now recognize that you are loving that physical body, shining a light on it and it is responding. Slowly willing the physical body to move, but still maintaining your consciousness in that place above the head, let the body stretch. Let the movement of the physical body be so fast as to distract you, as you slowly move your arms, legs, your neck or let the physical body breathe more deeply. You are still holding that point of consciousness above the head.

Now, as you let the body relax back into a seated posture. Now recognize this beautiful light can again come into the physical as it slowly enters back into the top of the head filling the body with light, filling the heart especially with the sense of love and compassion and caring. It is from this place, now all of your hearts lit up, awakened, receiving this beautiful energy.

There is a question about incense. Is it good for us? Is it like secondhand smoke?

Hilarion: this is a tricky one because really what it reflects on is the powerful aspect that you have in being here, in experiencing everything while you are physical. Nonphysical incense, this is a powerful paradox because what do you smell? You instantaneously create it but at the same time most of the smells that are shared are those from memory. Since memories can be shared at the nonphysical level sometime somebody else's memory can that be that which you can perceive. But, it ain't nothing like the real thing and that's often why you come here, specifically to experience that. You want to take it in by your physical senses. So, in this way we would certainly suggest that incense be smelled. Burning sage, burning sandalwood, and burning cedar. You are able to receive the powerful message of that energy and receive that beautiful smile and lodge that in your memory. Then, we would strongly suggest because it is primarily that of burning particulate matter that tends to lodge itself in your body and create harm eventually, that you join in the memory experience and not the physical experience in awakening and receiving what is valuable about that for you.

Aromatherapy can also be beneficial but it will often have in it small amounts of vapor or liquid that is very easily cleansed from the body much more easily than the tiny particular solid matter of a burning substance and there are those who have used aromatherapy methods to give the same smells as sandalwood, cedar, sage, etc. so you can also receive some of those smells in that way. But, you are quite correct in that the burning smell is not quite the same, there is a subtle difference but it is there. So in this way we would suggest that the singular exposure is the way to go rather than repeated use.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Glyphosate (Roundup)

Did we talk about Roundup?

Hilarion: not by brand name. But, glyphosate and other substances, various neo-nicotinoids and others are certainly creating many problems on your planet. The question has arisen, will eating organic foods prevent this? Certainly it helps, but what is far more important besides these aspects we've already spoken of, of course, is these purveyors of these products recognizing the problem and withdrawing them. "I'm sorry,  I wish I hadn't done that, I'd like to make it better," would of course be the obvious way. So you say then, "I'm sorry, I wish it could've been better, I love you." This technique is sometimes called, "Hoponopono."

In addition to this, at the physical level, is the important attribute in which you use some of the new and powerful techniques being promoted by Vonderplanitz and by Dr. Hamer to release these toxic materials from your own body. That you are very deliberately working with them in order to see that as they are released, they can also break down as they go down the drain from the powerful bath that cleanses and clears as they are released through urine and feces and perspiration. You see them in your own visualization breaking down before they cause harm to anyone else.

In addition is the idea that these substances, because of the innate intelligence and adaptability of the human body, can be released when there is sufficient energy. So, you build the body, you eat those foods that give you energy, keep you strong, and allow this to build with you in every way possible. Then you use that strength in this way not only of clearing them from your own body or helping them from other people or finding the new methods in agriculture in which these substances are released because they are not necessary. They can be shifted and the opportunities that they provide can be made made available in greater levels, creating greater economic benefits by other methods and other technologies.

Many of these are already available as inert gas technology, various methods of crop rotation and interaction with animals, ways in which energetics can be applied by various cosmic collectors and all kinds of things. But, the research and understanding about this always seems to come back to the way in which someone would be," bent out of shape." In other words, a way in which somebody would see through their own fear, their own energy and reacting to it rather than speaking of it and force various policies, ideas, market manipulations and so on to keep things as they have been, rather than to move in these new directions that take advantage of new paradigms and understanding.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Hilarion on Bitcoin
Hilarion: So, there have been many questions today about something very practical “cryptocurrency,” as the term goes. Another form of money. It's there to provide you with…. and here you begin to plug in some of your own ideas about money…  the thing that keeps you where you live, brings food to you, acts as a medium of exchange and other definitions. None of this has to do with value, none of this has to do with physical form of the money itself and none of it has to do with the nonphysical in the sense that when you leave, when you die, when you let this body go, you are going to let go of the cryptocurrencies just as much as gold coins or paper money or promissory notes, simply being those as a reminder of something beyond.

In this way, you have the true perspective as to why cryptocurrencies are being introduced right now. In the collective consciousness of humanity there is an opportunity to see the true meaning of money. It is more than a medium of exchange, it is more than that which you have seen it as.

But, because it is something that you are going to leave behind, even it is just numbers in a bank account. It is also less than that which you have put your attention on it for. From this point of view and this previous mention of going towards rather than pushed away, well it is exciting. Many people as they look at it will say such as Bitcoin is going to be very interesting and fun, that which will make them money and do all these different things and recognize that it's not money in the sense that it has been before. 

But, it is the excitement of this in its purest form that is making the exchange of Bitcoin into other currencies such as the Dollar or Euros go up. This excitement is in the collective consciousness and is added to by the guides and helpers from the nonphysical realm. It is not because you are going to make money. Oh! They’re so excited you're going to get rich putting money into Bitcoin!

No, nothing like that at all. They are so excited that you are finally going to get it because everyone in the nonphysical who has ever had a physical incarnation has left the money behind. They recognized how valuable that has been and on the other side they recognize all the attention they put on it, all the ways in which they shifted their consciousness around it and all the ways in which they valued or devalued themselves, their work, their relationships; all of the ways that it hurt them and all of the ways it helped them to form community, to connect to other people and to help the poor and to receive money from the rich and do whatever it was that money provided for them as an experience, as life, not the money itself which they left behind.

So, in this way the collective consciousness needs a trick. It needs a way in which you are going to bring it into your consciousness where you are going to see it from a different context and cryptocurrency is certainly doing this. At the same time, there is a practical question associated with this. Should I put my money into Bitcoin? It’s a very simple question and given how prediction ain’t what it used to be, it is possible that you can look at this in various ways. In one way of doing it, one synthesizes all of the information available and makes a prediction and looks how this is going to go.

Right now, it does seem to be very much on track that it's a bubble and it is going to increase and it's going to be valuable and then it's going to collapse. When it does there will be many people who will be hurt by this, but there will be many people who will get out in plenty of time. Then the question becomes simply when to get out? It does appear that right around $60,000, does seem the target energy. That when one bitcoin is worth about $60,000 US dollars, this process of devaluation and difficulty comes in as more and more likely and at the same time alternative systems such as Hashgraph and others become the underlying basis for new currencies. There will be a big movement from Bitcoin into a new cryptocurrency that is supported by Hashgraph or some underlying system.

The big issue for so many is as to whether using a computer, if any of these cryptocurrencies can be hacked. Meaning: that somebody who has not earned this, has not through trading of dollars for Bitcoins or goods and services for Bitcoins or whatever, just by manipulating a computer has been able to bring all of this money into their own life.

It has been shown how this is impossible with Bitcoin and we agree with that from every analysis we have and how it is also very inefficient and how Hashgraph is then going to take this into account and make it so much simpler. Indeed, it will be  that which is a superior system to that which Bitcoin uses. This is not because of hacking. But, the interesting thing is when we ask the question: is it hackable? The answer is a very simple, absolutely and completely yes! The technique to do it is that which we have described in our little book, “Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing.” By the use of a computer that is far superior in size, scope, speed and ability to interact than anything you have on earth. There are several of these: M7 and M22, M33.

These are galactic clusters: a giant super computer, other things have been named for this but because humans haven't yet figured out how to use them, no problem. But, at some point in the future humans will and perhaps other computing technologies will be utilized. At such time it seems that the bigger message will show up and it won't be about money or Bitcoin but it will be about the powerful interconnection between the nonphysical and the physical; the nature of life itself, the opportunity to connect with others and many other things far beyond your current understanding.

So, in that sense we're not worried about it. Well, that is of course a physical term but in the way in which you understand it and work with these things certainly it makes sense to put a small investment into something which is going to appreciate 3 or 4 more times over the next few months and perhaps into the next two years. When exactly the big shifts are going to come is the trickiest part because there are so many different components associated with this. Luckily, we don't have enough people listening to our advice on this that is going to make very much difference.

This is a big problem with making various predictions. If a prediction is made for instance about a technology that would significantly alter life on earth we would have to be very cautious about how it is revealed. Because even one person listening to this or knowing about it could then make the biggest change. But, with these cryptocurrencies the relatively small investments people will do with this is not going to have very much affect on the planet.

So, karmically speaking we would say that the real lesson of this is to notice the pull forward, the excitement, the interest and to be involved in it only to the extent it is reasonable for you with the idea that if indeed it went south in a hurry the money that you would lose would not be precious to you. But, you would have the opportunity to learn of this and to go to something bigger and to understand the larger point of this.

One of the reasons many people are attracted to this is because they have known for many lifetimes that money is only symbolic. Now, it is taken to the place of pure symbolism, after all, a Bitcoin in the sense of anything physical doesn't exist. It is simply a mathematical construct within the Internet meaning the connected computers of the planet.

This is true for all the cryptocurrencies. But, by their very nature this is reminding you of something much bigger, something about your own consciousness: where does it exist? Is it in your brain? Indeed, if it was then at the non-physical level there would be nothing left. Some would argue that that is the case. Yet, you have so much evidence for instance in the work of Ian Stevenson that there is continuation from one lifetime to the next and the opportunity for an intermissive (the period between lives). That all of this energy as it shows up over and over is that which leads you to understand that the true meaning of money is something much bigger than the merely physical.

This takes you to the idea of trust, of connection and eventually of love; of a way in which you are intrinsically connected to other people. Thus, you could say that again this cryptocurrency interest and all of that falls short. It only gives you a hint of something bigger.

December 21, 2017

Monday, January 1, 2018

Is It Possible to Regrow A Tooth?
What does it take to regrow a tooth? Can we regrow other body parts?

Hilarion: Of course. We have spoken about this extensively. You have the DNA pattern, you did it once already with a tooth, but, your belief pattern stands in the way. In fact, the collective consciousness says just the opposite.

How do you change a belief pattern? Ask, “What do I want more than that?” Look at the roots of where the pattern comes from. Look at how it serves you and how it has been beneficial? Find all of the contextual shifts that allow you to loosen it.

Energy as it is applied at the aetheric level can help catalyze the high enzyme and helpful foods based on animal nature so that these can be properly metabolized and utilized. But, at the same time as this you may discover an emotional block, an issue that shows up. It is wise to speak of it, to share it and to release it. Yes, this is certainly possible. The difficulty we see with it is that most people have the urge to make the shift with this, (the primary exception to this would be hockey players) when they are older. When they are older then there are so many other mechanisms that need subtle aetheric energy.

The inert gas combination 18% Helium and 36% Neon and 46% Xenon is the one recommended for tooth regrowth. This is particularly effective when done at the same time as Qigong movements and particularly those which focus energy in the head and neck region. But, all of the different aspects to this do not guarantee regrowth of the tooth or any body part. The key to it must be that there is some aspect within your consciousness not only willing to shift the belief but in which the shift in which the body part grows is beneficial. This is tricky. Many would of course say of course it's better to have that, it's better to have mobility, or freedom, or   strength or whatever.

But, sometimes it isn’t. The reason for this is often times karmic, something deep within your being and to get in touch with this and to heal it with love and to see of the self forgiveness of the reason you can let it go. These often are powerful ways to go beyond merely to the dissolving of a belief pattern. Beyond this, of course, we have spoken extensively about this, written about it in books such as, "Symbols," and others so that it is certainly well recorded and understood already.

Alzheimer’s Disease
Please ask Hilarion about Alzheimer’s disease. What is a helpful remedy or any other pertinent information?

Hilarion: Mother’s milk is the ideal because you become like a child. This is a profound healing which is not easily available, of course. So, you do the next best thing. Raw milk from a cow may be adequate. It does seem to reverse this and cause many benefits.

Much Alzheimer's currently is the result of the side effect from Statins and other drugs widely utilized in individuals who are older. This will eventually be discovered and recognized at its core.

But, similarly to that, the way in which the animal nature is abridged and indeed the way in which the body must respond as best it can. So, this accumulates toxicity and other problems in the brain. These do tend to be reversed fairly well with the raw milk and especially human milk but since this is not so widely available then you do the best you can with it. But, indeed reversals of this nature have already been observed.

** My Own Personal note:
The Bengston Energy Healing Method has proven to be extremely effective for Alzheimer's:

Reiki Symbols
Please ask Hilarion what role do the Reiki symbols play in Reiki? What happens if I do Reiki not using the symbols?

Hilarion: When you have learned Reiki you cannot any longer do it without the symbols. They are there in your consciousness. You have constructed them at multiple layers, and you have drawn them from your past lives. You have re-acknowledged them. You don't have to at that point really even focus on them, they're going to show up. They are powerful energetic movements. They are the turning of the cosmos themselves. With that knowledge you then recognize its true purpose is so that you can let go. As Reiki energy moves through you, as there is a positive healing energy then it is also possible that this will be beneficial, that will be helpful.

Will it be Reiki in its truest form if you haven't learned that? No, of course not by definition you must move down that path and learn it the way it is, to call it that. But, to say it is not healing, not helpful? That would be absurd because you can see of how the love, the opportunity to know that healing exists and to see it move through in any way. This is always going to be helpful.

The true benefit of the symbols occurs in the way in which your own focus, your own concentration, your own awareness, all of this shows up and gives you something to hold onto like a mantra or a yantra or a Qigong movement and that is going to be very helpful.

Now, if we were going to evaluate this, that is the next step, let's make this a little more quantitative. Do those people who are running healing energy on average looking at the thousands of them, do it as well with as much effectiveness as those running the healing energy with symbols? What we notice here is indeed the people who are using symbols and using the training, using one of these techniques, but especially where they tune into something where other people are doing it too, they are more effective. They have more capability, the energies transfer better, on average. This doesn't mean that somebody with no training at all can't be a great healer. Of course they can. But, this means that if you have the time to do it and can learn the symbols and can learn the way to do this in your own fashion well that would probably give you a greater likelihood of success than to simply wing it.