Can you talk about levitation?
Hilarion: there are those who speak of it as lightening up, as telling humorous stories so as to provoke levity as to the ways in which through humor they can release and these are all very good to remember. Because in many ways it is the gravity of your situation that keeps you stuck exactly where you are. Many times those who have a humorous point of view and are able to see things with greater perspective can let go of the simplest of ideas that things are always as they have been.
That is the biggest obstacle to levitation because you are used to it, you have re-created it in your consciousness. In the very way in which that which might be energetic to overcome the pull of gravity is available, it is after all energy, energy is all around you. It is the sense that you are going to do it now exactly as you did it the minute before, the lifetime before, the century before, the existences of all of humanity before. It is that which weighs upon you and weighs you down, Understanding and working with this mixed metaphor business, can be playful. But, it can also be enlightening as to allow you to understand your own nature, that which would seem to have mass and weight to you, is mostly empty space. Your own physical body is mostly empty space. This is one scientific understanding that can be somewhat helpful as you rekindle this nature.
There are of course many historical examples and there are ways in which various scientific techniques have been utilized but ultimately the greatest barrier to all of this is simply your own consciousness, that which you have allowed to stand in the way and that which you are therefore most familiar with. Therefore, in order to produce for yourself personal levitation, a place to start is with those aspects that release your understanding of how things have been and allow you to take them on not only in new ways, or in expected ways but in ways that may be challenging, may be different from what you have seen before, maybe upside down for a while.
As a result we could certainly recommend the nutritional capabilities associated with the Vonderplanitz diet because this makes you see things upside down and in addition is that which can provide more energy to the physical body. But, as you are able to play with these ideas you may eventually come to one simple understanding and this has to do with the nature of the earth. The earth appears to be the principal source of the gravitational pull that is holding you onto its surface. We would suggest that you carefully consider the possibility that the earth is a receiver and that there is a powerful universal force pushing you down onto the earth. As a result instead of seeing earth as the enemy, as that which is pulling you and keeping you from levitating, see it as your protector. That which is loving you and waiting for the moment in which you could simply and easily harness her own loving energy to push you off her surface.
Now of course if such a push were too fast, or too powerful you would move quickly into the upper atmosphere and would have little to breathe and would die. So, you must be careful here how much levitation you wish for. In fact for most people they want it to be a perfect balance, a beautiful buoyancy, well, play with the helium balloon a little bit. Attach weights to it until you can get it perfectly buoyant, you will often be frustrated with it noticing that the tiniest extra or deficient amount of weight will produce significant movement up or down. So indeed, you could say that you are already striking a beautiful balance and in this way keeping yourself on the planet.
Of course there are those who understand the levitation principle as that which is essentially spiritual in nature. That as you are able to shift your vibration, that amount of matter you have is no longer affected in the usual way and this is quite accurate. But, in this way you would then also recognize the important lessons, the things to learn here, the interactions with other people and so on would seem far less engaging, far less interesting, and far less attractive. All of these factors add up in various ways to keep you here on the earth.
We see a time in humanity's future when this will be easier, but for now you seem to be so powerfully enmeshed in this that the principal ways in which levitation takes place will be simple, scientific and practical ways in which the various forces that are used to create those energies of pushing and pulling with relation to Earth will be created technologically and the simplest and easiest way to do this is with the inert gases. In which they are subjected to significant levels of magnetic and electrical interactions in order to produce the gravitational forces. These can then be arranged to increase or decrease the earth's energies and as a result produce apparent levitation. It is important as you understand and work with these technologies that you see also how they shift consciousness. Their very exposure especially to inert gas xenon, stimulated by such means as magnetic and electric will indeed produce shifts in consciousness.