Monday, May 22, 2017



Can you talk about levitation?

Hilarion: there are those who speak of it as lightening up, as telling humorous stories so as to provoke levity as to the ways in which through humor they can release and these are all very good to remember. Because in many ways it is the gravity of your situation that keeps you stuck exactly where you are. Many times those who have a humorous point of view and are able to see things with greater perspective can let go of the simplest of ideas that things are always as they have been.

That is the biggest obstacle to levitation because you are used to it, you have re-created it in your consciousness. In the very way in which that which might be energetic to overcome the pull of gravity is available, it is after all energy, energy is all around you. It is the sense that you are going to do it now exactly as you did it the minute before, the lifetime before, the century before, the existences of all of humanity before. It is that which weighs upon you and weighs you down, Understanding and working with this mixed metaphor business, can be playful. But, it can also be enlightening as to allow you to understand your own nature, that which would seem to have mass and weight to you, is mostly empty space. Your own physical body is mostly empty space. This is one scientific understanding that can be somewhat helpful as you rekindle this nature.

There are of course many historical examples and there are ways in which various scientific techniques have been utilized but ultimately the greatest barrier to all of this is simply your own consciousness, that which you have allowed to stand in the way and that which you are therefore most familiar with. Therefore, in order to produce for yourself personal levitation, a place to start is with those aspects that release your understanding of how things have been and allow you to take them on not only in new ways, or in expected ways but in ways that may be challenging, may be different from what you have seen before, maybe upside down for a while.

As a result we could certainly recommend the nutritional capabilities associated with the Vonderplanitz diet because this makes you see things upside down and in addition is that which can provide more energy to the physical body. But, as you are able to play with these ideas you may eventually come to one simple understanding and this has to do with the nature of the earth. The earth appears to be the principal source of the gravitational pull that is holding you onto its surface. We would suggest that you carefully consider the possibility that the earth is a receiver and that there is a powerful universal force pushing you down onto the earth. As a result instead of seeing earth as the enemy, as that which is pulling you and keeping you from levitating, see it as your protector. That which is loving you and waiting for the moment in which you could simply and easily harness her own loving energy to push you off her surface.

Now of course if such a push were too fast, or too powerful you would move quickly into the upper atmosphere and would have little to breathe and would die. So, you must be careful here how much levitation you wish for. In fact for most people they want it to be a perfect balance, a beautiful buoyancy, well, play with the helium balloon a little bit. Attach weights to it until you can get it perfectly buoyant, you will often be frustrated with it noticing that the tiniest extra or deficient amount of weight will produce significant movement up or down. So indeed, you could say that you are already striking a beautiful balance and in this way keeping yourself on the planet.

Of course there are those who understand the levitation principle as that which is essentially spiritual in nature. That as you are able to shift your vibration, that amount of matter you have is no longer affected in the usual way and this is quite accurate. But, in this way you would then also recognize the important lessons, the things to learn here, the interactions with other people and so on would seem far less engaging, far less interesting, and far less attractive. All of these factors add up in various ways to keep you here on the earth.

We see a time in humanity's future when this will be easier, but for now you seem to be so powerfully enmeshed in this that the principal ways in which levitation takes place will be simple, scientific and practical ways in which the various forces that are used to create those energies of pushing and pulling with relation to Earth will be created technologically and the simplest and easiest way to do this is with the inert gases. In which they are subjected to significant levels of magnetic and electrical interactions in order to produce the gravitational forces. These can then be arranged to increase or decrease the earth's energies and as a result produce apparent levitation. It is important as you understand and work with these technologies that you see also how they shift consciousness. Their very exposure especially to inert gas xenon, stimulated by such means as magnetic and electric will indeed produce shifts in consciousness.

Hilarion: Now, where it gets interesting is to observe the opportunity to welcome paradox, to welcome something that somehow doesn't make sense; to find a way in your own consciousness to sit with that; too warm to it; to enjoy it; to be with it. 

It is this more than anything else that distinguishes what could be called this, "new consciousness, this new approaching energy, this awareness of being," from an old way that demanded answers, yes, no, black, white, right, wrong. It is not simply to find the middle ground. It is literally to find a higher ground as if those working out these issues at this level of consciousness are simply not aware that there is something surrounding them, something much bigger, something much more wonderful.

Now that becomes very interesting as soon as you start to investigate a few little hints that you left yourselves; that the guides and helpers leave you; that the energies from the other side send to you all the time. This is through process of divination, process of simple symbols, underlying energies and the coincidences in your lives. These are as hints to remind you to look more deeply, to understand at a deeper level, something deep within your own being now emerging. But, no one can come along and say, “So it is,” that these energies rule and govern your life without taking away your own free will. You must have the opportunity to choose because only then can you bring love, love and free will as one to your choices. This is why then, you do not have the consciousness of a being coming in so strongly to say, “Yes I am watching over you my children.”

Now, what this can bring forward for you, can be if you understand our words; if you understand the intent behind the words; a welcoming of those situations that explain by a process outside the context of the situation you are looking at. If that can be welcomed, you can find a new kind of peace within your own being, the peace that does not come from the solidity of yes or no, but from the welcoming of the nature of the universe.

One of your great scientists on your planet understood this. His name was Einstein and what he determined was that there was no absolute anything. No absolute connection; no absolute still point in the universe and relative to what you are. What it means is that there is only for your own level of evolution, a leading edge relative truth; a truth that is most appropriate for your own being now. The energy will inevitably, absolutely for certain at some point in the future be different, be greater, be expanded upon, or in some cases, that truth will simply be destroyed. It no longer exists and this has happened many, many times in your history.

Many things that you absolutely knew for certain in some cases for thousands of years were then clearly shown in a few decades of experimentation to be entirely false. This is not just the path of science. It is the path of your own evolution, because it is showing you how you evolve your consciousness to take in a higher and more complex truth because that is what you are seeking to become, to make yourself more complex, more aware, more stimulated, more evolved. Why do you do this? Couldn't you just be satisfied with kicking back and doing nothing? It is the great lesson of the animal self within you that you can do that. You can do it right now, and it doesn't take anything hard.

You simply recognize that your mind has the opportunity to focus and give it a focus, but make sure that that focus is as directly connected to your animal self, your most basic instinct as possible. And what we might suggest for this is a good beginning point is your breath, because it is constant. It goes in and out, don't control it, don’t change it, don't breathe more deeply or more shallowly just be aware of the breath and as anything else pops in, a thought, an energy, a memory, let it go. Ah, yes, you recognize it and you let it go immediately. This is the true meaning of doing nothing. Oh yes, there is doing, there is focusing on the breath, but you will find very quickly, that that in itself, because it is always there, because it is so deeply connected to your animal self is nothing, is empty, is just there and with repeated practice even that begins to fade away.

Notice here that there is a tendency toward "doing-ness," in the way we are speaking because that is how the question was phrased. In going into this deeper, the next level question is, what do you really want? What do you want more than that? More than a connection with your higher self? Your true self? Your release of the "not." What you may experience with this is a place that is beyond doing. It is the opportunity simply to be. So focus on the doing, be aware of it, work with it but remember to ask yourself, "what do I want more than that?" What you may experience from this is a direct diving in to your true self because for most, the true self is simply about being. It is about the aspect that simply exists.

This is hard to do, to work with, to understand in a way in which there must be action, but let that go, instead simply be. What is present for you? Most of those hearing this, working with it, etc. they will be breathing. So focus on your breath. It would be those aspects of you that don't know the nature of who you are, your true self, the false self whatever that is, you simply don't know. Instead of resisting that, simply let it be with you for a moment. The paradox of this, the knowledge that there is both sides of your being, that you are simply this consciousness and ask, "who or what is experiencing this right now? " These are powerful and important tools that are the real answer to this question.

Rudolph Steiner

Hilarion: Which brings us of course to the understanding of a great teacher in this regard and there are many. But, one who has inspired so many is the individual Rudolph Steiner and the awareness of the sense of what he was able to bring into the world was indeed so beautiful and so helpful that for many it became a sort of religion. To use these teachings out of the original context could be a definition of religion, that indeed these teachings were about the wonder of nature, the way in which all things co-create and his work had a tremendous degree of focus on the blending of science and all other aspects; art, philosophy, agriculture and these scientific discoveries of the time.

So of course, if you stop that, if you don't use the scientific discoveries of this time then you are missing that underlying point. One of the most important aspects of this of course karmically available right now is brain science. Brain science has not yet been applied to children because of course it is difficult to put children into the analytical devices, principally MRI technology, that are being utilized in order to see how the brain works. But, all of this as it changes and what is being learned from and what experiments are being done with children needs to be integrated with the understanding that is brought through Steiner's work. Schools, called the Waldorf system have within them some of this rigidification, this turning it into a religion. But, this is simply losing sight of those original ideas in which there was this powerful and important blending of the channeled wisdom, of the subtle aspects, of the observation of nature and the science that was available at the time.

Science, as it is available now can gradually but consistently be integrated with this for much further development and understanding. At the same time, teachers who enter into various opportunities such as Waldorf schools, primarily to teach using these systems are going to be pushed by their guides, by subtle energies, by the Earth, by all of these things that are present to do this. To integrate the knowledge, to use their own hearts, their own wisdom, their own love, and coordinate this with the patience and loving teachings that Steiner so lovingly and powerfully advocated. In doing so, they will be hard-pressed to face their own fears, they must not fall back on various ways in which they use an excuse, they use somebody's other idea, some misconception about karma, or nutrition, or schooling or whatever it is simply to avoid their own fear. Because, as they experience it, of course they can let it go and come to a place of greater understanding.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tinnitus (More Info)

There are several questions about the sounds in our ears, from tinnitus to hearing beings that aren't there. Will you please comment on this?

Hilarion: Tinnitus has its roots in two sources simultaneously and is one of these areas where the interaction between dietary factors and nonphysical factors is so powerful. So also to some extent does it come up with the increased vibrations of the Earth. Added sensitivity to energies all around one begin to dissolve some of the boundaries of time and space, so you begin to receive by whatever means you are most sensitive--visual, audible, even kinesthetic--sensations of something that is going to occur.

Going to occur is so interesting, you see, when you begin to understand that the consciousness of a collective agreement amongst humanity to manifest linear time is that which is specifically imposed so that you can evolve together, so you can work these things out as you manifest. It isn't necessary. There are many ways in which the constraints of linear time are but limiting, and you feel this so clearly when you experience moments of love or compassion, or energies that seem to zip by, or various other energies that seem to plod very slowly when things are difficult. Only then can you manifest this ultimately for yourself. But clearly, these boundaries of time and space are being stripped away to remind you that part of the aspect of loving yourself is that there is a being that you will be in your future who is loving you now, right here. Just as when you think of your past, it is not enough to dwell on those aspects that you wish you'd done differently. It is also helpful to send energy to the being you were in the past.

Tinnitus is a ringing in the ear. It is often sparked or generated by a nonphysical being's presence. This is easy to do because the ear is extremely sensitive. Indeed, in a very quiet room, the eardrum is sufficiently sensitive to extract enough energy to detect the impinging of a single molecule of air upon that eardrum. So then it is very easy for nonphysical beings to communicate with you by this means. This can lead, as one works with it, to clairaudience, or other aspects. But there is a great difficulty here. Many nonphysical beings who do not know they have passed from this planet--those which the individual Dr. Waldo Vieira would call "psychotic post-mortems"--exert their energy unconsciously on many people. When they are in your presence, this energy--because you tend to a certain sensitivity towards it--will engender a ringing in the ear. This will typically be more one-sided than the other. Typically more in the left or the right ear than both balanced. This is the symbol currently in use. It is not likely to go on for much longer, but at least for the next four or five years, the nonphysical beings that wish to manifest energy of a more healing, helpful nature will try to do this in a way in which, should their presence be that which generates tinnitus in you, it will come equally, in both ears. But this will not be true for everyone. Some people will experience this because the right ear generates a sort of reaction in the brain which causes a vibration in the left ear which tends to equalize, so even though the energies are exerted by a nonphysical being of malintent--that is, a psychotic post-mortem--into only one side, then, still, the energy will balance itself and you will hear it in both sides.

[To learn more about the nonphysical beings who co-exist with us, see: Projections of the Consciousness and other books by Dr. Waldo Vieira.]

The tendency towards this has been extensively discussed at a physical level by the individual Dale Alexander in his many books dealing with oils, fats, and most importantly, the progression from tinnitus and dry skin to arthritis and related more serious difficulties. It is simply lack of lubrication in the joints that causes this. This is because for many individuals the enzymes are deficient to particularly absorb and utilize the fats and oils that are most beneficial to the body. And so if raw fats and oil are taken, the joints then are more naturally lubricated. There are those who would say, "Oh, I can't do that, because then I'm going to get all kinds of bacteria and other things in my body," remember the previous question--do you fear this, or can you embrace it?

Learning about this is a very difficult matter, of course, and an individual must put it to themselves that they are willing to expand their consciousness beyond preconceived ideas and learn it for themselves. For this, of course, we would strongly recommend that they read from front to back the book We Want to Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz because it so clearly is able to break down old belief patterns and help you choose new ones on your own. No book has been written since or before that so clearly is able to break down and shift these patterns.

Around tinnitus, then, the simple cure for this is ingestion of absorbable fats and oils to relubricate the joints. Gradually this can occur. It may take years. Getting them fully absorbed is a tricky matter. Alexander used to subscribe to the idea of simply taking them on an empty stomach, and this will be sufficient for some people. But for many, when they ingest fats and oils that have been heated past the point by which they are truly valuable to the body (generally 104F/40C), then the individual will counteract the effects of those that have been already absorbed. This is a complex matter that also relates to calcium metabolism and other aspects of the stochastic interactions that are going on below the surface within cellular metabolism. But ultimately for individuals, they must return to an intuitive, instinctive way of resupplying the oils, fats, and other important components for the development of proper joint health.

Of course, this relates to many other aspects of the body--the circulatory system and especially the nervous system and the brain. But ultimately, a diet that has within it the ability to make the changes necessary will increase longevity, youthfulness, grow hair on the heads of those who are losing their hair, assist lubrication on many levels, improving sexual functioning, intelligence, eye function, and many other things. So it doesn't only work around tinnitus, but this is a good place to begin looking at the issue.

What we would suggest is a two-fold approach--first, that of nutrition as previously mentioned. Second, with the manifestation of the vibrational state the moment the ringing begins. The vibrational state, then, allows one to have a clearer, more objective view. From within the vibrational state, notice the thought that one might have had just before the ringing occurred. That thought is the open door or resonance between you and a nonphysical being that may be indeed drawing down your energy and causing this difficulty. After you have learned this, you will not need tinnitus anymore. Thus, the manifestation of the changes nutritionally can be more easily placed within the physical body to assist one in moving through this issue.

Always, this aspect of the experience you are really trying to create for yourself, seeing the higher benefit, looking at the positive intent behind any difficulty enables you to change it. And at the same time, doing those underlying, beneficial foundation aspects of clearing toxic materials or improving fats and oils absorbed in the body and so on will help you in this regard too. Does this answer the question?

Monday, May 1, 2017

Cannabis: The Addiction And The Healing

Hilarion: The hemp plant, Cannabis in its various forms and its ways of interacting with people has been that which has been gifted to humanity to bring both you could say the benefits and the detriments; the addictions and the healings as it has been discovered. Cannabinol is that which has anti-psychoactive properties and exists right alongside Cannibidiol.

These two materials as they manifest then are able to produce different effects. It has been noted that CBD affects are often healing and beneficial. Just like others however, they are temporary and though they can be seen as beneficial, the real purpose of the discovery of the differences of the materials in the same plant is to provide a greater level of maturity.

Can people use this plant appropriately? Can they find within it the opportunity for healing without addiction and without dependence? There is no ultimate answer to this but it has been observed by most individuals involved on the spiritual path that the use of cannabis in smoke, in the ways in which Tetrahydrocannabinol is so useful as an inebriant, is a consciousness changer and so on that using it excessively short circuits many important enlightenment pathways, emotional connections, benefits in consciousness are curtailed.

As a result there must be a powerful level of maturity to rise above this. Addiction in all of its forms on your planet is a powerful lesson. Addiction to oil, a clear and present issue for so many on your planet. The addiction to oil might provide jobs, can somehow heal the economic difficulties on your planet and so on is a very shortsighted way of seeing how these things are done. Since of course, what you gift to your children and grandchildren is a world in which there are far more difficulties then simply related to money and economic problems.

In recognizing and working with these energies, the movement through addiction is a very powerful lesson. This is perhaps the highest, most useful spiritual lesson of CBD. The anti-psychoactive properties in hemp have this to reveal. The sense of your ability to let go of addiction, not just to marijuana and its effects but to many aspects in your life that have reduced consciousness in the effort to somehow expand it. In particular, we note that rosemary flower essence, Deneb starlight elixir, and Pink Diamond gem elixir will have some accelerating effects and assistance in the use of this material.

It is also valuable as you are able to explore and work with various healing methods that you understand this basic principle. The simple way in which the body has an inherent design factor: the opportunity to work with raw foods, to then work with those materials that you are already designed for just as the animals and the animal ancestry going back millions of years are then attuned to this. Those materials which are closest to those which are most easily absorbed, utilized, benefiting you and so on are naturally the most healthfully, the most long-term healing benefits.

Immunizations (Effects on Children)

Hilarion: Well, there are many different problems that come from this. Some have been studied with reference to the specific bacteria and other substances that are injected. There are many difficulties that arise from this, of course. Yet, we see concurrent to this are high levels of mercury that are injected into the human being. Mercury is a difficult toxic substance for the body to get rid of under the best of circumstances and when it is injected it goes directly to weak organs. These organs will be different at different stages of life, and as they are affected dramatically, many differences in immune response, physical health, various aspects of the respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, and so on, are definitely damaged and affected.

Pulling mercury out of the body is one important solution, and it is difficult to do because with injection, these substances go much deeper than they would simply by breathing the mercury emitted by mercury fillings or mercury as taken in even through the digestive system through fish or various toxic substances.

So, certainly it is best if possible to avoid these. There are many studies of these matters, and there are those who would relate to it as fear: "I am afraid that if I do not give my child the dead bacteria mixed with mercury that then they are going to have the cleansing reactions that are called--" and then you have all the different names of the diseases: diptheria, typhus, whooping cough, smallpox, polio, etc. With each disease, if you name it, quite apart from the experience that you are giving the child, you will then recognize the fear. Fear of loss, fear of death, fear of destruction, fear that relates to all of primordial fears back into humanity's past histories, fear of the plague, fear of contamination, fear of other humans, fear of death.

Certainly to face death and to understand it, to welcome it if necessary will be necessary as part of any evolutionary awakening, any enlightening, any clarifying principle. This also can be true for the parents who choose not to vaccinate. This could be seen as an opportunity. Although most would only then cling to the fear and so it is a difficult matter that everyone must face about these matters.

Homeopathy has stepped in at times to alleviate these fears by giving some semblance at a higher vibrational level of the disease so that hopefully the child will not then have to get that disease. But you must ask the right question here. "What is the purpose of disease?" Disease as bacteria, virus, parasite, etc., manifests in nature to clean up, to clean up the environment, to break down various toxic materials, to rebuild. And so it is also in the human body. You see this in the forest, so why not apply it to the human being?

As such, then, you will understand that vaccines are not necessary if the body is sufficiently healthy from receiving sufficient nurturing nourishing food that the clearing out process engendered by even these seemingly deadly and difficult bacteria, viruses, and parasites will not be necessary. That is, you don't need to get polio because the muscles in your legs do not need to be cleaned out of the toxic substances that have been put into them by what you have eaten, by what you have inherited, by what you have received from the environment, or even by what has been injected into your body.

So it is a difficult matter to turn the tide in the middle of all in your society when there is so much fear, but ultimately it is the fear which will lead you to the shift. See that as the primary most important factor involved with vaccines, and you will then perceive the larger truth. Because, after all, in working with any substance that is added to the physical body, there are questions your society has already posed: "What double blind peer-reviewed studies have been done of this particular nutrient, this particular substance, and most importantly (already in the world) this particular drug?"

Those questions are being asked and answered. Your FDA, your various government agencies in every country seek to answer this question methodically, academically, scientifically. But they have not answered that question, and it must be posed to the question of vaccines. Why are vaccines exempt from this? As you understand the laws that have been lobbied and passed by the pharmaceutical companies and others, you will understand how to dismantle this, and how to bring peer-reviewed double blind studies back into vaccine research, which will ultimately answer the question, at least on a practical level, without dealing with the fear issue or the mercury issue. It will be a good start.