Saturday, February 25, 2017

How Has The Medical Model Gotten So Off Track?

Hilarion: There is a beautifully worded question relating to how, indeed, the medical model has gotten so off track. There are so many ways to look at this, but you should certainly recognize that if the medical model had within it a full deep understanding of the nature and process of human disease, you would see such diseases as cancer decreasing on your planet. Now we aren't talking about the cure rates. We're talking about the incidences of the disease, and the American Cancer Society will certainly acknowledge that the rate of this is increasing, that as recently as twenty years ago one in four of individuals on your planet would encounter this debilitating and difficult disease. Now, it is one in three.

These numbers tell you that the medical establishment as it stands is missing the point, somehow hasn't gotten the cosmic joke, isn't fully aware of where they went wrong. They are hailed in this model by the nonphysical beings as much as possible. This happens as a part of the brainwashing technique that occurs in the hospital setting as part of what is termed "residency." Thus, the doctor is not only subjected to the competition of his and her fellow doctors, the teachers and others, but also the nonphysical beings, because they want very much for this medical model to be so firmly established that that individual will never see the larger truth.

Now, you will see that the object of much in the way of religion, of Eastern philosophy, of meditation, is to install vibrational state. Much of the ways of Chinese martial arts and many of the consequential schools of martial arts was indeed to this end. To bring in the vibrational state quickly is the aim of Tai Chi and Qigong healing methods. So, this is a direct path that is very helpful and will be useful on many levels-- making greater contact with nonphysical beings, engaging your own connection to push away nonphysical beings that are detrimental or damaging, and allowing you gradually to simply wake up to the reality that comes to you; that you are indeed surrounded and working with nonphysical beings of all kinds and all energies. You have shut down the ability to see them. We have spoken about this in the past, for instance in our little book, Seasons of the Spirit, in the way in which the third eye once had the ability to recognize such beings. Because you do not see them, you give them free reign on your planet and with your lives.

It must be observed then that the result of this is that by manipulation of ignorance of certain aspects of the models presented by science and other realities, the nonphysical beings have been able to indeed have quite a heyday with you in various arenas. One of the most crowded places for nonphysical beings is what you would call a physical hospital. These places have many beings who have been recently liberated from the physical body. They do not know that they are dead. They wander the halls of these places, looking for their rooms. They are seeking some way of release. They are seeking some way to energize, to understand, and so on. When you find yourself able to establish the vibrational state and hold it for a period of time, we invite you to visit these places. Go near the operating rooms or simply in the waiting rooms, because you will recognize that the vibrational state will assist these beings to recognize a higher reality. It is often as simple as simply realizing they've been sitting in that waiting room waiting for a verrrry long time--weeks, months. Why don't they learn what is happening to them? And then they recognize these energies and are able to release this. The vibrational state assists in such a thing.

You don't have to go back very far in time to recognize this pattern. Indeed, look to the death of your first president, George Washington, who was killed by his doctors--they bled him to death, for a cold. Understanding this simple principle reminds you that in only a few hundred years, medical science can't be expected to change all that much. Indeed, it is off on the wrong foot to start with by not acknowledging the larger aspects of the nonphysical realities by which healing comes. The depth and understanding of the lessons of disease and the Universal Law that tells you that as you are out of balance with a higher principle, so then do you manifest this in your own physical body by necessity, as a symbol, to remind you.

But understanding that principle alone is insufficient at the current time. Medical science must acknowledge and work with the true understanding of disease-causing agents on your planet. A few of these, which are largely the product of man- made and indeed man-mutated and indeed even thoughtform-mutated bacteria and viruses such as Ebola and even certain strains of E. coli. are those which are damaging and difficult on your planet. These will quickly disappear on your planet when the thoughtforms associated with them, this great fear one has of bacteria, are eliminated. 

But until this occurs, we see a general tendency for a few rare bacterial strains, viral strains, and even parasites, to continue to be problematic to a few individuals on your planet. These will be the individuals who have compromised immune systems and such comes naturally from repeated generations of consumption of cooked, processed foods. Specifically, let us define "cooked, processed." If it has been heated past 104 degrees F, then we see this as damaging. This corresponds to about 40 degrees C. And understanding this importance can not be lost on most individuals. 

[Editor's note: this temperature of 104 degrees F feels very warm but not hot - if you put your finger in 104 degree F water it would not even be hot enough to burn your finger.]

Bacteria then show up to clean up the decaying organisms that are the result of this, and most of these bacteria are beneficial if allowed to run their course. But, of course, that is not what happens. Instead, medical science in its wisdom will stop the bacteria with an agent of mold. Typically, mold then as naturally occurs in the human body does stop bacteria because it is the bacteria (but at a higher level of evolution) and so what will be injected is Tetracycline, or Amoxicillin. If you will look at how these are developed--Penicillin being the typical example from bread mold--these moldy substances do their job and stop the bacteria from running its course. But, the cooked foods, the processed foods remain in the body.

Now, where did medical science run afoul of this? It happened in Pasteur's day, when the invention of the processing of cooked food, thus the processing (pasteurization) of milk, would enable those marginal milk products to then be cleansed and purified, so that they could then be eaten without producing immediate problem in the human being or animal. Successive generations suffer, but the immediate person does not then suffer with sickness or disease. This is unfortunate, but Pasteur himself recognized the difficulty, and indeed took back much of what he created, on his deathbed, stating that he wished it had been different. He was indeed manipulated strongly by the other dimensional realities, particularly a large group of nonphysical beings that recognized the consequences of these actions. There were positive, beneficial beings working with the individual Antoine Bechamp at the same time, who had a completely different idea, and understood much more about the ability of organisms to change one into the other--pleomorphism as it is called--and ultimately the benefit of raw foods. But in this case, it was a battle that was won by the forces of darkness rather than light, and the results of this can be overturned any time now because the information is available. People can learn about this and re-learn about it.

But for your society, for your planet as a whole, the importance of this must not be lost. That the larger plan is one by which all the nonphysical beings become physical. Thus the population of your planet will increase, and the nonphysical beings of a negative nature will come into bodies, as will those of positive nature. The point of this being that then you can face each other and work out all of these difficulties face to face. If you want to change that plan, thus not seeing the world's population burgeon to fifty billion, you must recognize then that the answer is seeing the other dimensions.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Working With Your Merkaba
What is the wisest approach to experiencing and cultivating our merkaba in the next few years?

Hilarion: The energy body, the sense of who you are, if you have this as a visual, then by all means enter into the beautiful constructions that others create of this. Or, draw them your self, form them if you can out of little pieces of paper or wood. But, find a way in which you can become this, sense this, spin with it, imagine it. But, if the visual sense is not your forte, if the sense of this as a construction in your mind around your body or that which could spin or that which you could be a part of is difficult, let it go. Find its underlying purpose: the sense of being-ness, the sense of energy.

Many times the energy merkaba or body itself is that which simply is an excuse for you to come into a place where you let go of your mind, you let go of thinking about it. You breathe it, you spin with it, you imagine it, you play in it but that is not enough any more. You must also be willing to share it, to heal with it, to allow it in ways that are helpful. So, that is the next level of this. If it is the audible level that you are more comfortable with to sing a healing song and have the sense of it spinning within you would be almost the same thing. If it is the kinesthetic as it is for so many people, to have that sense of a swirling and a spinning in a way in which it is comfortable and outward, a vortex flows sending its own healing, its own consciousness. These are all wonderful ways to translate the ways in which others share energy in a positive, helpful, uplifting way.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Horizontal Wrinkles on the Forehead

What symbolic or other meanings are the horizontal wrinkles on the forehead? Are there any connections to the dietary or health issues?

Hilarion: We spoke about this in our little book, "Faces," in which each of the quadrants of the forehead are discussed and there are ways in which those energies have some relationship to the specific periods of your life and so on. But generally, as this is relating to the soul's energy and those aspects of the various areas of the creases relating to a particular scarring activity, an area you couldn't get through, a wrinkle in your own existence to speak. These are symbolic of issues that are powerfully affecting you. The more of these there are the more issues you have to work with and naturally as people age these come up. Ways to look at them, to examine them and to share them. 

But, at the same time there is the deeper reminder of what causes this. There is the aspects of deficiency of oils and fats to that part of the body. But, even with those with a great deal of these, those with good diet and those who are able to work with these energies of deeper understanding, these show up because of muscular tensions and the habits associated with this. The powerful energy often utilized in hypnosis associated with the forehead about such matters is also related to enhance blood flow in the area and how it relates to consciousness; the brain's ability to absorb, transfer and share emotion from the hypothalamus all the way to the frontal lobes and the ability to communicate with those elsewhere in the brain is affected by blood flow.

An example of this can be understood in a completely different context, not the symbolism associated with the forehead, looking at what this means and so on really only leads to some judgment about yourself and others and what good is that? Rather this other energy you put attention right now on your entire forehead. Notice perhaps you have looked in the mirror and you know where some of those lines and wrinkles are. Perhaps you have an expression of worry at times. Have that expression, think of something you are concerned about and notice how your forehead knots up immediately and just let it go.

Go deeper now and let the forehead be smooth, relaxed, warm. Allow the energies within that part of the body, a gentleness, an ease; a fluidity, a gentle wave of cool water. As the forehead becomes more and more relaxed, more cool. There is a natural sense of peace, of calm. It is as if the soul is saying it is welcome here. That you are loving and bringing in this energy when you relax that part of the forehead, that part of the body that resist those energies. That's where the wrinkles show up. There in this specific locations associated with the times in the past that you resisted those lessons, those energies which then gave rise to various aspects of karma, things you struggled with and so on and now just because; not in the way have done you have done it before through balancing; or doing the right thing, but just because as a little child would say with the energy, just because you choose it. You be the cause now. Then let it go as if to love deeply your own soul and its actions in being here the best it could.

Proliferation of Vaccines

Can you please comment about the lesson of the proliferation of vaccines.

Hilarion: here you see a simple misunderstanding of the underlying scientific principles and by not understanding how disease works; the underlying causes of it; the ways in which those things which are applied to the body are those which the body is not designed for, then create various problems. So, wherever you have further stimulation by the injection of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other toxic substances along with those which give it some specific direction such as a live organism or disease you then train the body to bring about reactions. These reactions when done over very large populations give you some slight benefits and decrease of the various diseases.

Oftentimes, this is timed perfectly with the way in which that disease would have naturally run its course anyway. As for instance polio and the result is that those in positions of political, economic, and most importantly scientific prowess trying to build their own reputations and so on will then utilize this to promote the use of these substances which are creating these difficulties. The long term effect of the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other substances is a shortening of human lifespan.

This is quite profound and that which is not well understood at the current time because so many people have received these injections. But, a natural human life span exceeding 140 years is so easy to achieve without such substances and so few who understand it that the deeper manifestation and awareness of this has not yet come into humankind. All that is necessary, of course is a series of good experiments utilizing the scientific method. Where double blind studies are done on a fairly large populations to see how they fare with and without vaccines. Such has been highly promoted and suggested time and time again and for various reasons has been rejected. Typically those reasons are not those which withstand very much scrutiny but are those which are then covered over by those in positions of power or those who wish to make profit from this or increase their own reputations, etc.

As soon as the scientific method is applied it seems likely that a deeper understanding about this will eventually come forth. But, who is going to let that happen? Certainly, no corporation who is is going to profit well from the misunderstanding of this and that is exactly the same problem you see in medical science, nutritional science and the full understanding of disease. The deeper understanding of this will put a lot of these companies out of business and here again is the problem that of the scientific, of the vaccine or of the disease. No, it is the problem of the profit and the way in which such money is made in these endeavors.

To this, there are some solutions being proposed. At the higher vibrational level many experiments have been done with new scientific understanding specifically in the area of physics in order to provide a wealth, an abundance, the manifestation of all substances, objects, infinite energy, etc. Although this causes tremendous disruption eventually humankind is able to give up money, profit and along with it service to self and see the opportunity to help and love others. But, along the way at the nonphysical level most of the simulations of this usually encounter some difficulties. It is this which is primarily allowing this technology and understanding to be slowed down in its introduction to humanity. But, we are encouraged to say, not stopped entirely. Encouraged for deeper understanding and deeper awareness and some of the mathematical basis for today could be utilized in such direction.

At the same time though to create an environment where there could be receptivity to people who are loving and kind to each other clearly seems to be the sort of general way in which such a scientific solution could be welcomed simply because it would not be used to harm anyone. Vaccines in this way are a good test case where on a small level, the opportunity for a small group of people to have power over many others by the bringing of laws with or without scientific understanding associated with it, true science based on the scientific method, not junk science, not science simply because of the economics involved or the profit motive.

The result of this is always an opportunity for change and some of this has been taking place in some of the states around US for instance, in France and in various places where deeper understanding of the scientific aspects behind vaccinations are being examined, the laws are changing. People are again looking at it and reassessing it and looking at it more deeply. It is very small in the larger scheme of things simply because people living to 90 years old or living to 140 years old doesn't make a huge difference right now on your planet. But the interesting thing is in one area in particular that we have mentioned tonight, that is telepathy. The opportunity to gain greater awareness and consciousness associated with all of this does seem to be enhanced with advanced age with good health.

Therefore, there will be a greater push to help dismantle some of the misunderstanding through science over the next few years which hopefully will lead to deeper understanding of the true nature of how vaccines work, when they work and how they are so harmful and why most of the time they do not work.
December 21, 2015

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Marijuana and Ayahuasca

Juan Carlos Taminchi
Please comment on the attraction to the consciousness altering substances marijuana and ayahuasca; the benefits, healing uses of cannabis oil, and how that is coming into our lives today?

Hilarion: There are many of course who have commented on this and there are many ways to approach this. We would also like to add to this a different perspective. One of the reasons why these things make their appearance on a much larger level, of course seeing for instance cannabis being accepted legally in more locations in the world, in USA and of course outside USA, is a symbol. It is a way in which people are being welcomed, asked and reminded to look with their own spiritual maturity. Can you work with it in a mature way? Society at large asks the question first and it answers a question from those aspects which affects society at large, government and economic. But the economic consequences of making marijuana illegal, are weighed against making it legal. Often, this is the prime motivating factor.

But, it is a reminder to you to treat this appropriately, to see where it has spiritual significance in your life. To a large extent we see that these substances have the opportunity to alter your consciousness dramatically, to help you have a different perspective on your life, to achieve a higher state of consciousness perhaps even after years of meditation. But, at the same time, the very mechanism by which they do this is one that shuts down those same processes when that substance is used repeatedly. So the opportunity to experience an alteration in consciousness is clearly welcomed by whatever means. But, if you take those means which are chemical, vibrational from external, i.e. shot to pot, somebody touching you and giving you that experience, or something that is occurring naturally from that substance.

You open a door in which you have choices, powerful ones. Often times what you are confronted with is your own tendency toward addiction and this is very much about your own spiritual maturity; addicted to ideas of a certain kind, or a way of thinking or working with other people, or doing things as you have been accustomed to etc, etc. as you are able to rise above the particular occasion and work with it appropriately.

However, it is important to recognize that the spiritual maturity of mankind is also very much put to the test around marijuana. Because it is an ancient substance with many powerful, helpful, healing benefits and this has been well known. Additionally, as it is also well known, it is a fibrous substance; hemp as one that has many important, helpful practical uses for making materials that are very strong and can last for very long time. It is also that which can grow under a wide variety of conditions. It pushes humanity to approach it in a mature and balanced way; not easy. Not easy to work with when it is so easy then to move into the addictive portion. 

You see this of course with other substances; alcohol of course which has many helpful uses as an antiseptic or that which can be used as a solvent to be mixed with many other substances. Of course, the many who are addicted to it must somehow be able to let go more of their own individuality, more of their own nature.

How this ties into the theme tonight is so important. Sometimes, by your own nature, in working with a substance like ayahuasca, like marijuana, like many substances that are altering in consciousness, something is revealed about yourself. Something powerful and not easy to understand, perhaps. Perhaps a new way of seeing or knowing yourself. It is really important when this occurs that you have some opportunity to work with that, to put it into action and to know it better and at the very least to write it down. But in some way or another your acknowledgment of that which is, rather than a denial of it, can be a very powerful tool in your own spiritual evolution.

In particular, there is a tendency when you are using these two substances that you have mentioned: that is marijuana, Ayahuasca; that you pull back and you see your world from a faraway perspective, you see your life, your own nature. You perhaps experience things in symbols. Often this shows up in your consciousness because you are not quite ready to see it and know it full on. But, if you can work with it you will find that it is extremely helpful in changing something about yourself relating to your own uniqueness. 

This often is the basis upon which an addiction can get started. Because with repeated use some of those particular pathways actually shut down. This is especially true with marijuana and alcohol and other addictive drugs. Because what you have awakened often has to do with not only your uniqueness, some particular attribute about you, some talent or capability. But, the idea that you need to put it into action. For some individuals this may emerge as guilt, looking at some of the ways in your life you didn't put it into action, you held back your love, you held back your talents and capabilities. 

Or, it might be a way in which you simply were afraid and now you have decided that you're not going to have that fear anymore. But whatever way in which you come to this it is important to recognize that this is the basis of your spiritual maturity from the Summer Solstice perspective. This idea of your own individuality emerging, that something very beautiful, perhaps very powerful but often times that which is unique to you is asking to be listened to, asking to be received and most importantly asking to be expressed.

Galactic Federation

What is Hilarion's perspective on whether the Galactic Federation exists and, if it does, do they ever talk about earth, and what do they say about our planet?

HILARION: Well, there is a small core that is quite devoted to making jokes, puns, and various nuances with regards to how foolish and silly earth people are. This is also projected powerfully into the universe through all of your comedy specials on television, comedy channels and various comedians portraying the silly foibles of humans. This is powerfully ingratiating to those who are so obsessed with earth. But it must be understood here that earth has presented tremendous, powerful lessons for all others. 

Through the Galactic Federation, this energy is shared as necessary to show other planets, other civilizations what not to do, where not to go, and how not to be. And in this way there is at times a sense of sorrow with regards to the suffering and struggle that so many on earth seem to be so enmeshed within. And so the lightheartedness, the comedy, the awakening, the perspective is indeed quite necessary and welcomed. But don't think that earth is the butt of jokes in the Federation, because it is not. 

The main concern that is constantly evaluated and looked at over and over is, 'Will this sector of space, the fabric itself, be sufficiently destroyed by humanity's efforts that it will be irreparable? Must it be stopped?" It is a constant question of overriding concern for those with sufficient technology to stop it. Indeed, such technology has intervened in the past, particularly with above-ground nuclear tests, and some below-ground nuclear tests as well. In these, the opportunity to, as if mend the fabric of time and space itself in this area has the potential to expand outward from earth and envelop many thousands of other suns, planets, races, solar systems, and potentially the entire Milky Way galaxy in a very short period of time. This is well understood by those who work with atomic fusion, and indeed those in positions of scientific understanding on your planet do appreciate this. Yet, the experiments go on. 

The second aspect here that is worked with constantly from the higher levels as a coordinated Federation effort, that of many beings simultaneously, is the preservation of humanity for the opportunity to learn, to grow, and for its consciousness to come into its rightful place - to understand and work with the energies of love. That it may do so appropriately, powerfully, and in such a way that is of benefit to all beings, this is a matter of prime concern. But, it must be admitted that within the Federation, within this group of beings that have sufficient technological advancement to snuff out earth if necessary, it is a minority view. That is, that earth will be able to succeed in this grand experiment, that it will indeed come to a place of greater light, understanding, and awareness so that its love will be known throughout the galaxy.

It is simple statistics that many worlds along such paths have moved to the place of either galactic destruction which had to be muffled and stopped by more advanced beings or destroying themselves, simply as a few of the cinders orbiting various suns in your galaxy. From these statistics the beings involved do recognize that constant monitoring of earth is necessary. Intervention, where required, will be taken. But the understanding that a free-will zone - an opportunity for people to evolve as much as possible, working out their own energies, their own issues - would be preserved, acknowledged, and assisted as much as possible so that this opportunity to come to a place of greater love, awareness, and understanding released to the rest of the galaxy would be made available.

Because there are many beings as part of this Federation that recognize this would be valuable to their evolution, to their own understanding, but to many things that are far greater than what you understand - their own creativity and the manifestation of other galaxies, the manifestation of other civilizations and . . . the other issues. There are topical issues, you see, at various times, various things that are considered carefully. And right now one that is being carefully considered is that of another civilization, quite far away, similar in evolution to that of your planet, that has come to a powerful crossing point. And beings of this civilization [pause] ...

All right. Request is given. Mou Shun will speak.

MOU SHUN: I am from the planet Nautinah, and I have learned about your people through many of these members of the Galactic Council. What I see, is you are as we were just 50 years ago, and the changes that happened on our planet as resulting from general strike, from setting down all weapons, all means of commerce, all things that said, "We do not love each other, we do not care for each other - even by implication". Because we knew that we did, because we knew that we could care for each other and anything that would stand in the way of this was to be set aside. 

When we came to that decision all of a sudden, when everything stopped, it was as if all of the new lights awoke and we could see at last and gradually new industries, new ways of relating, new understanding came forth. Towards the end of this time - just a few short years ago by your reckoning - these representatives of the Galactic Council appeared. They have taught us a great deal about many things, and soon we will have physical space travel and many advances. Because we now see that as we were, similar to the way you are now, we could not be trusted with these advances.

So now, as we come to this place of greater love, greater acceptance of ourselves, we send you this message: Can you receive and love each other?

(whispers) Mou Shun, signing out.

HILARION: Yes. Hilarion here again. We are grateful for those who are able to intervene, though some technology was involved at the other end of this to allow this transmission. Because you see that, as a topical issue amongst the members of the Council, working through the Federation resources, it is understood that it is possible that you can make change on your planet. But there must be a collective commitment, an awakening inside you that says you want this change more than you want your own personal security, or your own money, or your own power, or your own willingness just to be right, to be better than someone else - to, in other words, in any way that reduces the level of love. Because in this you have recognized your fulfillment; you have recognized the need to love and be loved as powerful - perhaps more powerful than anything else. And in this perhaps you will discover a joy, a life that is then more valuable and more important than all of the other issues of security or lack of fear, or scarcity versus abundance, or any of the others. And so you can see why the Council discusses this, why the energy is shared across the Federation - because, indeed, success is possible! And beings who are aware of this would indeed wish to help you any way they can.