Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hilarion on Zika virus

Hilarion: Viruses have important positive aspects. These are difficult in the fear, in the difficulty that people are seeing with it, in the struggle, they are a reminder to you. Viruses have this unique capacity to go deep into the cellular structures and alter DNA to shift things. Is it not possible then that you can use that? You can share such an energy in a positive and helpful way. Yes, you get a symptom after a mosquito bite be it what is diagnosed as West Nile, Malaria, or Zika. But, as you understand the larger intent of it, can you use it to cleanse or clear? So that a parasite is there to remove toxicity from the cells. So that a bacterium is there to help cleanse and clear out debris. So that a virus is there to help shift your DNA to something more helpful, more connected, more positive. This is difficult for people to conceive of when there is so much fear about these things. But, it is the aspect that is often overlooked.

Now, there are those who would of course use this in a way to make lots and lots of money and that seems to be the primary intent right now in the various aspects of interaction and collusion between various government agencies and pharmaceutical companies. The development of a Zika vaccine is very high on the list in various laboratories all over the world. A lot of money is going to be made by many involved in this. But, at its core the key to selling this, to making it really work as something to be a big moneymaker is of course going to be more fear and in all of this fear, perhaps you may recognize that there is a ray of something positive, something beautiful. It often is in the relationship to the mosquito that this comes to this powerful junction. This way in which a living creature Is interacting with you.

In ancient times, mosquitoes were just as difficult as they are now. But, the difficulty did not have a name. You didn't have the ability to identify which particular invader came through the mosquito into you. At the same time, you recognize that it changed you. The opportunity to embrace change. Sometimes when you are better able to see yourself change, to see your own evolution the mosquito passes you by. This is a little hard for most people to recognize since after all you may be in a situation where the mosquito is there and is so small you are not even aware of it. But, we do notice, at a vibrational level, that those who have the sense that they are willing to transform, they're willing to raise their energy regularly, that they have that sense of assisting others and seem to be far less affected. When they are bitten little is transmitted or if something is transmitted its transformative effect is generally positive. As odd as this may be to see, at the same time as this, on the other side of this is tremendous fear which is all about pregnancy.

So much of the energy is associated with Zika is very much about the idea that a woman is going to in some way harm her child. In the way in which this virus then has this ability is a deep reminder to you about what it is in the human body that presents the positive, helpful, active environment for the nurturing and the growth of the child. This is why it is occurring at this time because there is so much weakness as a result of many things hurting the food chain, many things reducing vitality in foods, and making the embryo more susceptible. As a result, that which has actually been on your planet for a long time, in various other forms and its actual form is now having an effect that it didn't have before. 

Therefore, the other side to this besides that of the vibrational, by this raising of consciousness and being aware of your willingness to transform is the enhancement in diet. Bringing the maximum benefit, utilizing those foods that are inherently the most nutritious and valuable for the mother will of course be those most valuable for the child. Generally, what this means is an avoidance of processed foods, an avoidance of cooking which processes and kills enzymes and those foods that are strongest in enzymes being those which are focused on most.

As simple as this is, this is an important part that is so easily overlooked with all of the brouhaha about vaccines, pharmaceutical companies, and most importantly upcoming right now the Olympics. The Olympics are powerful and important time when countries come together to celebrate and understand some of their own competition in a way that is usually relatively harmless. 

Now, what is entering into this is a sort of dark shadow, an energy that moves over the entire proceeding to make people more conscious end especially more aware of the children to be. In many ways you begin to recognize the true nature of the Olympics. The way in which this energy is birthing at this time. Is this the kind of world where a child to be can be celebrated in a spirit of competition in which there can be camaraderie, respect, a willingness to share the truth or is it a world that is more based upon the profit motive? Or upon power to others or most importantly service to self?

These are the unconscious energies that naturally show up as soon as you consider this issue of Zika and pregnancy. It is important simply to bring these to light so that people are more aware of these issues. That would be our comments on this matter in areas that are not usually looked into. We are grateful to your questions and the many areas you have explored.

The Adjustment Bureau

Q The movie, “The Adjustment Bureau,” which you mentioned, describes a team of beings monitoring the earth and stepping in to adjust the course of history when things don't go as planned. Would you please offer your perspective on such an adjustment team and whether they exist and how to best collaborate with the team.

Hilarion: They do totally exist but not the way you think. When such an energetic adjustment is made, those who are involved are way beyond the consciousness you understand. These are the “guides of the guides,” sort of people. These energies create a split in reality and another parallel universe is launched. Multi-verse concept is a little difficult but it's happening. You have perhaps experienced it. Suddenly, a whole bunch of people you know are sad for no reason at all. You might then instead of just ignoring it or talking about it a little, go deeper and look at the potential reality that might be ignored in that moment.

One of these occurred fairly recently, all you had to do was tune in and you recognized it was an accidental discharge of a nuclear weapon that then caused wholesale World War III, the same vision many had in the 1950s, now come to reality. That parallel universe, that parallel earth, was destroyed and the sadness that came up from this was shared by many. They did not know why, they did not understand what was happening but they still felt it. These who adjust sometimes need to make powerful shifts and they will assert their karmic influence, they will pour their energy into it and another reality will split off. In terms however, of the manipulation that is continuous as is implied in that film, that does not occur. Instead, when such an influence does happen immediately another reality is created.

It is as if then the true nature of Adjustment Bureau is a single event. It is able to make a single shift. If it is done again there will be another shift and this will generally result in two alternate realities at the same time. Just as you have this one and a splitting off one. Now we know that may seem a little bit science-fiction but of course the movie was extreme science fiction, also. So, why not hold that idea with it and you begin to understand that the true manipulation of your reality occurs by you. By the shared consciousness of what is important to you and what you discover in your world. Who you elect and the symbolism that, that has for you and how that can shift as soon as you're ready for it to shift. Does that help?

Q. That was a movie in the science fiction genre. Can you envision a movie in that genre that would help us with the medical tyranny and manipulation of our consciousness?

Hilarion: Of course, all that has to occur is the fulfilling of the goal and aim of those who would all agree on this. After all, what you're dealing with is essentially, “hospital earth,” so how does everybody get out of the hospital? So how are people cured? How do they really discover this? Perhaps they can discover then for themselves their own inner journey as one group. Their own spiritual awakening as another group. Their own understanding of movement, medicine, such as Tai Chi and Qigong as another. Those who have discovered vibrational medicine as another and those who have discovered the true nature of the cause of disease as another, that is what we spoke to earlier in regards to the natural way in which a human being can heal his or her own self. All of these separate groups as in the most interesting movies such as you have seen so many of recently, now have their paths crossed. Their different coincidences and seeming realities shift into each other bringing a sensation of awakening of the heart in the viewer.

As they might come close to meeting each other and miss each other and then finally connect, this sensation can be strengthened. Within that then of course people would be more receptive to see these possibilities, see them as exciting, seeing them as fun, as the emotions of one experience bleed into another. The importance of this is that there will be alternatives presented and more and more movies about them will be made. But, the idea that there is a oneness there that so many want to heal, to create something better, to manifest something that is truly beneficial, this is the core of it. What is the experience you are most interested in having? What is the positive intent? These are the areas you share in common and those which can then be exemplified in various media, books, plays, movies, etc.