Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hilarion on Ebola

Can you update us on the various Ebola strain mutations and anticipated outbreak timelines and research showing Ebola can mutate in humans? It' seems Ebola’s rapid, spontaneous genetic mutations can make it less viable, as seen as using Ribarvirin in infected monkeys. Also, please comment on the prospect of new vaccines for Ebola.

Hilarion: This is a virus that has shown itself to have unique and important capabilities of mutation. Very tricky to pin it down. The virus has not yet exploited this to its ultimate degree. This will occur when it is able to coordinate its actions with other deadly viruses. For instance, a combined Ebola/ Aids virus. Such things are entirely possible. What seems to create the milieu by which an environment is created in which these things can prosper is one in which there is a great deal of stress.

When human beings are under conditions of poverty, high or low temperatures, discomfort in various times, starvation, or other diseases, these situations not only exacerbate the way in which these diseases take their toll on people, but also the diseases themselves. Giving them greater and greater opportunity for more and more mutations and to continue in their own way. It is unlikely that a vaccine would be able to keep up with this. Rapid evolution of this would be at least as similar as influenza and you see the very poor record that the influenza vaccination has had. That the strains multiply, change, mutate, faster than any vaccine can be developed.

But, as people come to better understand Ebola they will ultimately recognize that the underlying conditions seem to be primarily governed by enzymatic exhaustion. If foods and environmental conditions in particular are so stressful that a human being is unable to produce sufficient enzymes and as a result significant reduction of important strains of bacteria in the small and large intestine result, the ability to ward off, transmute, or in some ways then allow Ebola to pass through harmlessly is significantly reduced.

Unfortunately, such conditions do not seem to be significantly reducing on your planet.  They simply tend to move from one country to another and though you see more of such stress in the Indian and African sub-continents you still see this as a potential anywhere in the world. This is a very important reason for taking care of each other, for bringing greater attention on appropriate and helpful food, not just nutrition though; food for consciousness, for community and of course the basic necessities of shelter and lack of exposure to extremes in temperature and so on.

Unfortunately, the tendency not just for this one but for many of the various diseases on your planet to move to greater and greater states of difficulty and problems for humans seems inevitable simply given the lack of understanding. As simple as it may be the human body is always trying to come to the place of maximum healing. This seems so obvious but is completely ignored by those who would seek to correct problems with the human body by utilizing various drugs and similarly that if those conditions are replicated for which the body is designed the diet and the environment and the general conditions most helpful, into you already genetically, that which is evidenced by your ancestors, then these things naturally, you have more resistance to the diseases, to the viruses, to the difficulties.

When you expose the body to high levels of chemicals or environmental toxicity or extremes of any kind or EMF’S and the list goes on and on. You are doing those things for which it has not been sufficiently programmed, that which it does not know how to deal with. So, inevitable weaknesses and difficulty show up. A virus then, that may be available can have powerful, positive clearing affects. It can create solvents, it can create things to stop some of those chemicals in the body or pull them out and it can also change the genetic structure so that perhaps in a future generation you will be then more resistant.

But, this can create all kinds of havoc and difficulty on the person. So, the key here is not in the way in which you do the best you can to recover from the virus but to avoid it in the first place by the means of providing maximum health, maximum benefit and not listening to the advertisement for the restaurant or being drawn  to the processed food or being pulled into the areas that give you harm or struggle. The problem with this is often simply one of a re-education and we strongly recommend the book, “We Want to Live,” to re-educate. It turns everything upside down, it makes you see things differently. But, ultimately it also points out for you things you can try on your own to prove to yourself how much healthier you can be when you are utilizing those things that were appropriate for your ancestors and are still appropriate for you.      Spring 2016