Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Healing Nerve Damage With Raw Fats

Hilarion: The nerves themselves are made of fat and most individuals are reducing the raw fat in their diet that the nerves would build from. Such are fats that have not been heated past 104 degrees Fahrenheit, that is 40 degrees centigrade. The intent of these fats to provide a sense of peace, an awareness of positive, helpful energy. Many of these things felt immediately upon ingestion of such materials and to redirect them into the nerves is hard.

Many times when one begins a diet that is higher in the healing raw fats, (raw cream, raw butter, raw milk, raw cheese, raw coconut, raw nuts) one will not have immediate benefit in the nervous system because other parts of the diet must be helped first. But eventually the rebuilding of the nervous system does occur, the dependence on drug substances, alternate means of stimulation, the capacity to numb or dull the senses then naturally reduces. Of course at the same time as this there is environmental toxicity and the generalized thought form about consolation previously mentioned. But as one increases the fats and works with these other positive aspects, it often naturally unwinds and assists.

[Ed. Note: For more about correct use of the right fats and their amazing healing capabilities, see: We Want To Live: The Primaldiet by Aajonus Vonderplanitz. And for those who have already read it, his new recipe book: Recipe for Living Without Disease.]http://hilarion.com/rlwd.html

For many individuals this unwinding and assisting will bring up an issue, something they are deeply afraid of, something they are struggling with. One question about fear is about the deep most fear. The thing that many individuals are afraid of at the most powerful level. Sometimes this has been likened to fear of success, fear of being able to really make a difference, fear of seeing yourself as truly responsible, truly lovable. But when you get this at its really core issue it is about existence itself. The fear of coming into existence.

This is why so many of the spiritual teachers, so many beings who have examined and looked at these issues come back to that simple phrase, “I Am.” That you may know this, that you may feel the "I Am" energy and welcome this within yourself is one of the great positive messages of many of the healing teachers and helpful beings on this planet. Feel the resonance “I Am love.” Feel the aspect of consciousness within you. “I Am.”

And you have a different sense perhaps of the very way in which this fear can establish itself at any level. As a result, you will often find that as the nervous system repairs itself the deeper issues begin to surface. You must not only confront them, but find a way to bring love into that process. This will usually allow the deeper healing to continue.

Raw Coconut Cream

For more information regarding raw milk please visit the Weston Price Foundation https://www.realmilk.com/real-milk-finder/

Hilarion through Jon Fox http://hilarion.com/fall05.html

Hilarion comments on Postpartum Depression

Hilarion: It is that which has been examined carefully by many beings and understood at the more scientific level with hormonal changes etc. not getting at the deeper problem. When you are connected to this child, you are dreaming together, you are in synchronization. When the child leaves the womb that is broken at the more physical level when the cord is cut. This leaves the person about the same amount of time, nine months or so, to come back to where she was before conception.

That is only natural then, that a reestablishing of those vibrations, that synchronicity, that rhythm would be difficult. Trying to connect to the child, yet the child external suffer one would naturally transfer these energies to other people. The connection is often then better made to oneself, the inner rhythms, the sense of one's highest self, receiving both the positive helpful loving messages from the child's guides, from your own guides, from various beings who might be there ready to assist you.

At the same time as this, the birthing process has for most mothers been a difficult one. An important contributing factor to this is poor diet. Diet has not been extensively studied in terms of how it affects one psychologically, with relationship especially to raw fats and often then during the pregnancy process, the reduction of fats has taken place. These are then available in such short supply that it is only natural that the child would have drawn sufficient from these as to leave the mother in deficit; hence, creating some of the difficulties in and of themselves.

It is important in recognizing in working with postpartum depression that there is no blame. There is the opportunity to welcome, examine and work with all of the aspects that are available, most importantly is the attitude, thank God there it goes, as opposed to oh no not again.

That is, instead of avoiding the feelings to have them, but also to nurture, to nourish, to strengthen his anyway that is possible by which the individual is then able to build up physicality. Oftentimes this is very much amplified by the feelings of the father, those around, those who are supporting or assisting as in immediate family and so on.

Such amplification takes place unconsciously, they are not aware that they are contributing to the problem but they are; to simply have the sense of love, connection, an openness, to receive every energy that the mother could transmit without judgment to listen deeply without criticism.

The other aspect here is a more difficult psychological one that is being recognized to some extent by psychologists but that which still is not widely understood. When you have a child at whatever age that child is, you will be reliving various aspects particularly those which were incomplete, not finished by you, at the same age, so when your child has just been born you are to some extent reliving some of the aspects of your childhood shortly after the time when you were born.

These are often times in which you will know deep awareness or consciousness of what was going on. You were not then easily able to comprehend and work with energies around you so it is no wonder then that as those energies might have been difficult, you do not have a conscious awareness right now of such difficulty, yet feel the energies around them a sense of sadness or anger or frustration that a child might feel.

For this, various exercises that can allow you to be as a child to role as a child might roll on the bed or floor. To move the body in the simplest of motions, the ways in which you might cry or heal those energies could also be helpful. This does not only of course, apply just to the mother but all of those who are connected to the child will to some extent be re-experiencing their own childhood experiences and to have these, to work with them, as you might say, welcome them, this could be a helpful process as well and support and encourage the mother in accessing and working with her own buried issues. 


Hilarion Comments on Sound Healing

Hilarion: The whole idea of healing must be used in its correct context. What does it mean when you are working with the Universal Law principles? You come to some place in which for whatever reason that principle is being activated more powerfully than others. One might see this as being out of balance with the Universal Law. It is not really quite correct since you are always in balance, but the way it manifests in your body, that is the usual reason healing is required, is from this out of balance condition. Energy is put in one place and through the ignorance of how that is affecting things, your life, your words, whatever, it then re-manifests somewhere within your being.

This principle will eventually correct itself. It can do so physically if you understand it quickly and easily. If you resist this, then it manifests non-physically so you take that energy, that useful lesson with you into the next life and repeat the process. In doing this, you would eventually,  lifetime after lifetime, come to some aspect of the true balance, the healing; perhaps then you would tackle another Universal Law. Since there are twelve of them you will have ample opportunity to work on many principles lifetime after lifetime.

This is why it is so often suggested that you come to the deeper understanding of what principle is being utilized in the healing process that you are experiencing. Now, people would say, ‘I’m not experiencing a healing process I’m experiencing a suffering process,” when they are experiencing pain in the body or some difficulty or cold or flu or whatever it is. No, the body is in a healing process. The pain that you are experiencing is part of that process; oftentimes necessary to look more consciously and carefully at the law that is then being worked with.

Now we know this is a much larger overview than you asked for since you were asking more around the specifics of sound but then you begin to recognize where this shows up because sound is an alternate pathway. It need not always be through the touching of the body or the taking of a drug or the utilization of a homeopathic remedy or the utilization of a food or of an herb or a manifestation of some aspect of light or consciousness or thoughts. It could be that of sound; all of these are important modalities in correcting.

But the correcting only comes at the physical level, changed at the higher level. In some of these modalities sound will affect at the physical but will also remind you of various other vibrations and help you through alternate pathways to help you discover these other aspects. If it does not, then the healing is temporary, the sound would have to be repeated over and over and over just the way one might for instance take a drug repeatedly in order to produce the same human response.

This is not a true healing, it is only an alleviation of symptoms. Yet, true healing has been noted with sound and oftentimes this occurs because at the same time as there is some aspect of physical vibration being shifted there is also a new awareness, a willingness to change one's relationship to that Universal Law principle or to work with things on a different level.

With each of the ways of producing sound, there are all kinds of different responses. It is interesting to note however that vibration carries with it some aspect of the source from which that vibration is made. So a vocalization may carry with it some of the intent of the person singing, chanting, speaking, vocalizing and that aspect could be very helpful affirmation, intent, a powerful, loving vibration; an energy of healing on many levels.

Hence, many ways of speaking and vocalization can be powerful profound healing technologies. But still, this is true also of the other ways the ways in which instruments are used to produce sound that some of the characteristics of these are carried forth.

The Tibetans studied this for many years. They recognized that bowls that could be made of metal could have within the composition of the metal various substances mixed in and so over many decades, gradually were developed bowls with nine different metals; different substances blended and put in. Those which some might even consider poisonous. But, when in alloy with other materials, the most important being copper these materials than create a new resonance, new energy and some of this is conferred by the sound.

A whole different approach than from the point of view of the materials with a crystal bowl. These are generally made from crushed quartz or from sand and this is heated to an extremely high temperature and then formed typically by a spinning action into the bowl shape. This then is producing a very pure vibration not only in the actual way it forms but also in that energy of that quartz, that pure amplification, that energy that says if you can tune into an energy that is of a higher vibration than this sound will amplify it.

These are different approaches, the different materials producing their own responses within people and they are quite complementary, you can use both quite nicely with people. But the most important attribute in using any kind of sound healing is the same as with any kind of positive, helpful, ongoing healing. Not that of the external, that which is added to the person but that which they generate themselves.

The bowls of any kind, just like any sort of meditative, generally constant, easy to work with sound, can draw you into an altered state; can awaken other levels of consciousness. These are somewhat healing to some extent simply because they allow deeper relaxation. But, if during that process you can attune to a higher vibration, an energy of your guides and helpers, a tuning into your higher self, an energy of your own causation, your causal body an energy that says, “I am here to…?

Perhaps it is to love and you have ignored this. "I am here to live fully," and you have ignored this. "I am here to manifest in the world what I have learned so that others may be able to work with," and you have ignored this. If in some way at tuning to that aspect of your own source enables you to bring more of it through- naturally then you come back into alignment with other aspects of your own being, aspects you have forgotten, aspects which need your attention and so on.

It is not to say that one form, one instrument, one methodology is intrinsically better than others; use each in their own way. Find the different ways in which these resonate with you and you can be playful with them and enjoy them and awaken them more deeply. 
