Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Chakra System of the New Children/ 8th Chakra

Q. It occurred to me awhile ago that the new children have a different chakra system. Which basically means they are wired differently. (wired for higher consciousness, which will ultimately shift consciousness on earth) So I asked Hilarion about this. Do the new children have a different chakra system?

Hilarion: Yes. It is actually fairly common to see chakra systems that deviate from that which people are used to seeing from the various diagrams etc. We have spoken about this briefly in some of our books through our friend in Canada. (Maurice Cooke) Indeed what occurs is the actual place where energy transfer makes land so to speak, coming from higher vibrational realms into the physical body and this will tend to focalize in various areas where it is needed, where that energy transfers best, where these things can be most appropriate. This can be difficult at times for people to visualize or understand in their own bodies and this can of course create a problem. You may find then that you are trying to force that which is showing up in one particular way into a mold, into a way you think it should be.

With the children this shows up in various ways that can at the current time be seen as falling into a few categories. Principally, as has been occurring with adults for about the last 50 years; a significant shift in the second chakra area, more to color pink and additional focus on the pancreas than has occurred before. This is continuing with these children with an addition of a coral color, some call this a coral pink as a common blend between orange and pink showing up in this chakra.

Oftentimes it is placed a little bit higher or lower on the spine than you might expect but most commonly it will show up with a powerful secondary aspect or it can be the primary one right behind the pancreas. In addition, there will usually be a variety of energies in the chakra system associated with the heart that are different from what has been seen in most others.

Typically, you will see this in children approximately age 6 and below. These have a constellation, most commonly you will see three dots, these dots will typically hold three colors with green, yellow, and a very light blue being most common but there can be other colors. These colors tend to rotate, typically you will see these three in a clockwise fashion although this will commonly be as is often seen with chakra systems in the central area that is adjacent to the spine, therefore connected with the governing vessel typically such locations as GV 10 or GV 9.

You will also see this energy pattern swirling near the heart. This moves it a bit to the left side of the body, or right side if you're facing the person and that left side area is that which tends to be more energized and releases energy more strongly down the left arm. This tends to create a completely different sequence in the brain or a sequence in the brain affecting the arm, affecting the heart. It is impossible to say in fact, the interaction between these makes it undesirable to say which is cause and which is effect.

At these levels what will tend to occur is a potential for a swirling of energy that draws in a telepathic communication or can release one but it is not that which is composed of mind sequence, thought sequence, memory or idea. It is much closer to a feeling sense but it is not that either. Those who do not have this energy are often able to work with this but it is usually by translation. You are more used to a love energy in your heart perhaps you have felt it in an embrace. Oftentimes, for these children again typically but not all of them under six years of age, the embrace will be a powerful training tool for understanding and working with this.

As we have often suggested in working with chakra energies, because there is a complex energetic system that produces the phenomena called “chakra,” it is actually an interference pattern. Then it is usually best to utilize your chakras in order to communicate. Not translate typically therefore using primarily sixth chakra, sometimes fifth, but typically sixth for most translations, i.e. what we are doing right now, explaining, speaking in conceptual aspects.

Yes, this utilizes fifth chakra for the actual explanation but the aspects that are primarily coding, working with models, helping you with the visual pattern, these are working with mostly alpha and beta wave radiation associated with the brain. In the way in which these energies then can be translated and understood there is benefit of course because you can explain it, you can write it down. But to really understand it, it is felt in the heart, it is known directly. You have the sense of if you are standing on three, spinning on three, if there were three lights moving around you. If you could balance yourself perfectly across the dimensions, if you could understand and feel this, etc.

As you might guess there are powerful energies more closely associated with the next step up, the tetrahedron in working with the energies not only of six, seventh, but also eighth. Eighth chakra is significantly different particularly in many of these children. This is not so relevant to most people. They are not working with these higher chakra energies very much. But when you investigate this, when you come to understand it, learn with it, play with it, etc. you then must understand as again we suggested communicating to understand the eighth chakra, using your eighth chakra.

You are always going to have the sense that you are stretching, that you are shifting your energies, you are doing things that you have not done before and yet there is some sense of familiarity, some awareness that it is the link, the doorway to all of the higher chakras, an energetic communication to the universe, to an aspect that is not so much related to spirituality as it is to pure creation that then comes into aspects of spirituality because it is that which is the doorway for 9, 10, 11, 12.

It is from that place of communication that you can better understand the eighth chakra of a child. Oftentimes these energies do not relate to color in any of the usual sense. No association even with ultraviolet, or infrared, as is so often the case with the higher chakras, nor gold or silver. Rather, it is an energetic connection that is to a larger aspect as if to a new type of energy itself. As if to the energy of a vacuum, of that of the space between, of that of the larger probability of coming into existence.

The understanding of probability where it manifests in the physical world is a big stretch for most people so that is perfectly in alignment with the eighth chakra. But it is from that stretch that all of the currently available theories and from those most of the practical applications of quantum mechanics, quantum electronics, quantum dynamics have shown up. These have produced a variety of technologies that you use every day such as the laser in your CD player, such as many things in electronics of all types.

But, the understanding of this at the quantum level is a big stretch even for the scientists who have studied it all their lives. It is this energy which is essentially the energy of the vacuum, the energy of the highest probability of the minimum, meaning the energy of nothing that is then most obvious and that which can be worked with. It can produce, when these children grow up, opportunities for various aspects of psychic abilities that have not been seen on the earth since Grecian times and indeed some on earth that have never been seen before.

The problem with this right now is that the energetic field on earth is too dense. It is very difficult to bring these into manifestation even with a high degree of energy. Those children with healthy bodies who are able to regenerate and keep out sufficient electromagnetic and other toxicity may find that in their teenage years and even into young adulthood, probably these energies beginning to surface with the greatest degree of control and understanding at the age of 28, will then be able to manifest these abilities. They will show up initially as telekinesis, the ability to move objects at a distance.  But this will quickly prove tiresome and difficult. Tiresome, not boring but tiresome as that which is resisting a higher energetic field thus causing innervation, lower energy in the children.

However, the opportunity to use this for teleportation will eventually show up and may turn out to be fairly easy. Though it is said it is difficult to be in two places at once, that is exactly what is happening to so many at the current time. Most people are unable to adequately deal with this as simple as texting, driving or texting/walking and all of the problems happening with this. But, the children who are learning this now, growing up with it, will be more adept at it, and the next generation after them. Those children are the ones who will have an easier time of it with teleportation. Not because of their psychic gifts, that will certainly help and that is going to be a good push up but because of their brain training with this increasing work with multitasking.

Multitasking is having its effects of course in so many areas of the world but at least in this one it does appear that it may be beneficial since of course it uses very little in the way of fossil fuels and as a result will tend to assist the environment generally which by that generation will seem more necessary, more important and indeed more valuable than ever before both personally to individuals and to the world at large. So, in opening the area of chakras you see how it connects to so many different things. This aspect must also be seen in terms of location but that is difficult, yes, with the lower chakras it is easy to speak of such as connection to physical body, pancreas, etc.

But, particularly as the chakra energies are associated with higher and higher functions you are essentially dealing with non-physical characteristics so it really does not make sense if you are going to utilize our suggestion to apply physical characteristics i.e. first and second chakra kind of characteristics to higher chakra components. This is the great fallacy in most chakra charts showing what are actually the acupuncture points along the governing vessel meridian and these points though useful and valuable are not the chakras in the sense that we are speaking of but merely locations along the spine that are typically associated with these in your consciousness.

In fact, it is an energy and the energy has a frequency, this is why it is interpreted as various spinning, various patterns, the typical swastika chakra pattern as has come from ancient Indian or Sanskrit history and of course the colors. But, those are translations. In actual effect it is the energy itself, it is that way to communicate with it, to understand it that gives you the door to understand the nature of interference pattern. At the physical level you have one energy, it connects with the energy at the higher vibrational level, these interfere and that produces the patterns.
