Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Impact of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Hilarion: Acupuncture meridians have termination points in all of the teeth. As the meridians can shift and change energies, different ways in which these energies transfer into the body will change. This happens with every action on the teeth as well as any other part of the body.

But, the energies in the digestive system may be particularly sensitive to this. In the removal of wisdom teeth, it is important that the individual is then deliberately attuning to their own digestive system. It is not just the meridians but the sense of the whole system, its ability to better take in energy. It is no accident that they are called wisdom teeth, you are chewing up your food and this is an action of symbolism for chewing up knowledge, chewing up what is coming to you in the world, and it's the first step in digestion.

A nice way to present this is with a little stretch at this point by reminding you simply as you move the body, as you open to receive information, knowledge and energy in ways that are not verbal. Simply with the action of moving the arms especially the body, moving the legs. Simply recognizing the natural ability to receive. This natural ability is diminished with the removal of any tooth but especially wisdom teeth.

So it is a reminder to people where possible to put particular attention on this. One excellent exercise for the next month or so after wisdom teeth are removed is to touch those points below the teeth on the outside of the jaw very lightly with the finger and then move them up slightly or down slightly towards the open teeth area. The idea is that now you are reconnecting, you are shifting those acupuncture points and those energies into the mouth more easily so they may then more easily accept and work with the energies.

Hilarion comments on Psoriasis

Hilarion: There was also a question about the skin disease, Psoriasis which is often symbolized by dryness, redness and all of the ways in which the body then can react to red foods and various foods for which it is not easily adapted by quickly bringing them to the surface. It is also an autoimmune difficulty for similar reasons. The body unable to deal with these foods appropriately.

Oftentimes, healing foods such as raw cream, raw tomatoes, all the raw red foods as bell peppers or strawberries have benefit in bringing these into the action of assisting with removal of toxic cooked red materials. These are then more easily flushed from the body when the raw materials are present thus reducing the action of this disease.  

Hilarion Comments on Fifth Density

So, since one of the questions is about what is it like to live at Fifth density; a sort of meaningless number but that which relates to consciousness, that which relates to where humanity is heading and many aspects of Earth as well. That is the most important, that sense that in this conflict between limitation and the limitless, you choose with all of your being the limitless.

When you are choosing with even a significant portion of your own consciousness that which is limited against your better judgment, against your better understanding, against your heart you are of course creating all kinds of internal conflicts. Creating ideas and aspects within you for the purpose of learning about yourself and interacting with other people, providing various balancing ways of karma and things you might think are important. Etc. the list is nearly infinite but not quite.

Because near the bottom of the list is something along the lines of; enough of this. It is as if just waiting, just reminding the greatest gift of existence simply this awareness that all of it, is. So, as a consequence of this, the way you would experience life in Fifth Density would of course be significantly different.

The aspects of what are most important to you, it is as if they are turned upside down and because things tend to be speeded up in terms of the transformation between thoughts and reality: two things happen. For those beings whose thoughts are so powerfully focused on lack, limitation, insufficiency that's what they create and for them the world pinches in and becomes more difficult and there are many aspects of it that are quite troubling.

But, For those who have convinced themselves, who have noticed the truth of this, who have in some way directly experienced the limitlessness of their existence, that is amplified. So, the consequences of that then come to the manifestation of thought, almost instantaneously as matter. The manifestation of your consciousness in the world as that which would feed you, so food, clothing, shelter all become unnecessary. They are there to play with, to enjoy. They are there as you might play a game of chess or table tennis.

But, they are simply there for you to choose from and play with and of course what you come into naturally is an expansion of ways in which this is valuable to your soul which inevitably takes you to one place and that place is one in which the masters, helpers, many beings who wish to assist planet earth have come to. Because in their own evolution they no longer have this conflict, because they understand at the intrinsic level the limitlessness of all existence. Because thought is so quickly manifested as exactly that which you would desire or create. What there is to do is primarily help others, assist those who are unwilling, who are unable, impossible to work with, etc.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What would be the best advice to clear land and make it more fertile?

Hilarion: In "Secrets of the Soil," this was discussed extensively. The towers of power, use of various rocks and materials in addition to this we suggest the inert combination called,"Vitality," as that which is a powerful, beneficial way of connecting and sharing energies. This can be utilized in so many different ways: 18% helium; 36% neon, 46% xenon; pendant, the devices buried in the land, electro-magnetics, all different ways it can be used.

But, intent is most important. If your intent in creating the land as that which is home, that which is place of fertility, of love; intent as you create it. This is most important; walking the land, sharing the intent with the animals, the plants, feeling your feet in the earth and holding a crystal and squeezing it while you walk the land and speak of such matters. Then burying the crystal in the earth; a symbolic act but also some powerful energies associated with this. No technique is immune each has its own benefit but the clear most important message is your own prayer, your own energy; your willingness to share, love, connect and receive.

This is the other side. Receiving the messages of the land. Letting it speak to you as to what it needs. This can also be very important and ways in which the plants in particular communicating through their own Devic symbols and the energies associated with them. This is also very important and relates specifically to dreams. To dream of these things particularly at the time of full and new moon. Welcome this by incubating the dream. Awaken yourself in the early morning; 3a.m. perhaps. Think on such matters, walk the land a bit and then go back to sleep. Receiving the messages and when you awake write them down. These are powerful techniques that have much value.

The most powerful in all of these is when you can project your consciousness out of your body and while you are out of the body you are projecting powerful energies to the land. The reason for this is that you are not putting very much energy on the physical body having to keep it going, you are letting it go, leaving it behind you. This can often present powerful, healing energies and cement your better communication with the Devic orders, the spirits of nature, and the subtle energies all around you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hilarion Comments on AIDS

AIDS is a manufactured virus in a laboratory. People working towards this as a weapon that which has been widely disseminated worldwide and is having its effect on various populations to a large extent the way the planners saw this as coming forth. As a result, it is more difficult to effect a complete cure.

However, it is noted that this virus is that which has opportunity to infect and work with people with significant levels of lowered resistance, lowered energies in many different aspects of their lives through drug use, through poor diet and other means are often seen.

Aloe vera, in particular, appears to be very helpful in many different ways particularly taken internally and minimally processed to assist along with all of the aspects of the Primal Diet.

Most importantly is the rebalancing of the acid alkaline as is applied to all viruses. As a result one can have AIDS and yet maintain a fairly healthy, long life even with this virus present in the body and even to the point in which it has little effect because dietary means have been applied. Particularly, the Primal Diet by Vonderplanitz as mentioned. Indeed, there are several individuals who have been doing this with great success already.