Saturday, March 26, 2011

Help for Ringing in My Right Ear

Q. I have this annoying, high pitched ringing sound in my right ear. How do I get rid of it?

Hilarion: There are two sources for this. One is physical and the other is vibrational. There are usually associated with this a combination of both and it is usually wise to pursue the balancing of this by both means. The typical way, most beneficial as discovered by those who have studied this particularly Dale Alexander nicknamed the “Codfather” because of his recommendation of cod liver oil, is the utilization of good absorbable fat in order to balance inner ear issues. Some may take Krill oil who are going down that path and this is certainly one of the most beneficial fish oils you can take because it is low on the food chain and provides many helpful nutrients. But, it is expensive, packaged typically with solvents, often times only available in various packaging methods that involve various other substances, gelatin, plastics, whatever.

So, rarely can simple Krill oil be taken, it must be taken through all of these other packages. However, the other method simply that of raw unsalted butter can be extremely helpful. Simply alternated with food so lots of butter is brought in. Bite of raw butter, bite of food. Bite of raw butter, bite of food.This gradually allows it more absorption, minimal water taken.

Some raw milk can be taken if necessary always at room temperature along with the food. But intent is not to allow the butter to float on excessive amounts of liquid in the stomach. This allows it to be better absorbed and passed into the inner ear. This was Alexander's great discovery. What he had people do was drink small quantity, about 2 tablespoons of cod liver oil on an empty stomach. Although this is quite disagreeable in taste it would correct nearly all ear problems; ringing in the ear, vertigo, poor hearing, all kinds of problems of this nature within a month or two.

This is a very successful treatment, however, we are not recommending it, we recommend the raw butter because it has so much more going for it and it's so much easier, more palatable, it does not taste so disagreeable. Other fats will also work. Most usefully would be coconut cream but raw butter is recommended particularly because you can absorb it well. This takes care of the physical end but does not entirely solve the problem.

You have the condition of energetic signal as a reminder of various forms of intrusion.(from non-physical beings) Energetic signal can occur in many different ways. With practice you can change it. But, to eliminate it is not a good idea. It is a very helpful tool. Energetic signal can appear as a tingling sensation. It can be a sudden thought that “pops” into your consciousness that is destructive or harmful. A thought you would never follow out. For example, driving down the highway at fast speeds, a sudden thought, “what would happen if I suddenly turned the wheel? “ Yes, of course you would go into a spin or have a collision with oncoming traffic but that thought- where did it come from?

These are important tools to recognize because an energetic signal can be a very important helpful tool in the acceleration of your consciousness for improved intuition, for receiving energy from different directions, even for working with healing. So, therefore it is important to recognize that when the energetic signal is that of something that is somehow dislikable, uncomfortable, not yours- something that therefore is a negative energetic signal that at the appropriate time which can be right then or can be a little while later, you will go through a process to specifically deal with it.

Recognize that those energetic signals are usually the presence of an intruder. As the intruder makes contact the signal is present because of your own innate sensitivity. Some people have no awareness of this. Most do and ignore it. Ringing particularly when it's on one side or the other is a good reminder of this. When this occurs than as soon therefore after as possible or immediately if you can, move into an energetic state. We suggest vibrational state because it is a simple exercise that can be practiced regularly described by Vieira in his book “Projections of the Consciousness.” You may find others also similar.

It is a pretty simple exercise. You become aware of energy in the head moving it rapidly to the feet, back up to the head faster and faster. If seated, a diagonal line rather than a broken line, if standing or lying down a straight line. Faster and faster, faster than heartbeat, faster than breathing, until you have a sense of vibration. When you do it repeatedly you can rapidly move into vibrational state without even going through the initial visualization or awareness of the energy moving.

In vibrational state then you may notice that enough to cause ringing to dissipate. But in vibrational state then, (do not do this before) move into vibrational state and within it then think back, “What was the thought, what were you putting your attention on, what was your emotion just before the ringing showed up?” This is what actually allowed entry for the intruder. Oftentimes, your thoughts were drifting. They were into something of a meaningless nature; a daydream perhaps, thinking of something of the past, something that is an entry for an aspect of consciousness that is then at a similar vibration to your own.

Now, within vibrational state change the thought. Work with it. What does it mean to you? You have so many tools to work with this now. If emotion is present then use Radical Release on it. A mini version perhaps, not the one where you need to communicate with someone else but one where you can quickly walk through, strengthening it, moving into an accelerated state of consciousness with a question such as, “Who or what is experiencing this moment now?”-- to a place of deeper relaxation you let it go. You can even just use the thought, “could I just let it go?” We don't usually recommend that though because there isn't as much conscious awareness associated with it and conscious awareness is ultimately the way to solve it.

Because when you go to the place in which you recognize where that thought was present and you have invited this, you have now the opportunity to change. In this way you have a significant evolutionary jump up. You may even get to the point where you welcome or are thankful or grateful for the intrusion and noticing that as the ringing becomes less and less frequent those opportunities still show up but in a whole different form.

Energetic signals can take many different forms. The point is simply that you become aware of them. When you have the awareness you move almost instinctively and rapidly into some form of raising of vibration. We suggest vibrational state. Within vibrational state you re-examine those aspects that relate to it and change them. This is a very powerful way of becoming intrusion free. Not because intruders can't get through its just too much work. They would much rather intrude into the consciousness of other people who have a much easier time of it, aren't going to reject them, might in some ways even welcome them for what they bring into their lives. This is the larger picture with regards to the ringing issue.

Of course this is not true, that is the intruder aspect, for all people. Those with a strong degree of this often called “Tinnitus.” Here it is primarily nutritional or a potential defect in the ear due to exposure to high volume levels of loud sounds. But, in the way in which it has not progressed anywhere near to that degree in you we would see that it is about 50-50 on average, component of both physical and nonphysical.

For more information on how to obtain raw dairy in your area


Hilarion: You have for instance significant hydro-fracking occurring in Arkansas. There has been a direct observation that the Arkansas earthquakes have diminished as the hydro-fracking was stopped. But, this activity is one in which the stirring of Earth energies for the purposes of extracting natural gas seems so clear. A simple way in which this movement of energy and aspect within the earth has no real benefit to earth because as the gas is burned, of course more global warming occurs and the ways in which this is done primarily for profit and has many harmful effects are well known.

All of these aspects are reminding people in every way possible that it must be in the attunement into ways of extracting energy that are not harmful that people must put their attention on now. Nuclear power is that which has a powerful energy within it of consciousness on so many levels. People can attune to a greater fear associated with this and with many other things in the world and this is not just because of its inherent activity, it is because many of the individuals on your planet now in positions of power, in positions of understanding, positions of consciousness have had an experience with this a long time ago.

In Atlantis, not an aspect we talk about a lot but that which is known in the consciousness of many, a nuclear weapon was detonated that caused a far greater degree of destruction than was anticipated. The result of this was a powerful fear placed in the consciousness of many and a resolute desire never to do this again. Yet, here you recognize it being used again. Although in a different context at a much lower level still that which causes great harm and more importantly is that which is stirring up a fear that isn't only that which is on your day-to-day consciousness, the things you are aware of and the fear is fear itself but also this idea, that this consciousness is connected to some aspect of your own being. It goes way back. It is that Atlantean aspect that is often bringing into people's consciousness the opportunity to recognize telepathy, deeper connection one person to the other, the awareness of the earth as a living being and many things that are not really within the context of your religions but rather within something much larger; a sort of collective memory.

Oftentimes, this is behind energies that move you in ways of exploring and understanding new science, new technologies that could ultimately be helpful and improve communication at every level in sort of a mimicry of what occurred in these ancient times. So of course, these memories of that which is fearful and harmful stand in your way as if to tell you- you must take another path, you must find a way of greater love, but deeper connection you knew in Atlantis and you must do this in a way that is asking one question over and over as you look at the way in which your technologies are utilized, the way in which your philosophies are utilized the things that you come with and so on. Are these really helping? What's the big picture here? Are these things that are truly beneficial, loving and to the highest good for all? 

Oftentimes, in the short-term the question here is easily answered so that people will not look at the long-term. But, more and more they are and this is the greater lesson that just as you recognize the ancient energies from long past, these energies relate to the long future; to the seventh generation beyond you, to those who you leave this legacy to in the world, political, economic, social and especially now environmental and that which is relating to the development of energy on your planet in all of its forms, all of its guises.

All of this eventually takes you into new ways of consciousness, new understanding but for a time you will be plagued with this opportunity to let go of the old. Those two facets we mentioned before. Now there are those who in looking at all of this who want more than probabilities of course and it would be wonderful if we could state with absolute certainty. But of course it really wouldn't matter. If we stated such it is unlikely for it to have significant impact until afterwards. This is actually the greatest problem you see, if a successful earthquake's prediction is made with perfect accuracy, all of a sudden the very most fearful people, those who need most to let go of this, they are the ones asking for prediction number two. In this way what evolves from this is not so much deeper understanding, deeper connection to earth, deeper opportunity to avert earthquake activity but actually the opposite, and intensification of fear. A greater opportunity for people to misunderstand and in many cases cut off from the earth and their own communication abilities.