Hilarion: Parkinson’s disease has some interesting characteristics at a spiritual level that have not been sufficiently explored. Only recently with the injection of laser light into animals with Parkinson's has this come forward. It is often a deficiency of blue light. That is an important aspect of this. Many of the things that can be helpful in this regard are not fully understood. By the exposure to sunlight and the willingness to allow the sun energy to sit on the skin for 48 hours without bathing or showering afterwards would be helpful.
This is not to say that someone with Parkinson's should get sunburned. Forty-five minutes a day, preferably completely nude would be very helpful here; two hours, no bathing or showering, then exposure to sun, then 48 hours without bathing or showering. The intent would be to allow that Vitamin D to be fully absorbed. Also, the effects of the sun. The sun has a significant portion of its spectrum in the blue area and some of this is to some extent filtered, so it is best that one not filter it by being outside: this would be helpful because the filtration, particularly of certain portions of the violet spectrum are filtered by window glass.
The Parkinson's patient should not be exposed to sunlight through window glass if at all possible. This will create excess UVA which counteracts the UVB and will to some extent reduce the benefits of the blue radiation that was received while in the sun. Other aspects that can be tremendously helpful here are the simple things that come from the regenerative diet that has raw fats (raw butter, raw cream, raw milk, raw coconut) in it to build nerves.
Parkinson's is a destruction of certain nerve areas in the brain and to rebuild these is necessary. Hence, the cleansing aspects through various means, in particular oxygen containing substances has proved valuable. But, the rebuilding aspect has not been sufficiently explored. In particular, the fats that individual is best designed for, these can be from a variety of sources. But, one of those we see as very helpful for many Parkinson's patients is that from raw dairy cream as particularly well absorbed and a small amount of raw unheated honey, a ratio of about five to one; cream to honey. This can be smoothed on the body, in the head region. It can be taken under the tongue, dissolved. It can be placed behind the ears with much benefit and of course it can be ingested.
Sometimes this can produce a negative reaction in the body as various other materials are displaced. So it's usually wise to start slowly with this. Of course, the most profound and helpful material, particularly for those who are having a variety of problems due to increased aging, is the breast milk from the human female. This is well accepted and understood yet very difficult to obtain and this is why dairy products when they are raw can be so valuable. Is it a part of dementia? Is it a part of various other diseases of the brain would be one way to look at it.
The answer here is that, yes this is true and here again, what is the body trying to do? It is trying to displace a variety of toxic materials, and at the same time re-build utilizing what you're giving it. As a result, the various low-fat diet can be increasingly troublesome, increasing the problems not only of Parkinson's, but a variety of other brain difficulties while at the same time the increasing of various raw healing fats can allow the body to discharge the materials that can be problematic.