Hilarion: For many women, by the time this occurs, there is a reservoir of toxicity in the body and the opportunity for the body to get rid of it by the regular cycles has slowed down or stopped. What is the body then to do? How is it to maintain health by dumping these toxic materials? You can immediately purify the diet and still have such significant backlog. So, purification regimes are widely utilized in Native American cultures and many others to move through this time period with good reason. Of course, in preparation for the menopause, it only makes sense then to use only those foods which are most building and helpful. We have already referred to, "Recipe for Living Without Disease," and we would certainly refer to, "We Want to Live," by Aajonus Vonderplanitz for more information.
But, the point of this is to increase the fat levels in the body from which enzymes, hormones, and many other substances are derived. This allows the transition period to be much smoother, and for many of the underlying difficulties to be significantly reduced. Particularly troublesome is the body's ability in the period just about a week before menstruation begins, to struggle with sugars. Thus when carbohydrates are avoided in that week before, there is benefit. Mushrooms are quite helpful to be eaten in raw form in that time period.
So, a similar pattern may be necessary during menstruation cessation. As the menopause approaches, in addition to purification of diet and increasing fats, is a deliberate attempt to significantly reduce carbohydrates and the increasing of some of the sulfur containing foods such as mushrooms, can be quite wise. These are best when taken raw and not in excessive amounts because there is a significant carbohydrate contribution. But, when spread throughout the day, or taken with other foods such as raw proteins, raw fats, and so on, the carbohydrate load can be minimized.
In addition to this, there are those who are experimenting with herbs. These tend to be stopgap measures. They also tend to produce some temporary balance only leading later to an imbalance, as for instance various yam and yam compounds, various South American herbs and others. We do not recommend this path for one very important reason: with the accumulation of some of the toxic by-products of these materials, longevity is significantly reduced.
So, a similar pattern may be necessary during menstruation cessation. As the menopause approaches, in addition to purification of diet and increasing fats, is a deliberate attempt to significantly reduce carbohydrates and the increasing of some of the sulfur containing foods such as mushrooms, can be quite wise. These are best when taken raw and not in excessive amounts because there is a significant carbohydrate contribution. But, when spread throughout the day, or taken with other foods such as raw proteins, raw fats, and so on, the carbohydrate load can be minimized.
In addition to this, there are those who are experimenting with herbs. These tend to be stopgap measures. They also tend to produce some temporary balance only leading later to an imbalance, as for instance various yam and yam compounds, various South American herbs and others. We do not recommend this path for one very important reason: with the accumulation of some of the toxic by-products of these materials, longevity is significantly reduced.
The natural life span of a human at 147 years under current conditions would be then significantly reduced to a mere 80 or 90 years, thus you would be missing the very best part of your life and best opportunity for maximum clarification.
However, that is how we see it and of course not being in a physical body, it is easy to speak of such matters. However, for yourselves, looking at the big picture as if aware of the future self, working with her loving energy, is a very helpful way to assist.
At the spiritual level, it is useful here to recognize what the wisdom principle means as if biologically you are being said now to be wise, to move from the phase of the childbearing years into that of the wisdom years and the way in which that wisdom is impressed upon you. You do not feel necessarily any wiser, but if you look at it, if you start asking the deeper questions, you will be surprised to see that indeed there is a lot of wisdom gained through experience. Manifest it. Share it with someone younger than yourself. Let the energy somehow be transmitted so that indeed here again the animal brain principle that there is an aspect of acknowledgement of what is happening, and then the energy will not be so stuck in one place and much more easily able to move.
At vibrational level, the utilization of various remedies over time have proved helpful. As for instance the red, that is the utilization of menstrual blood taken to a homeopathic potency of 30C can be quite helpful during this time period. In addition, inert gas elixir of the inert gas neon and the gem elixir ruby have proved somewhat helpful. But, in working with these energies, one must always look at what it brings up - the issues inside, the fears, the struggles, and of course, the sense of loss of that which you have left behind, of that which you are now turning towards, of those ways in which you can come again to understand and work with various energies.
When you ask what is right about it? What you will also understand is that there is a great relief, no longer for instance the danger of pregnancy and all that it entails. Though, this can of course be an association with loss for some women. But, as you open to these energies, see that you are then joining a very large, powerful cadre - the non-physicals do not have children either. The energies of the various levels of the wisdom beings. All of these join you as if an upliftment, a celebration of this change and this willingness to move ahead into this other energy.
What is the meaning of menopause, and what does it mean to be a woman in the menopausal part life?
Hilarion: The intent of this change is to bring a greater sense of maturity to all aspects of the female body. But we would let another speak about this.
Athena: Yes, greetings, you have known me as Athena in the past. But my intent now is to remind you that in your own bringing of the sense of what it is to be a woman. And if you are in a body, in as a man this time you have been in the body of the woman in the past so this applies also to you that there is always this sense to grow, to mature, to connect. You bring through children, you've been a child, and yet with menopause the opportunity to do this is now gone. As if then you are finally allowing yourself to grow up. To allow the inner child to grow up within you to have the sense of this perfection and this maturity, but along with this comes responsibility.
What have you learned from the childbearing years? What did you learn from your interaction with children? What have you learned from your interaction with your inner child? This is why so much of the post menopausal woman is associated in history with wisdom, with the opportunity to teach and to share this wisdom to children of this time and the willingness to help them know truth to and find it inside themselves as a clear light.
Many times there are associations during this time of change in life with heat, with too much of it or too little of it. Always a reminder heat is a light, it is infrared. It is the energy of the connection to Mother Earth. It is her warmth, her love bubbling up through you. So, not only to connect to those ways of healing, strengthening and health in the time of menopause, but also to connect to the light to the sense of the pure light of truth. As a great fire as a great heat within you that needs to go out, to connect to others. Help them to understand more of their own life.
Yet, as this is recognized also a great burden is gradually lifted from consciousness. The struggle around sexuality for some women in the time is a release of sexual desire, but for many women it is an increase of such sexual desire in a certain way, because it is less likely that they will then inadvertently become pregnant. Less likely that the energy will be inadvertently misused, because along with wisdom comes the deeper understanding of this powerful sexual energy and energy that is felt within.
Many women in missing this deeper psychic connection to this inner sexuality seek to re-create this as a feeling by the utilization of various hormones or drugs. This is usually not necessary, if she can connect to that light, to that sense of an inner woman now mature, now full of energy connection to Mother Earth, now bringing light through her. For this there are many sounds to find that sound within you to let that be the singing, sharing of your voice can often be helpful. One that we have used goes like this, "Ohhh—ahhh—ayyy—ahhhh…ohhhh."