Friday, August 9, 2002

Stone Circles and Ancient Burial Cairns

 Please tell us about the stone circles and ancient burial cairns. What role do they play on the planet now, what were they used for, and what will they be used for?


Hilarion: These are energy focalizers now. They allow people to draw some of their attention to these special places because they have, in past lives, had rituals in these places or received some direct energies. But, in the past these were used as a repository of old ideas, old ways that are no longer necessary. Sometimes these were associated with bodies, but most of the time, they were as powerful thought forms. 

This was initially done to cleanse, to trap a negative thought form in the Earth as an old technique, and many of you may even experience this now, simply by entering into a cave. It is one of the things that cave explorers, spelunkers, enjoy so much, the sense as they enter in, letting go of the old thoughts and coming out into the light again, as if finding a new dawn, a new awakening, a new awareness. 

But in these ancient places this was taken to a very fine degree, a place in which deep transformation would occur for an individual. Often times, a sense of complete letting go of all of the activities of the world, finding a new energy. Often times these sacred places have passages just below them that are connected to the underworlds, netherworlds, various places in which beings that still exist below the Earth, have focalized energies. There are usually powerful deposits of gems and minerals. But, the point of this focusing, particularly where it relates to these underworld dwellers, is to produce a positive, helpful, cleansing energy for those who would use these places.

Because humanity has forgotten about this, does not see this as particularly valuable and so on, this has fallen into disuse. Therefore, they are not utilized nearly to the extent that various sacred sites or awakenings of places on the planet are. But, the stones as they are involved in this, hold the key. Because they have the resonance as an intelligence, as an awareness to awaken these places deep below the Earth, to utilize the ancient burial grounds as a place to release old, buried thought forms, old ideas, old energies that are no longer necessary and gradually as people become more and more aware of this capability, they will invite this. 

It is perfectly timed with this ability that people see to transform from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius, not as a cliché, but as an actual ability to let go of that which is holding you back. You will find that many of the ancient burial grounds will usually hold deep within them, some powerful, transformative quality, something that you really didn't know was holding you back. That's of course the most difficult. When it is a place of denial, it is the place that is deepest.