Thursday, September 26, 2024

"Waging War" on Cancer

photographer Laurent Rebours/Faris Odeh 
Is ­there is also a correlation between waging a war to get rid of terrorists and using chemotherapy to get rid of cancer. What will it take for the collective consciousness to understand that to try to kill the disease ultimately kills the body and when will people stop traumatizing the body or the earth or the people and try to make it better?

Hilarion: "When," typically has an answer as a prediction meaning a date, and we have attempted to answer this before, as in public sessions when Aajonus Vonderplanitz has asked us a similar question. But we perceive that the intent of your question goes more to the understanding of the background, what people need to learn, how they might reach this place, rather than a firm and fixed date. As we would project and work with our own computer simulations, it is a difficult question to answer, because there are so many shifting probabilities. 

There does appear to be a very important factor of profit motive, as this business of fear and ego is well understood by those in positions of power and those who wish to bring money to themselves. An example: Big Pharma, the necessity to produce fear and let people see that the only way, for instance, to solve cancer is by Big Pharma's use of medical intervention techniques, chemotherapy, etc. This becomes a self-perpetuating situation with the deliberate intent of making money from it. As long as this profit motive is firmly in place all over your planet, then it is only a matter of internal justification for those in positions of power to say to themselves that, "well everybody else is doing it so we might as well, too."

This underlying thought-form is a very difficult thing to eradicate because it involves both fear and ego: The loss of your identity relating to the ego issue, and the loss of survival, meaning profit and money, relating to the fear issue, and so on. Because this extends throughout many of the beings in Big Pharma not just those at the top but many of those who work in these areas, the condition becomes more one of spiritual awareness, deeper understanding the issues of fear and ego and other matters. This first must be shared on your planet and thus the roundabout way of saying that there is a certain degree of self-fulfilling prophesy in all of this and more to the point, your contribution, the contribution of others who are producing literature, new possibilities for people, educating, bringing consciousness to a higher level, that is what makes all the difference. 

For people to recognize that the level of fear in their body is an important controlling interest and to find the ability to shift this on some level to simply be important must first be established, people must first be asking the question. Therefore, it does appear that as more and more literature is available and as more and more possibilities are shared, a certain threshold point exists whereby many people suddenly realize that the fear aspect has indeed been a driving force for them for a long time. Once they recognize that it is fairly easy to utilize various tools in order to shift it. 

In the meantime, the media, particularly television, will be very focused on keeping people asleep about such matters and using fear in various ways to exacerbate the problem. It may not be until 2011 or so on your planet that there is sufficient energy to reach such a threshold. It could of course be done rapidly with sufficient infusion of talent, energy, and money into the production of something that would be widely received ­ a book, a movie a television show, because the media, at the same time as producing the difficulties, produces opportunities. But, so far no one has taken on such a vast project. 

There is of course an alternate path. One in which those individuals who make themselves so visible as to produce the potential for a true alternate reality for humanity become a threat to those who wish to create difficulties, and the result would be widespread destruction of beings such as yourselves and many of the cultural creatives on your planet. It would be a relatively easy matter to accomplish should those involved choose it, except for one factor: the non-physicals. They will work with you in every way possible to assist, if in nothing else simply to provide sufficient guidance and assistance through dreams to get you out of places of danger or difficulty before such would be harmful to you. 

This would result in a period of isolation which would not be so helpful to humanity of course, you would see the potential here being that in which various beings continue along this path and the revelation or truth about the difficulty with fats and related matters simply stays as it is. Chemotherapy, Big Pharma, and various other important aspects continuing. This probability, unfortunately due to relatively recent developments on your planet is increasing and it is that certainly for much concern and that which is being felt by many of you who have the more developed psychic abilities. 

It is as if the future selves are speaking to you;­the ones down such path. The one on the path of greater enlightenment, the one down the path of greater endarkenment, specifically fear and ego exacerbated for humanity thus for you personally as well. 

These are difficult issues but certainly come to an important crossing point now. As these crossing points are reached the opportunity to share information increases. We see that deeper decisions than have ever been made before are likely around 2005. These allowing individuals more understanding of their future selves and the ability to listen to who you are at 2011 and 2012 and 2013 will help a great deal with pushing humanity in the direction that you would think is important. Of course, it must not be judged from outside whether opportunities for enlightenment or enslavement and endarkenment are appropriate for humanity as a whole. It must be perceived from the place of love and from the place in which you sense what is appropriate and best. 

What gradually emerges of course, is a third possibility; one that has been utilized before and that which was hoped by potentially helpful non-physicals and other beings would not be employed: the separation. The aspect that has been described in Revelations, the aspect of lifting or ascension or release of a large sector of humanity to another dimensional reality, leaving the others behind. The love you have for your brothers and sisters is born of much more than DNA, and it is this willingness to stick it out here as long as possible to help them, to be helped by them, to learn from them, to love them and be loved by them. That will likely continue as an important force and push these probabilities into the dates we have mentioned.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Appendix and The Covid Vaccine Is More Harmful Than Covid Virus

The Appendix seems to be a useless remnant from the ancient times.

Hilarion: Who said that? That’s a tough one because that’s like saying, ”the human body design is great except for this one thing.” Isn’t that really the exception? You have seen this before with the development of various surgical techniques and vaccines. “We can do better!” Really? You are looking at literally billions of years of evolution from the tiniest spark of life to the smallest one cell creatures all the way through all of the ways in which nature has evolved and now you’re going to say that just because you don’t understand it, therefore, it is not needed. 

Yes, you can live without your appendix. But, you are going to be missing some things. Immune function, in particular and especially the way in which the higher conscious understanding of that which is harmful to the body is turned into specific enzymes and hormones produced by other organs in the body. The liver in particular and to a lesser extent the adrenal and kidneys. The appendix helps the others and works with them to further strengthen immune response where needed. A very difficult thing to prove. 

You’ll notice people without an appendix may have a greater tendency towards various diseases; may have a shorter life span, may need to bring in aspects of higher consciousness to better understand people who are sick than people with an appendix but as with all of the organs and all of the chakras there is also an association with A higher vibration. That higher vibration is, of course, that which is questioning the “enemy model.” The very sense of the nature of the immune system itself. Do you need to fight against it? Do you need to find a way in which that which is reducing your own energy can be shifted or changed. In other worlds, the nature of the transformative experience of the immune system. 

Now, the immune system is so widespread through so many organs in so many different ways  has the ability to predict and to give protection to the body in various ways.That is wonderful and energetically you can also more deeply appreciate why and how this is working -through forgiveness, perhaps and about finding the job that this invading organism of some sort is doing. 

So, it would seem a natural conclusion to recognize that various problems with Covid-19 or the Covid vaccine may be a little harder and a little more deep and a little more difficult to resolve when you don't have an appendix.This may eventually be seen in the research from those willing to do it. Does this answer your question? 

Yes, it does and moves to a new question about the Covid vaccine proving to be more harmful than the virus itself. 

Hilarion: Of course, it makes sense that if the body has its own sequence of moving through RNA in order to access the DNA and the cell changes and the precursors to this and you interrupt it; huh! You better know what you are doing. It appears that science is just in the very early stages of this and much will be learned from the experience of this. But, messing with RNA, that is one of those things where you would ask, “ well, what could go wrong with that? “  

Much has gone wrong. What do you suggest?

Hilarion; It is the pivotal question. Far more difficult for this channel than you can imagine. One of the reasons he has had some difficulty in coming to the idea of personal channelings once again. It is as if by opening the inner eye and seeing how many people have been significantly altered by using the vaccine that it brings a great sorrow and a great difficulty on many levels. It would be wonderful if there was a simple solution to this and right now there is research going on, times ten, on the non-physical level to all of the “ones” at physical level doing such research and it has been difficult . 

RNA is incredibly powerful and it has so many ways of acting in the body that are so unpredictable. It would seem that the things we have suggested before, homeopathics in various ways (1 M potency)

Pine needle tea; exercises and visualizations and so on are very helpful. 

But, if you recognize that the problem is RNA that is where the solution will lie eventually. There will be an RNA sequence to remove the RNA difficulties created by the vaccine. No one has done this yet but it is being researched on various animal models at the current time and it may be that which may be eventually released to the public. But, obviously it is going to create a lot of problems because the companies that originally put out the RNA based vaccines will have to admit they made a mistake or that the vaccines are harmful to people and they are not willing to do that. But, at least the research in such a direction does seem to be promising. 

So, you then take this to heart and you do every visualization of RNA you can. You already have this for DNA so take this for RNA, too. You see it coming into the place of maximum light and vibration, interacting, connecting and oscillating to the other cells and mitochondria to all aspects of the physical and then as it moves through you, you ask this deeper question, “how may I help you.” It is interesting to note that if you gave a list you would find a few of those things are more helpful than others; deuterium depleted water, inert gas therapy, especially with inert gas xenon; various movements such as QiGong and visualization of energies in the mitochondria and in the cells themselves and indeed pine needle tea may show up as you are looking down this list of things that could be very helpful to you at that moment. 

Now, recognize that this is not for the purpose of curing covid (although it would be helpful for long covid) but rather for the effects of the vaccine itself. It’s only a starting point and we don’t want to go to hard on this because it will hurt the heart of the vehicle to even contemplate this as he does occasionally in his dreams touch into great sadness about what has occurred on your planet with regards to interfering with RNA so we’re going to have to stop at that point.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Earth Magnetism

Please discuss how changes in Earth and individual magnetism are affecting us and how we can work with these energies.

Hilarion: The primary issue is one of the fields in many ways diminishing their hold or in the ability of people to sense the Earth energy. So, therefore, to attune to it regularly is helpful. Just to have your feet on permanent magnets from time to time. Typically, North pole on the right foot, south on the left. But, some individuals may be uncomfortable with this so they can switch them just to get that sense of the powerful, underlying, DC or non-fluctuating, magnetic field of Earth herself. This is pushed away from people when they are exposed to other fluctuating fields as such from computers, electric power lines, motors, etc.

In addition however, there is another energy that Earth wants to communicate. It does have much more to do with a sense of her own loving being, a sense of the caring she has for you. We would like her to explain, if possible, herself, and will activate a translator for Gaia's energy.

Gaia: As Earth, for you my request is simple: remember that you are made of Earth. Your body has come from Earth. You breathe my air and atmosphere in you as it becomes who you are. My loving relationship with the sun is also a relationship to share with you. So, as I allow my energy as a caring, loving source all you need to do is open to it. Let your feet open to it. Let it be a part of your breath and know that this is an energy that can be calming and strengthening while at the same time showing you that there are others strengthened by this energy along with all of your fellow humans. See that this energy need not be one to take you away from my love, from my contact, from my being, but that your knowledge, and interaction with your fellow human beings can take you back, can help you be aware of this and help you know it.

Friday, August 30, 2024

The Age Of Aquarius

Hilarion: One question that has been posed has to do with the turning of the ages and it is rare that we get to speak of this and of course you have your preconceived notions of the turning of the ages, and we usually try to dispel one or two of those notions where possible.

But, with the turning of the seasons, you come into this time of newness in association with spring and the birthing of many animals, the growth of plants as seeds begin to sprout. The energetics associated with this reminds you to begin anew, to see fresh and to find things you haven’t before. You have been on this planet many times before.

Yet, you recognize that the sun also then is moving around the Galactic Center and this is associated with the turning of the ages and this is signified by various actions that relate to the larger galactic as it is symbolized by the smaller bodies in the solar system. We used to say, "the planets," but that is a little more controversial now, since we are speaking now about Pluto. 


Many have heralded the so-called, “Age of Aquarius,” as beginning now with this spring season the turning of the ages and the beautiful energetics associated with Aquarius and Pluto are slow moving so it is a gradual energy. Perhaps, one could look at it beginning in the 1970’s with the birth of the play on Broadway called “Hair,” and the song “The Age of Aquarius” as a clarion call as an awakening to many in consciousness of the possibilities and those associated with 2012 and all of the great changes predicted for that year. Yet, over and over what has been the result of this? What you recognize instead is more of the same as not much has changed on an outward basis. 

It does seem to be perceived with the principle exception of the constantly increasing earthly population. But, the actions of an individual and an enlightened being to have more profound influence on the planet are the primary examples you have of the great prophets, teachers, soothsayers, leaders of your past. At an unconscious level you would also think that in some way or another that is what is being asked for here. But, you know better than that. You know that in fact, this is to be an energetic that is to be shared by all. So, you take steps in that direction in this season to connect to your animal helpers, to the beings being born now and the spring energy of newness and growth and awakening. You allow that energy to sit with you as if you are breathing life into the planet, as if you are sharing an energetic from your heart down your arms and into the world. As if to say in this time, I am welcomed and I welcome. 

These sorts of loving and helpful energies are at times confusing to the animal kingdom who see competition for space, for food and their natural habitats disappearing as there is greater melting of ice caps. But, with all of this there is an attunement to human energy as if an answer to that question, “why is this happening? Why is it so confusing and what is really going on? It is a simple answer, an answer of love and that is the real purpose of an animal totem to engender within you a connection to an animal part of your own being. 

The confusion that comes at times in being on this planet is one of the important attributes that is destined during this Age of Aquarius to increase. Because from confusion then you form clarity and a sense of beingness but only if you make a decision and this is the greatest difficulty that humanity faces right now with regard to war, with regard to pollution, with regard to disease, with regard to profit and all of the problems of inequality and difficulty that you face to come to a collective decision is the answer that changes everything on your planet and has done so for centuries. You decide collectively that something is to change on your planet, then it does. 

This has happened over and over, going back to earlier times, when you decided that it was important to land in one place, to have a territory instead of being able to wander about. Yes, there were many tribes that wanted to wander but because the majority decided that is what they wanted, that is what transpired. From this became the decision to owning land and eventually agreeing on money as a way of bartering, connecting, in a level more efficiently then what was seen in the past. Then it was decided that love was more important and it was seen as the drive in relationships and how people would respond to each other and what they would do in their world and what would give them meaning. 

So, with such decisions, humanity is now faced with various important issues about borders, which eventually give rise to all kinds of difficulties if they are adhered to with totality. About money, if the old way of adhering to it is the only way possible. About religion and choosing the way to see and know God. About fear and how people are to respond to it and about children and how they are to be taught and welcomed and understood and then again about love. Because at each stage, when a collective decision that humanity makes together is based upon a new concept and a new understanding that includes some new facet based on love. What is the most loving way to deal with borders? What is the most loving way to deal with planet earth? Pollution? What is the most loving way to deal with the problems of inequality inevitably generated by money? What is the most loving way to raise and honor your children?

Here you begin to recognize the important key or solution just as it has shown up over and over at various times in your history and this willingness to love a little more can reach even to those who do not easily work with love and who find instead a place of revenge or hate or fear or prejudice because they have somehow been denied love. 

This is not an easy thing to do in the face of fear. Some have said that love and fear are opposites but you will always find that there is that question about being the most loving solution that can help you through this.It has been discovered by many people in positions of power; be they dictators, autocrats or capitalists and people who want to have a lot of power in the world that engendering fear in others can often lead to more of whatever it is they are looking for; be it money or power or respect. But, you know, many of you have already been down this path or in past lives served with such individuals and realize that it ultimately engenders more fear and inevitably causes shutdown and less and less of the opportunity to enjoy the respect or the money or more importantly, of course, the love. 

So, in this way, always presented to everyone in any way an alternative. Those would say you can choose a path of fear or of love. But, we would say you can choose a path of ____ fill in the blank for any difficulty. You can choose a path of pollution or a path of loving. You can choose a path of inequality due to money or a path of love in accepting or loving others. You can choose a path of borders to keep those who seem to be undesirable out or a path of loving which you are able to accept, connect or love others. So, as with all of these difficulties . 

This is for some individuals very simple and just a reminder. But, for other individuals who have disconnected from others and from love. Perhaps a self-love, some aspect denied in their childhood, whatever it is that has been long forgotten and difficult to access. Still though, this will often be the key. 

Yes, there are many methods of non-violent communication and many ways of connecting with others but ultimately it is going to dissolve it, and is going to connect and it is going to shift when that person who is in the place of difficulty experiences love. Ultimately, it is love without limits; self love, love from another and love and forgiveness from that person to others. But, for many individuals on their karmic journey you can only do a little bit. 

March 21, 2023

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Healers and Healing~Hilarion

Many people are stepping up to be leaders in communities or healers and other groups. They are looking for all sorts of things. Can you comment more on the proliferation of healers coming in at this time?

Hilarion: It is clearly the opportunity of a lifetime. So many who are receptive and at the same time so many systems already in place which are failing. How poorly and how many mistakes are made by the traditional medical systems welcoming therefore the opportunities for new ones; new ways of being, new ways of seeing and as often shows up a transference of personal responsibility more and more into the person who is healed. More and more clarification associated with this than dependence. That is the greatest shift of all as there is more and more acknowledgement; though some do not give it these words, they have a sense of it but that acknowledgment of the importance of the balance or understanding of clarification versus consolation. This gives more and more welcoming to these possibilities. 

But, the opportunity for any healer to jump in and see themselves as the end all, be all and have others be dependent on them etc., well this always shows up again. Ultimately, though in a faster cycle of this, people understand it more quickly and are then able to either educate that healer and assist or take the lessons for themselves and create that as a self-healing.

But, ultimately that is the larger message you see. The message that is different in this system and that of hands-on healing, or remote healing, or assisted healing or the various ways these energies move through the deeper message, you also are the healer. You also can allow this, welcome it, and understand it in yourself; no longer then reserving it to only those who have had many years of education, various degrees, paid a lot of money, etc. etc.

This of course brings up this other issue about dependence on teachers, on healers, leaders and it is a very difficult matter for people to see their way through to this because of that which we began speaking about: their need at times to trust a leader. To find someone, an authority or energy, timing or writing or whatever outside of themselves because that which is inside has not been clear enough. It is therefore important that people are inquiring and looking and bringing up this deeper message. What is the criteria? What is it in myself that allows me to know what is right? What is true? What is beautiful? What is loving? 

This can be when one needs it at an intellectual level figured out with the universal laws, with various things that would seem to make sense in terms of universality or principles of understanding or evolution you have a method so much faster, so much more powerful, so much more beautiful. When you simply come into your heart, coming to a sense of love, a sense of what fits and what doesn't. 

Although, we have said that before, and sometimes you have been misled by these energies of your heart, try it again. You might find that your own experience, your own understanding and ability to discriminate between wishful thinking and that which is true, clear love can be that which allows you to better understand and work with these energies.

However, it can also be seen that it is very easy when people are leaders, are assisting others, and are putting out into the world their own principles and ideas. They can also put out principles and ideas that reduce dependence and encourage critical thinking, various aspects of people finding their own clarification and so on. They can talk about it, they can set rules such as you can't come back to see me every day to find out what you're going to have for breakfast or whatever, you must decide these things for yourself and it is as if the old ways of the disciple and the guru are falling away. Now, that powerful level of obedience, that powerful opportunity to sacrifice the soul to another has served its time and many individuals have experienced this enough lifetimes that they do not need it as much in this life and that they can indeed sacrifice the soul energy to something greater, to truth, to love, to a sense of connectivity, something beyond their own consciousness, but clearly not so much an individual.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New Energy Sources


Hilarion:The question of energy sources is one which is tied closely to man's own vibraton. As we have explained elsewhere, the conditions of the aetheric stratum of reality have a great deal to do with just what kinds of reactions and phenomena can be created at the earth or material level. 

In a real sense, the aether is the prima materia from which all substances are precipatated, and therefore the condition of this aetheric material is extremely important. We have been able to detrmine, for example, that the inert gases can be raised only to the more elementary phases of exitation in the present aetheric conditons, and that the higher phases -in which localized gravatational fields and electrical energy can be created with them are not now possible

However, it is man's spiritaul condition and the negativity of his thought that has thickened the aether to the degree which inhibits these higher phases. 

In a more general way, there is a law that permits mankind to have only those technical areas which are commensuarate with his own spiritual level. As long as man continues to slaughter the animals for his food, and to make war on himself he will not be able to develop any significant energy sources beyond the ones already known.  

However, as he lifts himself up from the base level he now occupies, he will be amazed at how many unsuspected properties of matter will come to light. Even ones which allow humanity to gereate unlimited amounts of electrical and other energy without having to burn or convert some other energy source, as is now done in burning gasoline.



Friday, July 26, 2024

5G and Mineral Depletion~Hilarion

 A question has arisen regarding the vibrations pouring through your planet of radio frequencies which are increasing constantly. It began of course, at the beginning of the 1900’s and has increased continuously encompassing wider and wider frequencies and frequency bands, higher and higher frequencies at greater and greater intensity. At the same time, those researching this have recognized various problems with this. In particular, with the rapid deployment of these higher frequencies in the giga-hertz range called “5G” and various ways in which it is slowly and consistently affecting the human body are noted. 

Yes, depletion of various minerals, in particular calcium is taking place and one can compensate for this this nutritionally by getting better absorbed calcium which will generally not be found in calcium supplementation found in pills or potions or capsules or powders but rather from natural whole sources. Those in positions of power recognize that keeping people in a state of some discomfort is often to their advantage and those in positions to provide medical assistance to those who are hurting also benefit from this. 

So, you see the natural consequence of this as those products that produce the most benefit of calcium absorption, raw dairy are then withdrawn and stopped either by government agencies which are going to spread scare tactics and fear and so on or those who are going to do it through disease such as the new bird flu moving through the bovine population; that is the cows and their milk.  

At the same time though, you have echo communities and people coming together working their own dairy farms and working to share and working with ways that are outside the system. We really dislike encouraging illegality but sometimes that is the only way forward as indeed these animals can provide so much health and benefit. After all, most farmers know when you have a sick animal on the farm you give it raw milk right from your cow. Whatever animal it is, it wil heal it. So, this is  also true for human beings and to give them some respite from the depletions caused by 5G.

However, since there is this collective agreement, whether conscious or not, between all of you using cell phones, you are also requiring humanity to evolve and better adapt and work with 5G as best you can. 

So, it would also be helpful if as you become aware of the subtle energies you extend this into the radio range and you have the idea that you are going to deliberately absorb some of that energy; be it from your cell phone or the satellite surrounding you and you are going to transform it right now through a simple movement as a Qigong movement might be with the hands now outstretched and moved towards the belly as if now you are going to draw in that energy and now you deliberately move the hands up toward the face and then back out again into the world. Now, you receive that energy and draw it towards the belly and deliberately move the hands face down and move it down the body towards the knees and the feet. Move it again, hands outstretched and away from you and draw that energy into the belly and now just hold there for a moment. 

What transformation is necessary? is the question you ask. Perhaps a sound appears to you. Perhaps a color appears to you or a movement. Whatever it is, receive it. If it is a movement, then do that movement, if it is a sound, speak of that sound. If it is a color draw in that beautiful light blue energy and let it swirl in your belly and let it strengthen you at every level and let it move up and down your spine and let it move through you breath itself and then as is always the case, when you wish to move that to the higher dimensional level- let it go. Just let it go

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Bitcoin's Enviornmental Impact/ Hashgraph

 In a previous chaneling in December, 2017 Hilarion made the follwing statement regarding Bitcoin: 

Right now, it does seem to be very much on track that it's a bubble and it is going to increase and it's going to be valuable and then it's going to collapse. When it does there will be many people who will be hurt by this, but there will be many people who will get out in plenty of time. Then the question becomes simply when to get out? It does appear that right around $60,000, does seem the target energy. That when one bitcoin is worth about $60,000 US dollars, this process of devaluation and difficulty comes in as more and more likely and at the same time alternative systems such as Hashgraph and others become the underlying basis for new currencies. There will be a big movement from Bitcoin into a new cryptocurrency that is supported by Hashgraph or some underlying system. 

The big issue for so many is as to whether using a computer, if any of these cryptocurrencies can be hacked. Meaning: that somebody who has not earned this, has not through trading of dollars for Bitcoins or goods and services for Bitcoins or whatever, just by manipulating a computer has been able to bring all of this money into their own life.

It has been shown how this is impossible with Bitcoin and we agree with that from every analysis we have and how it is also very inefficient and how Hashgraph is then going to take this into account and make it so much simpler. Indeed, it will be  that which is a superior system to that which Bitcoin uses.

June 21, 2024

Hilarion:  A question has arisen about money since it has been proposed that the arbitrary standard of money be extended even further to a way in which it transcends countries or cultures. This has been how Bitcoin has been taken up and it is very clear that if it becomes the universal currency there will be many environmental consequences on your planet. It is simply not possible to sustain something that inevitably increases in its energy use in order to maintain it. There is of course, other ways; perhaps an agreement on a universal currency or something that transcends because it is on the way to no money at all. Money being unnecessary. We see that in most successful civilizations where money has been a part of that civilization, it has eventually been jettisoned as being more trouble than it's worth. 

But, for now, it is that which takes place of love, and trust and the way you work with others so it only makes sense that you could transform that which is based on a single country to that which is universal all across the planet. Although, various other systems have been proposed, it does seem that the founder, the originator of Bitcoin, Satoshi, he must step forth and he must speak and say, he can remain anonymous of course, but to say, “this needs to be transformed and it needs to be changed into a form to a way in which it is not inherently environmentally destructive," and he might propose one of the available well- studied universal currencies for this or come up with a new one.

But, the point is that in your consciousness if you are a Bitcoin user, if you are someone who has benefitted from this, if you have recognized its benefit to all of humanity, include this idea in your meditations. “That the person who would begin it, that those who would have been the various early adopters would step forth and say, “it is time to change.” Not to give it up but to transform it into something that has no such terrible environmental consequences. Indeed, there are now places on your planet where the entire energy output devoted to the Bitcoin Blockchain is greater than all of the energy use of an entire town and this will only continue further as more and more are involved.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Are people who have a belief in creator better off than the atheists?

 Hilarion: now you have atheism. “Isms,” are marvelous, aren't they? When you pass from this world, depending on the beliefs you have, you are going to filter and you will restrict because your consciousness makes it real whatever it is.

You are going to restrict what you see, experience and know and how well you are going to recognize and so, somebody you have known who has passed over will come to help you and will gently ask you a few questions to help you let go of any limiting beliefs. 

Generally speaking, we have noticed that when your belief in God is very specific, working towards, in particular, some specific religious thought you are likely going to hold those limits and reduce your ability to raise your consciousness and understand the opportunities available to you when you are non-physical. 

Compared to an atheist. The atheist recognizing where they are will likely have some curiosity. What is this? At first they might say, what is this place? But, they will very quickly recognize that it is their consciousness that is affecting everything around them and as they transcend this because they have spent a lot of time in their life focusing on “not god,” and rejecting those principles and seeing others who were so enmeshed in various religions that they could not understand various ideas of science, reality for themselves, etc.  

It is the atheists who will likely as they recognize in their consciousness who they are and they will likely ask,”is there God?” If they are truly open to that question and let go of their limiting belief that there is not and ask that question as if they want to know it is as if a great door will open for them and they will perceive tremendous light and their consciousness will shift dramatically into something that cannot be conceived of as a dimension and any trappings of the physical body that they may have created for themselves when they have transitioned to the other side will be swept away instantly by that brilliant light.

They will have a deep sense of something far beyond themselves and it is as if they will discover God as something both inside and outside as something that is beyond dimensions. It is not as if a directing presence, a presence that says, “thou shalt this and not that.” But, rather a pure essence of the energy of creation itself and something that manifests at every level of pure possibility and thus can be one with the individual consciousness that they have. 

Many beings who were atheists in this world, in experiencing this move on to a place where they remain non-dimensional. They transition to a place that does not need a human body anymore and they move to a state of consciousness that is certainly beyond that which desires to incarnate again.

Does that mean it's a good thing to be an atheist? Ahhhh…….maybe. It only tells you that if your attunement to God, Creator, or to a Higher Energy is that which allows you to be in the presence of anyone with any other belief you have the certainty that they also will come to a deeper understanding of all of it. 

Now, the problem with asking the question is you are asking it into the context of whoever you are asking. Because we ourselves have had that profound experience of this transcendent creative force, if you will. That which is infinite and has never been born and will never die. That which has no limits. Perhaps that is what you would call God, or the creative force or the essence of the universe.

Because we have that direct experience of it we would always say when it comes to your belief pattern which is temporary or when you come to that which is beyond into that which is the infinite. But, the interesting thing about that is, you don’t have to wait until you die. You don’t have to wait at all. You can ask yourself right now. Who or what is experiencing this right now? What will the atheists say? What will the religious zealots say? What will the polytheists say?

Whatever it is, you ask, “does it have any limits?”  Has it ever been born? Has it ever died? If it does have limits and it has been born or died, “who or what is experiencing that?”Is it really that simple to experience the infinite by asking a question? It is if you are relentless. If you are willing to let go of, “I don’t know,” and go all the way to that which is arising within you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Blaze Star Nova: A Message From The Stars

  Hilarion: As you begin to work with various non-physical energies you can do things with them. You can increase healing and magnify your connection to higher consciousness and work with a deeper connection to your own physical body, your own cells, your own sense of purpose and a deeper awareness of your past lives and most importantly, of course, in this time of solstice your connection to mother earth. She breathes in a cycle of her own but that which matches humanity in one of these four important points. In the Solstice period it is as if then a completion of a breath. The beginning of a new breath, the aspect of this consciousness and the world awareness that is yet somehow multi-dimensional because you are also aware that this is an energetic that is different in the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. The darkest, shortest night in the short day and all of it you can hold as one somehow in your consciousness. 

Of course, this was more difficult for you just a few hundred years ago. But, now, with greater awareness of your planet as a whole you can now recognize that your friends in the Southern Hemisphere are in the dark of winter.  Just as they recognize right now you are in the bright of summer. In this way, you are connecting to your conscious awareness of a beautiful earth and breathing with her for that moment. Recognizing in that moment that there is an idea and a consciousness , a song, an ohm sound perhaps and an awareness of the entirety of her being. This is personified of course by a totem animal. 

But, this is also a time that has been compared to an eclipse. It is a time that has been compared to the close approach of a comet. It’s a time that has been compared to an awareness of a great change in the galaxy. This is associated with a powerful burst of energy that has in this galaxy poured forth in all directions. It is difficult to conceive of in the simplest terms. So tonight, in answering questions we encourage you to understand multi-dimensionally about many things. This is one of them. 


Some of you have read the book we have channeled about the stars. An early one, “Tapestry.” A later one, “Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing.” The point of these books was to draw your attention to that which is beyond your own physical realm but also touches on multi-dimensional aspects of that which you can observe by looking up into the night sky. When you do so, almost directly overhead pick out the stars Vega and Arcturus. Some of the brightest in the northern hemisphere. Sorry, for you in the Southern hemisphere you cannot see this, you are blocked by the earth. But, looking up and drawing a line between the two stars, right about the midpoint you will see a very faint object.You can perceive this with binoculars fairly easily. 

Of course, it is in the Corona constellation but it is not a matter of picking it out by constellation it is if by all of the things we have suggested in “Starlight Elixirs,” an openness in your heart, in your third eye. If you open to this portion of the sky you deliberately choose to receive a beautiful, helpful, loving, healing energy. For those of you who have heard us speak of the cylinder of light in frequent channelings, well, it is a good place to begin. 

You can imagine that this beautiful cylinder of light reaches up through you and right up to that place in the sky..Then, you naturally and easily breathe the incoming energy as a healing force. Gathering in 606 BC, a group from all over your galaxy, many of the renown and lesser known beings, galactic councils and various healers; of course, for those in the physical this requires transportation by starship. For others, in their subtle bodies, moving their consciousness there. For others, using various machinery to create a transmitter/ receiver coupling. 

As mentioned all throughout that book it is the basis of taking any message you wish to share and pouring it into a star where it is then amplified and sent out and can be directed. But, in this case, no, it cannot be directed, it is omni-directional. A slight tendency perhaps for it to be a little more focused through the plane of the ecliptic, so it is moving through the galaxy itself, more than all directions in space. 

But, other than that very little influence was possible because this binary star system in T Corona Borealis is erupted. It is a powerful eruption because the two stars are too close and there are no planets around this because around every 80 years or so, this burst of energy is far too destructive for any planet on a physical level. Yes, of course there are non-physicals of all types who gather there as they do in many different places throughout the galaxy but so far as actual planets, not possible.

Indeed, within a few lightyears of this powerful nova, powerful destructive forces pouring out in ways that would be quite detrimental to anything on the physical. But, what a perfect broadcast system! The ability to send energy of informational nature and see it pour out into the galaxy.  It moves on waves of light so it is then restricted to light speeds which means that this gathering taking about 2,630 years to reach earth then was done long ago. 

But, what was the message at that time that was relevant to earth? Many things are relevant to the galaxy. Here the general message is very important and difficult at times to formulate because it should apply at all dimensional levels. Beings of higher dimensions then, third, or those on earth, beings of all dimensional levels, what would be applicable?

Receive, know, acknowledge, contemplate and meditate on the consequences of your actions at the next higher dimensional level of your existence. This was that message. It is a general message of course, but it does not, by any means, detract from its power. 

So, as you would receive this and you would contemplate as you would do things in the world be they of a physical nature, an emotional nature, you would seek to help somebody or create a drama or have some judgment upon yourself or someone else. Rarely, do you contemplate, consider and meditate on the consequences of this to your subtle bodies, to your higher nature, to the guides and helpers around you. It is usually not necessary. 

Afterall, you will often see the consequences of your actions in the physical and that is often enough as a gentle reminder of the law of karma. That cause and effect is always in process but when you become more aware of that you may be able to dissolve one of the most difficult principles of the law of karma which is the principle of time. Because, luckily, the subtle bodies are not nearly so constrained by time and you know this when you project your consciousness out of your physical body such as in sleep or in a mediation and you notice the plasticity of time; how things may flow quickly or slowly, depending on your own consciousness, your own emotion, your own energy. 

As that light moves, it is like surfing.These messages surf upon that light and 

they move through various gravity wells and various places in the galaxy where they are slowed down or sped up. Where they are received and re-transmitted and you can continue surfing on that wave. In this way, those energies cannot be perfectly, exactly, predicted. They will come into the awareness of the light reaching earth at some point very soon, it is certain. How this will manifest, how many will see it, how bright that will be, how the Nova will be observed. All of these things will be influenced by many things along the way. But, the ability to receive that powerful wave. This is for you. 

It is very interesting that to a large extent, those who will be able to work with it, and those who wish to ignore it, will also do so. It is as if a rarefied vibration or frequency so that you have a tremendous opportunity to benefit from this and at the same time recognize how it can be helpful to others but, through you, rather than directly. But, they also might join with you in a little bit of stargazing. 

Along the way the message becomes a little more specific for people on earth relating to the idea of deep forgiveness for each other, for the earth, for others who do not understand.  Because this also relates to the higher dimensional reality that you are coming into, that fourth dimensional reality that you will become more aware of the consequences of your actions and will limit that awareness when you're unable to forgive. This would immediately seem to relate to politics or forgiving those around you who are making mistakes or those who have accumulated tremendous amounts of power and money at the expense of others but they are merely examples. In point of fact, the difficulties is of the forgiveness of you. You have this already. So, we would bring this to your awareness in this simple meditation:

Think of yourself in the past. You might imagine ten years ago. Think about the ways in which you struggled. If you can hone in on one particular incident, one particular aspect of your life where you made an error; where you made a mistake. Where you hurt yourself or someone else. Perhaps it was an accident, perhaps it was an accident, perhaps it was a feeling of jealousy or anger or sadness or some withdrawal when you should have been present or some place you were overly present when you should have withdrawn. 

Whatever it was, allow that sense, the greatest, most powerful wave of deep forgiveness. You pour it into that incident, into that being, You allow that mistake to simply be. You're not going to erase it, you are not going to change it, you are going to forgive it. As if then, the highest love, the highest god-consciousness you have pours through you at this moment into that being as if to say to him or her, “I forgive you.” Then of course, it comes back to you forgiving yourself and this is a very powerful message that has been shifted a little bit. It is not that far different really, from the general message but it is an awareness that is important if you're going to progress in the world.